MTL - Becoming Immortal Through Getting Married-Chapter 32 born

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  Chapter 32 Birth

   Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen?

  Oxyfluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus?

  Sulfur chloride hydrogen potassium calcium?

  Wen Zhiyun couldn't understand, but was shocked.

  What a profound spell formula.

  I can't understand it at all.

   But he can use it directly.

  It seems that although he is low in cultivation, he is gifted in some aspects.

  Well, especially the sexual aspect...

  Thinking of this, Wen Zhiyun's face of that young woman couldn't help but blushed slightly.

  At this moment, her view of Chen An has changed a lot.

  From "low cultivation base, extremely bad character, extremely disgusted with him" at the beginning of contact, to the current "outstanding appearance, versatile, and somewhat fond of him".

   This is a feeling she has never had before.

  She never thought that she would have a crush on a man, and she felt incredible.

  Unbelievable that even the sexual **** that I used to be disgusted with, now I am looking forward to it.

   "Friend Wen, I have already told you the formula of this spell, now it's time for me to ask you a question, and you have to answer it truthfully."

  Chen An said to Wen Zhiyun.

  Wen Zhiyun crossed her arms and said, "Ask, I always do what I say. As long as I can answer, I will answer truthfully, and there will be no lies."

  Chen An didn't talk nonsense when he heard the words, and asked her straight to the point: "Friend Wen, why do you hate men so much?"

  As soon as these words came out, Wen Zhiyun frowned slightly.

   "I won't answer this question, change it."

   "I thought that Daoyou Wen was very principled, but it turned out that he was just a person who broke his promise."

   Chen An deliberately provoked.

  Wen Zhiyun knew that Chen An was provoking herself on purpose, but she chose to do this.

   "Because my father is a gambler, he often abused my mother and me at home when I was young!"

   "When I was ten years old, seeing that I had grown up to be outstandingly beautiful, and my mother was still charming, I sold our mother and daughter to brothels for money!"

   "Now you know all these scandals, are you satisfied!"

   "None of you men is a good thing!"

  After telling this unspeakable past and cursing angrily, Wen Zhiyun turned around and left, and quickly returned to her dilapidated house with rubble and beams falling to the ground, and slammed the door hard with a "bang".

   "Husband, let me enlighten sister Wen."

   After finishing speaking, Song Huaying walked towards Wen Zhiyun's house with a big belly.

  Seeing this, Chen An said to Gu Xinyue who was silent at the side: "Yue'er, you go with Yinger so that you can take care of her."

   "Well, I know my husband."

  Gu Xinyue responded obediently, and then quickly followed Song Huaying in front of her, following along to take care of the pregnant sister who was already nine months pregnant.

  Looking at the back of his wife and concubine who went to persuade him, and thinking of Wen Zhiyun leaving angrily just now, Chen An's heart did not fluctuate.


It doesn't matter.

  The gas will disappear.

   Now that I understand why Wen Zhiyun dislikes men, it will be easier to operate in the future.


  Wen Zhiyun was sold to a brothel by her father before?

  How did she keep her virginity?

  Chen An was a little puzzled, but soon remembered something Song Huaying had said.

   Said that Wen Zhiyun's mother was a midwife.


   It should be that the poor mother and daughter escaped from the brothel by fate, went to a strange place to depend on each other, and survived by delivering babies for a living.

  Chen An just thought about it, and didn't care too much about Wen Zhiyun's background.

  He looked at the ruins of the house in front of him, and murmured in a low voice:

   "Looks like I have to rent another house."

  Walking to Wen Zhiyun's house, he stopped and told his wife and concubine that he was going to rent a house.

   Then, Chen An went to the law enforcement hall to find the elder, registered and received a 6-month rent-free reward.

  Yes, he didn't discuss the allocation with Wen Zhiyun, so he took it all by himself.

  Because he had the idea of ​​co-renting with Wen Zhiyun.

   Firstly, it can save money, and secondly, it can make love for a long time.

