MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 93 0: Unequal distribution of loot [ask for a monthly ticket]

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  Chapter 93 093: Unequal distribution of spoils 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

  The moon is in the middle of the sky, and the black rabbit is bright and clean.

  Occasionally, night owls cry from afar.

  The bonfire burned quietly, and there were one or two crackling sounds from time to time. Convinced that both Shen Tang and Shen Tang were sound asleep, the middle-aged man of considerable status gathered other guards around the bonfire to discuss the next step—

   "How else can I go?" A grumpy person grabbed the words directly, and saw his brows and eyes making a murderous gesture, "We've already made it this far, why don't we just keep doing it..."

"Yeah, didn't we all say that we have the same blessings and the same sufferings? Since this world makes it impossible for us to live, it's better to just take over the mountain and become the king, and we can fall into the grass together..." The person who said this looked a little gentle, It's like studying for a few years.

   Another guard said: "With these treasures, you can eat and drink for the rest of your life. Why bother to be a dog and be angry with others?"

   Expressed their thoughts in a hurry.

  Some people hope to become bandits together, while others hope to share the spoils on the spot and take their share of the money to go back and become rich.

  The information Shen Tang heard was true.

  They are indeed the guards of the Lin family in Lingzhou.

  However, some information was deliberately concealed—for example, when they went south to seek relatives, the road was dangerous, and they were damaged as soon as they set off on the road. For example, they saw gold, silver, jewelry, and antiques contained in wooden boxes—that was a huge fortune that none of them could earn in a few lifetimes! Seeing wealth, he intends to seek wealth and kill himself.

  The most important thing is that the people escorted by them are all old and weak women and children, who have almost no ability to protect themselves. Now that the world is in chaos, isn't it normal for these people to have accidents on the way? When the truth came to light, they would have gone far away with their gold and silver treasures.

   In addition to seeing money, they have other reasons.

For example, in order to hurry up, some of the bodyguards who sacrificed their lives were hastily buried without even getting a tombstone, and the other part couldn’t even find the grave—because they were being chased by the enemy, the bodies had to be thrown away, or exposed to the wilderness, Or there are no bones left.

  The pension money given is also symbolic. Ordinary people think it's a lot, but compared with the Lin family's money, it's not even the tip of the iceberg! Why did they bother to lose their lives for this little money? It's better to do the opposite, and the relatives of the brothers who died in battle can also be properly resettled.

   After planning for a while, they secretly reached an agreement.

  The original plan was to fight near Xiaocheng, but a group of bandits jumped out to disrupt their plan. During the melee, many boxes containing gold, silver and jewelry were robbed by the bandits.

  After they got out of trouble, they counted the number of people and lost more than 20 brothers, and the rest were injured to varying degrees.

  At this time, a family member of the Lin family noticed their abnormality and brought it up. They were guilty and worried that the incident would happen, so they killed them all and threw them down the mountain.

   Before there was time to fix it, the two of Shen Tang came again.

"How about this..." The middle-aged man looked at the bonfire in silence for a long time, and finally spoke. Everyone looked at him in unison, waiting for him to make up his mind. Just go and take one..."

   After speaking, some people have different opinions.

   "Why can you only take one out of 150 copies? There are only about 60 people here, so they should be divided into 60 shares!"

  The middle-aged man shouted: "The dead brothers will not be separated?"

The guard said: "I am from the same village as Mao Da, Wang San, and Zhao Si. Let me take their share back to the head office of my sister-in-law and younger sister? Just stay like this. I don't know when you will be able to go back. What about their parents, mothers, mothers, and cubs?"

  The middle-aged man's face darkened: "What do you mean?"

   "I don't mean anything."

  The middle-aged man was so angry that his neck was stuck.

   "Do you think we will be greedy for their money?"

   "I didn't say that."

  The middle-aged man was so angry that veins popped out of his forehead.

