MTL - Back To 1995-Chapter 1080 Dead fellows never die poor

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  Chapter 1080 Dead friends never die poor

  I heard that Ertian will take away Ericsson's 3G technology as soon as he comes up. Although the current market for 3G mobile phones is unknown, Ericsson also spent a lot of money to develop it. Now Alcatel wants to miss out on mobile phones? !

   But before Wei Hansi could utter the words of refusal, Elthian made him completely speechless, "Alcatel Mobile, willing to subscribe for Ericsson's new shares and bonds worth three billion dollars!"

  Just this one sentence makes Wei Hansi unable to say the word "no" again. A penny can't beat a hero. Regardless of how glorious Ericsson used to be, it is now a thing of the past.

Wei Hansi is in charge of finances. He knows how tight Ericsson's financial situation is, and if he wants to change Ericsson's situation, whether it is developing new mobile phones or transforming other businesses, he needs a lot of dollars. OK.

The most direct example is Apple, which has regained its popularity in the past few years relying on iMac computers and iPod music players. When Joe’s gang leader first returned, Apple was still poor, owed a lot of debt, and its stock price fell. It has become the price of cabbage, because Song Yang and Bill Gates subscribed to Apple's huge bonds, which made Apple breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise Apple might have shut down early.

Apple is like this, and Ericsson also needs to be like this. Only by issuing new shares and bonds in exchange for US dollars can Ericsson survive this disaster. To put it bluntly, Wei Hansi heard that Ericsson headquarters is discussing with Sony. Merge the mobile phone businesses of the two companies together.

  Even if it merges with Sony, Ericsson still needs to have a bargaining chip. If Sony wants to save Ericsson, the other party can control Ericsson, and the brand established after the merger may have to be under the control of Sony.

   After Ericsson is rich, the situation is completely different. With enough money, Ericsson can support trial and error. Even if it merges with Sony, it can be on an equal footing with Sony!

   "Vice President Wei Hansi, I hope to get a reply from Ericsson as soon as possible. Ericsson is not the only one with 3G technology!"

Ertian's tone was very tough, as if Ericsson didn't sell the Alcatel mobile phone, and the Alcatel mobile phone would leave immediately. Wei Hansi didn't dare to bet that Ertian's words were true or false, and he did develop 3G technology. Not only the Ericsson family, but more importantly, Ericsson can't afford to wait.

   "I will report this matter to President Svankel and Ericsson's board of directors as soon as possible!" Wei Hansi said without daring to neglect.

  The entire technology industry is blowing the wind of graphene, and all kinds of news, true and false, are constantly circulating in the rivers and lakes.

   And when it was reported that Alcatel’s mobile phone stud graphene, another news came out, which shocked Qualcomm, who was desperately developing 3G communication, into a cold sweat.

   "Is the news true?!"

San Diego, which is 741 kilometers away from San Jose, is not well-known compared to Silicon Valley, San Jose, Seattle and other places that are already famous, but there may be a company in the future that will make this small town a technological mecca , that is Qualcomm.

But the current Qualcomm is not the existence of the famous "Qualcomm tax". In the 2G communication era, Qualcomm did not take much advantage. Compared with Qualcomm's 2G technology, it is the 2G technology of Alcatel mobile phone and America Telecom It is very popular in America, and even got the support of America's Foreign Affairs Committee and Trade Committee, and got the communication market in Mexico, Bangzi and other places.

  The entire Qualcomm is holding a sigh of relief and wants to regain the market in the 3G era, because in the 3G era, if Qualcomm does not become the protagonist again, it is estimated that it will close down.

   As for the 3G industry, Qualcomm has always been very concerned about it. If there is any trouble, Qualcomm will immediately start to get nervous.

The speaker is Irving Jacobs, who has been in charge of Qualcomm for 20 years, and the almost recognized next head of Qualcomm is also Paul Jacobs of the Jacobs family, and Chief Operating Officer Molenko Husband, technical supervisor An Meng and others were all present.

   "There is news from Europe that Alcatel Mobile is seeking to acquire Ericsson's 3G communication technology!" Mollenkov said with a serious face.

   "Alcatel P5 mobile phone, will promote 3G mobile phone?!" Paul Jacobs also said with a frown.

This kind of speculation is also in line with the style of Alcatel mobile phones. Alcatel mobile phones have always been the pioneers in the mobile phone industry in recent years. A 3G mobile phone seems to make sense.

