MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 42 Leak detection

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Can not bear the pain of acacia, quietly followed his wife, and entered the dark room with his wife by mistake, Chu Mu thought that the whereabouts of Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei were all the truth that needed to be chased, but there was no unexpected harvest!


That organization that he couldn't find all over again?

Xie Tingyue felt that Chu Mu was in a bad mood and thought he was uncomfortable. He reached out and probed his forehead. The meaning was obvious: Are you okay?

Chu Mu gently scratched his palm, smiled and shook his head: I'm fine.

Someone was fighting in front, the situation was sensitive, the two did not make a sound in tacit agreement, and gave each other support and strength with their hands.

When Xie Tingyue saw that Chu Mu was okay, he set his eyes on the small box thrown in front of them.

The context of the dialogue between the two is clearly visible. No matter what is in this box, it can't be guessed, it must be the blue Yingcao!

Chu Mu also looked at this small box and squinted.

I was lethargic for too long in my life, and things around me were still unclear, let alone outside? He was dying for a turn, and he knew many things later, such as someone trying to kill him, such as the mysterious organization 'Genmiao'. For example, He Yuanqi did come up with a blue grass. He was also ready to wait for the opportunity, staring at He Yuanqi, to see if he could play the idea of ​​this blue Yingcao, did not expect this thing to appear so fast.

These two people appeared in He Yuanqi's wine shop secretly, I'm afraid ... the buyer is He Yuanqi this time! Unfortunately, He Yuanqi is dead, and no one will come to collect the goods. The two are afraid that they just came according to the agreement. It is not yet known that the buyer is unlikely to appear again.

Such a good time and place, but it is cheaper, do not take advantage of this opportunity to pick up a leak, I can't help this great opportunity!

Chu Mu thought, and looked around at Xie Tingyue.

There is always good luck with a lady around.

Xie Tingyue was not idle either. Seeing that they were struggling to separate, simply took advantage of the fact that they constantly changed the venue and chased the furthest away from here.

She immediately put it into Chu Mu's arms and whispered, "Hide it!"

Seeing Chu Mu still, he was still staring straight at him, Xie Tingyue frowned and looked at himself: "I have no place to put things, I can only wrong you."

While talking, don't take a deep look at Chu Mu's wheelchair, the meaning is obvious: how convenient you are!

Chu Mu then smiled slightly and pulled Xie Tingyue's hand to kiss her.

Xie Tingyue :! !!

What time is it right?

The two in front were working together, and the two behind were hiding behind the wall and rubbing their eyebrows secretly. The atmosphere was called one ... delicate.

The duo played a few laps, turned back and found it bad, the little box was gone!

It was only a sham that vented his heart, and this time it came true.

"Okay, you have a black mark, and you really want to eat black. Where did you hide the blue grass of Laozi, honestly hand it over!"

"The wicked sue first. I have seen the black mark today. I ’m lucky. I want to swallow the medicine alone, throw a fake box, and then hit the rake, right? I have been mixing black marks on the road for so long. Today you leave Lan Yingcao, let's just say a word, if we still have to play these tricks, die! "

The two started a real fire, entangled to death.

Xie Tingyue is a layman, and I can see that these two shelves are so fierce, but in fact they are not masters. This fight has to be bitten by the teeth ... that is, the black hands are true and the temper is not adulterated.

He considered pushing Xie Tingyue to leave.

In case it is found, it is troublesome.

Which direction can I go? It's too dark everywhere.

"Ah-you brought a knife!"

"Walking outside, not prepared for a dark hand? Oh, die! Ah-you-"

"Just you have a knife. Who doesn't?"

Two screams came in succession. The two in front of the rack somehow stabbed each other with a knife, and then ... died with lightning.

Both knives are right at the point.

Everyone Xie Tingyue watched was stunned, and reached out and rubbed his eyes: "Is it correct?"

Chu Mu's jaw head: "If you see that both people have been strangled by each other, eh, yes, I have also seen it."

Xie Tingyue: ...

At this moment, it seems that a **** without blurting out is out of the question.

