MTL - Battle Frenzy-v9 Chapter 291 Fight

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The heart of the machine is not a new secret to the top of the Star Alliance. Dimensions of the family, there are always a few races or individuals close to the machine family in each era, and the friendship of the mechanical family, but to pass The mechanical heart assessment is rare. The requirements of the mechanical family are too high. For those individuals or civilizations who enter the observation sequence, the mechanical family usually gives certain support and convenience, but that is the extent. There is no problem in introducing the Tianmen and the like, and the usual personal friendship, but it is not so much for them to destroy the rules of the entire Star Alliance. This is probably one of the reasons why the mechanical family did not directly defend the Earth this time.

Of course, there must be a more important factor in this.

That is the actual level of civilization between the two sides. If it really exceeds two levels, according to the law, the mechanical family will certainly not pass.

"What about the intelligence on the other side of the earth?"

"The last time I killed Lyon on Earth was a combination of a few virtual Dans. I used a set of seven-item instruments from Tianmen." Axe talked, the intelligence of the earth is not difficult to collect, after all, the level of civilization Too low, for the Gorefiends, as long as the investigation is in mind, the earth is almost a layer of transparent glass: "They built a psionic base on the earth through Wang Zhong and the illusion, and those few dans are so cultivated. It should have been the strongest force in the earth's homeland except Wang Zhong and others. Although the potential of the Earth is high, but after all, the development time is too short, these people are not worried."

"The main force of the earth now should be three strong. There is a small small Dan in the holy glade, named Aylos, suspected of having the power of Jindan. Wang Zhong himself has advanced to Shidan, just received yesterday. To the news from the underground world, before he went out to the sea to find Pluto, it seemed that there was a battle with Jindan Bayan of the dynasty. The result was that Wang Zhong won, and he had the power of Jindan. There is no doubt. I have already let people go underground. The world is looking for Bayan. If you can find him, you should be able to know the exact strength of Wang Zhong. The most troublesome thing is to recover the Muzi of Muwang, although the civilized war in the time is in the boundary, let him stay away from the inevitable strength of the river. Greatly reduced, but with the help of Pluto, it should also play the role of Jindan, and the strength should be slightly above Wang."

"In addition, the rebel leader of the mirror world has been identified as a human being, but mainly relying on the purification power of the first-hand Buddhist system to draw people's hearts, its own strength does not seem to be strong. And in the mirror world, Wang Zhong is definitely connected. Not on him, the news was blocked, the criminals were exiled, I was afraid that they did not know anything about the civil war.” Ax smiled: “But for all the current discoveries, the earth has entered the sixth level. The threshold of civilization may not be enough, but the fifth level is certain."

"In just a few short years, this little indigenous civilization that has just left the local area can be so mixed in the realm of the earth. The earth's veins are really some doorways." The Gorefiend ancestors sighed slightly, but their faces were It is a smile.

He is not afraid of any cards on the earth. He has just entered the Star Alliance for two years. Before that, he was completely an indigenous civilization. Where can he be strong and strong? On the contrary, he is afraid that the earth is too weak, which proves that the earth is not as valuable as it is imagined, and that the civilized war has a very important premise, that is, the level of civilization of both sides cannot be worse than two or more, otherwise the mechanical family It is possible to stop directly according to the rules regardless of all other sounds.

But now, the Earth seems to have the strength of a five-level peak civilization. Even considering Wang Zhong and Muzi’s actual combat power, it can be judged as the sixth level, and the blood demons are only one level difference, then the mechanical family will never have any A legitimate excuse can stop this war unless they can completely ignore the pressure and paradox from the middle of the Star Alliance.

"It is best to start the war. I will personally press it." The Gorefiend ancestors said faintly: "In addition, the three brothers of the Carlos brothers from the extraterrestrial battlefield will return, and the night soul will also return to the position to prepare for the battle. Earth only I am afraid that there will be some cards that your intelligence does not understand. If you really start playing, in the face of such an opponent, it is best not to lose any one!"



