MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 738 : Start (Part 1)【Ask for a monthly ticket】

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  Chapter 738 Chapter 738: Start (Part 1) [Seeking a monthly ticket]

   "What? Ganzhou Granary?"

  Shen Tang's voice suddenly rose several degrees, even Ning Yan outside the house could hear it. Even Shen Tang, who is used to seeing strong winds and waves, couldn't control the cracked expression. It's not because of her lack of concentration, it's because of Xie Qi's one-handed operation that people never expected.

  She immediately lowered her voice and asked again: "Is this really true?"

   "It's absolutely true, I would like to guarantee Shen Jun with the head of the project." This is Xie Qi's biggest political bargaining chip. Now that it can come in handy, it can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

   Shen Tang looked at it but was not very happy.

She frowned, and put down the object in her hand: "Zheng Qiao is so guarded, it is impossible to really trust anyone, isn't Shizang worried that this is his trick? He took the initiative to let your family leave, this behavior It's suspicious in itself."

  Xie Qi was hit: "Mr. Shen is suspicious of Xie?"

Shen Tang hurriedly waved his hands and explained: "No, no, no, I didn't mean that. Although I dare not boast that my eyes are as bright as a torch, I haven't misjudged anyone in these years. I can trust Shizang as a person, and I am also glad that you are willing to cooperate with me. I confess my heart to heart... It's just that Zheng Qiao is insidious and has to be on guard, he may indeed use Shizang to plot against me. This matter should not be taken lightly."

  Xie Qi also calmed down after hearing the words, secretly sweating.

  Shen Tang's worry is not unreasonable.

   Indeed Zheng Qiao could do it.

  This guy likes to throw down a handful of bait to lure fat fish into the bait. Who can guarantee that his Xie Qi is not the bait deliberately released by Zheng Qiao to catch Shen Youli, a fat fish? Xie Qi's heart surged, and he blamed himself on his face: "It's true that Qi didn't think carefully."

Shen Tang smiled and comforted Xie Qi: "Shizang needn't underestimate himself, that's just my guess. No matter how powerful Zheng Qiao is, he is just a lonely family after being betrayed by all relatives. Even if there are countless thoughts, but one person can't do everything well. , thinking like a hair. I'm just curious, how did Shizang know the location of this batch of grain? Didn't Zheng Qiao be suspicious?"

  Xie Qi had collected his emotions, and replied: "No matter how suspicious he is, it is impossible for one person to take care of everything and do it himself."

  Zheng Qiao is not a diligent character, and he must do everything by himself. There is nothing to do with him. What Zheng Qiao is best at is threatening those who can do the work to help him. If they do well, they will continue to work. If they do not do well, they may be killed by him at any time to vent their anger. It just so happened that Xie Qi was the one who was capable of doing a good job without beeping. This caused him to be dismissed as a servant, but he was not dismissed by Zheng Qiao, and his life was still good.

  He can still get in touch with many confidential events.

  However, Xie Qi knows that this comfort is only temporary. As Zheng Qiao's condition worsens day by day, the outside world and the Dragon Slaying Bureau are watching, internal and external troubles, following Zheng Qiao will sooner or later kill him.

   If there is a chance to get away, of course it is the best way to go.

  Shen Tang: "..."

  Fortunately, she still thought about Xie Qi stealing secrets before leaving, and all of this was a drama that Zheng Qiao expected. I forgot that Xie Qi, as a worker, may be exposed to confidentiality in his job content. Now, she was not sure.

  Xie Qi gave too tempting.

   She hesitated for a moment and swayed.

   sighed: "This is too difficult."

"If the granary can be taken down, Zheng Qiao will definitely lose this game!" Xie Qi probed cautiously. This is an excellent opportunity to hit Zheng Qiao's lifeline with one blow. Risk and crisis coexist. "Shen Jun is worried that there is an ambush in the granary? If it is burned granary…"

   Theoretically, not too many elites are needed.

   Compared with the investment and income, it is not worth mentioning.

  Shen Tang let out an ah, but asked Xie Qi back: "What is burning the granary? Why do you want to burn the granary?"

  Xie Qi and Shen Tang looked at each other, each confused.

   "How to win without destroying food and grass, but breaking its roots?"

Shen Tang didn't agree with Xie Qi's move, she sighed: "There is a saying: Who knows that every piece of Chinese food is hard work. It is a disaster year, and the forces in various places are only concerned with fighting each other. How can they manage the people's livelihood? Not only that, but how can the common people farm with peace of mind? Previously, Zheng Qiao cleared the fields in Yanzhou, destroyed the spring farming, and searched for food from all over the place, and took away all the young and strong, leaving the old and weak with no one to rely on, and could only wait for death in despair. Burning the Ganzhou granary is tantamount to sending these people to a dead end."

   Mourning the hardships of the people's livelihood.

  Even if reason tells Shen Tang that burning the granary is the least costly method and the most effective way to attack Zheng Qiao's soldiers and quickly destroy their morale, how can Shen Tang have the heart when thinking of the life related to food? Burning food is tantamount to killing people.