   At this time, several other people who expressed their desire to take the money back to become rich, also mentioned the names of several deceased brothers one after another, expressing that they would take their pension money back to their families. Of course there is sincerity in it, but more of it is greedy for money.

   There are more and more voices like this, and there are seven or eight people.

  The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and refused to let go. He only said that if he didn't feel at ease, he would send back the brother's pension money.

   A guard who had a problem with him sneered: "Who doesn't know how to say beautiful words? Tell your conscience, even you don't believe this, how can you make us believe it?"

  At this time, another guard made a third voice.

  The money they got by working so hard, why should they distribute it to people who died early? Shouldn't it be distributed to the living?

  This voice expressed the aspirations of many people, but they still had to face it, and it seemed too dishonest to speak out, so they all held back. Now someone has proposed it, and naturally it has been unanimously echoed.

  The middle-aged man's face was so gloomy that ink dripped out.

  Shen Tang sleeping with eyes closed: "..."

   Whoops, is this the start of the uneven distribution of spoils?

  Zhai Le sleeping with eyes closed: "..."

  To tell you the truth, he really fell asleep_(:з)∠)_

   Three voices means three groups of people.

  The three groups of people were at a stalemate, and the originally harmonious atmosphere was full of solemnity and murder, full of the smell of gunpowder. Some people even put their hands on the handle of the knife secretly, just waiting for someone to break the deadlock and cut the first knife! At this critical moment—


  The sound is not loud, but it is very clear at this time.

  As soon as Shen Tang heard the movement, he secretly thought that it was not good—that person in the big wooden box, when did he not move well, but at this time?

"what sound?"

  The middle-aged man let out a loud shout.

   Everyone turned their attention to Shen Tang and the two of them.

   Gradually, a killing intent rose.

  Even if they were not responsible for the movement just now, these two teenagers can't stay, and their servants must be killed, trying not to leave any clues, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body.

  The middle-aged man's face flashed cruelty.

   shouted in a low voice: "Kill it!"

  Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, and before they had time to kill, the two who had slept soundly opened their eyes at the same time!

  Zhai Le threw the water bag upwards, stepped on the tree trunk and jumped up, forming a black longbow with his left hand, while grasping the string with four fingers of his right hand, with a buzzing sound, the arrow accurately passed through the water bag. All the exploded liquid was splashed on the bonfire, and the rest of the bonfire was also blasted by his arrows.

  The surroundings returned to darkness, only the cold moonlight pouring down silently.

   All this happened in a blink of an eye.

  Everyone was caught off guard and panicked.

   Zhai Le made a move, why would Shen Tang not follow?

  She drew her right hand out of the air, and transformed into a long sword. She walked nimbly on her feet, her body was as light as a swallow, and she was better than flying velvet catkins. The long sword in his hand pierced through the night sky, and went straight to the enemy's throat. Several throats were cut without any hindrance, and before they could react, their necks were already cold, and the spewing blood splashed a large area of ​​their clothes.

  The middle-aged man was the first to react.

   Shocked and horrified, but even more furious!

  The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole follows.

   Before the oriole could breathe a sigh of relief, the slingshot staring at the oriole's **** made a move! Thinking that he has been cautious for many years, he actually suffered a big loss at the hands of two yellow-mouthed children today!


   PS: Regarding the previous picture of Guan Yiwu, it should be Canglin (lin three times) fact. Shiitake has been misreading it as Cangrenshi. It has been so many years since I didn’t realize that I was wrong. It’s embarrassing.

PPS: The male raccoons in the previous chapter were not intentional. The inspiration came from Liaozhai. There are many similarities in Liaozhai. For example, there is a male fox who admires the talent of a certain scholar. , there is also a very strange thing I vaguely remember, it is a male and female fox brother and sister who fell in love with a poor scholar, married together and so on...

   PPPS: Anyway, I have trouble with poor scholars...

   PPPPS: Tang Mei's height is a bit injured now, but the sword is very long, so if you want to block the enemy with a sword, you don't need to jump up...



  (end of this chapter)