MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 32 He wants to kill me

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Xie Tingyue is more nervous than Chu Mu, because he is worried about one more problem than the other-off the horse.

Rebirth of this kind of thing, most people will not believe when they hear it, if they believe ... they will be afraid. He did enter Chu's door with a purpose, but Chu Mu was really good. He didn't want to lose this friend because of this insincerity.

It is not impossible to go it alone, but the amount of information is too little, the difficulty is too great, Chu Mu is still very smart, smart people will think about it, actively control the field, save a lot of trouble, but when the timing is inappropriate, the information is not equal, It may also have adverse effects.

Xie Tingyue struggled for a long time and decided to go to Chu Mu.

Some words are difficult to say ... Some reminders are okay.

Always let today pass safely!

Xie Tingyue was carrying her robe corner and walked very hurriedly. She almost bumped into a person at the corner of the corridor and glanced at it. It turned out to be Chu Mu!

"Coincidentally, I'm looking for you!" He immediately caught Chu Mu's hand.

Because he was too eager, he ignored a lot of questions, such as why Chu Mu appeared so clever and was here alone.

Chu Mu's eyes were slightly drooping, and Xie Tingyue's hand was clenched. While smiling, she tilted her eyes slightly: "Don't worry, what's wrong?"

With Qin Ping touching his nose for a long time, he left very discerningly, leaving space for two people.

Xie Tingyue exhaled deeply: "I ... I don't feel right, it seems that something bad is going to happen ..."

He was anxious inside, and decided to go too fast. He didn't organize his language well yet. He didn't know how to say this. He was sad, his palms were sweaty and cold.

Chu Mu glanced over the distressed bottom and guided quietly: "What did you see?"

Xie Tingyue: "Someone ... entered your study, and I suspect he will be against you!"

Chu Mu smiled: "He wants to kill me."

Xie Tingyue's pupils narrowed.

Chu Mu is wrong! Too assertive, too restless, as if everything ... long known?

And ready to wait for it.

"Recently in my study, there are often passive traces. Although the other party tries to restore as much as possible, it looks like it is not different, but my things are the most clear to me."

Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingyue, her eyes stretched, a smile that didn't resemble a smile, not because she wanted to laugh—he was comforting him.

Xie Tingyue suddenly became quiet.

Chu Mu knew ... it had been known for a long time that he could be so calm, what was he afraid of?

Chu Mu guessed that there would be an accident today, was she prepared for it? Suddenly appeared here-Xie Tingyue took a look around, and looked at the surrounding environment, and then came to a conclusion after seeing it. Did she intentionally come to him?

If so, then the other person must have more information than himself.

Xie Tingyue's eyes were slightly to the side, and he tentatively said, "Are you there?"

"Also, this situation happens regularly, and it will happen every once in a while," Chu Mu seemed very satisfied, encouragingly shook his hand, "and this delicate time, always with Hejia shop The days of delivery into the house coincide. "

So Chu Mu knew He Yuanqi was wrong.

Xie Tingyue scolded He Yuanqi while distressing Chu Mu. What blood mold was this? Sickness and crime don't stop, there are always people who hate it.

He Yuanqi came to Chu Mu, but in the last life ... an accident happened, Chu Mu escaped?

He didn't know what the accident was. If the accident in his life changed because of him, it would not happen again, would Chu Mu escape?

On the day of the Chamber of Commerce, he offended He Yuanqi fiercely. I don't know if the other party would be more overwhelmed by this trick.

Xie Tingyue frowned fiercely, and her thoughts kept rising.

"Don't be afraid," Chu Mu held Xie Tingyue's hand and smiled. "I chop his finger on the day of the chamber of commerce, not because of the public vengeance, just because he bullied you."

Xie Tingyue froze, who cares about this! Critical moment what are you thinking!

Chu Mu downplayed: "Don't feel guilty for this, the source of this danger is nothing to do with you, and treating him is not a big deal."

Xie Tingyue softened his heart.

This man ... but really. Now that the danger is clearly Chu Mu, why bother to remember him? Is his mood more important than his life and death?

"Mrs. Don't be afraid," Chu Mu held Xie Tingyue's hand to her lips and kissed him gently. "I won't let anyone hurt you."

The wind is light and the snow is calm, the plum blossoms on the porch blush shyly.

Qin Ping closed his eyes silently in the distance.

