MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 350 Shocking scam, I seem to have come at the wrong time?

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  Chapter 350 Shocking deception, I seem to have come at the wrong time?

  Pristine mountains, shaded by trees.

  The breeze blowing like a girl caresses, causing the dense sea of ​​trees to rustle with the wind, like a girl whispering softly in her ears.


In the mountains and forests, a gust of wind blew by, and a cloud of dark green poisonous mist drifted across suddenly. One of the golden figures appeared and disappeared from time to time, and from time to time, shiny and hideous appendages emerged from the poisonous mist. Passing across the rocks, sparks splashed in all directions, clanging like gold and iron.

   Not long after, He came to the deepest part of the Forbidden Forest. Before he got close, he found several figures exuding awe-inspiring aura standing here.

   "Are they all here?"

  On the high rock, the arrival of the poisonous fog, the withering trees and the dry land attracted the attention of one of the figures. He turned around and asked, waving tentacles flying around.

Jin Du didn't reply, and didn't go over to those small groups that gathered in twos and threes to whisper, two huge and shiny scorpion pincers touched each other in response, and then silently glanced at the surrounding figures, then leaned towards a corner, Quietly closed eyes and waited.

  The civilization he lives in is too weak, and the power controlled by the body of gold and poison is a poisonous mist that does not distinguish between enemy and friend. No one would want to approach such a worthless little transparency like him. Well, except for Big Brother Bai.

  Big Brother Bai is special, not only the first being willing to communicate with Him, but also the most knowledgeable among all the beings she has come into contact with! The perception of power, various techniques of using it... Every time she thinks about it, she is astonished. It turns out that power can be used and developed in that way.

  The incident of Bai Chuan’s arrival was a shocking deception fabricated by the dead octopus from the very beginning, a deception set up just to capture us, plunder our bloodline and make ourselves break through!

   At that time, even if those behind the Tianjiao civilization want to take revenge, so what!

  Come on, let me make the most advanced breakthrough. With the help of this relationship, I will be able to go out with the body of the earth fairy with the support of the civilization behind me, and become a real earth fairy Xiaoneng!

While thinking, Brother Bai looked at Brother Octopus, who had the weakest breath, and at these transparent and glowing void spirits that were not similar to big octopuses. He knew what was going on in his heart. Others are special, just swallow it directly, just collect it.

  The wind was making noise, the branches and leaves were shaking and breaking, and a small number of trees were breaking and falling amidst the tooth-piercing sound.

Seeing Jin Du who was finally exhausted, Brother Octopus also became proud, like a little man threatening a delicate girl, approaching step by step with a grin on his face, but didn't kill him in one breath, as if he was enjoying this opponent's fear.

Half an hour ago, with the first roar, the golden figure finally fell onto the ground with all his strength. He looked at Brother Octopus who was getting closer and closer. I have reached two ranks of seven, and I am not only short of a breakthrough!

"Shi Gushi, is he going to..." Big Brother Bai was vague, but the green figure representing the civilization that is also an alliance is vague. This is a genius who is also an eighth-level civilization. .

  It's a pity that today is the day of the appointment, and the mysterious Bai Chuan that emerged from the void in the rumors came here today.

   At least in the eyes of the special people in the Far West Alliance, one month is enough for us to save two hundred points, which is closer to the points needed to redeem the [Life Oven] ability treasure.

Facing the imposing pig retreating suddenly, Brother Octopus also smiled and attacked. If this cautious poisonous insect dragged the two guys to escape, I was at the critical stage of transformation but was stuck. With my current strength I haven't taken the first eight desolate kings, and completely transformed them before.

   "Before being poisoned by the poisonous dew made by your family, you still want to escape?!"

   Taking a closer look, one can even see that under the bodies of these eight figures, there are also natural blue to greenish peculiar spots. On top of this color, there is a small piece of body that is almost sunken and softened!

But as the communication with Geng Yeyu became less, the various boring experiences he shared with you suddenly reminded you of a strange kind of mysterious cloud thunder eel that Jin Yuner once encountered when he told you about his experience. biology.

As for why the other party shared it so badly, according to the other party's explanation: Geng Ye's amount is limited to the amount that each creature can consume, and every time Bai Chuan descends, a group of void spirits will follow. The spirit of the void can be handled by the opponent alone, so we can only pull the guy down to cooperate.

  Even you.

   Now the other party is running away, that's exactly what I want!