Hearing that the 3G communication era may come, Qualcomm is both excited and a little nervous. The 3G used by Qualcomm is CDMA technology. In the 2G era, after America did not have an advantage, in the 3G communication era, America must push The 3G technology of CDMA suppresses the 3G communications of Nokia, Ericsson, and Siemens in old Europe to ensure the technology of America in this industry.

This is a great opportunity for Qualcomm. If there are no accidents, Qualcomm will become the overlord of the 3G communication era, but...the accident is that there are two companies in America that are also developing CDMA 3G technology. That is Alcatel mobile phone And American Telecom, also playing this set!

At present, the patents of 3G communication of CDMA technology are basically in the hands of Alcatel mobile phone and Qualcomm. Among the more than 1,200 patents of CDMA, Alcatel mobile phone has won 700 patents by relying on its wealth and wealth. On the contrary, Qualcomm has only more than 500 patents. In front of Alcatel mobile phones, Qualcomm did not take advantage.

   Now Qualcomm and Alcatel mobile phones are not in conflict with each other, because there are still a group of opponents such as Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, etc., but Qualcomm also knows that after defeating these opponents, Alcatel mobile phone is Qualcomm's biggest opponent!

   "Qualcomm needs to seize the 3G market!"

Owen Jacobs said without hesitation that Qualcomm has bet all its hopes on 3G and dare not slack off at all. Regardless of whether Alcatel mobile phones will enter 3G or not, Qualcomm will enter the market. There is room for choice.

   "With 3G communications alone, Qualcomm does not have an advantage. Qualcomm must enter the 3G chip market to ensure that it will not be out!

  Qualcomm can find a mobile phone manufacturer to launch a mobile phone with a 3G chip. "

De Anmeng, who is in charge of technology, also said at this time that in the communication market alone, he is really not confident that he can win against Alcatel mobile phones and Ericsson's opponents. The launch of Qualcomm's 3G chips can also be used through 3G communications and 3G chips. Knives to grab the market.

   "Texas Instruments, Nvidia, Intel, Motorola and other chip manufacturers will not produce 3G chip basebands. Qualcomm can produce chips with basebands. If necessary, you can buy chips and get basebands!"

   At this time, Mollenkov said with a grim expression that Qualcomm is still a newcomer in the chip industry compared to Alcatel mobile phones. If they want to stand out, they must find another way.

  Buy chips and get baseband free, even if you don’t make money, you have to disgust the opponents of Texas Instruments, so that Qualcomm can gain a firm foothold in this industry.

  Facing the possible 3G war, not only Alcatel is preparing for the war, but Qualcomm is also preparing for the war, and began to hook up with mobile phone manufacturers, trying to sell their 3G technology and chips together.

  The news received by Qualcomm quickly spread in the technology industry. Alcatel Mobile will acquire Ericsson's 3G technology. Alcatel's P5 mobile phone to be launched next year will be a 3G mobile phone.

Affected by the wind, Ericsson's stock price, which had been falling continuously, began to rise against the trend. In the midst of the hustle and bustle, Ericsson announced that it would issue a huge amount of new shares and debts worth US$4.5 billion. Become one of the shareholders of Ericsson with the new shares of Yimeidao!

Alcatel mobile phones took the lead and subscribed for billions of dollars in new shares of Ericsson. Everyone knows that Ericsson is basically impossible to go bankrupt. It sold out.

Only one week later, Ericsson released two announcements again. One was to package and sell the 3G technology and patents that were previously considered "tasteless" by investment institutions to Alcatel Mobile and America Telecom at a price of US$6.5 billion. Alcatel mobile phone has become the world's largest 3G patent manufacturer in one fell swoop, and American Telecom has also obtained Ericsson's 3G mobile phone and base station equipment technology!

  Ericsson is also obviously disgusting to its peers. It is difficult for itself, and it will not make it easy for its peers. Regardless of whether there is a market for 3G, anyway, it will send an opponent to Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel of France, Qualcomm, etc., completely muddying the water.

  After selling 3G technology and patents, Ericsson turned around and announced another statement, jointly establishing a new mobile phone brand "Sony Ericsson" with Sony. After the merger of the two, it will surpass Motorola and become the world's third largest mobile phone shipper!

  (end of this chapter)