It turned out that it was convenient for the master to take advantage of himself? His intimate and long-lasting ingenuity is capable of controlling the wind?

Can this be treated so casually!

Xie Tingyue's face became red.

He felt that he was underperforming. He was a reborn person. Why is he so anxious and fretful, it is better to linger on a sick bed and be younger than Chu Mu?

He withdrew his hand, forcing himself to concentrate and think about what was before him.

He Yuanqi is critical to Chu Mu, no matter what the reason is, the operation is not easy. Foreign men who can't easily enter the Chu family, the shop owner, how can he get close to Chu Mu, and in what ways do he harm him?

He frowned slightly: "Let's not simply buy goods with the Hejia shop, right?"

Who's the delivery owner to come in person?

Chu Mu looked at the empty palm, and was a little lost: "In the He family's business, Eryi took a stake."

Xie Tingyue thought of a direction momentarily: "So you doubt--"

Behind He Yuanqi is Sun? It's Sun's who is at stake with Chu Mu?

Chu Mu shook her head.

Needless to say, Xie Tingyue's mind also turned around: "No, she is not good for you. She does not need to borrow the hands of outsiders. It is more likely that things will be broken."

If he is Sun, he really can't bear Chu Mu anymore, he can think of countless negative moves. Anyway, Chu Mu is not well known, as long as he doesn't leave obvious evidence to handle, everyone will not hold her.

"But He Yuanqi has no injustice with you-right, you offended him?"

Chu Mu was right, the thing was definitely not because of disciplinary punishment at the chamber of commerce. In his last life, he did not participate in the chamber of commerce, and he had never heard of Chu Mu. Chu Mu had been in bad health on his wedding day and never went out. The overturning also occurred between chambers of commerce.

Chu Mu shook her head: "I never avenged anyone."

"How can it be that an outsider can't do anything, He Yuanqi must have a helper," Xie Tingyue narrowed his eyes. "Or, he is someone else's helper. Is someone hidden behind him?"

Chu Mu's eyes glanced coldly: "He can join my second son Sun, and he can join other people."

"So this murder might not come from him, but from the person behind it!"

Xie Tingyue calmed his eyes, and the eye knife was about to fly out: "At present, it can only be in these two directions. First, there is a private transaction between Sun and He Yuanqi. It is good to kill you with Sun. If no one knows this transaction, she You can stay away from it and go to the pan smoothly, or the scene is appropriate, no one is too entangled in your life and death, she does not need to dump at all; second, He Yuanqi is standing behind other people, he has two sides and three swords, and the second son Sun It was also used by others because she was careful and in control! "

Xie Tingyue hopes to be the first type. If the person behind is Sun's, the grievances are all in his own house, so it can be resolved. If it is the second type ... it will be troublesome.

No one knows who the enemy is. The other party is in the dark, and he is the one.

Chu Mu frowned slightly and agreed with Xie Tingyue's words, she was also thinking.

One thing Xie Tingyue didn't know-Lan Yingcao.

On the day of the chamber of commerce, He Yuanqi photographed Lan Yingcao. Everyone thought he wanted to give it to Qu Qi. But shortly after the meeting, He Yuanqi went on a rampage and said Lan Yingcao was stolen.

There were a lot of people that day. If you couldn't keep your eyes on one's eyes, things would be lost, but Chu Mu knew that was not the case. When He Yuanqi took Lan Yingcao, someone in the back streets was ready for the transfer, and this man was extremely tall, and Qin Ping failed to catch up.

Lan Yingcao ... what kind of role does it play?

Xie Tingyue's eyes moved slightly: "Will you lead the snake out of the hole and create opportunities?"

Chu Mu looked at him and smiled, "Just what I want."

The two seem to be very acquainted, and they always have the same opinions on some questions and answers, and their thoughts and words are exactly the same as each other.

Xie Tingyue had a numb fingertip.

Mingming's hand has been pulled back, but Chu Mu didn't hold it. He still feels numb and crisp, is this the feeling of tacit understanding in the legend?

The other person knows what you think. The other person's thinking direction is exactly the same as yours.

He understands me.

I know him.

Xie Tingyue suddenly wanted to take a good look at Chu Mu. How could such a person exist in the world?

But at this moment, there seemed to be some special emotions flowing slowly in the air, which made people feel embarrassed. He ... his face was not thick enough, and his head was turned aside.

