MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 63 pale

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Where the milk powder ticket is used Lin Chuan is naturally very clear. He, a virgin who has not yet obtained a daughter-in-law, suddenly heard this word and immediately thought of a baby, and then thought of the process of having a baby . They are so close now, isn't that...

It is a pity that the ideal is plump, but the reality is so skinny.

His injury can't do anything.

But this does not delay the thinking of the brain, nor does it delay the response of the body.

"Sleep." He didn't want to continue this topic, it might explode like this.

Susu was also very considerate, thought he was tired and stopped talking, took out her down jacket and pressed it on the quilt of the two of them, because the quilt in this guest house was very thin, she I was worried that Lin Chuan would freeze because of excessive blood loss.


However, this guest house is a bed, so my daughter-in-law is probably not used to living on a kang all the time?

After all, in winter in the Northeast, she would not be able to stand the coldness coming from the bottom of the kang if she didn't sleep. Of course, that's not all. The conditions in this hostel are really bad.

He did think right, Susu felt uncomfortable after lying down for a while, and it was really cold below.

Although they were lying on the same bed, they shared two quilts. There were few double quilts in this era, and they were all single. She felt the coolness rising from her back was a bit unbearable.

Just as she was thinking about what to do, Lin Chuan said, "Put your cotton-padded clothes underneath and come to sleep with me."

"Huh?" Is this the rhythm of a blanket?

Su Su blushed a little, but was afraid of the cold. So I listened to him put the down jacket under the bed, and then put the quilt on him and got into Lin Chuan's quilt. She is also shy, but it is not so embarrassing when people turn their backs on her.

I didn't know what it meant when I got into his quilt. Men are born with a higher body temperature than women. It's really warm. She put her whole body on it, but her feet didn't dare, for fear of hitting his legs.

But this time Lin Chuan took the initiative, moved his feet back and raised them, and took the initiative to send them to Su Su's cold feet to keep her warm.

"Thanks, I won't touch your wound, will I?"

"No." Lin Chuan's voice was already hoarse. Although he was wearing a sweater, he could still feel the soft flesh on his back. He knew exactly what it was. He knew very well what figure his daughter-in-law looked like, there...

No, I can't think about it.

Lin Chuan forced himself to sleep, but fortunately, because he was really tired after a day of driving, he slept soundly after a while.

But the next morning they were all embarrassed again, because Susu's hand was on Lin Chuan's belly, and the whole body was stuck at his lower waist. The posture should not be too ambiguous. Anyway, Lin Chuan felt that he would have to suffer a little bit every day in the future, and it was easy to get excited this morning.

He woke up early, thinking about letting his daughter-in-law sleep longer.

I could only stand there stiffly, and it took a while for my back to move, and then there was an arching motion.


"Well, ah..." Probably found that her hug was a little wrong, Susu quickly retracted it and stepped back, and almost fell off the bed. Fortunately, Lin Chuan responded in time and grabbed her neckline. The man was rescued, but he grabbed the button on the collar, and then a deep ditch was exposed.

The flustered Susu didn't feel it at all, she sat up and patted her chest and said, "Thanks to you, it scared me to death."

“…the button fell off.”

"..." Su Su lowered her head, and found that the button really fell off, which was embarrassing. She hurriedly picked up the button from the bed, then jumped out of the bed and said, "I, I'll go get some face wash."

The water was rushed back, and then they found that Lin Donghe and the little warrior had already cleaned up the snow on the car, and it seemed that they had finished their meal and were ready to go.

Should it be so early?

She hurried back to let Lin Chuan wash her face, but he had to let her wash herself first.

"Is it not the same who washes first?"

"I have a wound on my face and medicine," he said.

At this time, Su Su remembered that she made a face mask for someone yesterday and didn't let him wash his face, so it wouldn't have any negative effects.

Take a closer look at his face, not bad.

After she washed her face, Lin Chuan washed her face, and then Su Su discovered an incredible thing, that is, the swelling on Lin Chuan's face disappeared, even the kind of blackening things have faded.

So, is it because the mask has never been used, the effect is exceptionally good.

But it's too good, it's been a bit white yesterday.

She decided that she must provide him with a mask in the future, and strive to make him a little white face during the time at home.

It doesn't matter, anyway, she has money and can feed the unfortunate men in this era's texts for nothing.

I thought she was the only one who paid attention, but when they went out, the little soldier said in surprise: "Batch commander, your face seems to be much better, and some parts are whiter than before."

"Your sister-in-law gave me medicine." Lin Chuan actually said something proudly, Su Su thought he would be awkward.

But think about it, people in this era probably don’t know what a mask is, so they treat the mask as medicine, right?

Although hers is indeed a cosmeceutical, but the effect should not be so magical, right?

Also, where did Lin Chuan's pride come from?

She wanted to laugh inexplicably, but she held it back.

After getting in the car, it only took more than two hours to drive to the commune, but it is said that the mountain was covered by heavy snow a few days ago, so the car could not go in at all.

There is no other way, they can only find a donkey cart in the commune to enter the village, and then let the little soldiers rest in the commune before going back.

The little soldier had to send Lin Chuan home before leaving, after all, this was his mission this time.

So everyone went back in the donkey cart. The road is really dangerous. It seems that there was a lot of snow at the stage when they went to the hospital, so the road was really dangerous. It's not good to go.

The donkey cart is also difficult to walk, and you have to rest for a while.

When I finally got to the village, I saw that everyone from the Lin family had received their son from outside the village. A few tears.

Lin Chuan got out of the car and said, "Mom and Dad, I have nothing to do."

"It's fine." Father Lin looked at him up and down, he was relieved, and then patted Lin Hai and asked him to help his eldest brother to the backyard. This walk is obviously not stable, it should be hurting the leg.

Lin Hai quickly walked over to support his elder brother, and then asked his elder sister, "Sister in law, do you want to go to the backyard or go to the house."