MTL - Beast Control Starts From Zero Points-Chapter 671v3 I just feel like I've realized it

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 The black shadow slowly emerged from the ground like strange tentacles and wrapped around the man's neck.

The man turned his head as if he was unconscious and looked at the girl who was being questioned by the police in the distance.

  I almost forgot about this child... A vague coldness flashed in the man's eyes.

He was definitely right about what he just read. If the child's pet hadn't used telekinesis, how could he not have been able to summon the pet?

 It is even more impossible to tell that matter in front of so many people.

 “Qiao San.”

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 The woman smiled and said, "You can drop by."


The rankings are probably out, but the emotional energy collection bottle is still on her. It seems she will have to find time to send it back...

Soon, she saw the little treasure hunter who was "turning the flower rope".

Qiao Sang felt moved in her heart. She was about to say that she didn't need to train, and her mood would recover after a nap, but then she remembered that Little Xunbao had been too lazy recently, taking a long time to train, and being addicted to electronic products in the middle of the night. She suddenly Suppressed the words.

Qiao Sang looked downhearted: "You can't have it both ways."

Qiao Sang was silent for a moment: "This is the first time I encountered this kind of thing today."

Upon seeing this, Qiao Sang controlled the raised corners of his mouth, took out his mobile phone and checked the time.



As he was thinking about it, a voice next to him sounded:

“No. 113.”

Qiao Sang was stunned for a moment: "Why did you suddenly train in dark shadow control?"

 Qiao Sang did not speak for a long time.

"Yes." The woman said seriously: "Although you didn't talk much backstage today, you were obviously in a much better mood."

“You let your ghost-type pet control the scumbag to get in front of Yuta Qianyuan, but when I finished talking about the girl’s soul disappearing, you asked the scumbag to stay away from Yuta Qianyuan.”

ˆ Qiao Sang said "hmm" and changed the subject:

 “Who said that?” the woman said with a smile.

 In the police station, Qiao Sang was taking familiar notes.


Qiao Sang said calmly: "I knew from the very beginning that the price of helping Duo Duo was his soul. When I saw the little girl and the man, I subconsciously thought that evil people must be punished. This thought made me forget it all at once. The result of the latent complaint is that I have done a lot of help, but fortunately you reminded me."

 The woman followed and tried to strike up a conversation: "You seem to be in a bad mood?"

Little Xunbao gave a sweet cry, indicating that he was training in dark shadow control.

Little Treasure Hunt appeared, using the three-dimensional dark shadow control next to him, playing with different tricks like a rope.

However, it sensed it and found that the negative emotional energy of its beast master was indeed decreasing. Its eyes suddenly lit up and it continued to use the three-dimensional dark shadow control.


At this moment, Qiao Sang couldn’t explain how he felt.

 “Looking for?”

 “What’s wrong with you?” The woman next to him noticed the movement and asked.

 Qiao Sang nodded: "Then I'll leave first."

It just hopes that its master will feel better.

“From another perspective, you can let your pet learn skills such as memory and manifestation, so you don’t have to be so troublesome when you encounter similar things. Such skills can completely expose the true colors of those scum.”


 He wanted to call for help, but in the next second, he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and the world in his eyes changed directly to the concrete floor.

She was not particularly surprised that this ghost-type pet could do this trick. After all, it could move in space with super powers, but she never thought that such a high-level skill as Black Shadow Shadow Control could be used like this!

 In the evening wind, the woman sighed:

"So what if you didn't control that scumbag later on to stay away from Qian Yuduo? You are a beast master, a scumbag who is responsible for the life of his own child. The police will only let Qian Yuduo carry the whole thing. You know at this point."

 At this time, a voice of "Xunxun" came from the side.

Qiao Sang turned around and saw Xiao Xunbao's worried look.

It’s true that Eliza, at such a young age, could not have such a big resentment, and she actually caused so many unspoken resentments...

 “What did you see?”


"No." After Qiao Sang finished speaking, he paused and laughed at himself: "Maybe he is overly sympathetic and feels pity for those two children."

Qiao Sang glanced at her.

But it doesn’t matter. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not impossible to solve. It’s just that my reputation may not be restored for a while.

Just as he was thinking about it, a familiar face appeared above him, blocking the sunlight.

