MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 818 : Yun Ce is back 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

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  Chapter 818 Chapter 818: Yun Ce is back 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

  The common people in the troubled times are like rootless duckweed, unable to withstand the slightest wind and rain. In addition, some folks spread wild rumors that the enemy's soldiers and horses are several times their own, and the already worried common people are even more panicked. They are short of food, but no matter how short of food they are, they can live for a few more days if they escape. If they stay in place and wait for the enemy cavalry to step on them, they will not even have a chance to survive.

   As a result, some common people sneaked away overnight.

  The neighbors all ran away, and the rest wanted to run away too.

  There were more people running away, and fewer people were working in the fields. The person in charge of the farmland realized that something was wrong, so he hurriedly went up to play, and the patrol soldiers also caught a group. Looking at their stance of carrying money and dragging their families around, how could anyone not understand?

  The soldier said angrily, "Where are you going?"

  What are you doing running around instead of staying in a safe place at this time? Do you really think that if you flee with all your belongings, the journey will be safe and smooth? Beasts in the natural world or thugs who have fallen into bandits, which one is not enough for them to drink a pot?

  The emotions of the soldiers fell like thunder in the eyes of the fleeing common people, and the leading man hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

  They are willing to exchange their wealth for a way of life!

  Soldiers searching for refugees is the norm in troubled times.

The patrolling soldiers were knelt so pale, their first reaction was to take two steps back, distance themselves from the man, as if not to touch him; the second reaction was to look around at the soldiers, afraid of themselves. be reported by them.

  Shen Tang's early military style was thunderous.

  Set the red line, whoever touches it will be beaten.

   With the rapid expansion of soldiers and horses, the style has changed.

   Change to boil the frog in warm water! Observe while heating, gradually increase the firepower, and test the acceptance ability of the soldiers a little bit, so as not to be too strict and cause rebellion. Among them, soldiers are strictly prohibited from oppressing and humiliating common people, and soldiers are prohibited from asking for bribes from common people in various ways. Those who report can secretly report, and once verified, they can get double the income of those who violated the discipline, and they will be credited!

   This can also put an end to the problem of soldiers covering each other after sharing the spoils. Although there are still some loopholes in the implementation, and sometimes it will cause mutual suspicion among some soldiers, but overall, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages, and evil deeds are eliminated to the greatest extent.

"This is what you want to kneel, I didn't make you kneel, and I didn't push you to beat you and scold you." The team leader was separated from the man by ten feet, and he pointed at him and said loudly, "You, Stand up and talk! Don't you set me up—"

  The man who was kneeling and begging for mercy was also stunned for a moment.

   Looking at them with a group of more than thirty people, the team leader had a headache.

  In the era of endless wars and refugees fleeing in disorder, a village only has tens or hundreds of people, and half of the village has run away! He asked again loudly, "Which village are you from?"

  The man still confessed honestly.

  The team leader thought for a while, and took him away with a wave of his hand.

   This incident came to Shen Tang without any surprise.

  Luan Xin received the news from his subordinate officials early in the morning that the number of common people working in the farmland had dropped sharply. He informed the lord that the army reported that a group of fleeing common people had been caught. Shen Tang, who was checking the preparations of the soldiers, had three question marks on his head.

"What? The common people in the villages near Chaoli Pass have fled?" Shen Tang's first reaction was that the enemy planted Erwuzi to make trouble, and secretly set fire to him, "Is there someone spreading rumors? Could it be the eyes and ears planted by Huang Xiguang and Zhang Yongqing?" ?”

  The battle has not yet started, and my family is about to run away.

   This is definitely the enemy's conspiracy!

  Luan Xin: "Xin is also so worried, he sent someone to catch the source of the rumor, and after interrogation, he found out that it was an ordinary person..."

  Shen Tang sneered: "Ordinary people would do this to me?"

  She preconceived and put the crime on Huang Lie.

   Spreading rumors, shaking people's hearts, and scaring away the common people, the jade wheat that she spent a lot of effort on was scrapped, so vicious!

"In order to ensure the authenticity of the confession, we used Ling Ling interrogation, and the content is not different from what they explained." Luan Xin smiled helplessly, "According to what they explained, some are for showing off, and some are for gaining the favor of the villagers. Admittedly, there are some people who are purely jealous of the good location of other farms, thinking that they will be scared away, and they can harvest the jade and wheat harvest for themselves."

  Shen Tang: "..."

   There are quite a lot of eyes.

She rubbed her sore forehead and ordered: "Justice, send people to the villages to appease and control the spread of rumors. Although the spies planted in have not been caught yet, there may be one. Hurry up and catch it." Kill one by one!"

  The power of gossip is no less than that of the 20th-ranked Chehou!