My heart beats a bit fast.

As for mutual doubt ...

Chu Mu didn't need this, Xie Tingyue had been trying to find a way to clarify himself, always paying attention to words and deeds, and never thought in this direction.

All dialogue and information are the result of Chu Mu's cleverness. How could it be the rebirth of the prophet?

"and so--"

"Should you pretend to be sick?"

The two spoke in unison.

It is most convenient to pretend to be ill, and Chu Mu has been ill for a long time.

But mentioning this idea, Xie Tingyue was still silent.

He knows that Chu Mu is strong and tough, and has unique strength. But whenever he sees Chu Mu lying in bed, he still can't help worrying, and feels that the other side is fragile and needs care.

"Otherwise ... forget it, think of other ways." He even reached out and explored Chu Mu's forehead.

Chu Mushu was uncomfortable, and his temperature performance was the most intuitive. He was used to this movement, but fortunately, it was normal to feel it this time.

Chu Mu held his hand and pressed it gently to his cheek: "Mrs ...."

Every time Xie Tingyue approached and approached intimately, he was very satisfied, but not very satisfied.

Satisfaction is the approach of the other party, and so much is not satisfied.

He is not as demanding as all patients, he is greedy.

He wants a lot.

"You are like this, it makes me want to hug you."


How to lead a snake out of a hole to give each other a chance?

It must not be in a place that is too lively, others will not have the opportunity to start, and it will not be too remote and innocent, otherwise the other party will hesitate, and if the hand fails, the killer's own goals are too obvious to run and will be found.

Proper quiet can't be more appropriate.

Xie Tingyue did not agree that Chu Mu was pretending to be ill. Chu Mu could only pretend to be weak. The husband and wife walked to a quiet and warm pavilion with a wide field of vision. There was a lively party scene outside a window, but it was suitable for both.

Chu Mu once again urged something and supported Qin Ping.

This time he won't let Qin Ping choke him again, and Qin Ping observes in the dark, it is much better than standing next to him, and maybe he can find something he didn't notice.

Xie Tingyue took care of Chu Mu, who was weak in her illness, and understood that her clothes were stuffed with a stove and fed with water.

Because of the acting, it is not easy to observe around, and can only ask Chu Mu: "Are you here?"

"No," Chu Mu shook her head. "The letter said that someone had just come out of our yard, it would take time to get here."

After a while, Xie Tingyue asked again: "Are you here?"

Chu Mu: "Mrs. Be patient."

Xie Tingyue said that his wife's patience would not take long, and she asked, "Not yet?"

Chu Mu held his hand: "Nervous?"

Xie Tingyue: "No, no, no, I'm not nervous."

Chu Mu: "Don't look at that tea cup, look at me?"

Xie Tingyue suddenly looked up.

Chu Mu smiled brightly and brilliantly: "I'm not better than a cup?"

Xie Tingyue: ...

Silently forehead.

What is better than a cup?

However, due to Chu Mu's joke, he felt a lot more relaxed, and gave Chu Mu a glance: "Be serious, if you don't concentrate, it will happen."

Chu Mu: "What if I fail?"

Xie Tingyue froze, and the only words of failure were-"to die together."

When others are prepared, they don't have enough ability to avoid it, they only have a dead end. He also considered this path, not afraid, and did not feel that it was a pity. At most, he did not kill Lin, and ... cared about his younger brother.

Chu Muxiu's fingers were long, and Xie Tingyue's figure was reflected under his eyes. The tide was thick and dark, and seemed to be rolling up a dangerous hurricane.

That's all said ... How can he resist?

Sorry, you don't have time to escape.

Chu Mu Xiu's palm changed direction and shook Xie Tingyue's hand.

Xie Tingyue felt very distressed at the thought of his younger brother, and turned his head cautiously, and asked Chu Mu: "If ... I said yes, if we are really in an accident, can you agree to me and send someone to take care of my younger brother?"

Chu Mu: ...

The moment when they clearly belonged to only two of them, they got a name.

Although I know that the other party is serious and I have a good relationship with my brother, can I not worry at this time?

Chu Mu thought she was a good husband, and his wife had to keep smiling and forgive him: "Of course, Xing Er is my brother."

Xie Tingyue noticed the perfunctory in his words: "You are being polite."