What luck is this!

He wanted to go over and see if the two were dead, or if there was still a chance for rescue, and Chu Mu was stopped.

"Don't go, dirty."

Seeing Xie Tingyue's frown, Chu Mu immediately added: "The injury is the key, I'm not saved."

Xie Tingyue had to pass, and put a piece of clothing on the two of the dead, blindfolded, chat better than nothing.

"We can't stay here, we have to go forward."

The two have the same idea.

Unknown secrets, unknown spaces, and unexpected accidents are far from the time to sit back and relax.

"Is the buyer in their mouths He Yuanqi?" Chu Mu could think of this, and Xie Tingyue could, but he didn't know anything about Lan Yingcao. "What's so special about Lan Yingcao?"

Chu Mu couldn't give him the answer either, and his voice sighed softly: "Who knows? Perhaps someone is waiting for it to help."

This thing happened so little.

Xie Tingyue has reservations about this, but no matter who this person needs Lan Yingcao, it has nothing to do with them. They are just unlucky and often encounter: "Now think about it, He Yuanqi's death is also a good thing. How many storms. "

Once born again, Xie Tingyue wanted to live happily and live at will, and did not want to be involved in any strange incident, and his life was short.

You should cherish the time stolen from God.

"It's a long way," after walking for a long time without seeing the end, and often turning out of a fork in the road, quite mysterious, Xie Tingyue frowned. "The more so, the more I think the direction is right, Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei must be locked here . "

Chu Mu held Xie Tingyue's hand: "Um."

Xie Tingyue looked down at his hand and looked away.

Before the two died, there was no movement around them, and the situation was not dangerous at the moment. Why should they hold hands?

Chu Mu smiled with a smile on her lips: "I'm worried Mrs. Fear."

Xie Tingyue: ...

Are you afraid!

However, people like Chu Mu should not say ‘I ’m scared’ to others at leisure. This ‘show weakness’ is probably the best that can be done.

Xie Tingyue had no choice but to go with him.

Considering the environmental situation, when thinking of falling into the dark room, Chu Mu did nothing else, and hugged him for the first time--

Xie Tingyue suddenly realized that Chu Mu was afraid of darkness?


"There is movement."

The two spoke in unison, holding hands together and sticking to the wall, watching vigilantly.

Chu Mu felt something in the wheelchair, touched her hand down, touched a wooden stick, picked it up and gave it to Xie Tingyue.

Xie Tingyue took it, hesitated, anyway, a self-defense weapon: "How about you?"

He said very quietly, and Chu Mu returned very quietly: "I wait for my wife to protect me."

Xie Tingyue can feel the other party approaching, warm breath sprayed on his ear, can hear the warm smile in the other party's voice.

His ears turned red, and his palms reached Chu Mu's chest, pushing people back—

Just talk, can you say it well, stay away!

Afraid to hurt Chu Mu, his strength is relatively small, his field of vision is too dark, and the distance estimation is wrong. As a result, he did not push at all, as if he just put his hand on the opponent's chest.

Quite ambiguous.

Chu Mu grabbed that hand, kissed her on the lips, "Mrs. hurts me, I know, don't swear."

The soft, warm, slightly moist touch makes people feel hot.

Xie Tingyue: ...

Who will swear!

If it were not for the right time, he really wanted to fight this rogue!

Why are some gentlemen so thick-skinned that they are not embarrassed to talk to themselves?


Chu Mu squeezed his hand to remind him that he was moving closer.

Xie Tingyue's ten fingers spread open and clenched, holding the stick firmly, focusing on staring forward.


only one person.

Going slightly faster, it seems very anxious.

Alone, anxious ... will not be overly alert to other places, as long as they remain quiet, they will succeed in sneak attacks!

The appearance of this kind of place is more likely to be an enemy or a friend. In view of the recent encounter, Xie Tingyue did not hesitate. If you encounter Qin Ping, it ’s yours, it ’s okay. Qin Ping will martial arts and will definitely avoid it ...

