MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 19

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I spent the next few days digging traps.

This thing, too, went well. After all, everyone is also an experienced person. Moreover, there are a few more people than before, and the efficiency has also been greatly improved.

The tribe settled here, hunting is a long-term thing, and more traps can be dug. Only in this way can the tribe's food gap in a short period of time be filled.

The place where the trap was dug was in the direction of the old site, about ten kilometers away.

From the previous incident of being attacked by leopards at night, as well as observations on the way, everyone knows that there are not many prey in that direction.

Sang Yu stopped digging the trap after digging it for two days. It's true that she has long hands and legs. But I can't stand it after bending my waist for a while. So he left the work to other people, and he took Siya around in the forest.

She has one thing that needs to be resolved as soon as possible, and that is to find salt.

Food without salt is not just a matter of whether it tastes good or not.

People are working and sweating every day, and a lot of salt is lost with sweat. But only going out and not going in, the body lacks this kind of element, when they do some heavy work, they tend to feel tired and lose energy.

But salt is generally found by the sea.

The river not far away is a freshwater river with no salt at all.

Sang Yu could only turn her eyes to the surrounding mountains to see if it was possible to find a salt mine.

In the forest, many animals need salt, especially some herbivores.

They can't get salt by catching other animals to draw fresh blood like carnivores, so how will they get it?

Sang Yu rode Siya and patted it on the head and said, "Don't you animals like to lick rocks? You can lick them one by one to see which one is salty."

Si Ya rolled her eyes upwards, and hummed twice, as if she was saying to her: Do you think I look like a bear who can eat salt?

One person and one bear went around for several days, but the salt mine was still not found, so Sang Yu had to give up.

According to Ci, if you want to eat salt, you can go to the market to exchange it.

But the Bird Tribe used to be very poor. There were too many people and they couldn't eat enough. Where could they afford salt? Even the leader couldn't eat salt once in several years.

Since you can't find it, you can only take a step back and adopt the second strategy, go to the market or trade fair to exchange.

But if you want to exchange, you have to have something to exchange. So Sangyu turned to the river that crossed the middle of the plain after searching for the salt mine to no avail.

According to observations, the soil on this side of Xindi, not just on both sides of the river bank, but almost the entire area of ​​Xindi is suitable for making pottery and bricks.

Sure enough, Sangyu only walked back and forth along the river bank once, digging east and west, and everywhere he went, there were surprises, the closer to the river the better the soil quality.

Very good!

After the pottery is made, it can be exchanged for salt in the market.

The pots and pans in the tribe can also be solved.

Thinking that she has been here for so long, she has never drank a sip of boiled water in a serious manner, and the barbecue made her feel extremely dry in her heart and lungs.

Sang Yu immediately asked the members of the handicraft team to rush to the river to build a few grass sheds and prepare to make pottery here.

For today's handicraft team, it is not easy to build a straw shed, and they built three large straw sheds in less than half a day.

Then the next step is to build the kiln.

The reason for building a kiln is to further increase the success rate of firing pottery.

The firing of ceramics requires thousands of degrees of temperature to be refined. The reason why some pottery firings fail is because the temperature is not high enough.

But if you build an earthen kiln, you can control the temperature inside, and with the blessing of charcoal and firewood, the earthen kiln can reach thousands of temperatures at the highest. The minerals in the clay react chemically under the fire, and the pottery also Can be heated evenly, greatly improving the success rate.

Without saying a word, Jiao and Yan started construction according to Sang Yu's request.

Sang Yu mixed the impurity-free kaolin with weeds and water to make clay, and asked these people to step on it in turn to make the mud transparent.

He then directed Jiaoheyan to pile up the clay to form a kiln in the shape of steamed buns, in which forty or fifty embryos could be placed at a time.

Of course, in the process of building the kiln, most of the demonstrations were done by her herself, with Yan and Jiao assisting.

Soon, a mantou kiln with a large space in the middle and a narrow outlet was built, and a small opening was opened on each side of the kiln to facilitate the insertion of fuel.

Sang Yu asked Deaf to chop firewood and carry it to the kiln for backup.

All other handicraft teams participate in kneading pottery embryos.

Because there is no automatic rotating disk, you can only try it with your bare hands.

Some people are clumsy, and the molds they make are weird and ugly to the extreme.

Sang Yu had to rack her brains to make a few semi-automatic pinches, one turning and one pinching. Although it is labor-intensive, the embryos made look much better in appearance.

But even so, there are still some people who have done it crookedly, but there are also people who have done it well, that is, the three sisters of Daxue.

Sang Yu didn't hesitate to praise this, and the sisters were praised by the leader, with shy smiles on their faces.

