MTL - Beast Control Starts From Zero Points-Chapter 694v3 Suddenly understood something

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 The freshmen of the beast control department present were not particularly surprised to see this.

Everyone discussed with each other and expressed their opinions one after another.

“It seems that this water-type beast has water vapor properties.”

Water vapor property. As long as there is water vapor in the air, a pet with this property can turn into water vapor and exist in the air, and move with it. This is a relatively rare property.

"I don't think so." A girl had a different opinion: "I once saw a pet beast with the characteristics of water vapor. When it turned into water vapor and existed in the air, it didn't disappear all at once like it does now, but there was a process. I saw my body disappearing little by little in the direction of the wind."

This is a battle, not a time for joking. These things fell down. There must be intentions, and it is better to fight quickly...

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Although it is a battle against attributes, Lu Bao's proficiency in various skills is much higher than that of his opponent, so that the battle has been a smooth one so far, and not a single one has been against the wind.

Camplons are also mysteries... After the boy understood this, he looked at the girl opposite with a complicated expression.

 King Jasmine shouted, and immediately her eyes glowed green.

  【Points: 1】

“Don’t go! Let’s continue. Don’t you want the 100 points?”

After finishing speaking, he said to a pet beast standing next to him that was about three meters in size, almost green in size, and holding a white flower in his hand:

 【Major: Beast Control】

 Another boy pushed up the glasses on his face: "It has the properties of melting water."

Someone echoed: "To melt water, there must be water first. There are no puddles here, and it's not raining now."

“The assessment only says that you need to find a pet with an inverse attribute to fight against. If you win, you will get points. It doesn’t say that the opponent must agree before you can fight.”



 None of the students who can go to Yulianton University are stupid. Whether it is the orange-yellow star formation, or the secret-level water jets, water tails and crampons, they all understand that the girl in front of them is not simple.

Lu Bao retracted his claws, and then a huge water flow appeared around him, covering his body, and shot straight into the sky, avoiding the vine thorns that emerged from the ground one after another.

The person next to him laughed and said: "How is it possible? The water beast just now didn't use any water skills."

 “What do you mean?” Qiao Sang asked.



Water Tail, a mid-level water-based skill, even if Miracleon is hit, it can still continue to use photosynthesis. Its photosynthesis has reached the proficiency of the late adult stage, and ordinary attacks can't recover as fast as it does... This is what the boy originally thought. , but the corner of his mouth twitched violently in the next second.

 “King Jasmine, the one with the hat on his head.”

At the same time as the thought arose, Lu Bao suddenly sprang out from the back of Wonder Man. The tips of his sharp claws condensed into ice, and the cold light shone as he slashed forward mercilessly.

As soon as one of the electronic sounds fell, Lubao, who was like a water column, drew a delicate arc in the sky and rushed toward the Wonderful One.

The boy was startled and subconsciously formed a seal with his hands to summon his pet beast.

Wonder's photosynthetic power simply cannot last.

[Wonderful Weng, a high-level grass-type pet from Tianyuan Star. The seeds sprayed from its body will randomly generate various grass-type skills. As the level of the pet increases, the skills randomly generated by the seeds will most likely follow its own ideas. 】

 Qiao Sang's eyesight was not blocked now. She could clearly see the Wonder Man dropping some brown, fine dust-like things from his body as he ran.

Seeing that the people were almost gone, Qiao Sang quickly shouted:

When Qiao Sang saw it at that time, he felt that this move was very suitable for use in battle.

 “Then there’s nothing to say.” The boy turned and left.

Ten meters away, two vines suddenly appeared on the ground where a boy wearing a black peaked cap was standing, tying his legs.

 “No fight.” Qiao Sang said without thinking.

Wonderful Man ran decisively.

ˈ˜Qiao Sang: “…”

 Photosynthesis, a healing skill that can only be used by grass-type pets. It can restore its own energy and physical strength through sunlight.

 In the next hour, Lu Baolu used Praying for Rain one after another, using his ability to swim freely to quickly defeat many opponents.


Seeing that a brown seed was about to spit out from his mouth, Lu Bao suddenly increased his speed and hit Wonder Man directly on the head.

 It was obviously the result of the battle that everyone hoped for, but for a while, no one came up to express their willingness to fight as strongly as before.

