MTL - Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!-Chapter 135 gentle big brother

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  Chapter 135 Gentle Big Brother

  Then, Li Qingshan's eyes softened, and he fell on Luo Haiyun, and said: "Haiyun, you continue to count the stars, I'll deal with the materials on the wild boar, and it will be ready soon."

   "Yeah!" Luo Haiyun closed her beautiful eyes, and nodded obediently, "Brother Qingshan, Brother Tianba, take your time, don't worry, I'm not afraid."

   While speaking, Luo Haiyun tightly closed his eyes, his small body trembled slightly, and kept counting the stars in his mind.

  Looking at his appearance, Li Qingshan couldn't help smiling, and said in his heart: "This little girl looks a little stupid, and she doesn't have much thought."

   As for this little girl, Li Qingshan liked it more and more the more he looked at it.

  The same goes for Zhou Tianba on the side, he likes this little guy.

   "I'm starting to do it." Li Qingshan stopped writing, and came to Huang Wubing's wild boar body.

   Then, Li Qingshan circulated the Qi Yanjue, and put his index fingers together, like two hand knives, covered with a layer of pale golden light.

   This pale golden light is transformed by aura, which can improve Li Qingshan's attack and defense power.


  The hand knife was very useful, and directly cut Huang Wubing's body.

  Li Qingshan began to move, looking for the inner alchemy in its body.

  As long as the ability of the supernatural being is related to the supernatural beast, then it must be able to explode the inner alchemy!

  After searching for a while, Li Qingshan's fingers touched a hard sphere, which was about the size of a fingernail.

   "I found you, Neidan!"

  Li Qingshan narrowed his eyes, and there was a light of joy in his eyes.

   Then, Li Qingshan clamped it between his fingers and took it out.

  However, he didn't get it in the bag immediately. Instead, he held the inner alchemy in his hands and began to deal with the sharp horns of the **** wild boar.

   Soon, Li Qingshan finished processing and took off the horns of the pair of wild boars.

  During the process, Li Qingshan took the opportunity to put the wild boar alchemy into his pocket.

   "The appearance is good." Li Qingshan commented in his heart, feeling that it can provide a lot of energy and help improve cultivation.

   Then, Li Qingshan followed the same method, disposing of the remaining two **** wild boar carcasses, and took off the inner alchemy and sharp horns.

   This scene was so **** that many passers-by around heatedly discussed it.

   "This young man is the most terrifying existence. He not only killed the three Huang brothers, but also ruined their wild boar carcasses."

   "Yeah, I didn't expect these wild boars to be cleaned up after they died."

   "It's too scary, you must not offend this person."

   "I took a look at it at home, and I was scared to shit. I didn't dare to look at it."


  The pure supernatural beings around were chatting enthusiastically, and avoided them one after another.

  Some supernatural beings who hid at home and peeked even tighter the doors and windows, fearing that Li Qingshan and Zhou Tianba would come to the door.

  After the processing is completed, the floor is left in a mess.

  Li Qingshan can use the fire formula to directly help the three yellow brothers hold a cremation on the spot.

  However, at the thought of a possible fire, the entire community was burned down.

  He suppressed the idea.

   "Okay, Brother Tianba, I've dealt with it."

   "We can continue on the road to pick up little sister Haixia."

  Li Qingshan clapped his hands and spoke.

   "Roar." Zhou Tianba let out a low growl, saying yes.

  At the same time, his tiger eyes were a little tangled, because he had no clothes on him.

  Looking around, there are no suitable clothes here.

  Zhou Tianba sighed inwardly, "I just hope that I won't scare Sister Haiyun later."

   Immediately, Zhou Tianba withdrew from his power state and returned to his healthy and healthy appearance.

  His figure is very good, he can be a beauty pageant champion all over the world. He has eight-pack abs, huge chest muscles, and biceps.

  Li Qingshan glanced at it, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: "Brother Tianba is really in good shape, if you go to the chicken coop, those girls will take advantage."

  At the same time, Li Qingshan took a quick look at Luo Haiyun and found that her eyes were still tightly closed, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Children can’t watch these, otherwise they won’t be able to sleep at night, and their eyes will have pinholes.

   But the pure passers-by around saw this scene completely.

  Many male supernatural beings feel inferior and feel ashamed.

   There were many female supernatural beings, their faces were full of shock, their mouths were wide open, as if they could fit two and a half basketballs.

   "Cough cough." Li Qingshan coughed dryly, and then took off his clothes.

   "Brother Tianba, you just make up your mind and use this clothes to cover up your shame first."

   "Okay, this thing is much better than picking up a few leaves to hide your shame."

   "Haha, take it."

   While speaking, Zhou Tianba had already taken the clothes that Li Qingshan handed over, and wrapped them around his body to cover him.

  As for Li Qingshan, he perfectly exposed his white and strong upper body.

   During this period of time, Li Qingshan practiced Dragon Tiger Fist assiduously every day, refining both Qi and body.

   Now he has reached the fourth level of Qi Refining.

   Coupled with Li Hanmei's special attention, he often gave Li Qingshan some big fish and meat to replenish his body.

   Now Li Qingshan has a very strong body, with biceps, abdominal muscles, and chest muscles, all of which have been cast off the "fine dog" body characteristics.

   What is even more rare and valuable is that Li Qingshan's complexion is relatively fair and flawless, which can make many young girls feel inferior.

  Not only that, the muscle lines of Li Qingshan's body, as well as the contour lines of the face, look at it as a whole, and there is an indescribable beauty.

  This handsome figure made many passers-by around couldn't help but take a few extra glances.

  Especially those younger female supernatural beings, who were a little nympho, couldn't help being tempted, and took a few more glances.

   Zhou Tianba glanced at it, and said in his heart: "If Qingling is with Brother Qingshan, he will definitely not lose money, and even make money."

  If Zhou Tianba was a girl, he would want to marry Li Qingshan directly and give birth to him.

   Then, Li Qingshan said to Zhou Tianba: "Brother Tianba, you are in good shape. Now help me get some sharp horns, we are almost on the road."

   "You're just in good shape. Good." Zhou Tianba boasted back, and took the initiative to pick up four wild boar horns.

  Then, the two walked to Luo Haiyun's side together, Xiao Nizi was still counting the stars to divert her attention.

   "Haiyun, well, you can open your eyes now." Li Qingshan said gently, "Now we can set off and go to your house."

   "By the way, Haiyun, don't look back at the dirty things behind, just go forward."

   While talking, Li Qingshan did not forget to remind.

   "Yes, Haiyun, don't look back, there's nothing to see." Zhou Tianba also said.

  When Luo Haiyun heard the words, her heart immediately warmed up. She knew that the two big brothers were protecting her from seeing the **** scene.

   There are two updates today, all book friends, I wish you good night! good afternoon! Good morning! All the best ha!



  (end of this chapter)