Three days, the length is not long, and the short is not short. Although the results of the mechanical family have not yet come out, the civilized war has spread rapidly, not only in the high-level civilizations of the Star Alliance, but even They have already begun to reach the ears of ordinary people. It is not difficult to imagine that the Gorefiend family must be the driving force behind the dissemination of these news, so that the more people know about this, the greater the possibility that the mechanical family will be public, which is obviously beneficial to the Gorefiend. But it is also limited to the spread of the news. For the time being, there are still few people who openly discuss the matter. After all, the results have not yet come out. If the last civilized war is not done, a bunch of people will rush to ridicule the earth, that is Oolong.

Most people are waiting and watching, it seems calmer, but it is not so calm around Pharaoh.

"Civilization war? And the Gorefiend family? Boss, what kind of big heart are you still laughing at this time?"

"Wang Zhong, the governor has already hinted at me. Rhodes D has a certain right to speak in the mechanical family, and both the Justice of Lyon and the arbitrator of Wiggins have a good impression of you and the earth. You are now looking for Luo. De D is still too late."

"Wang Zhong, honor must be defended with blood, I support you! Although civilized warfare our foreigners can not participate, but if you need instruments and the like, even open!"

"What? The Gorefiends dare to open a civilized battle with the master? Do you want to play the master one eleven? Hey! How many people are so great? When I go back to summon the sisters, we have a hundred contracts this time, we are one Hundreds hit them eleven! Ten to one!"

Jonas, Sharis, Pavaro and even Nini are chanting at Pharaoh's ear, whether they support him or worry about him, Pharaoh just smiles, but does not respond, it is simply people Look at the anxious. The only thing that made him open his mouth was a oral investigation from a mechanical family.

On the surface, it seems that the civilized warfare is a common collection of information, but it is Rod D, and after completing all the routine business-like questions, Rhodes D said meaningfully: "Wang Zhong, your status looks good, It seems that I am not worried about this civilized war. I believe that you must be very clear about the importance of this. Now I just want to ask you, if you give you the opportunity to choose, would you choose to go to war?"

Lao Wang said with a smile: "Is this what you want to ask, or is it to be asked by Justice Lyon and Wilkins Arbitrator?"

".........I want to ask."

"So what do you think the Lord's judge thinks about this?"

Rhodes D is a little sluggish, and it can make the computing power comparable to that of the supercomputer's mechanical family. This problem is quite complicated and the amount of information is too large.

He seems to be recalling only a few exchanges between the two days and the justices and the arbitrator. Finally, he said: "...very strange, I think the judges and the arbitrators are very good at you, but they It did not directly stop this civilized war... If the normal situation, the three levels of civilized warfare are completely one-sided slaughter, the judges generally will not approve."

Wang Zhong smiled: "It seems that the Lord Justice and the arbitrator of the Arbitration do not think that this civil war is a one-sided slaughter. Your mechanical family knows more about the Earth than other civilizations, and perhaps There are a lot of messages that you don't even know."

"Do you mean Pluto? And there is Aeolos in that arena?" Rhodes D frowned. "But I don't think that you alone have the ability to compete with the Golems. As for the Earth's native, The level of power is even weaker, and it is not enough to qualify on such a stage... To be honest, this time I really didn’t understand it. Perhaps the Chief Justice and the Arbitrator really have something that I don’t understand.”

"Do not worry." Wang re-taken the shoulder of Rhodes D: "I have counted in my heart, and I believe that the justices and the arbitrators will definitely measure all kinds of things. In the end, I will make a fair judgment. I want to know that If the civilized war is open, is it possible for everyone to participate, and the participants can get an exemption regardless of what happened before?"

Rhodes D愣愣 nodded. "Since this, the civil war is the highest level of the Star Alliance, and the rest can be exempted."

But what does this matter? How long does it take for the Earth talent to come to the Star Alliance?

Was fooled away, even in the end, Pharaoh did not personally say his own choice.

No one knows his thoughts, just as no one knows the strange choice of the mechanics.

Three days after such a calm, the judgment from the mechanical family came.

"Because of the irreconcilable contradiction, the Earth civilization and the blood demons began the civilized war. After the Star Alliance weighed the parties, they approved it! Two months later, it will openly determine the fate of the two communities in the Star City of the Machinery City!"