After two days, the workers of the handicraft team pinched a total of 90 embryos of various shapes and sizes. Sang Yu asked them to put these embryos in the newly built straw shed to dry in the shade, and then fired them when they were completely dry.

Because if the embryo is fired before it is completely dry, the embryo will burst immediately when it encounters high temperature.

A week passed, and the placed embryos were also dried in the shade.

That afternoon, Sang Yu started to burn pottery.

She stuffed the firewood into the earthen kiln, and then put the dry embryos one by one through the side door of the cave. There was a certain gap between each embryo to facilitate the filling of firewood fuel. These small spaces can also allow firewood Fully burnt, several sides of the embryo can be burned until thoroughly burned.

When everything is ready, the clay kiln is officially fired, and at the same time, firewood fuel is continuously added from the kiln head and the small openings on both sides.

Then observe the change of the embryo from the small opening. When you see that the color of the embryo changes from orange-red at the beginning to orange-yellow-red, and finally you see that the ceramic glaze is bright and almost transparent, stop the fire immediately and turn the kiln All vents were blocked, and it was left to simmer until dawn the next day.

During this process, Sang Yu explained to the three Fengxue sisters beside her while operating.

These tasks are always assigned to other people, and my energy is limited. The biggest task and the most efficient way is to teach these tasks to those who are good at them, and let them do them to upgrade and pass them on.

From the experiments during this period, she found that the three Fengxue sisters had a great talent for making pottery. So I took them with me during the operation and explained everything in detail.

Since the three sisters were driven by the former leader to the back mountain to fend for themselves, life has been very difficult. Now that I can come back, I can eat enough every day, and I don't want to leave.

Now the new leader is willing to teach them how to make pottery, and because of their interest, they cherish this opportunity very much.

They carefully wrote down what Sang Yu said, and asked questions in time if they didn't know it.

Sang Yu liked their attitude very much, and even knew everything about it.

On the night of pottery firing, Sang Yu was not sure what to do, and did not want to go back to sleep after the fire ceased.

The three sisters also cared about the pottery in this kiln, and if the leader didn't leave, they wouldn't leave either.

Yu, who has always been taciturn, was left behind.

Yu was arranged to dig traps together during the day, but at night seeing that Sang Yu hadn't gone back to sleep, she followed her to the river in the dark.

Sang Yu is now used to this little guy's silent company, so she didn't drive her away, and went about her business with peace of mind.

She asked Daxue to light another fire next to the clay kiln, and put some embryos left over from the previous kiln firing into the fire to roast, these were unfinished and defective products.

The appearance of pottery is actually inspired by the ancients who accidentally threw clay on the fire. Wherever the early people would build kilns, they would directly throw the kneaded embryo into the fire and directly shape it.

Sang Yu knew these histories, so she wanted to try it.

It was late autumn at this time, and the weather was getting colder. The five people gathered around the kiln, and the fire next to it was also emitting bursts of heat.

Sang Yu was thinking about something and didn't pay attention to the other people for a while.

It was pitch black all around, only the fire in front of him was still burning with red flames.

There was the sound of snoring, and the three sisters leaned on each other, lying on the ground and falling asleep.

The pause and pause at hand caught Sang Yu's attention. She turned her head and found a little girl whose head was bit by bit, feeling like she could fall down at any time.

But it seems that in order to be with him, he has been trying not to sleep.

Sang Yu looked at his watch by the light of the fire. It was already one o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was difficult for this little guy who went to bed early and got up early.

Sang Yu's heart softened, and she took her head into her arms, preparing to take a short nap by the fire in the thatched shed.

Unexpectedly, the little girl was startled suddenly, raised her head and stood up vigorously, quickly making an attacking posture.

Seeing this, Sang Yu felt sour. These children are always in such a state in their sleep. They have no sense of security and are too defensive.

It is all created by the surrounding environment.

Yu also understood the situation at this time, and when she saw Sang Yu waving at her, her forceful spirit immediately slumped down after being caressed by her.

The little girl let her sleepy eyes be hazy, walked towards her, her legs softened, and she lay down next to her.

Sang Yu felt pity in her heart, reached out and patted her head and said softly: "It's okay, it's late at night, sleep next to me for a while."

Yu breathed lightly, found a comfortable position in her arms, and soon fell asleep.

When Sang Yu woke up, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

She couldn't help feeling that her sleep requirement had once again set the lower limit.

Looking at the eight pairs of sparkling eyes around her, Sang Yu remembered the business.

She quickly got up from the ground and patted the grass clippings on her body.

Smiling authentically: "Open the kiln—"