MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 98 When the dream is shattered

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And Su Su's heart is also big, and when she got in the car, she didn't forget to eat three or two of the eggs in her hand, and then drink water.

Fortunately, Lin Chuan brought a kettle and brought her some water to drink.

She didn't start to hurt again until she got to the hospital, this time it was really painful. Su Su, who was already squeamish, couldn't bear the pain after entering the ward and cried.

Lin Chuan was so distressed that he had to ask another husband, comrade, who had given birth to a child, what to do. The man glanced at him and said, "Just get close to her and let her pinch it, that's all." Now it seems that this is the only thing they can do.

After all, the children are their troubles, they have to pay some responsibility, right?

Then Lin Chuan really walked up to Su Su and asked her to pinch her, taking off her coat for convenience, revealing a whole body of tendon.

? ? ?

This time, he still wants to seduce himself?

Su Su dragged her waist and looked at Lin Chuan, not knowing what he meant.

Finally, Lin Chuan raised one of his arms and said, "Pinch, try harder."


"I'm in trouble." The child is his, who doesn't pinch him?

Su Su finally understood, she couldn't help laughing and crying: "I'll pinch you later, walk around first." Although it hurt at this time, she was still very reasonable, and let her mother Lin accompany her. Walk around for a while, and then it really doesn't work.

Just as Bai Lingling came over, he glanced at her and said, "Are you about to give birth? I'll go to the doctor." Su Su entered the operating room. And she said that she has been doing well recently, so she will give birth soon.

This is a real surprise.

After Su Su entered, Lin Hai and Lin Donghe arrived shortly after, and then two representatives of the army's military wife came over. After all, although Su Su didn't go with the army, she did some practical things to the military sister-in-law in the army, and it was normal to come and see her.

After a while, the teachers from the school came, and even Qin Yueyue came to check the situation.

Everyone sat outside waiting, and there was no sound inside.

Lin Chuan went out and smoked a cigarette before coming in again, he was really worried.

The security guard bought some popsicles for everyone. Although the weather is not hot, the temperature in the hospital is a bit high, and everyone is very irritable. Especially his own battalion commander, he was afraid that he would explode in place.

I never expected that before everyone's ice lolly was finished, there would be a loud wow wow wow cry in the delivery room.

Lin Chuan rushed to the front all of a sudden, can he come out after giving birth to his daughter-in-law?

In the end, what came out was not a daughter-in-law, but a little doll wrapped in a flower bag.

Lin Chuan just glanced at him, he didn't care, but when he opened his eyes, he was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at him. This child is like ripping off the facial features from his daughter-in-law's little face, it's too similar. Not only that, he is not crying now, just looking at him a little confused.

The nurse said a few words and saw that he didn't hear him, then turned to Mother Lin and said, "This child's body temperature is low, can you give me a hug? Put it in your arms."

"Nengneng." Lin Mu immediately took it, and Bai Lingling stepped forward to undress her and said, "Let's go back to the ward to hug, Susu will wait a while before coming out."

"Why?" Lin Chuan asked immediately, he was afraid that Susu would be in danger. I even wanted to break in directly, but I was afraid that I would influence the doctor to save people.

Bai Lingling said: "She has to observe it inside. If she is born normally, she will come out in a while."

"Yeah." Lin Chuan was relieved when he heard that everything was fine, while the women on the other side followed Mother Lin back to the ward, and everyone liked the newborn.

Qin Yueyue couldn't speak, so she stood aside and looked at her and said, "It's not like Brother Chuanzi at all."

Mother Lin's happy face turned black in an instant. Although this small face completely seemed to be pulled from Su Su's face, there was something inexplicably similar to her son in her eyes. Plus the chin is also a bit like. I was still looking for it, but she was not happy when she said that.

"It's as if you saw my Chuanzi when he was little."

"No, no, but I heard that family planning is going on now, and I can't even want to have a son after having a daughter." Qin Yueyue just didn't plan to make the Lin family happy, she saw their family I am not happy when I am happy, so I always say sour words.

Mother Lin sighed and said, "I don't think I heard the nurse say it's a boy or a girl."

"Yeah, I was so busy that I forgot." A military wife replied.

"Look." Human.

Mother Lin was actually tricked by the boys in the family. She thought she was a daughter from the time the child was carried, and she looked like Susu, so she almost knew it in her heart. But when I opened the flower cloth bag, I was stunned, it turned out to be a son with a handle. That is to say, she has an eldest grandson.