  Xie Qi turned pale when he heard this.

  He only thought of the benefits that this bargaining chip could bring him.

  What Shen Tang said, he never considered.

  Even though Xie Qi didn't feel that there was something wrong with his thinking, he felt a bit ashamed when facing the sincere Shen Jun.

"I don't mean to blame you, this is my problem. I am not a decisive character, and even a little too indecisive... Shizang, you are only doing your duty as a conspirator." Shen Tang said with a serious face. Sighing in frustration.

  Xie Qi panicked: "Shen Jun must not think so."

  The young man in front of him is too sincere and kind, but this is not wrong. Violent as Zheng Qiao and his ilk, they are decisive enough to kill and attack, but has their existence made this world better?

   People's livelihood is in decline, and wars continue.

  Because of Yan An, Xie Qi also paid some attention to Shen Tang. He knew that Shen Tang had nothing to do with the word "indecisive". Having kindness and overflowing with kindness are two different concepts.

  With Zheng Qiao's lessons learned from the past as the control group, Shen Tang is emotionally stable and benevolent, so it is not too suitable for him.

  Shen Tang's eyes fell on the "dowry" on the table.

   said: "This matter, let's plan slowly."

  The location of the granary is likely to be real. Even if Zheng Qiao deliberately designed it, it is impossible to move so much grain in just a few days. The benefits this time are enough for Shen Tang to take a risk. Naihe—there is not enough manpower at the moment, otherwise I really want to open my mouth to bite.

  Xie Qi cupped his hands and said, "Wei."

  After Shen Tang came out, he touched the hairy heads of Xie Qi's two daughters, and said a few words of auspicious wishes. These two children were not afraid of life, and the younger one looked up at her without blinking. Shen Tang asked with a smile: "Why is the lady looking at me like this?"

   Mrs. Xie Qi's heart was suspended.

  She was afraid that her daughter's poor performance would leave a bad impression on others.

   Unexpectedly, the youngest daughter said: "Shen Jun is so handsome, can I touch your face? You also touched my head."

  Shen Tang squatted halfway, stretched out his face: "Here, let's touch."

  The youngest daughter touched her cheek carefully. This scene made Mrs. Xie Qi's blood pressure soar and her heartstrings tense.

  Before Shen Tang left, he still did not forget to tell: "You sisters must study hard, follow Master Ning to practice with peace of mind, and only when you grow up can you be a pillar and contribute to the well-being of the people of the world."

  The two girls nodded seriously.

  Gu Chi has been waiting for Shen Tang for a long time, and he joked: "The 'dowry' brought by the newcomer Xie Shizang, can he win the heart of the Lord?"

  Shen Tang complained: "Can you see it but can't use it! Wangchao, can you stop using this metaphor? It's as if I'm a peerless scumbag who covets his bride's dowry... Ah no, a scumbag..."

   Gu Chi smiled and said nothing.

  However, his eyes seemed to have said everything.

  Shen Tang: "...It is my blessing to have you!"

   "A blessed person should serve the blessed master. Speaking of which, the relationship between the master and Chi can be regarded as "stealing and plundering"?"

   Can't you give me some compensation?

  Shen Tang: "..."

   Gu Chi couldn't help laughing, and stopped before Shen Tang became angry. At the same time, he reminded Shen Tang: "Oh, by the way, Shizang still doesn't know that the lord is a daughter, and the couple will have to fight for two days when they go back this time."

  Shen Tang's forehead is full of question marks.

   "Shizang should be quite satisfied with me, and return to his heart."

  Why are you still struggling for two days?

   Could it be that she was singing too hard just now?

  Gu Chi laughed out loud, but refused to tell why.

  As he expected, Mrs. Xie Qi didn't go back for a long time, frowning for no reason, Xie Qi was confused.

  The two daughters successfully apprenticed to teachers, and the youngest daughter also booked a powerful teacher. The future of the three daughters is guaranteed, but the wife is still unhappy. After he made insinuations, Madam said in embarrassment: "Shen Jun's age..."

  Xie Qi said: "Youth is a talent, ambition is not at a young age."

  Mrs. Unexpectedly said: "Shen Jun has no engagement yet?"

   Xie Qi wondered: "Ask this... Do you want to protect the matchmaker for the lord? Don't make random decisions about this matter, and be careful to annoy people."

Madam twisted the soft flesh on his waist: "Who said you want to be a matchmaker for Shen Jun? The concubine means that Shen Jun is so young and has no marriage contract yet, and our daughter is talented...Look at it today, Shen Jun treats them very well." It's kind..."

   Thank you device: “…”

   Be the future father-in-law for the new lord?

   If there is a destiny, it is not impossible.

  Madam was furious: "Whatever you want!"

   Xie Qi said: "Let's not say that there is still no news about this matter, even if there is, with such a good condition as the lord, it is too late to grab it."

  Mrs. is on fire.

