MTL - Becoming Immortal Through Getting Married-Chapter 260 Recycled Photo Stone (12)

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  Chapter 260 Recycling Photo Stones (12)

  The Palace of Heaven and Earth, the Dongfu of the Suzerain.

   Not long after Xiao Qingyue finished delivering the message, Chen An rushed over from the deacon's area.

   Earlier, Xiao Qingyue's sudden departure directly interrupted his lust, which made him very uncomfortable.

  So, now that Xiao Qingyue called him to come over, he came here immediately.

   "Husband, Xian'er likes you so much, I often look forward to the days with you, which makes me feel very guilty, what should I do?"

  As soon as she saw Chen An, Xiao Qingyue complained to him with a sad face.

  Chen An felt that this was all right, so he walked up to her and sat down, taking off her clothes while comforting her:

   "It's not a problem, as long as you prepare her mentally in advance, and give her some hints that you appreciate me and want to be with me from time to time."

   "Then how should I imply?"

   "It's very simple. You can talk about me more in front of her in the future, and try to convey to her the idea that you are also interested in me. She is such a filial person, I believe she will understand you."

  Chen An said it as a matter of course.

  Xiao Qingyue was confused when she heard this. Based on her understanding of Ning Xianer, she felt that Ning Xianer was not generous enough to accept being betrayed, especially by someone she admired the most.

  Seeing that her face was still so sad, Chen An couldn't help saying: "Okay, don't think so much, just be happy first, and everything will be fine if you are happy."

   "Husband, I already feel guilty enough, can you let me take it easy..."

  “Slowness is slow death, and fighting fire with fire is the best therapy.”

   After finishing speaking, Chen An didn't care whether Xiao Qingyue wanted it or not, she just took off the apron that was left on her body and threw it aside, pushed her down on the bed and tossed under her body.

  Xiao Qingyue was still a little bit resistant at first, but after being teased by Chen An a few times, she became a little dazed.

  What guilt, what guilt, all thrown away.

  She just wants to be happy now, she just wants to enjoy the lingering pleasure of being with a man at the moment, so she can't help shouting, saying:

   "Husband, husband, five younger sisters, three gave birth to daughters for you, and two of them are pregnant with daughters. You don't have a son yet. I, I must be the first to give birth to a fat and talented son for you!"

   "Forget it. As the head of a clan, it would be detrimental to your dignity to have a big belly. It's better to let Xian'er carry on the family line for me, and let her give me a big fat son."

  Chen An intentionally mentioned Ning Xian'er to stimulate Xiao Qingyue, Xiao Qingyue lost her voice at once, and her heart was full of guilt and guilt.

  But soon, Xiao Qingyue let herself go. She shamelessly said that she and Ning Xian'er would give birth to a son for Chen An. From now on, everyone had their own opinions, and asked Chen An to quickly accept Ning Xian'er as a concubine.

  Listening to Xiao Qingyue's shameless nonsense, Chen An also felt a little eye-opening.

  When he met Xiao Qingyue for the first time, his first impression was that the Sovereign Lord was very majestic and a high-ranking strong woman.

   Now it seems that people should not be judged by their appearance.

   Today's Xiao Qingyue gives people the impression that she is a woman who is born to be lowly. She not only likes to humiliate herself, but also likes to be humiliated by others.

  Chen An had mixed feelings for a while.

  While the two were lingering almost selflessly, the photo stone that Ning Xianer had hidden in the room before was recording all the pictures on the bed without anyone noticing.


   Several hours later.

  Chen An finished, and left Xiao Qingyue's cave with satisfaction.

   While escaping out to fly with the sword, Ning Xianer, who happened to be going out next door, saw her.

   "Chen An, why are you here?"

  Seeing her sweetheart come out of Master's cave, Ning Xian'er's heart was half cold, but she still suppressed her emotions and pretended to be calm, and asked with a sweet smile.

  Chen An lied without blushing and said: "Just now the suzerain asked me to talk about something about Dantang."

   "Is that so..."

  Ning Xian'er always felt that Chen An was lying, but she had no proof.

  She collected her thoughts and said with a smile: "Anyway, if you don't come, you will come. Do you want to sit in my cave?"

   "Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I still have some things to deal with at home, so I have to go back first."

  Just throwing down such a sentence, Chen An thought about Yu Jianfei and left, not giving Ning Xian'er a chance to stay.

  He had just finished flirting with Xiao Qingyue, and he left a lot of evidence on him, worried that Ning Xian'er would find out that something was wrong if he stayed with Ning Xian'er for a long time.

  Although sooner or later there will be a showdown with her, but now is not the time.

  Ning Xian'er looked at Chen An's figure who disappeared from sight in an instant, and her suspicions became heavier.

  She took a deep breath, adjusted her mood, then turned around and walked into Xiao Qingyue's cave behind her, and entered Xiao Qingyue's room.

  Xiao Qingyue had sensed that she was going to come in a long time ago, and had already cleaned up her body with cleaning symbols one step ahead of time, including tidying up the room where her underwear was thrown around just now.

   "Master, I just saw Deacon Chen come out from you, what are you talking to him about?"

  Ning Xianer looked at the ruddy Xiao Qingyue whose face was still somewhat excited, and asked curiously in a calm voice as much as possible.

  Xiao Qingyue's psychological quality is not bad, she lied without any strangeness: "I talked about something about Dantang, and I want him to be the elder of Dantang, but he doesn't seem very interested."

   "Deacon Chen is really not very interested in this."

  Ning Xianer nodded, walked unhurriedly to the edge of the bed and sat down. Suddenly she looked puzzled and said, "Huh? Master, why did I smell Deacon Chen's breath on your bed? Were you talking on the bed just now?"

  She didn't smell Chen An's breath, she asked this question on purpose, just to see how Xiao Qingyue would react.

  Xiao Qingyue couldn't help but get nervous when she heard this.

   But it was very short, just nervous in my heart, and there was nothing unusual on the surface.

  I have just carefully cleaned the room with a cleaner, it is impossible for Chen An's breath to remain.

  But... why did Xianer ask such a question?

   Is she doubting my relationship with my husband?

   Was it a test just now?

  Thinking of this, Xiao Qingyue felt bad all over.

  In the next time.

  The master and apprentice sat in the room and chatted for a while.

  One asks with a purpose.

   One kept changing the subject.

  The atmosphere is a bit subtle.

   After more than an hour passed.

  Ning Xian'er got up from the bed, with a sweet smile on her pretty face, and said in a pleasant voice, "I accidentally chatted for so long, Master, I won't bother you anymore, I'll go back first."

   "Don't disturb, Master enjoys chatting with you."

   There was a slight smile on the corner of Xiao Qingyue's mouth, she saw that her usual aloofness and majesty were a little less, and she was a little more gentle with the elders treating the younger ones.

  After leaving Xiao Qingyue's cave.

  Ning Xian'er couldn't wait to return to her cave, walked into the room and closed the door to set up a soundproof array.

  She walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, anxiously took out the photo stone that had just been taken back from Xiao Qingyue's room, and checked it with a sudden heartbeat.


  PS: Set up a bowl, ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

  (end of this chapter)