MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 733 : Before the Storm (Part 1)【Ask for Monthly Pass】

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  Chapter 733 Chapter 733: Before the storm (Part 1) [Seeking a monthly ticket]

  When Zheng Qiao received the news, it had only been two days since Shen Tang coaxed Lin County. The past two days have been thrilling and exhausting. Because Shen Tang didn't plan to keep Lin County, he swept away Lin County's warehouse and a pile of military supplies in advance.

  She moved all these things away.

   Armed to the teeth the military city that was initially deceived.

   At this point, she no longer pretends, she has a showdown.

  Learn from Wei Shou and stay true to yourself!

  I can't wait to write the words "Come and kill me if you have the guts" on your face. The provocative meaning will come through the words on the battle report. Zheng Qiao's mood was not very stable. When he saw the content of the battle report, he was so angry that the veins on his forehead burst out.

   All the courtiers who were invited to discuss the matter bowed their heads one after another, even breathing carefully, for fear that a big gasp would cause death. Compared with these people's prudence and fear, the generals under Zheng Qiao's tent were obviously much more open, and they all asked for a fight: "The mere little thief is just a little clever who can't stand on the stage. The final general is willing to lead his troops to eradicate him. Morale!"

  The voice fell, and there were twos and threes echoing.

  Zheng Qiao's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he couldn't see the specific attitude. He just pinched the brief book with information written on it with one hand, and was twisted into powder by his literary style. At this time, a civil servant who was usually very low-key stood up and sang a counter-tune, pouring a basin of cold water.

He said indifferently: "Eradicate? The general is too underestimating the enemy. It was Cunshan who was tricked by Shen Youli into opening the city gate. This place is the city defense that the king spent several years building. The purpose is to serve as a buffer for Qushan County and at the same time Coordinating with Okuyama County...Under normal circumstances, even if one side wins all three battles, it still needs three to five times the strength of the defenders in the city to win..."

He smiled and said: "Although Shen Youli used tricks to trick the guards in Cunshan City to leave the city in batches, we don't know the exact strength, but we can guess that there are always 10,000 troops. That is to say, if you want to take back Cunshan City If you want to attack the mountain, you must send at least 30,000 troops. If so, the goal of dividing the troops on the opposite side will be achieved."

  Because of Zheng Qiao's attitude and actions, his generals have always looked down on these civil servants. Now that he was confronted face to face, he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. He said in a strange way: "According to what you said, there is nothing we can do with this Shen Youli? Let him stay in Cunshan, and finally become a serious problem? Hmph, it doesn't need 30,000, 20,000 soldiers can take it!"

  Seeing this, the civil official just sneered and said nothing.

  Up to now, these reckless men with eyes on Tianlinggai still haven't seen the current situation clearly, and they will surely end badly!

   Of course, not everyone is reckless.

   There are also people who understand the situation in Cunshan and sigh helplessly.

   It is estimated that the most speechless one is the king.

   It took time, energy, financial resources and manpower to gradually build Cunshan into an impenetrable rock, but it didn't show any effect at all, and was actually deceived by the enemy's serial fraud. I really don't know whether to say Shen Youli is cunning, or the defenders are too stupid.


   It must be that the city guard's self-willedness ruined the big deal!

Zheng Qiao looked at the chaos below—mainly a group of military generals arguing, a group of civil servants were dumb, and the occasional sound was nonsense—he took a deep breath, and made a final decision: "Just send troops to contain Shen Youli, don't worry about it. "

   It takes 30,000 to 50,000 troops to attack Cunshan City, but it doesn't need to defend it. It is enough to block Shen Tang in Cunshan with the least troops.

  He took a careful look at a group of generals under his account.

   Over the years, Zheng Qiao has personally fed their appetites and cultivated their temperaments. For a while, he couldn't find a general who was as steady as Wei Shou. He sighed slightly in his heart, but had no choice but to choose the taller one among the shorter ones, and ordered one of them.

