MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 750 : The Death of Zheng Qiao [Happy May Day]

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  Chapter 750 Chapter 750: The death of Zheng Qiao [Happy May Day]

  Zheng Qiao looked at Shen Tang with complicated and probing eyes.

   His gaze did not miss a single detail.

   I don't know what I thought of, and my pupils flashed a little suddenly.

   After a long while, as his chest rose and trembled, a joyful laughter overflowed from his throat. His smile was pleasant at first, but soon became wanton and crazy, his eyes were as sharp as a pair of sharp knives: "Shen Youli, Shen Youli, how do you know what kind of riches and honor Gu gave you? In vain, Zheng Qiao Claiming to be smart, but I didn't expect to be mistaken by being smart... Interesting, so interesting!"

  Shen Tang always has a national seal in his hand!

  Had guessed the truth before but was denied by himself. Thinking about it now, this Shen Tang must have used some method to avoid the mutual induction between Guoxi and mislead himself. At this moment, Zheng Qiao really wanted to strangle herself to death.

  Shen Tang said: "Missing praise, it's just a better move."

  Zheng Qiao and Qi Cang neither intended to do anything, nor did they intend to run away. Instead, they chatted with Shen Tang as if they had too much time to spare. With a face full of interest, he asked Shen Tang: "Is this why Yan Xingning chose to help you?"

  Shen Tang replied: "Probably not."


   Zheng Qiao obviously didn't believe it.

  He originally had to convince himself that Yan Xingning chose the ordinary Shen Tang, purely because the latter was passionate, kind and fraternal. Even after being flat-transferred to Longwu County, he was able to do what he did and love what he did, making profits for the people, not for himself.

   Zheng Qiao felt unreal at the time.

  Is this still the filthy human heart he understands?

  Is this still a world in which the world is bustling for profit?

Shen Tang said truthfully: "I asked him if I went to guard Longwu County. In his opinion, is it acting as the lord of the country? To guard the gate of the country and die the country. His incarnation 'Zixu' replied, 'Ming Lord, you should love the world at the same time. '.Since he puts me in this position and thinks that I can do better than you, why don't I go? Compared with the whole world, how important is a mere Heyin County?"

   Zheng Qiao said: "If you don't have a national seal in your hand..."

  Shen Tang said loudly: "Even if there is no national seal, if it is up to me to guard Longwu County, I will go."

   "Even death?"

  Shen Tang asked back: "Is death so frightening to you?"

   All he had to do was ask Zheng Qiao if he was a covetous person who feared death.

"Heh, putting life and death aside..." Zheng Qiao's facial nerves were twisted and twitched by Shen Tang's stimulation, and the eye sockets were covered with red silk at some point, who let the little chat expert poke his sore feet in a few words, "What a high-spirited Shen Youli .”

  Shen Tang smiled instantly.

   cheeky said: "It is better to be praised by the opponent than thousands of praises. I like to hear the words of the king, and say a few more words before dying."

  Qi Cang: "..."

  He didn't dare to turn his head to look at the face of the king.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Qiao not only did not go crazy and furious, but looked at Shen Tang with emotion: "I have met many ladies in my life, some are beautiful and some are ugly, some are ladies and some are heroines, but I have never seen a lady like Shen. Like that."

  Qi Cang glanced at Shen Tang's Wenxin monogram.

  The lord of the country is so stimulated that there is no distinction between men and women?

   And Shen Tang?

"The lord of the country can tell whether I am a man or a woman at a glance, and I will give you a happy death with my unique eyesight!" For the secret pleasure of watching a play.

   Zheng Qiao didn't have a stereotype, which is really rare.

"Shen Nujun is absurd, but it's very difficult to misidentify only with her face." He turned his gaze to Ning Yan, nodded his head and closed his eyes, and there was a little wave in his eyes, and sighed, ", this is Is it the truth of Senior Sister Ning's condensed literary heart?"

  Shen Tang said: "Yes."

   "Senior Sister Ning is here today to avenge Senior Brother Yan?"