"Oh, he's a boy, your family can take advantage of it." A military wife said.

"Yes, yes, but they all rare girls. There are only four boys in our family, and they all look forward to a girl with red eyes. If it is a boy, they will probably be unhappy."


One of the military sister-in-law said to Qin Yueyue who was standing beside her, "what else do you have to say, little daughter-in-law, do you think there are no more boys than girls?"

Mother Lin said with satisfaction: "Speaking of which, our family, Chuanzi, had booked a girl before. Now, look, luckily we didn't marry her, otherwise our family wouldn't even have a birthday child."

But she was not stupid enough to go to Lin Donghe to complain, because that man was no longer the man he used to be. Although he would often give her money, he no longer believed her. In his heart, Susu, who gave birth to someone else's child, was closer, which made her really unbearable for a while. But there was no other way. I had to endure it. My parents found out that her man was running a factory.

She has to endure for this.

As her mother said, no matter how cumbersome her family is, she is the closest person, and no one else can.

On the other side, Susu was finally pushed out. She was in a daze all over, exhausted and just wanted to sleep. It wasn't until I heard Lin Chuan's voice that I looked up at him, and then said a little depressedly: "I have given birth to a son, and the clothes have to be re-prepared."

Lin Chuan held her hand and knelt on the ground halfway and said, "Sons and daughters are the same, you are fine."

"What's wrong with you man? If the patient wants to rest, you can let her sleep for a while, don't disturb her." The nurse on the side said, Lin Chuan immediately put Susu's hand down In the quilt, and then said: "I see." Almost forgot that she needed a rest.

"Don't go, don't leave me." Su Su was a little scared when she was trapped inside, so she didn't want to let go when she saw Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan had no choice but to hold her hand and return to the ward together, and then just sat there holding her. She suddenly thought that she would definitely want to eat something when she woke up, at least drink some hot water, so she asked her younger brother Lin Hai to fetch water. Who knew that guy was standing there like a wandering soul, and when he heard his elder brother call him, he watched Looking at the little doll held by her mother, she said, "Where's my little niece?"

"Stop dreaming and go fetch water." Mother Lin glared at him.

Lin Hai went to fetch water depressed, and at this time the little boy in Lin's mother's arms burst out crying, awakening Susu who was asleep.

Mother Lin said helplessly: "This child seems to want to speak." How long has it been since he was born? People of the older generation say that the child who speaks early is healthy and skinny. But his daughter-in-law was still sleeping, so he couldn't bear to disturb her.

However, the child has to be fed.

Lin Chuan frowned, sure enough, the son is not as good as the daughter, so bad.

But in the end, she was still distressed, and asked in a low voice, "Can you?"

"Help me up." Su Su insisted on sitting up, and then asked Lin Chuan to carry the child over. Although she was sleepy, she knew how good the colostrum was, and she had to feed her baby no matter what.

Lin Chuan pinched the child, yes, pinched.

"The child is not so huggable, boss, you want to kill him."

"Can't stop, stinky boy."

Su Su glanced at him, and then the whole person became full of energy, and said anxiously: "What are you doing, he is a child, not a puppy, how are you carrying it."

"Yeah." Lin Chuan, the raw father, gave the child to Su Su, and then unwrapped her clothes. However, after the child got close, he closed his clothes, so that no one could see his daughter-in-law's body at all. It was really vinegar.

The child gasped in pain as soon as he sucked Susu, and at last he was about to cry.

Lin Chuan said anxiously: "Mother, what should I do, let's make milk powder." Before Su Su was afraid that she would not have enough milk to eat, so she bought two tins of milk powder.

"It hurts for two days at the beginning, but it will be fine after that." Although he said this, he added: "How about taking a few mouthfuls and making milk powder later?"

"No, no need." Almost numb, Susu said weakly: "Look at how young he is, how can he be so energetic."

After hearing what her mother-in-law said, Su Su glanced at her son. He was indeed a double eyelid, and he was very similar to himself.

"This double eyelid looks like his father, I didn't have it when I was a child." Susu's double eyelid was pasted with double eyelid tape. Thinking of forgetting to take it off when I went to bed one night, I was forced to post it as a permanent little inner double.

"Really, his father, his father was born with double eyelids when he was a child, it was black, and his whole body was black, and now it is not white. This child, white like you ." Mother Lin said.

When it comes to who the child is like, the two of them start chatting endlessly. Lin Chuan feels that when the child is finished eating, he should let his daughter-in-law sleep for a while, or else the conversation will be lost.

