MTL - Be a Human Again From Conan-Chapter 487 scored twice

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  Chapter 487 Scored twice

  School District 7, a high school, Kamijou Touma is trying to concentrate on class.

  Because of Index's incident, he was out of his mind before, and he cried out to Teacher Xiaomeng angrily, and was "condemned" by the whole class, which puts him under a lot of pressure now.

But sometimes you can’t concentrate if you want to concentrate, and some things can’t be forgotten if you just want to forget. Before the little nun left his house, she said with a lonely expression, "Then... Touma, you have to accompany me to **** Abyss?', which kept replaying in his head.

  What the **** is going on, magic?

  Finally tormented until the lunch break, the classroom door was knocked suddenly, and a healthy physical education teacher familiar to the students appeared outside the door, making Xiaomeng ask unexpectedly: "Teacher Huang Quanchuan?"

  Huang Quanchuan smiled: "Sorry, Teacher Xiaomoe, I have to interrupt you, Kamijou Touma, please come out with me?"

I? Kamijou was taken aback.

  Xiaomeng said: "That's doesn't matter, anyway, the lunch break will be soon, so the students will study by themselves for five minutes, review what the teacher just said, and then have lunch break!"

  She signaled Touma to follow her out, and caught a familiar figure the first time she walked out of the classroom, her face puffed up immediately.

   "Little Wolf Sen, are you there too?! Bad boy, kicked by the teacher! Haha!"

  Uh, classmate Langsen? Are you so familiar with Teacher Xiaomeng? Kamijou Touma looked at Ji Xing who was being used by Xiaomoe in astonishment: "Teacher Huang Quanchuan... What's the matter... Huh? Index!"

  Index, who was hiding in the corner, appeared with a small face unnaturally, blinked at Kamijou Touma twice, and gave him an incomprehensible signal.

   Wondering Kamijou Touma, he only heard Huang Quanchuan say: "Kamijou, the teacher asked you, did you make that child's clothes like that?"


   Kamijou Touma fell silent.

  Ms. Xiaomeng, who was holding Ji Xing's hand against his forehead and baring his teeth and claws, stopped moving, stared blankly at the little nun's clothes, and then stared blankly at himself.

   Huang Quanchuan looked at him with scrutiny eyes, Index looked at him with tense and pleading eyes, and a handsome girl he didn't know was also looking at him with distasteful eyes.

   Kamijou Touma started to panic.

What's the meaning? it's not like that!

   "Touma, I admit it." Index whispered with some embarrassment.

   Everyone looked at her, and then at Touma.

   Kamijou Touma panicked even more.

What's the meaning? Not like that! Teacher Huang Quanchuan is a security officer, if I don't explain clearly, I will be arrested... Wait, security officer?

  He was slightly stunned. Could it be that Index was worried about involving the guards and causing trouble to them? Or maybe magic or something... is forbidden in this academy city? So I can't explain it clearly, so I want to let me take it...


   "What, what, what? I seem to have heard something extraordinary, Kamijou." The voice of a good friend sounded from behind, and Kamijou Touma's body stiffened.

   "What a beautiful loli! She's still a nun! Kamijou, you actually like this style~"

  Tsuchimikado Motoharu, and blue hair earrings.

  But it’s like finding the first cockroach in the house, how much is hidden in the dark. Kamijou Touma believes that behind the classroom door, I don’t know how many students are sticking to the door to listen.

  He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, sorry Index, only this matter I absolutely, absolutely cannot bear, it is ten thousand times more terrifying than going to the abyss of hell!

   "That's not it, it's her clothes, what kind of magic is there, and my right hand, this..."

   "Dangma—" Index's voice was drawn out.


  Dang Ma's head made a very crisp sound.



  Ten minutes later, the teacher's office.

   Kamijou Touma, with tooth marks all over his face, explained everything in a depressed manner, but he still couldn't explain it in front of the students, unfortunately.

   Teacher Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief: "That is to say, although Kamijou is an idiot, he is definitely not a pervert..."

  Huang Quanchuan also heaved a sigh of relief, is it okay to find out about his own students? Although it is true that Kamijou broke it, there is a big difference between unintentional and intentional, but...

   "Magic?" She looked at Index who was staring at Kamijou Touma grinding her teeth in the corner.

  On the other side, Saten Ruiko's eyes were bright, it was like an urban legend reflected in reality, magic still exists in the world? She bumped Ji Xing with her arm excitedly: "Hey, President—"

   Ji Xing gave her a slight nod in response.

  Looking at it like an alien, Index ground her teeth, aimed at the top of Touma's arm, and let out a sigh of relief.

   "Okay, that's what Touma said."

   "So magic or something really exists..."

   "Why are you like Touma?" Index complained, "I am willing to believe in the existence of superpowers, but why don't you believe in magic?"

  Because superpowers are... science.

Limited by his own knowledge, Huang Quanchuan Aiho still couldn't understand, thought for a while and said: "So, you are in the state of being chased by a magician. Nous, it's not your bodyguard, but the magician who hunted you down?"

  Index was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ji Xing: "Did you... knock Stiyl unconscious?"

Under the explanation of several people, she knew what happened three nights ago, and said clearly: "It turned out to be a sneak attack... Stiyl is a very powerful and talented flame magician, who can release the magic weapon like the 'Queen of Hunting Witches'." A magician with pope-level spells!"

   Seeing that some people didn't understand, she said for example: "That's a terrifying 'flame life' with a temperature above 3000 degrees. If you destroy it with all your strength, it will blow up the entire school in no time... That's right!"