  Ning Yan said indifferently: "Yes."

Zheng Qiao didn't feel the slightest panic about being threatened with her life, nor did she have the fear of being imprisoned, instead she showed a relaxed smile: "Mr. Then simply stop struggling. It's just that Zheng has a merciless request before he dies, and I hope Mrs. Shen can allow it..."

  His attitude is quite cooperative.

  Shen Tang exchanged glances with Wei Shou and Jiang Sheng, convinced that Zheng Qiao was not trying to delay the attack, so he asked him: "Tell me."

  Zheng Qiao pointed at Qi Cang and said, "You let Yan Qing go."

  Qi Cang's pupils were shocked: "Master?"

Zheng Qiao continued: "What he has done these years has been driven by me, and I am the mastermind. Yan Qing is also a top-notch power builder of the 16th National Congress. If you want to leave if you are determined, you will not be able to keep it. If Mrs. Shen refuses to agree, You and I can only see the real chapter under our hands."

  Shen Tang was alert in his heart, but said: "Okay."

  Qi Cang said eagerly: "Master!"

   Zheng Qiao replied indifferently: "Let's go."

  Although he gave Qi Cang a place by chance and kindness to the latter, but Qi Cang has been willing to be the sharpest knife in his hand these years because he is generous enough. Merge because of interests, and naturally break up because of interests.

  Zheng Qiao handed the bird and fish stone carvings to Qi Cang, saying: "Take them out and see the vast world."

  Qi Cang's lips fluttered, and he closed his palms with difficulty.

   "The last general...respectfully send off the king!"

   After finishing speaking, he turned and left the bamboo house, but he did not leave completely. Instead, he stood guard at the gate of the academy, with his back to everyone.

   "Why does Shen Nujun look at Gu like this?"

  Zheng Qiao looked back at Qi Cang leaving, and met Shen Tang's inquisitive eyes: "I just find it strange that the lord of the country will not struggle when facing the person who wants to take your life?"

   Maybe you can save one or two, how many more days will you live?

Zheng Qiao just said calmly: "Gu originally chose this place as his burial place. In order to prevent himself from going back on his word, he took the poison in advance and waited for the effect of the medicine to take effect. In this case, why bother to struggle to survive?" ?”

  Shen Tang: "!!"

  Ning Yan clenched the hilt of her sword: "Zheng Qiao!"

Zheng Qiao opened her hands wide, her blushing brows were full of madness: "I have been a protégé in my life, and I have been a crown prince. I have been reviled and despised by thousands of people, and I have enjoyed the right to be the top of ten thousand people! Kill me!" I have killed my father, killed my brothers, punished my loyal ministers, and killed my good generals. Whoever makes Gu unhappy, Gu will make his nine clans howl like ghosts and wolves! Life and death are under control!"

"What kind of etiquette, righteousness and shame, filial piety and loyalty! What kind of self-denial and self-cultivation, relatives and talents! What kind of benevolence! Everything is bullshit! I am the lord of the country, only those who obey me prosper and those who oppose me perish! I have tried everything, and naturally nothing is interesting. .”

  Shen Tang quietly watched Zheng Qiao go mad.

  Can't help but interrupt and pour cold water: "No, you didn't."

  Zheng Qiao looked at her coldly: "Nothing?"

Shen Tang broke his fingers and gave him examples one by one: "You haven't tried too much. You haven't loved your people. You don't know what 'good governance and harmonious people' means. You have never shared weal and woe with them, so you have never been praised by them. Love and firm choice. As a monarch, you are violent and arbitrary, killing innocent people indiscriminately, so you have never been trusted by your courtiers! You killed the only senior brother who had firmly chosen you, and you don’t know brotherhood. Ask yourself, Zheng Qiao, you really don’t have any Any regrets?"

  I don't know whether it was the poisonous attack that made him feel the faint pain, or whether Shen Tang's words poked his heart and stepped on his painful feet.

  He proudly said: "Gu never disdains such a way!"