The black figure moved from near to far, seeing in front of him, Xie Tingyue waved a wooden stick and waved forward strongly—

"and many more!"

Chu Mu suddenly held him.

The wooden stick paused for a moment, and the strength imparted to it could not be removed immediately, and a breaking sound was made: "咻 ——"

The shadow of the opposite side hurriedly bent to dodge, Wolverine's homeopathic fall fell and rolled, and then just escaped.

The wooden stick swung empty and hit no one.

Xie Tingyue did not understand why Chu Mu stopped him?

Until Hei Ying's posture was familiar ...


Xie Tingxing almost cried: "Brother? Why did you hit me!"

Xie Tingyue held his brother in front of him, and looked up and down a few times in faint light. When he saw that the people were fine, nothing was injured except the dirty mud monkey, and then he was relieved and turned to Chu Mu: "How do you know it is him? "

Chu Mu pointed to his ears: "Footsteps."

He has been ill in bed all year round and has not developed any good skills. He is very skilled in listening to footsteps. Seeing the dark shadow from a distance, he didn't notice anything special. When someone approached, he felt wrong, but fortunately, it didn't cause his brother to beat his brother.

Looking at the environment, Xie Tingyue finally had time to clean up Brother Xiong: "Why are you here?"

When Xie Tingxing saw that his brother was not looking well, he knew that the fear was bad, and he did not justify it. He directly said: "Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei are locked up here, I don't know which one!"

Xie Tingyue really did not want to clean up his younger brother at the first time, and asked in earnest: "What's going on?"

"I went to He Youwen, He Yuanqi's nephew, the little fat guy is in the same class, you know, the two of us have never dealt with each other. When we met, we were noisy. People. "Xie Tingxing was angry," Long Qingfu! "

Xie Tingyue frowned: "Long Qingfu?"

"Yes, that's him!" The child clenched his fist, and Yuanyuanhumu gave up his anger. "Brother he is not a good man! He seems to have any interests with the He family. The little fat man doesn't look too pleasing to his eyes and doesn't dare go too far. He said that He Yuanqi died of poison, not his murder, but he did not kill Bo Ren. Boren died because of him. It was an owe to the He family, and he could help deal with ... handle me. "

Xie Tingyue suddenly got angry: "Take care of you?"

Xie Tingxing hurriedly shot his brother back: "He saw that I and the fat man weren't dealing with me, thinking that I was going to be bad for the fat man, but he was so overcast, the fat man couldn't see it, but I really saw it He just talked to the little fat man! It seemed to make sense everywhere, and he was the most reasonable. He actually told the little fat man to explain everything, and he said he would kill me! "

Xie Tingyue's forehead angled with blue tendons, her arch's forehead hurt, and he held his younger brother's neck: "You're doing something, go outside to cause trouble, someone who wants to kill you? Doesn't it hurt?

Xie Tingxing bowed his head slightly. "Okay ... Fortunately, it wasn't a big deal. The doctor had to give me a splint, but I didn't need to ..."

As long as you can bear the pain, you can do everything.

"But I have enough people around me!"

Anyway, things could not be concealed, Xie Tingxing simply pulled Chu Mu into the water, winked and flew to signal Chu Mu to help talk, otherwise everyone died together!

Chu Mu grabbed Xie Tingyue's hand: "When my brother came home, I sent enough people around him, no matter where he was and what he did to ensure his life was not worrying. Madam, don't you get angry?"

Xie Tingyue sighed: "Xing'er is too skinny, so you bother if you work."

Do not want him to say anything about rejection, Chu Mu immediately shifted the topic and asked Xie Tingxing: "I have sent you many people. How come you are the only one now? Others? Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei are here, how do you know?"

"Here comes this secret passage. Everyone doesn't know how they separated ..." Xie Ting's stomped feet. "It's not the Long Qingfu, the cowardly little fat man told the truth. The little fat man knew that his uncle had planned the shackles during his lifetime. The matter of Shen Sannian and Qi Yingfei also knew that the delivery place was in this secret road. Long Qingfu proposed that it would be difficult to kill people on the street outside, and then I would be troubled again. It would be better to throw me here. God knows nothing about ghosts, so he doesn't need to be involved ... "

Because of his anxiety, Xie Tingxing said quickly and quickly, and the details were not so clear, but Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu were smart people, and they quickly extracted the main points.

