MTL - Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!-Chapter 14 monster!

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  Chapter 14 Monster!

  During daily practice, Li Qingshan mainly started to wield Dragon Tiger Fist as if he was practicing Tai Chi.

   Accompanied by the movement of Li Qingshan's body.

   Zhou Qingling saw that around Li Qingshan, a small hurricane formed again, spinning with him.

   And when he punched out occasionally, the shape and sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring appeared, which was very miraculous.

   Zhou Qingling was amazed by this, and was very interested in this set of Dragon Tiger Fist.

  Li Qingshan is very proficient in this set of dragon and tiger boxing, swaying like a cloud, like a world-famous painting, with a certain sense of beauty and appreciation.

  Zhou Qingling's impression of Li Qingshan's original stereotyped 'nerd' has changed in his daily performance!

  About fifteen minutes.

  After Li Qingshan finished swinging the Dragon Tiger Fist, an invisible calm aura shrouded his body, which changed his aura invisibly.

   "This is Dragon Tiger Fist!" Li Qingshan said to Zhou Qingling.

   This is the first time Li Qingshan has swung the Dragon Tiger Fist since his rebirth.

  With Yin-Yang physique, he swung it again, and felt that he had a new understanding of Dragon Tiger Fist, and gained a little bit!

   This is a good thing!

  Zhou Qingling said: "I saw it, this Dragon Tiger Fist is very powerful!"

Then, she continued to speak out her understanding, saying: "If it is said that every person with supernatural powers has a unique supernatural power, then, for practitioners, every skill can be regarded as a kind of special ability. A kind of ability! As we continue to practice and master more skills, then we will have many abilities in the future, and the upper limit of growth is very high!"

   Li Qingshan was quite surprised by Zhou Qingling's comprehension.

  He nodded again and again, and said: "Qing Ling, you are so smart, just like what you said! As we master more exercises, it is equivalent to possessing many supernatural abilities!"

   "In the future, we can control fire, control water, ride the wind, and manipulate things!"

  After Zhou Qingling heard the words, her beautiful eyes sparkled and she was very interested.

  But she didn't dare to ask Li Qingshan deeply why he knew so many exercises and how to get more exercises in the future.

  So, Zhou Qingling hid a little entanglement in his heart.

   "Well, I'm really looking forward to the future!" Zhou Qingling nodded, and finally replied to Li Qingshan like this.

   "Come on! Qingling, I will teach you Dragon Tiger Fist!" Li Qingshan said, "Now we are in the stage of Qi and body training, and we mainly practice Dragon Tiger Fist!"

   "There are nine levels of qi refining. The first three levels practice dragon and tiger boxing, the middle three levels practice controlling cranes and catching dragons, and the last three levels achieve 'lifting weight as lightly as possible, lifting lightness as heavy'!"


  Before the teaching, Li Qingshan first explained some theories of Dragon Tiger Fist to Zhou Qingling, and then began to formally teach her to practice.

  Zhou Qingling's face was full of seriousness, and she listened with great interest to the big knowledge points that Li Qingshan imparted.

   Just like that, this pure and beautiful girl started to dance the Dragon and Tiger Fist, which was a bit tough...

  Time passed bit by bit.

  The house is peaceful, handsome men and beautiful women practice boxing.

  The world outside the house is already in chaos, and a fierce battle will break out from time to time, causing small-scale damage.

  The other side.

  Auspicious community.

   Block A, Building 18, No. 404!

   Shangguan Jin looked at his parents, and he felt a pain.

  Because my father Shangguan Jubo and mother Chen Ting touched the statue of Shakyamuni Buddha together when the global alienation was coming to an end.

  They prepared for this supernatural power all day long, and contacted relatives and friends from all walks of life, but there were no good objects to touch.

  Finally, Chen Ting, who believes in Buddhism, proposed the idea of ​​touching the Buddha statue.

  The Buddha statue at home has been handed down from the grandfather's generation for worship. It is said that it has a history of nearly two hundred years.

  Mother Chen Ting believes that the 'Buddha' will bring her immeasurable benefits and give her powerful abilities.

  Father, Shangguan Jubo, originally wanted to touch the sharp kitchen knife at home.

  However, the kitchen knife is too popular, and he is unwilling.

  Finally, under the ear of mother Chen Ting, father Shangguan Jubo chose to touch the golden Buddha statue of Sakyamuni together!

  Chen Ting touched the Buddha statue, wanting to get a powerful supernatural power, so that the whole family can get countless money, want her son to become a dragon and phoenix, her husband to become the pillar of the world, and the whole family to become a master!

  Shangguan Jubo touches the Buddha statue, wants to become above tens of thousands of people, dominate the world, have wives and concubines in groups, and children and grandchildren...!

  When the two touched each other, they poured out their ambitions and desires to the Buddha statue in their hearts!

   Couples work together and touch together!

  But when global alienation comes, this Shakyamuni Buddha statue has been strengthened, and it has become one with Shangguan Jubo and Chen Ting!

  Shangguanjin saw with his own eyes that the figures of his parents became distorted, a pool of human flesh merged into one, and they kept wriggling, twisting, and changing!

   Until the end, the two became one and became a terrible monster.

The body of this monster is covered with all kinds of golden sarcoma, and it has two hands and two legs like a human, but the shape of the hands and feet is very strange, it looks thick and long, curved, without lines and textures, and some are just like tumors The same golden piece of meat!

   In addition, the monster's head is a huge irregular ellipsoid, with four eyeballs placed irregularly.

   There are two mouths, one big and one small, and the mouth is full of sharp fangs. The long tongue is like a long snake, and the sticky saliva is flowing, which makes people look frightened.

   "Why is this happening!"

   Shangguan Jin scratched his head, looking very painful.

  The fusion of Shangguan Jubo and Chen Ting is also very painful.

  They didn't expect that touching the same object at the same time would lead to such a terrible thing as fusion and symbiosis, and they turned into monsters!!

   "Hungry, son, I'm hungry, and I want to eat!"

  Shangguan Jubo said in pain, he felt very hungry.

  Chen Ting also said: "Son, I'm so hungry too, I want to eat meat...!"

  Shangguan Jin's face was gloomy, and he said: "Dad, Mom, the food in the refrigerator is all finished... I'll go outside and buy some..."

  Originally in their home, the refrigerator stocked a lot of food.

  But for some reason, Shangguan Jubo and Chen Ting, who obtained supernatural powers and turned into monsters, ate a lot.

  In just one day, they finished eating the food at home, and their bodies became bigger, and the golden color on the meat **** became more intense.

   But Chen Ting and Shangguan Jubo were dissatisfied with this, they still wanted to eat, especially...fresh meat...!

  At this moment, Shangguan Jubo and Chen Ting, although they have turned into ugly and ferocious monsters, they still retain human reason.

  Shangguan Jubo said: "Son, it's dangerous outside, there are fighting sounds everywhere, don't go out. Father is patient!"

  Chen Ting swallowed her saliva, and the monster's small mouth made a rumbling sound, saying: "Son, mother can bear it any longer. Wait until it's more peaceful outside, and then go out to find food!"

  Shangguan Jin creaked his big fists and said, "Dad, Mom, I will listen to you. Now hide at home for a while, and I will definitely bring you food!"

  (end of this chapter)