  The selected generals proudly took the lead.

  He waved his hand, signaling to disperse.

  The courtiers retreated in twos and threes, and the last one left was the civil servant who poured cold water on him. Zheng Qiao raised his eyes, and his gaze collided with him.

   This person was stopped by the servant before he could go far.

   "The waiter stays for a while, the lord is here to welcome you."

  Under the pityful eyes of all the courtiers, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow the servant to see Zheng Qiao. When he arrived, Zheng Qiao was sitting by the garden lake fishing. As soon as he arrived, he listened to Zheng Qiao: "The fish in the lake are carefully raised and fed with bait every day, and they are not afraid of strangers... Is this good or bad?"

  The waiter replied: "The minister is not a fish in the lake, so naturally he doesn't know what the fish thinks. It is difficult to judge whether the question of the king is good or bad."

   This answer is known only to fish.

  The judgment of outsiders is based on their own.

  The waiter said: "If the fish in the lake can speak human words, or if they are living people, the king will know it when he asks."

  Who doesn't want to live comfortably?

   Zheng Qiao pointed to the empty seat next to him: "Sit."

  Invite each other to fish together for the first time.

   Waiter: "..."

  When he was approached by the servant, his heart skipped a beat, he was worried that he wouldn't live until tomorrow. He didn't know why Zheng Qiao went crazy again today, and he suddenly talked to himself in private, but based on his understanding of Zheng Qiao, the other party's stomach must not be contained.

   But soon calmed down.

   Zheng Qiao is determined to mess with himself, he will die no matter what.

  He is not very good at fishing, nor is he elegant, he only intends to put on a show. It's just that as soon as the buttocks touched the mat, Zheng Qiao asked from the side: "Gu remember that you used to sit in front of Gu?"

  The waiter said: "Yes."

   Zheng Qiao said: "I still remember that you don't like loneliness very much."

   It is more polite to say that I don’t like it very much.

  The waiter was young and frivolous, and once took the lead in isolating Zheng Qiao, because of Zheng Qiao's identity and because he didn't like Zheng Qiao.

   It turns out that he has a good eye.

The waiter thought that he was going to die, but he couldn't bear to be servile to Zheng Qiao to survive, so he simply followed his heart and said bluntly: "The lord of the country was the proton of the Geng country at that time, and it would be no good to get close. And it's easy to hurt your reputation..."

  Yan An, who is not afraid of losing her reputation, is really wronged.

  Zheng Qiao sighed: "Yeah, only the teacher and the senior brother don't feel disgusted anymore. Hey, how is the senior brother recently?"

  When the waiter heard the latter sentence, goosebumps rose all over his body, the hairs on his back stood on end, and he looked at Zheng Qiao in a daze.

   Zheng Qiao also looked back at him calmly.

   Vaguely, the waiter saw the shadow of Zheng Qiao when he was young in the eyes of the other party, but this feeling disappeared in a flash, followed by greater disgust and crisis. He turned his head away from Zheng Qiao's sight: "...Xingning, Yomo is fine."

   Calculating the time, Yan An should be able to trot steadily at this moment, he has good aptitude, and maybe he can speak very fluently.

  Zheng Qiao looked at the lake with occasional ripples.

   "Brother has a daughter, do you know?"

   There was a chill in the waiter's center, and the alarm bells were ringing in his mind. He didn't know why Zheng Qiao suddenly mentioned the daughter of Yan'an. Could it be that you want to settle accounts with yourself? When Yan'an's wife and daughter fled, he also secretly helped, but his hands and feet were clean and he was not punished.

   Do you want to use this hair to act?

  The waiter calmly said: "I know."

Zheng Qiao sighed: "I haven't seen Gu yet, the daughter of Senior Brother Yan and Senior Sister Ning, and I don't know which one of them is more like her. I heard folks say that a daughter is more like a biological father. With Senior Brother Yan's talent and appearance, the niece grows up too. A generation of beauties."

