MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 208 anna and cynthia

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In the morning, Daisy was woken up by Anna's sleeping bubbles.

When the little girl was silent, Daisy looked much better. Little by little, he pulled his arm out of Anna's tight embrace, got off the bed and fiddled with his hair wantonly twice. Daisy stretched her waist while yawning, walked two steps, and saw the illegal building painted by Anna last night.

Smiling, he left the room and went to wash up.

In the morning, Daisy and Anna rejected the traditional coffee, ate some toast and cereal, and went out with Gu Gu Gu.

This was the first time Daisy had seen such an early sun in recent days, Gu Gu shook her head, and Daisy blocked the sun with her hands.

"After all, today will be very busy. What should I do first?" Anna held the blueprint in both hands, looking eager to try.

Rubbing her heels with her toes, Daisy was very helpless. Anna was wearing overalls and a small t-shirt, which looked like a minion. Daisy touched her head and blocked the blueprint in her hand.

"Give up, your illegal building has too many slots."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you have a construction team, building a house will be so-so, don't worry, I will supervise and guarantee the quality." Little Anna said with absolute certainty.

"I believe that if zombies break out in the future, maybe there will still be a safe house there."

The two chatted at the door for a while, then Richard Parker came out and asked Daisy if she wanted a ride. Daisy didn't plan to go to Rising Tide Company in the morning, so she was thinking about how to refuse Papa Parker's kindness.

The big red mini car stopped next to Daisy with the windows rolled down. Cuckoo took the lead and jumped into the car. Cynthia, who originally planned to give Daisy a surprise, was taken aback.

Gu Gu was already familiar with Cynthia, and at this moment, she was obediently curled up on Cynthia's lap. Cynthia took off the sunglasses that were frightened by Gu Gu, and looked at Daisy happily.

Cynthia, who hadn't seen her for a long time, had a trace of calmness on her face, but her stunning white beauty of mixed race was still so thrilling. Daisy was so happy that she pinched Cynthia's mouth.

"Then what are you doing back here?"

Parker's father saw that Daisy had an acquaintance, shook his head and left first. Daisy said goodbye to Parker's father, turned her head, and continued to stare at Cynthia angrily. Cynthia, who had just shown a hint of maturity, turned back into a cute porcelain doll, trying to slap Daisy's hand off.

"One of my own." Daisy, who was already sitting in the car, explained this when she saw Cynthia looking at little Anna suspiciously.

"I have asked my housekeeper to take over the affairs over there. Anyway, Bob took over when I was away. The power over there has basically stabilized." Cynthia said Han with a proud face, showing off her achievements to Daisy. The situation of his own family in Sri Lanka.

Anna was holding Gugoo in her arms. When she saw Cynthia in the back seat, she was a little dazed for the first time. Cynthia, who is full of fairy spirit, is a flawless porcelain doll in all aspects, and her appearance is almost impeccable.

"That's really good news! By the way, did Malik trouble you?" Daisy was referring to the old Malik from the Security Council, a handsome old man whose family has a direct relationship with Hydra.

"It's not too serious," Cynthia said calmly. However, in the past few months, in order to clean up her Hydra, Cynthia carried out a large-scale cleansing. Malik, who was far away from John Bull, stepped in and made a **** stick, which directly almost drove Cynthia into a desperate situation.

Daisy in the passenger seat looked at the calm Cynthia, a little dazzling under the sun. Daisy kissed Cynthia's side face. Cynthia, who was concentrating on driving, had a faint smile on her face.


Anna in the back seat immediately became vigilant, looking at Daisy and then at Cynthia. The cuckoo in his hand followed the ups and downs of Anna's body, and raised his head, as if asking [what's interesting]

"Hey, after you came back, I planned to take out my treasured rings. Unfortunately, they are all gone now." Daisy pulled out [Skye], started to connect to the company's cloud, and processed the collected rings below. things.

Cynthia took advantage of the situation and asked about yesterday's situation, Daisy did not hide anything. It was almost like stripping the young girl Anna naked and letting Cynthia look at it again. This surprised Anna in the backseat.

Because Daisy chatted with her a lot, but this Cynthia just raised her mouth a little bit.

Cynthia glanced at Anna from the rearview mirror, which made little Anna tremble with horror. Daisy noticed this situation and interrupted Cynthia's demon.

"'Anna, don't look Cynthia in the eye. She's hypnotic."

Anna shuddered and woke up from Cynthia's eyes. she looked at cynthia with disgust

"I still haven't figured out whether your hypnosis is born or trained? Who is your superpower at the beginning, I almost believed it." Daisy didn't care at all, she chatted with Cynthia with.

Cynthia shook her shoulders, "It's all there..."

Anna heard from the conversation between the two, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Cynthia's ability to capture people's hearts was born, but she only achieved certain results after training the day after tomorrow. It has not reached the level of superpowers that can read memories and control behaviors. For ordinary people, it can only temporarily confuse people and see a few memory pictures. As a special existence, Daisy was immune to Cynthia's ability, and Cynthia felt that Daisy mistook this ability as a wrong message, causing some strange misunderstandings for Daisy.

"It's a wonderful misunderstanding, isn't it?" Daisy grinned. "Did you see Anna just now?" This was a question that Daisy was quite concerned about.

Cynthia looked at Daisy. After all, the person involved was behind her, and she felt that this was not good. But seeing Daisy's serious look, Cynthia still hesitated and said:

"You're wearing ding..."

"Okay, don't talk about it." Daisy turned her head to look at Anna with disdain, and Anna turned back unconvinced. But she also noticed a problem.

Daisy was immune to Cynthia's psychic attacks, as she probably thought she would be. Obviously, Daisy is different from herself in being unique. Reminiscent of Anna pointing out the unusual strength of Daisy's superpowers last night, she did not immediately respond to this question directly. Obviously Daisy still has a hidden secret.

"There is a press conference in the afternoon, are you happy to come dressed nicely?"

"Afternoon? Press conference? Then what are we going to Sanquyi for now?" Cynthia asked curiously. Anna took the words, "Test the various values ​​of Daisy's body!"

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