   Once out of control, it will cause irreversible consequences!

  Shen Tang showed unprecedented attention to Luan Xin. What the two of them didn't expect was that sending people to appease them had the opposite effect. Not only did the common people not feel at ease, but their running all night continued to increase instead of decreasing. If it weren't for more intensive patrols and interceptions, there might be only three or two kittens left in a village. When the news was sent to Shen Tang, she became more confused the more she read it: "How did you appease me?"

  Seeing that the lord was held accountable, the officials in charge shrank their heads.

  He presented a letter with both hands.

  The soldiers all followed the scriptures above.

  Shen Tang opened it and saw that there was nothing wrong with it.

It’s nothing more than telling the common people that our army is strong, horses and horses are strong, there are many soldiers and generals, and the enemy’s people’s hearts are lost, and they lack clothing and food. It will be a matter of time before they are conquered. .

  The corners of Shen Tang's mouth tightened, looking uneasy, she said: "It's because I didn't think carefully, so you add one more."

  The official stretched his ears: "My lord, please speak."

Shen Tang stretched out three fingers and said: "Within three years, no land tax, no rent for farm tools, and free supply of grain seeds. If you don't come back, the ownerless jade and wheat fields will be rented at 50% off to those who don't leave. If this is not enough, then I am really There's nothing to do."

  The man was almost dumbfounded.

   He hesitated and asked: "My lord, are you sure?"

  Shen Tang said: "Yes, let's do it like this."

  The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. The pursuit of profit is an instinct rooted in human bones. For the common people who rely on the land for their food, nothing is more attractive than tax exemption. Not only is Shen Tang exempt from land tax for three years, but he also saves money on renting farm tools and buying grain seeds. This means that in the past three years, as many as they planted are their own!

  If Yumai can reach the per-acre yield advertised at the beginning, the whole family will have a better life in the next few years, at least they will not worry about starving to death! Shen Jun dared to make such a heavy promise, which shows his confidence. Enough for them to gamble!

  Many people have suffered from fleeing.

   Faced with the risk of fleeing and the benefits of staying behind, how to choose between the two? A second of hesitation is a desecration of a good day! The common people who embarked on the road to escape heard the news and ran back with their families, fearing that if they came too late, the benefits would be lost.

  The turmoil was subsided before it took shape.

  When Shen Tang received the news, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Just exempting from taxes for three years, renting farm tools and buying grain seeds doesn't cost a lot of money, but they can risk their lives to take root in this place... In troubled times, life is like a waste, alas..." Shen Tang sighed and wrote the message Close the letter.

  Lu Ji, who helped Shen Tang tidy up the table, looked up with concern.

   "Why does my lord sigh?"

  Shen Tang said: "Don't Zhizong feel pitiful?"

  Lu Ji blinked in confusion, wondering: "Why are you pitiful? They can meet such a benevolent lord as the lord, and they will be exempted from taxes for three years. Isn't it a good thing to be happy?"

  She took people to several villages to announce the good news. Many common people were so excited that they burst into tears, and some elderly people knelt on the ground and shouted that the lord was born Ziweixing. A benevolent monarch who treats the common people so kindly will be rewarded with blessings in this life!

  Emotionally passed out directly.

  My protagonist is depressed, she doesn't understand.

  Shen Tang said: "Only three years."

  Lu Ji was at a loss: "Three years... that's a lot. With these three years of tax exemption, the children in the family can live two more."

  Children are generally prone to die in the early years.

  Once grown up, the survival rate is high.

  One more child is one more labor force for a family, and the chance of survival is greatly improved.

  Shen Tang said helplessly and compassionately: "Three years of exempting from taxation is worth gambling with your life... Zhizong, this is a very sad thing, and it puts the price of human life in another way."

  Lu Ji is still puzzled, isn't this normal? It's not just talk that human life is worthless. The lives of ordinary people are not worth these three years. But the lord has his own reasons. If she can understand what the lord thinks, she probably won't be far from becoming a teacher.

   After a while, she heard her lord whispering in her ear: "If the land tax can be exempted forever..."

  Lu Ji's heart skipped a beat, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

   "My lord, you must not—"

  This is not realistic at all!

  Under the rule, the common people did not pay land taxes, and the government offices in one place went on strike directly. They starved to death, let alone supporting a large number of troops.

  Shen Tang smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous."

  She is just thinking about it now.

  Field tax is the most important thing, and it is impossible to exempt it forever. At least, her ideas are all fantasy until there is no other stable source of income to supply government and military expenses. This fantasy will not be realized until a long, long time later.

  Memories of previous lives flashed in Shen Tang's mind.

   Alas, at least as in the previous life.