The small face changed slightly, and she quickly said: "My clothes are made of magic, and they track me by locating my clothes. I have stayed here for too long, if I don't leave as soon as possible, I will lead them here of!"

  Huang Quanchuan Aiho let out a light snort, considering whether to call for reinforcements immediately under the current situation.

   Ji Xing suddenly said: "So you threw away the nun's hat, is it to interfere with the enemy?"

  Index was startled, touched the bald top of her head, then turned her head to look at Touma blankly.

   Touma blinked: "My... dormitory?"

   "Let's go there!" Huang Quanchuan Aiho immediately understood the seriousness of the problem. Even if she still had some doubts about the existence of magic, as long as there is a possibility of harming the students, she must take care of it!

  She looked at Ji Xing and Saten Reniko: "As for you two..."

   "Saten, go back first. I'm sorry that I might not be able to invite you and Misaka to lunch today. I will definitely next time." Ji Xing said first, and emphasized the word "Misaka".

With the tacit understanding before, Saten Reiko smiled instantly: "I know, President, I won't make trouble. I will practice karate to train myself, and strive to become a master who will not be hindered like the president as soon as possible! "

  She also gave Ji Xing a cover.

  Huang Quanchuan Aiho looked at the two of them, and smiled helplessly: "Okay, then let's go."

  Ms. Xiaomeng waved her fists and feet: "Damn daddy! Teacher Huang Quanchuan, Xiaolangsen, protect the poor little nun! And Kamijou, try to hurry back to the afternoon class!"

   Kamijou Touma and Index looked at each other.

   That... No one asked our opinion?


  Kamijo Touma’s dormitory building is not on campus, but it is very close to the school. A few minutes later, Kamijou Touma and Index came to the vicinity of the dormitory together, while Ji Xing and Huang Quanchuan were far behind.

  Watching Touma and Index walk into the dormitory building, Koizumikawa Aiho also arranged the team members nearby and put down the phone.

  She looked at Ji Xing, and Ji Xing took the initiative to say: "I know, Mr. Huang Quanchuan, if something happens, I will help, and if you don't need me, just watch the fun."

   "" The two quickly followed.

  In front, Index and Touma were arguing: "It's not because you broke my 'Mobile Church'!"

   "Yes. But it is a good thing to have the protection of the security guards and teachers, Index, Mr. Huang Quanchuan is a very enthusiastic and powerful person."

"Idiot! Touma, are you an idiot?" Index complained, "Didn't you hear that the bad scene knocked Stiyl unconscious and arrested him, but in the end you let him go? Obviously, behind the enemy With a huge power, even Academy City's security guards are useless!"

   "Yes, I'm an idiot. Otherwise, why would I attend cram school, why would I be about to, no, I've been misunderstood as a pervert... unfortunately!" Kamijou Touma had a meaningless look on his life.

  Index blushed, and muttered: "Damn it, I saw her **** body in the first place, and you still say something about a misunderstanding as if it didn't happen, it's a pervert, a pervert..."

  Dang Ma didn't hear clearly: "What?"

  Still, who was hiding in the dark and waiting on the tree, heard it clearly, and his eyes widened.

  Before Index cleared her memory last round, that is, a year ago, he was guarding Index as a friend! At the age of 14, he was in love for the first time, and he had a crush on Index, who was similar in age but had the same appearance as father and daughter!

   What's going on with this man...?

  Entering the scene was more relaxed, with a cold face on his face, he came out of the shadows, and said in a gloomy voice, "Oh? Index, you tricked another unaware guy to protect you?"


Index's expression changed, and Kamijou Touma stood in front of her reflexively, with a solemn expression: "It's really here. Red hair, tall, with barcode-like lines. Index, he is the one who was killed by Lang Sen Dazed Stiyl, right?"

  Steel:? ? ?

  What's the situation, is it already known in Academy City that I was knocked out by the incompetent Lang Sen? !

  Index looked around: "Well, it's him...not good, he was cast with a spell."

   Found a magic spell in a hidden corner, she said solemnly with a small face: "Get out of here, Touma! The enemy has already arranged a spell, and magic can regenerate infinitely. You must not fight him here! No matter how many people can't win!"

  She grabbed Touma's arm, and led Touma to turn around and run at a fast speed. The corners of Steele's eyes trembled slightly. Even as Dangma was about to use the Witch Queen, he suddenly saw a figure rushing out of the corner.

   "Come here! Kamijou!"

   What the hell, guard? !

   Stiyl was startled, isn't this the guard who interrogated me that night? Why would Academy City's security guards get involved? Trouble!

At the moment when his thoughts froze, an afterimage suddenly caught in the corner of his eye, and he saw it tumbling from the side railing and downstairs, appearing beside him like a falcon, and then approached his body like a teleportation. Body!

  The movements were so fast that it was difficult to react, but the mind went blank for half a second when he saw the guard, and the other party actually completed this series of actions!

  It's... Fuck, why is it this guy again!

   Hunting the witch... so fast, it's too late!

  Flame Sword...Fuck!

   Stiyl showed 'despair' on his face!


  The sound is very loud.

  The three fleeing in front couldn't help but stagnate, looking behind them, they saw Stiyl who fell unconscious on the street, and Ji Xing who was boxing beside him.

   "...that? A strong magician? You absolutely can't fight here..." Kamijou Touma looked at Index: "Huh?"

  Index tilted her head: "Huh?"

   3k4, there are more at night. Asking for leave to return Yang Dafa to launch, try to maintain it for a few more days...



  (end of this chapter)