Of course, in a month, I only did so much. With the help of the forces that surrendered to me in the Far West Alliance, I also collected all kinds of common parts belonging to desolate beasts. It is the weakest point under the desolate beast, and it is an ordinary product of the combination of the power of the desolate beast and the power of the gray mist. It represents a very ordinary structure, but it has no merit at all.

  While staggering, I looked at the two figures behind me, especially the golden one, and smiled wryly, thinking that at the very moment, I was rescued by Jin Du, who I once detested the most and thought he had a vicious heart.

However, looking at the crazy bystanders around, Big Brother Bai never had a detailed premonition in his heart. The aura of those "Void Spirits" seems not a bit weird. In the past, you might have paid too little attention to it, and would even follow it. Others and the increasingly frenzied atmosphere refused to move.

Since then, the desolate kings have used their own means to kill these "void spirits", collecting these viscous unknown liquids called "Bai Chuan", and even some desolate kings who can't wait for it have long since made up their minds. He swallowed it straight away, exclaimed wildly in surprise, his consciousness really changed a bit!


The essence of Bai Chuan is just that this guy is an ordinary species who knows where he got it. The poisonous juice secreted from the body of this luminous "Void Spirit" will produce all kinds of hallucinations on consciousness before it is drunk by the spirit. As a result, all kinds of illusions that consciousness desires appear.


   "?" Among the eight surviving people, the only one who was cautious about whether he had been influenced by Li Lai to eat "Bai Chuan", and Jin Du, who was still intact, hurriedly turned around, confused about what the other party was going to do.

   Take it to Jin Yuner to have a look first, maybe Jin Yuner needs it too.

   It wasn't the initiator of that gathering either, the octopus-like creature who just spoke.

   After the words fell, a tentacle-like thing pierced through the void, attacking the opponent's head.

   And that sound, like a fuse, a small number of large octopus-like creatures descended with tentacles swinging.

   And that little time is enough for the blue light with limited energy in the narrow sense to completely extend the eroded small land to the far east of the Far West Alliance, and at the same time take the entire desert land on one side!

It's a pity that it's not too late to understand, I haven't felt more and more powerful, even if I eat less because I am wary of Geng Ye, but still in the erosion of this extremely poisonous "Bai Chuan", let that look strong The destructible body, a small part of the driving body parts became intermittent.

  One gold, one red and one green, eight figures are fleeing in a panic.

   "...You're not too slow to persevere." Shi Gushi had never heard of Jin Du's taciturnity, and didn't care.

  Those words stirred up thousands of stones, and the bright creatures opened their eyes one after another, staring at Brother Octopus covetously. For a moment, it seemed that there were countless light bulbs with 10,000 lumens shining on Brother Octopus.

  I never would have thought that this Bai Chuan was a fake, a treasure fabricated by this dead octopus tricking us!

Among those ordinary and comparable structural parts, after a small amount of calculation and simulation, I also extracted some useless things from them, and then fine-tuned them all under my body, which brought about even weaker The destructive power, as well as more coordinated means.

   During the roar, a huge roar resounded loudly, and the Lion Ancient Stone, which instantly turned into a mass of raging flames, wrapped in an extinct flame, rushed towards the transforming Thunder Fruit Octopus!

I am the Tianjiao of an eighth-level civilization from the half-Leo constellation. I am a race that loves fighting very much. In its civilization, there was once an earth fairy who was perfect and small. At this time, the life planet that rules our domain At its peak, there were as few as one hundred! Even now, there are still less than 80. As the pride of civilization, in its civilized territory, this is a beautiful place, but at this moment I can only run away in embarrassment, and I dare not even fight.



  You often even feel that the feeling Jin Yuner gives you is more amazing than the little Nengdixian you once glimpsed.

However, if the creature that created the heavenly dew has no malicious intentions in its heart, all the power of the creature that devoured the heavenly dew, together with the power transformed by the heavenly dew, can be drawn out of its body in such a short time. Returning it to the original owner for him to grow up is extremely vicious.

  After all, I really need some kind of mysterious Bai Chuan Breakthrough Earth Immortal and the like, and the only use for these guys in the future——In terms of information, I also get less difference.

   "Stop struggling, obediently be your food!"

   As he said that, the rather refreshed man started the powerful traction and looked back.

   "Time is slowing down..."

   That news was leaked by the subordinate civilization of this super-civilized vassal civilization, the son of Tianjiao among them.

However, the power that was so handy in the past and could help him to drive away the weak enemy became strong and powerful at that moment. It was like a breeze blowing on my face, and it was painful or itchy. In the claws, trembling.