  Before this, the government was able to maintain a low land tax, and did not engage in other exorbitant taxes. It happened that a name was set up to increase the tax. It is estimated that it will win a very high evaluation in future generations. It is extremely difficult to do this alone, let alone cancel it.

  Shen Tang put away unrealistic thoughts.

   Handle business with the sunlight from the window leak.

   Unknowingly, the sun has been tilted to the west.

  The last letter was sent by Wu Xian.

  Shen Tang's side is in a state of preparation for war. As an ally, Wu Xian is mobilizing his whole body. The soldiers, horses, food and grass are all ready, and they can set off only after an order. Of course, all of this was done quietly so as not to be caught by the enemy.

  She read it carefully, and took up a pen to respond.

  Speaking of Wu Xian, he thought of Qin Li, and when thinking of Qin Li, he also thought of Zhao Feng. Shen Tang was active in his thinking, and asked Lu Ji: "Zhizong, have you heard the news of Yuanmou's return?"

   Followed by pinching his fingers to count the time.

  According to Yun Ce's pace and work efficiency, he should be back in the past two days, unless there are some twists and turns on the road, such as delays in settling the family. However, Shen Tang was not worried. With Yun Ce's strength, there should be no one behind him who could stop him. She was only afraid that it would alarm Wu Xian, startle the snake, and affect Qin Li and the others to pack up and quit.

  Lu Jidao: "Not yet."

  Shen Tang sighed: "Wait a little longer."

  Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

   On the way to cook, Shen Tang ran into Yun Ce, who was dressed in dust and dust. The youth like ice and snow frowned at this moment, with a vague bitter melon look. The latter didn't notice her, so Shen Tang thought of playing tricks and summoned a blue bird with his fingers.

  The blue bird's body is infinitely close to a ball.

   An **** was pressed on his shoulder.

  Yun Ce was surprised: "Whose blue bird?"

  He doesn't have much dealings with Wenxin scribes, and he can count the number of times he has received letters from Jade Bird, let alone such a fat bird!

He opened it, and there were five words [Yun Ce looked back] written on the paper that was the length of a person. He turned his head in doubt, and the smiling face of the lord directly caught his eye: "Why is Yuan Mou so preoccupied? When did you come back?" Not to report."

   She has been waiting for good news for a long time.

  Yun Ce's eyelids trembled, and the bitter melon look became heavier.

  Shen Tang worried: "Didn't you get someone?"

  If so, how to explain to Zhao Feng?

"Ce came here to find the lord—" the lord always said [not active in cooking, brain problem], and went straight to the cafeteria as soon as the meal time came, and never worked overtime. Yun Ce went to the government affairs hall to look for it. As he approached the cafeteria, his steps became smaller and his thoughts became more and more entangled, "Oh, my lord, Ce really doesn't know how to repay my lord."

  I have been beating my stomach all the way back.

  Euphemistic, straightforward, discarded one edition after another.

  Shen Tang restrained his smile and said seriously, "Tell me the truth!"

   "The general will be responsible for the master's entrustment, please punish the master!" Yun Ce suddenly said such a voice, which caused the other soldiers to look back frequently. Shen Tang pulled him up and talked in another place.


   Then there is no more!

  Shen Tang slapped the stones in the corner into powder!

   "You said—one person died of dystocia, and two were forced to commit suicide? In that family, there was only one child left?"

  Yun Ce nodded: "Don't dare to say a word of falsehood!"

  Shen Tang naturally would not disbelieve Yun Ce's words.

  She just didn't expect Tianhai to be so arrogant and use dirty means to kill soldiers and family members. Even if this family is from outside, won't others feel scared? The young and strong members of the family fought desperately for Wu Xian on the battlefield, and the family members in the rear were humiliated by this. Aren't they afraid of mutiny and chaos? Or is he so used to superiority that he doesn't take many risks seriously?

"Wu Zhaode, Wu Zhaode, you didn't suffer much in the hands of Huang Xiguang and the others. You didn't expect to fall so badly against your own people! If you knew that the imbalance in your account would turn into such a situation, you would regret not having a bowl of water. ?”

  At this moment, Shen Tang felt a little sympathetic to Wu Xian.

  Shen Tang confirmed again: "Can the child be properly placed?"

   "He has been handed over to Xu Wenzhu, governor of Heyin county, to be raised."

  Shen Tang was a little relieved.

  She is assured of Xu Jie's character.

  If he was unreliable, he would not have handed over the hard-working Heyin County to him. Zhao Feng's official family still has a ray of blood, which is not too regrettable. However, Shen Tang also had the same troubles as Yun Ce, how should he speak?

  How do you talk to Zhao Feng and others who are full of expectations?


   PS: This month there will be an activity post for fan titles. If you need titles, pay attention to the book review area.



  (end of this chapter)