MTL - Be the King From the Time of Signing-Chapter 59 no stiffness

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   Chapter 59 No Stiffness

   The magic sound is mighty.

   The demon wings behind Hades trembled slightly, and suddenly the waters below surged into hundreds of water columns, bursting, and the spray falling, like a torrential rain.

  The terrifying evil breath permeates the whole space,

   Even Zhou Xiao, who was reunited, felt heart palpitations.

   "What a powerful breath!" Zhou Xiao was secretly shocked.

   The Qilin Supreme's breath and the Wangu dragon robe were added to his body, and there was a vague posture that could not resist this breath.

   After a long time the water splashes have fallen,

   Pluto's blood-red eyes swept towards Zhou Xiao and others, "Humble human ants!"

   "You get rid of them for this seat." Pluto told Ghost Princess: "This seat has one more important thing to deal with."

   Having said that, the Pluto Demon Wing shook,

   Black Qi surges,

   In an instant, Pluto appeared a thousand meters away, swept toward the center of the water...

   "Follow your orders!" Gui Ji and Wu Zong respectfully said.

   It wasn't until Hades disappeared at the end of the line of sight that the two Guiji turned around and faced Zhou Xiao and others.

   "In the end, a battle cannot be avoided." Gui Ji's eyes fell on Zhou Xiao, "I didn't expect Da Zhou to have such a young and promising emperor, which is really surprising."

   "You can hurt the King of Qin at such an age, but I want to learn from you. What's so special about you?"

   Zhou Xiao heard the words and looked at Gui Ji.

   Seeing the ghost girl's form outside the Demon Town Tower before, Zhou Xiao thought of King Qin.

   They are all floating in the air, with black air lingering around their bodies, and their skin as pale as pink…

   "You know King Qin?" Zhou Xiao asked tentatively.

   "That's right." Gui Ji didn't hide it, and said, "Ben Gong is the queen of King Qin."

   "The direct controller of the Daqin Black Soul Army."

   Zhou Xiao was a little wary when he heard the words of the Black Soul Legion, and said, "So it is."

   "I didn't expect that the so-called Black Soul Legion of Da Qin was actually a demon sect!"

   "Da Qin is hiding deep enough."

   "The Black Soul Legion is just the tip of the iceberg of Daqin." Ghost Ji said, "The real Daqin, I am afraid that even the Shenyan Dynasty should be afraid of three points."

   "Really?" Zhou Xiao looked at Gui Ji calmly, "If you tell me this, you won't worry about exposing Da Qin's secrets?"

"Bengong told you that I just wanted you to die clearly, and I didn't intend to let you leave alive. At your age, I have to admit that you are indeed very strong. But in front of this palace, it is not worth mentioning!" Gui Ji showed Have strong confidence.

   Zhou Xiao knew that this battle was inevitable.

   Although he didn't know the details of Gui Ji, he couldn't lose his momentum, and said, "If that's the case, I'd like to learn from her."

   Ghost Princess smiled wickedly, and raised her ghost claws.

   At this moment, Wu Zhuang said: "Master Guiji, you don't need to do it yourself to deal with this kind of guy."

   Ghost Princess glanced at Wu Zong, nodded, and finally stepped aside.

   Wuzong’s body black energy surged,

   He stepped on the water and walked slowly towards Zhou Xiao.

   His movements are slow and stiff, giving a sense of suddenness, not looking very flexible.

   Wuzong did not release any breath,

   But as Wu Zong approached, Zhou Xiao felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

   "This guy, the mummy?" Zhou Xiao muttered in his heart, staring at those bizarre eyes, and when there was no stiffness within three meters, Zhou Xiao suddenly moved.

   Pedaling on Limbo and micro-stepping,

   The figure turned into a series of afterimages, and appeared in front of Wu Zong in an instant.

  The power of thunder gathers wildly.

   In the blink of an eye, a sword of thunder condensed in Zhou Xiao's hand, stabbing straight at Wu Zang's heart.

   Facing Zhou Xiao’s attack,

   There is no stiffness, no dodging, and no defensive measures are taken, allowing the sword of thunder to stab in his chest.