Just a short half hour after the public voice of the mechanical family, the messenger was in the sky, and the news of the rare encounters of hundreds of years was notified to every corner of the Star Alliance, and the two civilizations as the two sides of the war were ignited in an instant. The gossip of all other civilizations, and the name of the earth has officially entered the sight of the entire Star Alliance from this moment.

"Earth? What kind of civilization is it? Can you start a civilized war with the blood demons?"

"Four civilizations? Have you made a mistake! Can the blood devils force a four-level civilization and they start a civilized war?"

Sluggish! Shock! The entire Star Alliance is a moment of gloom.

Although the previous earth also has a reputation, it is basically limited to a small circle, such as the circle inside the Tianmen, such as the marginal world trade circle that is contacted by the Fantasy, such as some seven that can reach the top of the Star Alliance. Level civilization circle. Although Wang Zhong has been continually fighting for many things, such as the Prometheus, the Emperor of the Sea, the identity of the Emperor of Heaven, and so on, these reputations will not be known by many civilizations in the lower and middle levels of the Star Alliance. Not to mention those massive four or five civilizations, just like the once sinister sects, and the good ones are also six-level civilizations, but how many points does it have for the overall understanding of Tianmen? Even the incumbent governor of Tiantianmen may not be able to understand it, let alone some disciples incidents that occur in time within Tianmen.

So apart from some specific circles, people who know the civilization of the earth can be described as quite rare, but at this moment, the information about the earth has been floating everywhere in every corner of the whole world.

"I just entered the Star Alliance for three or four years, and I have already jumped from the fourth-level civilization to the quasi-sixth level... This speed is also too far-fetched. It is more fierce than the original Tianbei people. What is the sacredness?"

"It's not a quasi-six level, it's a standard six-level! I heard that the two days ago, I just got right, and the red-headed documents that stamped both the Star Alliance and the Tianmen have been sent to the Earth."

"This potential is too terrible."

"It is too bloated. At the beginning, the rise of the Tianbei people was also accumulated after a few hundred years. It took only a few years for the Earth to enter the Star Alliance. It climbed fast and usually fell quickly."

"If my family has the natural potential of earth civilization, it will be low-key and cautious. How can we recruit such enemies like the Gorefiend, even if they are now a six-level civilization, but the gap with the Gorefiend is still too big? ,Pity."

"The blood devils can only be regarded as the middle and upper ranks in the seven-level civilization? I don't know how many Jindan there are in this civilization. If I guess, it is estimated that there are no hundred and eighty."

"When you are Jin Dan, the power is the cabbage on the street? A seven-level civilization can have twenty or thirty Jindan is already the top of the sky, but also one hundred and eighty? The Tianbei people are almost the same."

"The Gorefiends don't know, but this earth has just advanced to the sixth-class civilization. The announcement also said that it is because of the relationship of personal credit. It is estimated that there is not even a Jindan. Oh, it seems to be waiting for death."

From the hot discussion of the parties at the bottom, what people care about is not necessarily the victory and defeat of the two races, but a simple and lively gossip.

The Star Alliance has not opened a civilized war for a long time. After all, the various conditions of the civilized war are very demanding. It is even more rare for the Star Alliance represented by the mechanical family to recognize its legitimacy, and the two parties involved must be quite powerful. The civilization, otherwise if it is the two ants-like underlying civilization, it is simply not qualified to apply for such a high-end ruling of civilized warfare. And once its legitimacy is in effect by the mechanical ruling, the losing party will inevitably lose everything, not to think of remorse, unless you can fight against the entire Star Alliance, then you will not be able to lose.

At this time, there are still two months before the start of the civilized war. However, the 100,000 seats in the civilized war of the mechanical city, the Star Wars, have already been sold out, even if the ticket at the most marginal position has been fired to hundreds of Venus. It’s simply unimaginable, and it’s absolutely not rich to get tickets! The whole people are paying close attention to the fact that the Star Alliance, which was originally a stagnant pool, suddenly became active. For most civilizations, sitting in the stands can enjoy the rise and fall of two powerful civilizations. This is simply the fifth. The grand event of the dimension cannot be met several times in an era.