  His eyes overflowed with ruthlessness: "The world blames me!"

  Shen Tang said: "So you took revenge on the society?"

   Zheng Qiao lost control and said furiously, "Why not!"

  He looked at Shen Tang, regretting that Qi Cang had left early, Shen Tang's ignorant face and innocent speech made him sick for a while! It's no wonder that Yan Xingning and Shen Tang are in the same film, they are like dogs!

  Even though he has never personally experienced his pain, he can lightly persuade him to reconcile with the pain, so whimsical!

   How can he not hate!

"It was the old Lord of Xin who destroyed you. He was the mastermind, but you used the pain you suffered as a legal and depraved sword. Because of everything you have encountered in the past, you have a reasonable and legal reason to do evil. In your opinion Come on, all your words and deeds are revenge for the enemy and compensation for the past, what an arrogant idea. Zheng Qiao, does your pain have any causal relationship with the world? You are just using pain as an excuse to squander Take power in your hands and satisfy your selfish desires."

   Zheng Qiao sneered.

  The peaks of the eyebrows gathered because of the increasingly obvious severe pain in his body.

   "Are you reasoning with a madman?"

  Shen Tang folded his arms around his chest and looked at Zheng Qiao, shook his head, and said softly: "Crazy? But, I think you are still quite sober."

  Zheng Qiao was clearly going crazy while awake.


  Just as Zheng Qiao wanted to sneer, he felt a sudden pain in his abdomen, and the severe pain instantly spread to all his limbs, his throat spasmed and he vomited out a mouthful of thick black blood. His face turned pale and pale, and his fingernails were tightly inserted into his palms along with his clenched fist.

  He trembled and took a few deep breaths.

   With a hoarse voice, he raised his eyes to look at Shen Tang, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and he was struggling to endure the painful moan that was about to blurt out.

He seemed to want to see through Shen Tang's eyes the person who died in his hands, even if he died, he was proud and firm: "That is, even if Gu is born with a bad breed, a generation of evil-so what? Gu is not the court." Wei, what do you mean by injustice and debt? Hahahaha, winners and losers, don’t you understand? In this world, poof—if you work hard, you can start well and end well?”

  The last sentence is to ask Shen Tang.

  Shen Tang also knew that he was asking himself.

  She said: "I can! If I can't, I have a clear conscience."

   Zheng Qiao was already in so much pain that it was difficult to straighten her body. She put her hands on her knees and tried to straighten her back. His eyes were crazy and determined: "Gu, I also have a clear conscience. Hahaha—death? What are you afraid of! I have nothing to regret!"

   "I don't regret being alone!"

   "No regrets, no regrets!"

  The black blood on the ground.

  Many of them even stained the hem of their clothes.

  He took a step, staggering forward, the scenery in front of him was far and near, sometimes real and sometimes empty. For a while it was Shen Tang and the others, and for a while it was a crowd of people, and their faces couldn't be seen clearly. Zheng Qiao could no longer care about them, half kneeling on the ground, clutching the ground with bloodstained hands, trying to crawl to the bamboo desk seat that was once her own. Enduring the severe pain, he barely sat up straight.

   This movement exhausted most of his strength.

  He was in pain as if his internal organs were about to be twisted into blood foam.

  Zheng Qiao looked up at the countless phantoms walking towards her step by step, but her mood was unprecedentedly peaceful. He forcibly operated the Dan Mansion where there were bursts of severe pain, and circulated his literary energy to counteract the poison spreading all over his body, so that he could speak clearly: "Senior Sister Ning, if you want to avenge your husband's murder, now is the time. Pull out your Sword! Remember to stab the right chest, don't imitate the brother who stabs the left chest."

  He didn't see that Ning Yan loosened her white knuckles.

  Untied the saber from his waist and threw it to Jiang Sheng.

  She said: "I don't want to leave you a whole body."

   Zheng Qiao was already so weak that his voice was weak.

  He tries to laugh, only to vomit more blood.