Xiao Xunbao’s expression froze, and then he waved his hands helplessly.

Little treasure hunt sighs, absorbing negative energy competitions and the like are not fun at all.

"I'm fine." As she spoke, Qiao Sang suddenly felt no pain anymore, and instead felt like her mind was clear. She paused and said seriously: "I just feel like I have enlightened."

Qiao Sang, who was talking to the police, followed the sound and saw the man lying flat on the ground. His head was twisted 180 degrees, and his face was facing the ground, which was very strange.

Damn it... The man looked back at the sky and suppressed his anger.

 The man's pupils suddenly shrank, and his expression was extremely frightened.

 The words "Your ability is not up to what you want to do" kept echoing in her mind.

 “Are we on our way?” Qiao Sang asked.

Little Xunbao grinned and said, "I just want to train."

After finishing the note, she asked:

 “Has Qian Yuduo been caught?”

Little Xunbao called out cautiously, indicating whether he wanted to absorb the negative emotional energy in his body?

 “No, I’m fine.” Qiao Sang said.

Qiao Sang looked at it silently, with that look in his eyes, as if to say: Do you think I will believe it?

 “Is there any?” Qiao Sang said lightly.


 To be honest, although she had watched various news, this was the first time she had seen such a cruel scene with her own eyes.

 “This, is the darkness controlling the shadow?” The woman’s face showed surprise.

 “Wait a minute.” the woman shouted, “Let’s get together.”


Qiao Sang was speechless for a moment, and walked towards the rented place according to the navigation.


"No." The police comforted him: "But don't worry, as long as you don't die unexpectedly or kill someone, Yuduo Yuduo will not come to you."

 “The hidden grudge has eaten the soul, and even if it spits it out, it won’t be a problem.”

“I’m also here to take a statement.” The woman said as she approached.

 The policemen in front of me ran over.

 The three hours of the game have long passed.

 Forget it, at least he’s still alive.

 A high-pitched cry sounded.

It remembered that Qiao Sang’s mood got better every time he trained.

 “Okay.” The policeman nodded.

 The woman was silent for a few seconds, then said softly: "I've seen it all."

"You're right." Qiao Sang coughed and said, "Seeing you training makes me feel a lot better. You can continue."

Qiao Sang followed the voice and was a little surprised: "No. 98, why are you here?"

 I feel so powerless today just because I find that I can’t actually do anything and can’t do whatever I want.

When speaking of this, she changed the subject:

“But you are already great, at least you are better than me, and you saved me today.”

 The woman continued:

"Yudao Qiangui is only a general-level pet. Above the general level, there are king-level and emperor-level beasts. There are some pet beasts that can restrain it and are stronger than it. You can't do both now, just because you haven't reached that level. That’s all.”

 It's not that I'm worried about this... Qiao Sang complained in his heart and asked, "Can I go?"

Qiao Sang walked out of the police station and found that it was already dark.

Little Xunbao looked at his beast master with gleaming eyes.

“The competition is over. Are you going to send this emotional energy collection bottle back now or tomorrow?”

“In twenty years’ time, there will be no need to hold grudges, you will be able to see other people’s souls, and then you will be able to communicate directly and help whenever you want.”

 “What are you doing?” Qiao Sang glanced at it.

 The woman laughed and said, "Are you afraid?"

  "Xunxun..."    Xunbao always felt that something was wrong.

Beside him, there lay the bloodless little boy wearing a blue hoodie with blood stains.

 “Why did you show up at the morgue?”

  8:23 pm.

“I am participating in the Ghost Beast Negative Energy Collection Contest.”



 Qiao Sang suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his head.

"No need to send it." The woman calmed down her expression and said, "Didn't we leave our contact information on it? The organizer will take the initiative to come to us. Moreover, today's game was broadcast live, and the audience knew that we went to the police station later."

“What makes you sad is that the little girl’s soul will disappear after the scumbag gets retribution.”


"Any hesitation you have today is just because your ability has not reached what you want to do."

The man wanted to take out his cell phone and complain to his lover, but then he remembered that his hand was broken and he couldn't move it.

 Little treasure hunt: “???”

“By the way, my name is Qiao Sang.” Qiao Sang asked, “What’s your name?”

 “My name is Doreen,” said the woman.