And there are civilized wars, and naturally there are all kinds of gambling. The Zerg is the richest race in the fifth dimension, and the biggest bookmaker in this market. After all, the Zerg is not only a small number of civilizations in the entire Star Alliance, but also a legitimate conscience in the fifth dimension of various gambling bureaus. The odds are from one to one, no compensation, the Zerg is only responsible for charging an intermediate fee, and the market will automatically calculate the odds according to the betting situation of the parties.

The winner only wins the loser's money. The Zerg only provides the platform, earns the intermediate expenses, and is fair and fair. Basically, it basically eliminates the black-box operation and maintains its gold-like signboard. This is the way for the Zerg to make money.

Earth, psionic base...

In front of Ma Dong, Tianxun is putting a odds on the big screen, and around the big screen, there are hundreds of financial experts who control their respective news. Everyone is wearing headphones. While constantly receiving all kinds of information, while constantly communicating with each other, I calculated various data on Tianxun, and then waited for the orders of Ma Dong’s decision maker.

And Ma Dong is sitting in the highest central part of the hall. His eyes are staring at the screen without hesitation. Although the eyes are full of red silk, the spirit of the whole person is surprisingly high.

This is the biggest battle since the Earth entered the Star Alliance. Wang Zhong’s battlefield is on the Star Observatory, and his battlefield is on this gambling on the entire planet.

Moreover, the amount of money and the price paid for this control is completely pressing the whole earth! Ma Dong does not have any worries. If he wants to win, he will win a happy game. If he wants to lose, he will lose a good light. If the civil war is heavy, if they lose, then the whole earth will become the private property of the blood devils. What is the significance of leaving wealth? But if the civilized war wins, you must maximize the interests of this war! Whether it is fame or wealth!

The cup of dark black coffee on the table was about to bottom out. He signaled the secretary next to refill him. It was just a word of effort, and a dozen unprocessed temporary messages had piled up.

He quickly issued several orders, and the latter news also floated like snowflakes. Hundreds of handicap, the odds are changing at any time, the manpower is scarce, Ma Dong has to ask one by one, the energy consumption can be imagined .

"Mr. Minister, Captain Emily has completed the seizure of the Karen family. In addition to the large number of ore mines opened at the 8 Dimensions Mine, the Star Alliance currency of 6,000 Venus has been recovered from the Karen family's home. There are six pieces of the nine-productor and sixteen basic-level implements, and the delivery has been completed."

“Mr. Minister, the fund frenzy plan has been completed. There are 163 families such as Wang Family and Mohist School and 26 provinces headed by the Southwest Region. The resources available for donation and transfer have been counted. The last batch is expected. The goods can be put into storage at 10 o'clock tomorrow night. In addition, the person in charge of the Fantasy has already contacted, and at 9 o'clock the next morning, there will be representatives of the Fantasy to check the materials and negotiate with you about the purchase price."

"His Minister, the eleven North American families headed by the remnants of Solomon, the three provinces and four autonomous regions headed by South America, have adopted a conflicting attitude toward the fund frenzy plan, and the resources donated are pitiful. The initial estimate is about three in total. Around the Golden Star, at the same time secretly swindled the masses to march in protest against the Alliance’s fund frenzy plan..."

If you want to win big in the casino, the gambling is the basis for determining your cap. This is the plan for Ma Dong to vigorously collect funds, the fund frenzy plan.

Today's earth is not as poor as it was when it first entered the Star Alliance. Although it has only been a few months since it entered the quasi-five-level civilization, the material that is secretly controlled by the Earth people once in the world of the fifth dimension is hundreds of years. Quite huge. Moreover, there are a lot of materials belonging to special items, such as the secret fire stone that the Holy City once controlled. Wang Zhong can easily collect the tasks when they were the original soul, but because they do not understand their value, they only use the power of fire elements. In the Holy City, it is only worth a few thousand holy coins. However, after actually contacting the Fantasy, it is known that the value of this thing has been amazingly high in the Star Alliance. There are other similar ones. Help, the situation is very different.