  The waiter moved his lips, feeling uncomfortable.

   "It's a pity, given the current situation in Qianzhou, Gu probably won't be able to see it..." Zheng Qiao sighed and shook her head, muttering.

  The waiter suddenly wanted to throw the fishing rod in Zheng Qiao's face.

   Is it fun to fool the dead?

   After that, it was quiet for a long time, so quiet that even the waiter who was not good at fishing caught a fish. Those who can fish find it interesting, but those who can't fish only find it hypnotic. The waiter faintly felt sleepy, and was awakened by Zheng Qiao's words.

   "Do you still remember the word Gu?"

   Waiter: "..."

  The dog is still the trash dog Zheng Qiao.

  If you want his life, just say so, why ask this question?

   Without him, Zheng Qiao's handwriting is his Achilles' heel.

  Back then, a classmate purposely wanted to disgust Zheng Qiao, and openly yelled those two words. As a result, the boy blushed in anger, rushed over regardless of Yan An's obstruction, and rode on him to punch him. In the chaos, someone took the opportunity to carry out private work, which eventually turned into a gang fight.

  The waiter was also forced to participate in the group fight.

  After hearing the news, the banquet teacher who came over was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and finally punished all the students for copying and reviewing the books three thousand times, and handing them in within a time limit.

  A group of students copied day and night, copying out their psychological shadows.

  The waiter was so angry that he stabbed Zheng Qiao's scarecrow.

  He said: "There are differences between monarchs and ministers, and I dare not call them respectful."

   "A girl is a girl, are these two words hot?"

   Waiter: "..."

   Is Zheng Qiao crazier or sober?

   "The former classmate, each gone to the end of the world, and now you are the only old friend left." Zheng Qiao's expression was melancholy, and the waiter was speechless when he heard it. Zheng Qiao, this lunatic, really wants to catch up with him? This magical reality almost overwhelmed his brain.

  Zheng Qiao: "It's a pity that the characters chosen by my mentor are useless."

   The alarm bell in Shi Zhong's brain is disarmed.

  Basically, what Zheng Qiao said, he echoed twice, adding a couple of doubtful speeches from time to time, "Why didn't Brother Yan come to see Gu". On the surface, the attendant is reticent and indifferent, but he has already abandoned the way of a gentleman in his heart, and he will scold whatever is unpleasant.

  Yan Xingning wants to know the real spring, but he has to say it is bad luck.

  The two of them "reminiscing about the past" lasted for a full hour.


  Zheng Qiao said to him: "You can leave tonight."

  The attendant trembled all over, and met the opponent's eyes.

Zheng Qiao said indifferently: "Before Gu repents, you take your wife, children, and children, and leave the border of Qianzhou. If you walk too slowly, Gu will acquiesce that you plan to be buried with Gu. There is only one chance, and you can't grasp it." Don’t blame the loneliness either.”

  The waiter held back a sentence for a while.

   "Zheng Qiao, are you awake or crazy?"

Zheng Qiao laughed heartily, scaring away the fishes that came around her, and her calm expression appeared creepy under the shadow of dusk: "Is it important whether you are sober or insane? From my point of view, those of you who claim to be sober do nothing more than Crazy sober..."

  The waiter was not sure for a moment that Zheng Qiao really wanted to let him go, or if it was another trick of his, he was afraid.

  When the servant led him out, the night wind blew, and the servant shivered from the cold. His mind was in chaos, and his body seemed to have its own consciousness controlling him to stride forward. He didn't stop until he walked a hundred and eighty steps, and looked back at the way he came.

  The tall and luxurious majestic building in the daytime is now somewhat desolate, gloomy, decadent and ghostly, like a wide open mouth of evil spirits, greedily devouring the living people who step here.

  He hurried home, his wife and children looked anxiously at the door, and wept with joy when they saw the servant came back alive.