   Hearing a loud crash, the Thunder Sword stabbed into his chest as if it had stabbed a piece of hard heavy iron, the speed dropped sharply, and he could no longer pierce an inch.

   "The strength is too weak." A deadly gloomy voice sounded.

   Then his strange eyes met Zhou Xiao, and the atmosphere instantly froze.

   "What kind of monster is this guy?" Zhou Xiao thought to himself.

  The Sword of Thunder can completely cut through steel, let alone flesh and blood.

   But the truth is,

   Free and unscathed.

   After a short silence, Wu Zong raised his hand and grabbed Zhou Xiao's wrist.

   Only then did Zhou Xiao see a dark and hard claw.

  The claws of both hands have scales that look like corpse spots, and some places are rotting, exuding a stench, and even bugs are drilling on them.

   Nails are grey.

   Sharp and sharp.

   "Zombie?" Zhou Xiao's first reaction was this thing.

   Wujing's movements were extremely fast, not as fast as Zhou Xiao's reaction, and the sharp nails pierced into Zhou Xiao's wrist.

   Intense pain struck instantly, and a black gas penetrated into Zhou Xiao's body along the wound.

  In an instant, Zhou Xiao's right hand turned black and numb...

   "Poisonous!" Zhou Xiao was shocked.

   The corpse poison spread extremely fast, and his mind was spinning, Zhou Xiao immediately showed the Yin-Yang map.

   The yin and yang figure floats out,

   floated at the feet of Zhou Xiao.

   Crazy suction swept in, frantically swallowing the corpse poison.

   In just a few breaths, Zhou Xiao's numb and blackened right hand returned to its original state.

   Dare not to be slighted at all, Zhou Xiao suddenly flew back, opening the distance from Wu Zong.

   "It's really interesting to be able to dissolve the corpse poison." Wu Zong seemed to be a little more interested in Zhou Xiao.

   This time he took the initiative to attack,

   The black energy flickered, and the moment of no stiffness was close to Zhou Xiao, and the sharp claws directly grabbed Zhou Xiao's head.

   Having learned the lesson from the last time, Zhou Xiao used Ling Bo's micro-steps to the extreme, and with a flick of his body he escaped the attack.

"Buddha's Palm!"

   Zhou smiled and drank,

   A huge bergamot condensed out and slammed down from the sky.


When the    Tathagata's palm fell, the black cloth on Wu Zong's body was suddenly untied, and it flew up and spread rapidly.

   In the blink of an eye, the sky was blocked from the sun, blocking the top of Wu's head.


  The Tathagata patted the black cloth with the palm of his hand, and the space trembled violently.

   However, it didn't hurt any stiffness at all.

   "Continue." Wu Zong looked at Zhou Xiao, "If you have any powerful means, use them all."

  The black cloth is untied,

   Only then did Zhou Xiao see Wu Zong's true face.

  What a zombie!

   His skin has been carbonized and looks like hard black iron from a distance.

   Ugly and scary.

  'Dark iron' is covered with 'patina' and is dark green.

  The two eyeballs protrude, and you can see a lot of whites, as if they will fall out at any time.

  The proper sense of sight of Plants vs. Zombies…

   After the two brief confrontations just now, Zhou Xiao can be sure that Wuzong has amazing defensive power, and ordinary attacks may not be effective.

   "Try Saitama Gloves?" Zhou Xiao thought to himself.

   But on second thought it seems that it is not the time.

   That ghost girl should be more tricky than Wu Zong, and there is also a Hades who may come back at any time.

   Saitama Gloves must be saved until the end.

   is thinking about countermeasures,

  Suddenly, the Buddha bone relic floated out by itself as if inductively, and merged into the ancient dragon robe.

  With the integration of the Buddha bone relic, the golden light of the ancient dragon robes bloomed, and the original complex and mysterious runes were instantly converted into Buddhist scriptures. A huge **** appeared at the sole of Zhou Xiao's feet, and Zhou Xiao's whole person became solemn and solemn.

   The sound of Buddhist and Sanskrit singing seems to come from eternity,

   played in the empty space…

   (end of this chapter)