Now the earth has to play a big one, to gamble on everything to accompany Wang Zhong to determine the destiny of the earth. Ma Dong wants to collect all the resources available to all families and even the whole earth to the extreme, all of which are transformed into cash-like feasts. In the casino, the benefits can be maximized, and the rich returns of all investors are also promised. This time, the Holy City Presbyterian Church is an unprecedented unity. All major families have responded positively. There is no way to disunify. The voices of those oppositions have long been dealt with by Ma Dong.

However, the manpower is limited, the energy is limited, and the whip is beyond the reach. All he can deal with is the high-level seniors who are going to take the lead. Some of the bottom families below, the remote provinces at the other end of the earth, and even the autonomous regions are not completely considered by Ma Dong. It is. For example, in North America, since Solomon’s death, Caesar has actually disappeared, but the remaining family power is still lingering. Wang Zhong did not think that they were a threat at the time, plus Glei had lived there, and some friends who made good friends. It seems to help them to renew their love for the king. Therefore, they have let go of the soft hand, and let the holy city not to target again, giving them room to survive. But now it has just got a little bit of improvement, but it has been as annoying as a fly.

To deal with these people, it is still necessary to use high-handed means to dare to bring rhythm at the moment of life and death of the earth. Even if there is a face of Gry, it is not good...

"All the cash collected will be injected into the No. 3 account. You will be responsible for the goods in the warehouse. You must complete all the inventory and checklisting work by 12 o'clock tomorrow night! Let Haiman Director be responsible for the acquired fantasy reception. Arrange, she and the Fantasy deal more, know the Fantasy's preferences... Captain Emily is back?"

"Already on the way back, I will arrive at the Psionic Base at around 3 pm."

Ma Dong looked at the time on Tianxun: "Notify Captain Emily to change the route, go directly to North America, pass my veteran order, inform the North American provincial and military departments, and transfer all command to Emmy. Captain, the marchers on the street are temporarily left alone, so they are going to go, but one of the instigators, led by the Solomon family, can’t be light! Before tomorrow, at 12 o'clock, I will see the heads of all of them. !"


"Wait!" Ma Dong slightly indulged, and took a few lists on Tianxun: "These people ... first put under house arrest! But without my order, not allowed to release."

It was a few friends of Glory in the Solomon family. They also pleaded with the king for their sake. Although Ma Dong’s mouth was harsh, there was a measure in his heart. To put it bluntly, the level of the Solomon family is now in the horse. In the east eye, there are only a few small fish. It is unnecessary to make Glea uncomfortable.

"Mr. Minister, Lord Hawkins of the Star Alliance Dimensional Bank has entered the city of Tianjin via the portal. It is on the way to the Psionic Base, accompanied by Captain Baren. It is expected to arrive in five minutes."

"What? So fast?!" Ma Dongteng stood up from the If the information processing was just a trivial matter, then now, this moment, it is decided that this casino war wins. The biggest decision of the negative hand. If Ma Dong wants to play big, the wealth that the Earth can currently collect and sell is not enough.

After going through so many things, Ma Dong’s heart can be a little lucky, and failure is to lose all the money, so to tap every strength, as to whether it can be returned?

People are gone, and there is a flood in the back.

"Hayman and other people have already prepared for the ceremonial ceremonies in the reception room, just waiting for the minister."

Star Alliance Dimension Bank, Vice President of Hawkins! This relationship was introduced through the Fantasy. It has already had initial contact on the video. There is no problem with the mortgage. The Dimensional Bank is not afraid of the Gorefiends in the aftermath. They also represent the intricate and powerful forces, as long as The earth was first mortgaged in their hands, and the procedures were in accordance with the rules. The Gorefiend family could only win an empty shell even if it won the earth.

The key now is how much money can be borrowed from Dimensional Bank. I heard that Vice President Hawkins is very difficult to deal with. It is a famous vampire banker. The value of the loan on the planet will definitely be under his limit. Pressure, and what you have to do is to fight with him in the end.

(More than 10,000 words, partners, ask for a monthly ticket support, thank you!)


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