He was not angry, he understood.

Like in a newly formed family, her mother-in-law said that she would treat her daughter-in-law as a daughter. How could this be possible? My mother-in-law didn't watch her daughter-in-law grow up, raised her to take care of her, worried about her and even got angry with her. There was no emotional basis. How could it be like her daughter?

Similarly, daughter-in-law is not the same as mother-in-law.

Everyone can make sense, and it is good to be willing to communicate seriously.

He and Chu Mu are the same. He does not expect Chu Mu to like Xie Tingxing as his brother. After all, his brother knows what Xiong Dexing knows best, as long as Chu Mu is willing to accept, willing to help, and willing to communicate.

Chu Mu knew that his wife was too smart, too transparent, and not easy to cheat.

"Okay," he spread his hands, looked at Xie Tingyue seriously, and gave the most sincere reason, "I just don't want you to be sad. I'll avoid anything that will make you sad."

Xie Tingyue paused.

There seemed to be stars shining at the bottom of Chu Mu's eyes: "People always need to get along. I ca n’t like Xie Tingxing's younger brother immediately, but he is very special. I believe that after a long time, we will be able to make friends. But no matter how long this time is, It ’s all your brother. This fact cannot be changed. If you are sad for him, I will not bear it. "

"Everything I do is for you, and you are my heart."

Dishonest people are terribly sincere ...

At this moment, even though Chu Mu held his hand and rubbed it gently, Xie Tingyue didn't think the other party was playing a rogue to tease him.

He didn't know what to say, bowed his head and flushed.

Chu Mu's eyes were slightly raised, smiling like a big cat who was lazy and smug.

His wife looks so good!

Is preparing to hurry up for some time, the bad atmosphere is here.

Lu Lu stepped in the distance, and stretched out a paw to say hello: "Your dear friend, here with your wife--"

Chu Mu's smile was profound and his tone was very gentle: "Why are you here too, are you passing by?"

"No, no," Lu Li said very shamelessly, leaning lazily on the porch, "I was just tired and came here to be abandoned."

Chu Mu: ...

Lu Li: "I don't have anyone in the book who is responsible for suspicious behaviors. They mess up in special scenes and promote the relationship between young couples? You are so arrogant and cold, and the character is not good. About no one is willing to help. Brother I have to recommend myself. —— "

"And Xie Er is very cute and interesting. I want to chat with him."

Chu Mu even laughed and accepted: "He's not free, get out."

Xie Tingyue: ...

Chu Mu's shoulder was patted with the hand that had just been quickly retracted: "Don't talk like this, Lu Li is very good." He also refers to the cushion beside Chu Mu, turned his head to invite Lu Li, "Come and sit and talk together. "

Chu Mu's eyes were colder, and the tide turned into a storm.

Lu Li shook his eyes frostily and waved his hand: "Actually, I'm really not free, I just pass by. Someone is waiting for me in front of me. Xie Er, you're busy, I'll come back and talk to you again-"

He just left and said, that's fast ... let's say, the rabbit is his grandson.

Xie Tingyue: ...

Chu Mu: "Don't care about him, he is cheap, unhappy and unhappy."

There is a girl in the warm room.

Although she has been installing wall flowers, standing far as if she doesn't exist, even the owner ignores it, but some people come here, it is impolite not to go to the tea. As soon as the road stops, the maid will make tea quickly. Let it over.

Luli didn't sit down, turned around and left, and this tea was put at the table. The girl-in-law was worried about disturbing the affection of the master, and did not immediately clean up.

Xie Tingyue drank the tea in her cup and did not let it continue. About tense, he suddenly became thirsty, but it took time for the maid to make another time. Just next to it, there was one that had not been drunk. —

Chu Mu understood, raised it with her own hands, and smiled and handed him: "Mrs. Please--"

It's weird ... and cute!

Xie Tingyue glanced at him, took the tea and put it on his lips--

Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingyue, and the moment before she was still laughing, the next moment she glanced at the bottom of her eyes and suddenly changed her face.

Not only did he change his face, he suddenly reached out his hand and snatched the tea away!

Xie Tingyue didn't know what Chu Mu was doing, he was very thirsty, this tea had not touched his lips yet!

Chu Mu was suddenly covered with cold sweat, and would not laugh, nor restless, and even her hands were shaking: "Tea ... did you drink it?"