At this time, a red-haired boy stopped, turned around and asked:

 He did not choose to continue the fight, but took back the Miracle Man and turned around to leave.

Wonderful Man flew backwards and never got up again.

Wonderful Man raised his head and opened his mouth.

 He took a deep breath and prepared to give the order.

 “Me!” Soon, another new student walked through the crowd.

 “Get moving.”

I saw that the water tail used by the water beast that I didn't recognize was terrifyingly thick, several times larger than its original tail, which was outrageous.

 Mechanical electronic sounds sounded one after another.

Qiao Sang followed the sound and found that the speaker was a blond boy wearing glasses.

 “The tail of continuous water!”

Its tail fin is made of water. After training, it cannot be completely disappeared like Yabao. However, it can be made by letting water drip from the tail fin.

 “Is there anyone else who wants to fight?” Qiao Sang asked.

  【Name: Qiao Sang】

Seeing the scene on the field, the boy had to realize a reality: the water tail of this water beast has also reached the secret level...

Wonderful Man screamed and staggered to the ground.

 As time passes, there are fewer and fewer people waiting to fight.

"But its tail fin at the end is made of water." The boy wearing glasses said calmly: "Generally speaking, the body parts of the pet beast are made of elements. Through exercise, you can control some of them."

 Water Tail continued to whip, and the already seriously injured Miracle Man was unable to fight back.

 Three minutes later, when the opponent was close, Lubao used ice pick to protect his body and ended the game.

 Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side:

 But at this moment, Lu Bao felt that it was almost done. He retracted his tail, and the ice instantly condensed on his sharp claws.

“It’s not an inverse attribute, why don’t you hit it?”

The proficiency of this water jet seems to have reached a secret... The boy felt nervous and said loudly:


Just when the crampon was about one centimeter away from the Wonder Man, extremely sharp vine thorns suddenly emerged from the ground, like a sharp long sword thrust out!

There is indeed something wrong with those dropped things... Qiao Sang quickly issued an order:

 “Water jet!”

 I haven’t even sent out Yabao and Xiaoxunbao yet, how could this happen...

At this time, the boy wearing glasses among the freshmen pointed the pet identification device in his hand at Lu Bao.

 Many people present took out their pet identification devices and pointed them at the Wonder Man who had stopped running.

The trajectory it moves is extremely weird and irregular, like the pace of a drunk person running around.

While Qiao Sang was looking at the virtual panel, the freshmen of the beast-control system around him looked at each other.

  【Bingkexilu, blue star high-grade water, ice dual attribute pet beast, is on the verge of extinction. You are lucky to encounter it, remember to take pictures. 】

 Qiao Sang and the boy issued instructions at the same time.

The crampon dragged out a long cold light, streaking across the position of Wonderbird's head. “Wonderful!”

Hearing the sound of the pet recognition device, the boy wearing glasses' pupils contracted violently, staring at Lu Bao, and then took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera function.

 Hehe, I wanted to get 100 points to seduce people... everyone didn't stop and left.

This person’s analysis was not wrong. When Yabao first controlled his flame wings, Lubao also exercised.

The boy wearing glasses smiled mysteriously: "As long as we take the initiative to attack, are we still worried that they won't send out their pet beasts to fight, and we will just stand and get beaten?"

Within the encirclement, the expression of the boy selected to fight did not change much, and he responded calmly:

Maybe it’s been too long since I took a shower... Qiao Sang quickly pushed this thought out of his mind and his expression became serious.

After all, if you used water-based skills directly like before, everyone would be on guard after seeing it too often. However, the water dripping from the tail fin is invisible to the opponent at all, so it is very suitable for disappearing unexpectedly.

Just after seeing a thunder beast hit the opponent with great difficulty, and the water beast won the battle, a blue light glowed on its body, and its whole body recovered as before, the remaining people began to curse and turned around to leave.

 “Just like this.” The boy wearing glasses showed a narrow smile.

Qiao Sang watched the boy in the distance ask his pet animal to cut off the vines, then turned to look at the boy wearing glasses with raised eyebrows, as if he was about to take action in the next second, and suddenly understood something...

ˆps: Ah! Thanks to the leader of wes! I've been busy these two nights, so I've been late typing. I should be able to return to normal time tomorrow.