   "Ahem—it should be...Gu also didn't leave the whole body for Yan Xingning, if you show mercy, you won't be like you!"

   "You can't end well alone, Shen Youli, can you seek a good beginning and end well in this world? Haha, I'm looking at you alone!"

  Ning Yan's eyelids sank slightly, watching her former junior brother being haunted by death energy, the vitality that should have been exuberant was gradually withering.

   "Junior brother, I don't even want to kill you with my own hands."

  Ning Yan's words made Zheng Qiao tremble.

  The dim eyes were out of focus at the moment, and they looked a little more innocent and confused, which made Ning Yan think that she saw the little junior brother when she was young. She knew that Zheng Qiao was trying to find herself with her eyes, but she still closed her eyes and opened her mouth.

   "Come first, let's kill!"

  Jiang Sheng was able to draw out Ning Yan's saber.

  A sword light pierced through the air, across Zheng Qiao's throat.


  The beautiful head rolled to the ground.

  Blood soared into the sky, splattered everywhere.

   Zheng Qiao's headless corpse fell forward onto the bamboo table.

  The bamboo house was silent for a moment.

  Ning Yan looked at the head that had rolled to her feet, bent down and stretched out her hand, and flicked in front of her unclosed eyes: "Go."

  Jiang Sheng held up the **** saber that was still ticking in his hand, with a dazed expression: "Is he dead like this?"

  Wei Shou said: "Otherwise?"

  Suddenly got up and fought with them for a hundred and eight rounds?

  Wei Shou and Zheng Qiao have known each other for some years, and I dare not say that I know him well, but I also know this person's temperament, and I disdain the drama of feigning death to escape, let alone the four of them are here. Zheng Qiao really has the idea of ​​escaping, so Qi Cang can make a desperate fight.

  Zheng Qiao is also strangely proud.

   At this time, Qi Cang, who had been guarding outside all the time, walked outside the bamboo house, and knocked on the bamboo wall very politely.

  The four of Shen Tang looked at him vigilantly.

  Qi Cang said: "The lord of the country is dead. As an old minister, it's not too much to give him a corpse in the past, right?"

   Unless Shen Tang and the others still want to play with the corpse to vent their anger.

  Qi Cang didn't think they would be kind enough to collect Zheng Qiao's corpse, but it's not appropriate to let the corpse rot and become food for wild animals.

  Shen Tang said: "Please go ahead."

  Qi Cang took out a needle and thread from his arms.

  Wei Shou leaned forward: "Why do you bring everything with you?"

   The preparations are quite thorough.

Qi Cang went through the needles, picked up Zheng Qiao's head and body, and put it in order: "If you don't come, the king will also be buried here, and he brought me here to let me collect the body. Embalming someone, this little thing is always I should bring... I thought I would cut myself a hole, hmph, who would have thought it would be beheading..."

  He brought quite a complete set of things.

  Using martial energy to help stop the wound from bleeding, and then suturing it with needles and threads, and by the way, helping Zheng Qiao sort out the remains, not caring that there are still four enemies in the bamboo house. After tidying up, he blasted open a deep hole with a burst of energy, and carefully put the corpse into the hole.

  Wei Shou asked him: "Where is his imperial seal?"

  Qi Cang filled the pit with soil, turned his head to look at Wei Shou and the others and sneered, "Don't you think it's too late to ask this now? The king is dead, and the real excitement has just begun!"


   Zheng Qiao's box lunch is ready.

   How should I put it, if we only talk about novels, this kind of madness criticizes and kills everyone's character design, which is quite touching, but the deep logic is that the characters get the freedom of degeneration because of the pain in the past. What mistakes this character has made, what evils he has done, and pushing it to the pain, it seems that all blackening can be understood.

   But, this is not right.

   PS: After Zheng Qiao knew that Tang Mei was Tang Mei, she secretly rubbed her hands, hehe.

   PPS: There will be a lot of knives next, Zheng Qiao's principle - even if you are dead, try to kill the living.



  (end of this chapter)