  The waiter first had a few words of warmth with his family, looking at the familiar and fresh faces, Zheng Qiao's words kept echoing in his mind, and he didn't even hear his wife. She wiped away the tears of ecstasy, and said: "I heard that the lord was left behind by the lord, and I was afraid in my body and mind. I was afraid that you would be too... Now that the man is back, it is really gratifying. The back kitchen boiled mugwort water..."

  Take a bath to drive away bad luck.

  At this time, she saw the sword in the waiter's hand.

   "This sword...doesn't seem to belong to Lord Lang?"

  When the waiter heard this, he woke up like a dream, looked down at the broken sword in his hand, and slowly recovered his dull brain after the catastrophe, and said in a daze: "This sword belongs to Zheng Qiao."

  My wife let out an ah, and took two steps back in fright, looking at Jian with disgust written in her eyes: "This dirty thing..."

  Worried about surveillance, he abruptly swallowed back the words that followed.

  The waiter looked at the scabbard in his hand, whether it was lost or not, he put it aside helplessly: "Madam, please quickly order someone to pack your bags, we will leave here tomorrow..."

  The wife said with a bitter face: "How can I get away?"

   It’s not that there are no colleagues who want to run away, but they can’t.

   Once caught, kill on the spot!

  The waiter said: "Don't worry, I can leave."

  The wife looked at her husband, doubtful, but she had a doubt: "Master, if we leave, where should we go?"

  The waiter lowered his eyes and thought for a while: "Longwu County."

  The wife wondered: "Where is that?"

  The waiter said: "Border."

  The wife was reluctant: "How bitter and cold is that place? There are also alien invasions. Didn't our family go there..."

  The waiter pointed to the broken sword and said: "Zheng Qiao is willing to let him go, so we will deliver this sword to him."

  The wife was puzzled: "Whose hands?"

  The waiter twitched the corner of his mouth: "Ning Yan."

  The wife opened her round eyes wide: "Tunan? Ke-Ke Tunan's husband, Yan Xingning, was given by Zheng Qiao... to send Zheng Qiao's broken sword, and Tunan was so angry that he killed us?"

  Ning Yan has no mother-in-law, and her natal family is far away. From pregnancy to October pregnancy, the inexperienced husband and wife were almost blinded. Because the husbands of both parties have friendship, she was entrusted to help Ning Yan, and the two became closer because of the parenting exchange.

  She knows Ning Yan's stubborn temper very well.

  The waiter said: "This is also the way I think about my husband."

   This lunatic Zheng Qiao is making things difficult for himself.

  The wife made a suggestion: "Why don't you throw this thing away?"

  She looked disgusting.

  The waiter was still somewhat sensible, so he didn't do this.

  The temporary mansion was brightly lit all night, and the big objects could not be moved at all. We only packed some gold and silver, soft food and water bags. The ignorant toddler nestled in the arms of the nanny, watching the adults busy with a confused face. There was no tension in the air.

   Just halfway through packing, the housekeeper hurried over.

   "Lord Lord, Lord Lord, someone from the palace!"

  When the waiter heard it, his brain buzzed and he almost exploded. He grabbed his sword and said bitterly: "Damn Zheng Qiao, you are really playing tricks on me! At worst, you will die!"

   It looked like a man, but he was a short stature and a huge belly servant. The servant secretly grasped the scabbard, brewing murderous intentions.

  The servant was unconscious, and he tried his best to lower his voice.

   "Does the waiter want to leave?"

  The waiter snorted, the servant thought that the other party looked down on his status as an eunuch, and disdain to be with him. He raised his hand to undo the belt around his waist, and the waiter shouted in shock.

   "What are you doing?"

  The waiter said: "Show the waiter something."


   When Shiitake begins to describe the villain in detail, it means that the villain is about to receive his lunch box. Zheng Qiao is a lunatic, a lunatic, of course there must be a different way of going offline.

   Zheng Qiao probably never dreamed that Ning Yan would come over with a sword.



  (end of this chapter)