Xie Tingxing and the little fat man, He Yuanqi's nephew, He Youwen, met Long Qingfu when they were on the shelf. Long Qingfu has something to do with He Yuanqi's death. As a nephew, the fat man must have looked at him unpleasantly, but due to the disparity in class status, the fat man did not dare to be too presumptuous.

Long Qing Fu's heart is organic and cunning, and his tongue is like a spring. The little fat man believed him, and somehow, even He Yuanqi's things that were not for the sake of outsiders were conceived.

Xie Tingxing already had old grudges with the fat man. Now he adds secret things, and he does n’t know how much he knows. As long as others say a few words, it is not impossible for the fat man to be young and vigorous. thing.

After the murder, how to commit murder is another problem.

Xie Tingxing has an elder brother who loves him very much. His elder brother has married Chu Mu as his wife. Although Chu Mu has been ill for a long time, but he does not die all day long, his status is not ordinary. People who want to protect cannot be unable to protect and cannot casually Xie Tingxing killed, it is best to act secretly.

And what He Yuanqi did during his lifetime became a good thing to use at this time. Once something happened, pushing the dead is ...

Xie Tingyue looked at his embarrassed brother, who was as dirty as a cat with a little cat.

At this glance, you know that you are suffering.

Xie Tingxing is so big that he will most likely see his brother's face. When he sees his brother is distressed, he will also be coquettish and wronged. His eyes are red: "I ... I have something wrong. I could have run when they discussed **** me. There were enough people around me. The one who protects me will never let me go wrong, but I heard them say that they threw me to the place where Guan Shenniang and Qi Yingfei flew, and waved their hands to let everyone below, take the initiative to be covered by them, and threw them over ... I just want to ask people where they are closed, they will definitely not say, it ’s better to go to the tiger's hole, anyway, there are many people, who knows that there are dense passages, and they are winding around, everyone is following tightly, No matter how unknowing it was, I was forced to separate here, and I was left alone ... Brother, I was so scared, when your stick waved over, my scary heartbeat would stop ... "

The child was too pitiful, and said that he still hugged Xie Tingyue's waist. Xie Tingyue couldn't bear it and rubbed his brother's head: "Well, my brother is here, I'm not afraid."

Xie Tingxing enjoyed the affection from his brother for a while, and suddenly returned to God, pulling Xie Tingyue to leave: "No, it's not safe here, let's go quickly, the fat man is still behind!"

Xie Tingyue: "What's going on?"

Xie Tingxing almost turned around: "Don't I just want to know where the person is being locked up, and run away when I see the place, how can the little fat man be assured, I will send someone to follow him!"

"No hurry, this is a very dense passage," Chu Mu asked Xie Tingxing a key question. "He Yuanqi was set for the Tatar plan, but he died. How did he complete it later?"

Xie Tingxing: "He Yuanqi made the silver find the underworld and paid the first payment. As soon as he sends out the instruction signal, he will immediately start to work there. The little fat man knows this, the uncle died, and the first payment he paid will not be returned. When he lost the money, nothing would happen. But he was resentful, knowing what the uncle had agreed to, and just hit out ... "

Xie Tingyue frowned: "Why did he do this? Shen Sannian and Qi Yingfei are both women and have no resentment against him."

Xie Tingxing said, "Brother, you are still too kind": "But the He family and his brother Qi Wenhai have revenge. The fat man is just such an uncle. He wants to avenge his uncle. Nothing else can be done. This is half done. You can do it. "

Chu Mu: "He wants to kill?"