After feeding the child, Su Su was also hungry, so Lin Hai happened to deliver meals to the three of them.

The rice was made by a military wife in the factory, but it was just rice and eggs from Lin Haina.

Lin Chuan and Lin Mu can eat some pickles, Susu can only eat porridge, and she was taken away by Lin Mu as soon as she was going to take it.


But there is no other way, only bear it for the sake of the child. But she was so tired that she just drank half a bowl of porridge and lay down and fell asleep. Bai Lingling didn't wake up when she came to see her, but she saw that the children liked it very much, and asked them if they had given names.

Mother Lin was stunned. They didn't care about the name, and wanted to ask the daughter-in-law of a college student to pick it up.

Lin Chuan frowned and said, "I took it, but there are many girls' names."

"But the child needs a mouthguard." Bai Lingling said.

"When my daughter-in-law thinks about it, I'll see what she has to say."

Lin Chuan didn't feel proud of having a son at all, he felt that it was his daughter-in-law who suffered, so she had to choose the name.

When Su Su woke up, she had another task, she said a little speechlessly: "Didn't you already take it?"

"Lin Songmei, like this?"

"Oh yes, it's all my fault that Lin Hai has to ask me to take more girls. Everyone also said that I must be a girl when I look good, but I ended up taking girls' names. Ah. , Speaking of which, there is really a boy's name. Lin Yiran, how is it?" She is very special when it comes to choosing some festive names now. In particular, the name is a bit unisex, in fact it can be used by boys and girls.

"Sounds good, that's all." It's the same.

"What about the nickname?" Mother Lin didn't quite understand what Yi Ran meant, so she naturally had to ask about the nickname.

"My mother will choose the nickname, right?"

"How can I take it, Chuanzi, you come." Lin's mother doesn't know a few words, the names of these people in the family are taught by her daughter-in-law, so she is quite knowledgeable. Admire.

Lin Chuan doesn't know how to take a nickname, but looking at his son, he thinks it's not bad to have someone who can inherit his mantle. So he said cautiously: "How about we fight?"


"Why is it called that?"

"Because, I think it would be better for him to be a soldier in the future." Lin Chuan was not familiar with other careers, so he wanted him to be a soldier when he had a son.

"Uh, why do you have to be a soldier?" Su Su frowned, isn't it good to be a president? But she felt that the name Zhan Zhan was a good name, and it sounded nice when it was called smoothly.

"What can a good man do if he is not a soldier." Lin Chuan said.

"Can't you go to university?" Su Su asked Lin Chuan to think of this, and she couldn't help but say, "Yes, you can go to university."

"But Zhanzhan is not bad, so let's call it this." In less than an hour, their son's name was negotiated. When Bai Lingling brought Chang Yuejin over to see it, he had already started to call Zhan Zhan, while Chang Yuejin glanced at the child and said, "Like a little girl."

Bai Lingling stunned him and said, "You know what, this is called beautiful, and beautiful girls will be popular in the future."

"Oh, oh." Chang Yuejin glanced at Lin Chuan, he felt that his battalion commander must be dissatisfied, he finally had a son who didn't look like him.

But look at him, he looks like he has children and everything, although he doesn't hug him, he always looks at him.

Son, so good?

He glanced at Bai Lingling and suddenly wanted to have a son.

Bai Lingling actually understood his thoughts, glared at him and ignored the man, and looked at the child wholeheartedly. But suddenly I remembered something and said: "The doctor said that Su Su has nothing to do, and can basically be discharged from the hospital."

"That's good, that's great." Who would like to stay in the hospital, and Chang Yuejin said, "Why don't I wait until tomorrow morning, I'll drive the army car to take my sister-in-law back." Otherwise you have to pack very tightly and sit on the scooter.

"Tomorrow I'll just come by myself, you don't need to ask for leave." Lin Chuan also wants to go back to the army. Although he really wants to accompany his wife, the army is also very busy.

"Alright, but the camp is not too busy recently, you can go home and take a look while you have nothing to do."

"Well." The two men went outside to smoke a cigarette and then returned to the army.

Su Su has been sleeping because she has Lin Mu and Lin Hai to take care of her, and it is not until the evening that she is more energetic, and she also has time to play with the children. But now the child is too small to hold it.

Fortunately, Susu has everything prepared, so it is quite easy to use.

The next morning, she was dressed and put on a scarf and was sent to the car, and then Lin Chuan sent them back to the family area of ​​X Dongda. After sending it over, he had to leave. After all, the army still has something to do.

