MTL - Beast Control Starts From Zero Points-Chapter 38 My life is over

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Chapter 38 My life is at an end

“Everyone in our circle knows about feelings.” Qiao Sang said speechlessly.

“Isn’t it better to be happy alone than to be happy together?” Fang Sisi said with a smile.

Qiao Sang couldn't hold back his smile after all, "Hahaha, what you said makes sense."

 "Hahahahaha..." Fang Sisi also laughed out loud.

Although she has told this matter to many people, it still feels so funny every time.

 Some pet beasts have fixed evolutionary forms, while some pet beasts will evolve into different forms based on different evolutionary materials and evolutionary environments.

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 After a while, Lao Ban took a deep breath and said, "Would your mother really delay you from coming to school for so long because of her illness?"

 The consequences of saying certain things from her mouth are definitely different from those from Lao Ban.

The Fire Tooth Dog stepped on the rag happily, the faster he stepped on it, the faster it slid.

 The students sitting below all lowered their heads and stared at the test papers, fearing that when they raised their heads, they would accidentally make eye contact with Teacher Ji.

 Guo Linze, you scheming man!

 “Bingfenmo.” Qiao Sang stood up and replied.

Qiao Sang looked up and saw broken porcelain beside the fire-toothed dog.

 Qiao Sang has already thought about it. When his mother comes home and sees that the room is clean, the floor has been mopped, and the food has been burned, no matter how strong the anger is, it will be relieved a lot.


 What a good boy.

 Guo Linze: “…!”

 What should come will eventually come.

ˈ˜Qiao Sang: “…”

Qiao Sang quickly picked up the pen and filled out the leave request form.

 Qiao Sang sat down and turned around, snatched the paper from Guo Linze's desk, and said with a smile: "Then I'm not welcome."

Qiao Sang was silent for a while without refusing. This is indeed what she needs most now. "Thank you, teacher."

“Qiao Sang, the head teacher is calling you.” Study committee member Ma Xiao came over.

I saw the Fire Tooth Dog stepping on the rag with its right leg, pushing its left leg back hard, and sliding forward for a distance along with the rag.

 “Qiao Sang.” Laoban called Qiao Sang’s name with a somewhat dangerous tone.

 After returning home from school in the afternoon, Qiao Sang decided to confess directly to his mother.

This test paper was handed out last week. Qiao Sang didn't have it. He was looking at her sideways with Fang Sisi.

 Qiao Sang's heart skipped a beat, and before he had time to think about it, he dropped the mop and ran to the fire-toothed dog, picked it up, checked it, and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"


It just so happened that the door opened at this moment.


Qiao Sang was full of joy and took the mop to mop the left half of the living room.

Screaming happily while dragging it back.

"Huoya Dog, you drag here, I'll drag there." Qiao Sang took a wet rag and handed it to Huoya Dog, pointing to the right half of the living room.

  Suspene root gum is extracted from the body of Su Danpan.


Qiao Sang looked at the old class leader uncontrollably.

“You have asked for so many days of leave, please come here and make up the leave request.” Laoban opened the drawer and put a leave request note on the table.

Seeing her answer, Teacher Ji asked again: "What about in the Sirut area?"

Guo Lin was caught off guard and tried to press the test paper with his hand, but failed and hit his hand on the table, causing a lot of movement.

“Qiao Sang, you don’t have a test paper, I’ll give you mine.” Guo Linze patted Qiao Sang on the shoulder and said softly.

“That’s a good answer, sit down.” Teacher Ji nodded with satisfaction and asked, “Does anyone know where the last kind of water pink moss evolved?”

 Everything is so quiet and beautiful.

Round-spotted bud is the latter, and it is currently known that it has four different evolutionary forms in different environments.

 “Tooth tooth.”

When the leave application form was completed, Lao Ban picked up the notebook beside him and put it in front of Qiao Sang, "Your review progress has fallen a lot these days. Here are the notes of my last student. He scored 632 points in the high school entrance examination. You Go back and take a good look."