   "It's no fun talking to you!"

  She hopes her daughter will be Ning Tunan!

  The voices of the couple woke up the second daughter who was still asleep next door. Most people in this era are precocious, so she calmly said, "Isn't Mr. Shen a daughter?"

  Why did you think of Shen Jun when choosing a son-in-law?

   Xie Qi couple: "???"

  Daughter's question echoed over and over in their minds.

  The second daughter was confused: "Isn't it?"

   Shen Jun is the most beautiful female monarch she has ever seen. She is good-looking, soft-spoken, and stronger than her father. She is also his father's new lord. She wants to be such a person. If the husband-in-law is like Shen Jun, it seems to be a good thing.

   Xie Qi and his wife: "..."

  Madam looked at Xie Qi: "Female, female?"

   Xie Qi answered with difficulty: "...I don't know."

  Because of the second daughter's unintentional remark, the couple tossed and turned, unable to sleep all night. It was not until dawn the next day that teacher Ning Yan came to the door, Xie Qi was cautious and insinuating. Ning Yan said: "Shizang, you know?"

   Thank you device: “…”

  If he knew that Shen Tang was a daughter, he would have a ghost!

  Ning Yan laughed at him: "Aren't you too thoughtful, you assumed Dawei's identity, why did you become blind when you came in front of the lord?"

   Thank you device: “…”

  He really didn't expect it.

  Ning Yan smiled and said: "My lord has always believed that twisted melons are not sweet. If you, Shizang, feel that it is shameful to serve a woman as your master, there is still time for you to regret it, and my lord will not blame you."

  Xie Qi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

  If he backs down now, his wife can tear him up with her bare hands, and this is also related to the future of the three daughters.

   Xie Qi said: "When will Xie go back on his word?"

  Even female jiao was once his lord, so what about women?

  He vaguely understood the secret of Ning Yan's women's ability to practice, but these are not important anymore.

  Because the defense of Cunshan City can be said to be armed to the teeth, Zheng Qiao only sent people to follow and guard instead of sending troops to attack, and Shen Tang was free for two days. In contrast, the coalition forces of the Dragon Slaying Bureau are not so comfortable...

  Huang Lie generously shared the Hercules Pill with his allies. For everyone, this thing is good, but it is more life-consuming.

  At first I thought Huang Lie's words were alarmist, but it took a lot of time to realize that what he said was true, and the success rate was indeed only 10%. Are they backed out by this? Of course not.

  This is about the composition of the troops.

  The strongest combat strength is naturally the elite of each branch, well-equipped, rich in combat experience, obedient to command, high-level and even able to implement absolute orders and prohibitions. However, that is only a minority. A considerable part is cannon fodder for emergency recruitment.

  The level is uneven, and the equipment and weapons are even more crude.

   Then why bring them to battle?

   Naturally, they are large in number and can provide morale.

  The members of the coalition army are naturally reluctant to let the elite take the Hercules pill, the improvement is not much, on the contrary, the soldiers at the bottom are different.

   Their physique is average, their combat effectiveness is weak, and their mentality is not good. They are the most easily overcome weaknesses on the battlefield. If they were allowed to take the Hercules Pill, one of the ten heavy shield wrestlers would be enough, and the price-performance ratio was extremely high. Speaking of this, everyone was extremely envious and jealous of Huang Lie. During the civil unrest back then, how many vagrants and grassroots regarded Huang Lie as the savior and followed him?

   No matter how many Hercules pills are refined, no one will eat them.

  The soldiers are all ordinary people, how do they know the schemes of the upper class?

  Kang Shi, Gu Ren and others were silent for a long time when they heard the news.

   The same emotion was expressed for a while.

   Few of their allies are human.

   Dragon Slaying?

  Dog eats dog.

  But what Kang Shi didn't expect was that these allies were not punished, but his own family was sued. The people came with unkempt hair and blood scabs on their feet, claiming to be Tao Yan's subordinates. When crossing the river, he was attacked by Shen Tang's soldiers and horses, and asked the leader to uphold justice.

  Everyone looked at this man with a strange look.

  Tao Yan's old department was unconscious. He encountered a lot of troubles along the way. He thought that such a wise leader would surely be able to seek justice for the old lord and let all the villains be punished!

  But what he never expected was—

   Leader Huang asked him back: "Do you know that Tao Shenyu secretly colluded with the tyrant Zheng Qiao, planning to assassinate Shen Jun?"

  The old department's brain was buzzing for a moment.

   "This, this, this, this is absolutely impossible!"

  How could his lord collude with the enemy?

  Huang Lie said: "The evidence is solid, and there are all witnesses and material evidence."

  Jiu Mo's shoulders collapsed, as if all his energy was taken away, he looked at the people in the tent in a daze, these big figures were something he couldn't usually see. Being so close to him at the moment seems to be very far away from him. Laugh at his stupidity from above.


   Alas, I got sleepy after finishing the questions in the afternoon. It must be a question of returning to Nantian...



  (end of this chapter)