   Come with this 6 month rent free incentive.

  Chen An soon came to the place that was responsible for renting houses.

   Rented a new house near my home.

  The residential area is the same size as before.

  The location is not so remote, and there are many neighbors around.

  Fixed the housing problem.

  Chen An went to Fangshi and bought a bunch of furniture and daily necessities.

  After that, he called his wives and concubines home, and the three of them arranged the house together.

   It took more than an hour.

  The house is furnished.

   To celebrate moving to a new house, Chen An personally cooked a table of dishes for supper.

  The dishes are very rich.

  Eight dishes and one soup, full of color, fragrance and taste.

  Even Gu Xinyue, who is usually not very interested in eating, couldn't help swallowing when she saw it.

   Three people cook eight dishes...

  Song Huaying saw through her husband's thoughts, so she proposed:

   "Husband, this dish is too much, the three of us can't finish it, why don't I call sister Wen over to eat together?"

   "Well, let Yue'er go with you."

  Chen An replied lightly, feeling more and more fond of his little wife who is good at observing words and expressions.


   Half an hour later.

  At the kind invitation of Song Huaying.

  Wen Zhiyun walked into the room with a face of reluctance, and sat down at the dining table.

   I happened to sit opposite Chen An, and I don't know if it was on purpose.

  Chen An ignored her, treated her as if she didn't exist, and only interacted with his wife and concubine.

  During the middle of the supper, Song Huaying suddenly proposed:

   "Husband, Sister Wen, why don't we rent together, so that we can save a lot of Lingshi every month."

  Song Huaying did not make this proposal on her own initiative.

   Instead, she had obtained the consent of her husband in advance, which was to assist him in taking Wen Zhiyun as his concubine.

  Chen An shook his head and said, "Farewell, I don't want to live under the same roof as her."

  Well, the routine has started.

   is retreating to advance, luring the enemy to go deep.

  Wen Zhiyun really fell for it, and immediately glared at Chen An and said:

   "I have a share of the 6-month rent-free reward. This house is not entirely yours. I'm going to live here. What can you do to me?"

   "I don't care, as long as you don't find it noisy when you sleep at night."

  Chen An put down his chopsticks as he spoke, and pulled up Gu Xinyue who was at the side to walk into the room: "Come on, Yue'er, come to the room with Wei Fu to have an in-depth exchange."


  Gu Xinyue got up obediently and followed to the room.

  Wen Zhiyun was so angry: "It doesn't matter what you do at night, even if I don't sleep all night, every night, I still want to stay here!"

  She thought she could disgust Chen An by doing this, but she didn't know that she was sold and paid for it.


  After the two rent together.

  Days haven't changed much.

   Almost everyone has their own lives.

  Wen Zhiyun basically hides in her room to practice all day long.

  I cook three meals a day by myself, and I don’t eat at the same table with Chen An and his wives and concubines.

  Chen An was not in a hurry to trick her.

  Every day is not refining medicine in the alchemy room, or loving with wives and concubines in the room.

  He knows very well that when dealing with an arrogant woman like Wen Zhiyun, he shouldn't be in a hurry, the more anxious she is, the more arrogant she will be.

  The best way is to show affection to his wives and concubines in front of her.

  Let her see but not eat.

  Let her slowly develop feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred.

   At that time, even if she is not given a condom, she will bring a condom to ask for it.

   Well, play hard to get.


  Time passed day by day like this.

   This day is the nine and a half months of Song Huaying's pregnancy.

  Chen An was refining alchemy in the alchemy room, when Gu Xinyue's anxious voice suddenly came from outside:


   "Ying'er's water broke, and she's about to give birth!"

   "Sister Wen has entered the room to deliver the baby, come out quickly!"

  What, the little wife is about to give birth?

  As soon as Chen An heard the news, Chen An didn't even want the half-refined pills, and immediately got up and pushed the door out, rushing to Song Huaying's room.


  PS: Set up a bowl, ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

  (end of this chapter)