Thinking about it, Qiao Sang felt that Lao Ban was also very pitiful.

In the afterglow of dusk, light orange light shines through the glass on the floor, and also shines on the girl and the fire-toothed dog.


 After Qiao Sang comforted the fire-toothed dog, he looked back at the fragments on the ground.


Fire Tooth Dog responded happily, stepped on the rag with his paw and started to move.


 The full score for the high school entrance examination is 650, and a score of 632 is really not low.

The two of them giggled at each other for a while. When they were tired of laughing, Qiao Sang asked: "Why don't Lao Ban just buy a bottle of Su root glue and use it?"

 This means that the test paper has been written for more than ten minutes. Can you use it now?

Qiao Sang wanted to refuse, but when he raised his eyes and was about to turn his head, his eyes met Teacher Ji's.

Qiao Sang was stunned for a moment and replied: "It's okay."


 “Caofenmo.” Qiao Sang said.


She remembered that her mother brought it back from her trip to the Lianbo area. There seemed to be a signature from a certain beast master her mother liked on the bottom of the bottle...

I never thought that my mother would not come back when I got home.

This kind of glue can have a miraculous effect in promoting hair growth and saves much time and effort than hair transplantation.

 After explaining, Fire Tooth Dog felt a little guilty and his ears drooped.

Teacher Ji looked at the area where Qiao Sang, Fang Sisi, and Guo Lin were gathered together.

"The round-spotted bud evolved into the poisonous pink moss in the Lianba area." Teacher Ji said the correct answer to the second question of the fill-in-the-blank question on the test paper. After speaking, he stretched out his hand to lift his glasses and asked: "Then who knows What is the evolutionary form of round-spotted buds in Liaoxi area?"

  Qiao Sang has been called out a lot in the past. She was not around a few days ago, so the pressure was shared among a few people close to Qiao Sang's ranking.

“A bottle of root glue is worth half a year’s salary of Laoban. Direct hair transplantation is so cheap.” Fang Sisi said.

Teacher Ji, who is in the third period of the Pets and Nature class, loves to ask questions, especially to students with poor grades.

Even if it was because of her that she lost her precious hair, now there is no way to avenge her.

ˈ˜Qiao Sang: “…”


“Guo Linze, get up and answer.”

Qiao Sang put down the book and came to the office with a completely different mood from last time.

Guo Linze became nervous instantly. He had been called up to answer questions a while ago. His eyes wandered and he saw Qiao Sang sitting in front of him on his left.

Lao Ban’s expression was frozen, and he stayed in place.

  It will soon be time between classes.

 It's still a wig, I don't know what it looks like under the wig...


 Close the eggshell in the egg bowl every time you sleep. When you wake up in the morning, the eggshell will open and a trace amount of gel will flow out, which is called Su root glue.

 A loud bang broke the quiet moment.

  Qiao Sang couldn’t explain how he felt. Lao Ban might have some shortcomings, but who didn’t have shortcomings? At least he had nothing to say to the students.

 “Qiao Sang, it’s up to you to answer.”

Qiao Sang was deeply moved and asked with concern: "Teacher, is your hair okay?"

The Fire Tooth Dog barked loudly and wagged its tail to show that it was okay. It pointed at the celadon fragments on the ground with its paw.

 Laoban waved his hand, indicating that she could leave.

 “Is your mother okay?” Lao Ban asked.

“It doesn’t matter if the vase is broken, as long as you’re fine.”

Although hair is the life of a middle-aged man, Laoban still has a wife and children to support, so it is impossible for him to spend a lot of money to buy a bottle of fern root glue for his own use.

It is obviously a physical job, but Fire Tooth Dog does it as if it is playing some fun game.

 Qiao Sang turned to look at his mother's face, and four words came to his mind.

 My life is at an end...

 (End of this chapter)