"Damn it!" Hearing the banter in front of me, the owner of the red figure, a creature shaped like a pig but with a lion's head, said angrily. As well as a sense of power, and even a lack of awareness, sometimes it tells me that my current combat power is 10% of what it was after I saved it.


  As time passed, very slowly, figures exuding faint breaths appeared one after another.

   "Stubbornness is a spirit, and you still want to struggle to your death. Let it be a stepping stone for your breakthrough!"

  The other party said where did he come from?

   As for whether it is true or not, no one cares, but those who are struggling with hopeful breakthroughs are not the same as patients who are slow and go to the doctor. It’s okay to try.

  In front of him was a huge octopus waving thousands of tentacles and emitting rego fruit, chasing it. Wherever the octopus passed, a small number of trees were directly swept away by the tentacles.

   Did Brother Octopus have any stage fright about this, he smiled and showed his sharp and small jaws, "Everyone, get ready, the spirit of the void is about to come!"

  For a moment, it was swept away by its steel claws, and a drop of thin but relatively viscous liquid emerged in a hurry, exuding an ordinary allure.

  All because of being yin!

  This aura even vaguely hinted at the most advanced transformation, which is about to reach the seventh rank!

  So, you can only hold back your desire to find Jin Yun'er, the opportunity to make a breakthrough is today, Brother Bai, he can mess it up, Grandma and the clansmen are still waiting...

   In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

   You think, in it, Jin Yun'er may be a small person under the extraordinary realm, and the fairy and star overlord who are like gods and demons in the legend may not be like Jin Yun'er.

   "Big Scorpion, if he can, run away! Why did he run away?!"

  That day, Lan Guang also suddenly remembered that Big Brother Bai hadn't been here for a while.

  That creature doesn't have an extremely common ability called 【Tianlu】. The ability of this creature can cause it to produce a kind of ordinary active thunder called Tianlu in its body. From the inside, it looks like a rare genius in the universe. The power of thunder and lightning cannot make it seem harmful to control the power of lightning.

The lord of the desert who was able to chase me in a state of embarrassment in the past, the strange power that raised up the boundless yellow sand, enough to shake the entire desert, is as powerful as a baby in front of my eyes now, dancing in my claws, The breath exuded by the other party because of fear really reminds me of the aggrieved me in the past, and I feel deeply sweet.

  Sighed inwardly, I raised my head and said to Jin Du who seemed to be trying to lead me to escape together, "Hey, Jin Du, let you go."

  Lan Guang still remembers the scene where this little guy saw me coming that day, and the appearance of those big eyes kept changing one after another. At first, I woke up in surprise from hunger and thirst, and then I watched my breath weaken, and my intentions turned into solemnity. At the beginning, when my body was rising against the wind, it turned into anger, and I wanted to set off a boundless sandstorm to drive away weak enemies.

  At that time, an indifferent voice came from Brother Octopus's head, and there was a trace of doubt in the voice.

  Afterwards, the other party said that they were looking for Bai Chuan? He also tried to invite me, but I agreed.

   Among them, Big Brother Bai is naturally also an example. Just like others, he specially slaughtered those void spirits and collected Bai Chuan, because you came here precisely to break through the realm of the earth fairy.

At a certain moment, the initiator, and the one who was most interested in it...Let’s call him Brother Octopus, the glowing and glowing Brother Octopus opened the seven pairs of glowing eyeballs, looking down at the Enriching the faint ripples in the air, said:

  One month, although considered long, is also considered short.

   "Gold Poison, you misunderstood him afterward. You, a lion, recognized him for today's matter. If you don't have a chance to welcome him to your semi-Leo civilization today."

  Thinking about it like that, Big Brother Bai calmed down instead. With the help of the group attack nature of the poisonous fog, the speed of collecting was a little slower than that of others.

  Leguo Octopus, not Brother Octopus, stared playfully at the eight figures behind him, and laughed hurriedly.

   While roaring, a huge shadow opened and rushed over...

   As for the most recent Blu-ray, didn’t they let the other party go? Of course there is, I, Geng Ye, are famous for being big-hearted! Offending the abbot may not have a way out, but offending me, there is really only one way out.

   "A dead fish full of filth, you have tolerated him for a long time! How dare you play him as Grandpa Lion!"

   "It's delusional!"

   "You don't seem to be coming soon enough?"

  Every time you communicate with Jin Yun'er, you feel that you benefit a lot. It turns out that there are all kinds of magnificent creatures that you can imagine in the universe...

  (end of this chapter)