"No," Xie Tingxing thought for a while and shook his head. "I feel he shouldn't want to kill, just want to frighten and frighten out, let us be anxious and annoyed here, and pay the price appropriately, indicating that his little fat is not a bully , Or simply didn't think about anything, ready to take a step and look at it, but the results did not expect, was scammed by Long Qing. "

Too many people know that they have been grilled on the shelf. What else can I do? I can only do it bit by bit!

The more I thought about it, Xie Tingxing seriously sued his brother: "Brother and I told you, that Long Qingfu is not a thing, you must be careful! He saw me falling into the fat man's palm and couldn't run away, so he dare to be so embarrassed. The fat man is bad or bad. In the future, he may become a big bad guy with a crooked heart, but it is not working now. He is brave and daring, killing and setting fire. I do n’t think he can do that. Long Qingfu fluttered a few words, serious Seriously, justified, just like a gentleman, the fat man changed his mind ... "

"Long Qingfu ..."

Xie Tingyue was reading the name, and he didn't understand it. What was this person trying to figure out?

But now the situation is urgent and cannot be stopped anymore!

Xie Tingyue held Chu Mu by hand, dragged his brother with one hand, left the place, and carefully explored the secret road to see if he could find an institution.

I do not know how long past, the three came to a wall.

This wall is different from other places, it is a little uneven, and it feels very connotative at first glance. The three stood in a row, reached up and groped on the wall.

I don't know who touched it, or someone else was moving elsewhere. The wall suddenly moved and started to sink!

The sinking speed was very fast. When the three had not responded, they lost the barrier of the wall and stood alone.

It is the little fat He Youwen!

"Xie Tingxing!" The enemies met with jealousy. The fat man saw Xie Tingxing's eyes changed. "Suppose I buy one, get two, two more? I was still hesitating, but now it's useless, you one by one, all You have to die, here, here, here! "

The fat man changed instantaneously, it was overcast and cruel, and he didn't look like a child at all. He was rushing over with a knife and carrying a knife in his hand.

Xie Tingxing's heart was tense, one by one left and right, grabbing Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu: "What are you doing, run!"

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu did not move, Qi Qi seized him and held him in place.

Xie Tingxing's eyes were all widened, this is ... the rhythm of death?

Xie Tingyue: "He is still a child."

Xie Tingxing's small brain turned away: so?

Xie Tingyue: "There is only one person."

Chu Mu added, pointing to herself and Xie Tingyue: "And we have three."

The meaning is more obvious, what's the problem with two adults and one and a half children, restraining one child from the other?

Xie Tingxing was a little hesitant: "But he has a knife ..."

Adults fight so stupidly, do n’t even think about carrying weapons!

And he is also a child. He is not as strong as a fat man. Although his brother is an adult, Chu Mu is a patient. Three of them can hold a person with a knife?

Chu Mu told him with actual actions, this matter is fine.

He only stretched out his slender right hand and hit his finger lightly.

Qin Ping suddenly jumped out from behind the little fat man, jumping lightly, unloading a knife, uniform, and a series of movements.

Chu Mu smiled relaxedly: "Look, isn't this overpowering?"

Xie Tingxing :! !!

This is where they are trying to subdue the fat man, obviously they have foreign aid!

Adults are so cunning! He deceived him ... he almost believed it, ready to do his sleeves!

Xie Tingyue stunned his stupid brother, "Do not forget to observe more at any time."

Since entering the secret road, Qin Ping has not appeared, and I do not know where he was trapped. As soon as this wall fell, a fat man appeared, and Qin Ping appeared in the corner. Qin Ping will martial arts, strayed into the unknown space, and will certainly hide his signs carefully to avoid danger. After seeing the master's relief, he flashed it on purpose and told Chu Mu he was there.

Brother Xiong is still a bit worse, and when he meets, he is anxious, and his observation is not enough.

The restaurant secretly said that the host He Yuanqi was dead and his nephew He Youwen had been restrained. Now if another problem is determined, the danger will be directly reduced.

Xie Tingyue stepped forward: "Where is Long Qingfu?"

The little fat man was moving all four limbs, struggling, trying to get rid of Qin Ping's system, and ignored the talk.

"Has he followed you here?"