Su Su didn't pick this reason, because in the evening the teacher and Song Ailing came. They all came to see the children, and by the way, there were some people who threw some money. One person threw 10 yuan and some 5 yuan. In this era, they are already quite large.

"Is it okay for these people to throw so much money?" Mother Lin was a little scared and gave the money to Susu.

Su Su smiled: "It's alright, mother, don't worry, we will go back sooner or later anyway."

"That year, the gift person will get a lot of money."

"It's all like that."

As soon as Su Su said this, she heard someone knocking on the door, Lin Mu got out of bed and opened the door, and then said in a very cold voice: "It's you."

Listening to this tone, I think it may be someone I know or hate. She didn't know what happened in the hospital yet, so she wondered who made Mother Lin hate it like this.

Qin Yueyue entered the room when she was thinking about it, then smiled and said, "I'll see the child..."

"Go away." Susu hated her quite a bit too, so she felt angry when she saw her barely smiling face.

"You, how can you do this, Donghe..." Qin Yueyue immediately turned her head crying and called out.

Mother Lin stretched out her hand and grabbed her out, her face darkened and said: "Our family is a happy event, you come here to cry, why don't you go out, my daughter-in-law can't stand it now, you're fine. Don't come."

"But, I'm here to see the child..."

It wasn't like this before, so this woman should be causing trouble again.

Lin Donghe was also very helpless. He didn't want to bring her, but he thought that Lin Chuan's mother was coming, so he brought her with him, but he didn't expect that the old lady also hated her.

"Okay, wait for me outside." After Lin Donghe finished speaking, he handed the gift money to Mother Lin, which was fifty yuan. Then he said, "Buy some food for the children and adults."

A big man can't go into the house to see the woman who is confinement, so he gives the money and goes out.

However, as soon as they left, Mother Lin closed the door, as if they were beasts.

Qin Yueyue said angrily: "look at their family, they are not polite at all. We have given so much gift money and they don't even look happy. It's really too much."

"Aren't you going to be too much? When the baby was just taken out, you said that it was not like Lin Chuan. If you saw that the bag looked like something for a girl, you would say that it was a girl."

"I didn't say it casually or mean anything."

"Qin Yueyue, don't I know what you're thinking? Don't you just want to disgust Su Su, because she is often embarrassing. However, people are better than you. Knowledge is better than you, long He is prettier than you, and then he is wholeheartedly devoted to Lin Chuan. I really envy Lin Chuan, he is really a winner in life now." Everything is there.

"You, you want a child too, now we can also consider having one." Qin Yueyue deliberately ignored the other meaning in his words, and then pretended to be well-behaved.

Lin Donghe laughed, but with a cold smile: "It will delay your study, so forget it."

"I didn't want children because I thought we were separated. If we had children..."

"Don't say it anymore, I won't believe what you say. I found that I didn't really understand you until now." Lin Donghe walked forward with a sneer, and now he has not I am free to deal with my emotional affairs, but I have given up the idea of ​​buying a house outside. If you have that money, it is better to invest it in the factory, at least the money can make money.

And Qin Yueyue's performance made him have no expectations for this woman, especially when her parents were coming over, the thought of the money-loving man and woman made him feel even worse.

"I'm not angry, I just think it's not easy for Lin Donghe to endure until now."

"I saw that they were a couple, don't say who they were. They hooked up together when they were in the village, and they hit one with their unmarried children. After that, they made trouble. It's really free to live in a different room. Speaking of Qin Yueyue's pride in our hometown, now you have to listen to men in everything. I dare to promise that if Donghe still lives in the village now , then she can't say how many homes she can find."

"Mom, sometimes I think you are the most transparent."

The praised mother Lin blushed and turned around to cook millet porridge for her daughter-in-law.

But the next few days were tragic, Su Su Mingming didn't feel angry, but the milk was still low. Xiao Zhanzhan can eat enough food right now, but in a few days it won't work.

Lin Mu was worried and asked Lin Chuan to buy pig trotters and cook them for Su Su to eat, and to drink the soup. Susu can eat well, but when she drinks the soup, she feels nauseated.

For this reason, Mother Lin scolded Qin Yueyue. Lin Hai was also very angry when he found out about this. When he returned to the factory, he didn't feel good about his second brother, blaming him for not being able to look down on his daughter-in-law. Lin Donghe was also very helpless, so he used his busy schedule as an excuse not to see Qin Yueyue. Of course, he wouldn't let her come to the factory.