MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 731 : Serial Fraud (Part 2)【Two in One】

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  Chapter 731 Chapter 731: Serial fraud (Part 2) [two in one]

  The shouts of killing in the valley gradually changed from high to low.

  The blood pooled into puddles, reflecting the leisurely clouds in the sky.


  The calmness of the puddle was broken by one foot.

   It wasn't until the leg was raised that the ripples swayed back to tranquility. Jiang Sheng stroked his beard, with a rare relaxed smile on his face, and joked with his colleagues: "A plan is a plan, a game is in a game. I never thought that this matter would go so smoothly."

  Ning Yan also stretched her eyebrows a little, she smiled and said, "Didn't you check on her first before my lord left?"

  Through the window, it is enlightened, and the deep valley is full of flowers.

   All of them indicate that this trip is going to be auspicious.

It’s okay if Ning Yan didn’t say anything, but Jiang Sheng couldn’t help sighing when he talked about Jiang Sheng, and complained in a low voice: “It’s usually like this, but isn’t there such a variable as Kang Jishou? It’s a waste of the old man’s way of writing. Alas, it’s Qi Yuan Good cousin."

  These cousins ​​restrained him by nature.

   I don't know how much debt I owed them in my previous life.

  Jiang Sheng's way of literati is very low-key and does not have a high sense of presence, but it is used well, and it is also of great use in the battlefield. He can judge the approximate success rate of the strategy through the recent fortune of the person who executes the strategy, and Jiang Sheng relies on it to be invincible. However, with the variable Kangshi, the accuracy of this method is greatly reduced. Every time he thinks about it, he wants to vomit blood, and his heart is not smooth.

  Ning Yan knows the real prayer for goodness.

  She naturally knew that the "Qi Yuanliang" Jiang Sheng was talking about was not the same person as the "Qi Shan" she knew in the early years, and Kang Shi and the current Qi Yuanliang were not cousins. But in terms of temperament, now Qishan and Kang Jishou are not brothers, but more like brothers.

Ning Yan had no choice but to go roundabout to comfort her hapless colleagues: "It's up to man to plan, but God to make things happen. Even if Kang Jishou is involved with the lord at this moment, with the lord's courage and strength, even if there are some twists and turns in the middle, it will not affect the final result. "

  The initial plan was to deceive people into opening the city, sneak into the city through disguise, wait for the opportunity, and look for opportunities for internal cooperation and external cooperation.

  Just doing this, the people inside the city may encounter uncontrollable dangers, and the people outside the city need to use force to attack the city, creating opportunities for internal and external pincer attacks. Shen Tang vetoed this after a little thought, and then proposed a more daring plan.

  【Cheating once is cheating, cheating twice is cheating, so let’s do both. 】Shen Tang made a sinister smile, motioning for everyone to come over and listen clearly, and she said, 【It's not enough to trick them into opening the city, why not just trick them out of the city! 】

  There is a serious information gap between the two parties.

  Use it well, the enemy's legs can flicker!

  【Let's lure people here, and kill another wave! At that time, there will be very few elites left in the city, and we can take the opportunity to seize the main roads and take down this city with the minimum cost and effort. 】Shen Tang's eyes flickered.

   Bai Su said worriedly: [This won't scare the snake? 】

   What if the generals who stayed in the city reacted? Those who enter the city will be exposed to danger...

  【I think about it, probably not, after all, he doesn't have an anti-fraud app here. 】Even if there is an anti-fraud APP, it is difficult to escape this wave, because what really makes the enemy fall into the trap is poor information and a perfect logic chain. Even if the other party can react, that is when they are about to die, [If we are afraid that the enemy will become suspicious, let's arrange another person to deliver the good news and ask for support. 】

   This is equivalent to double insurance.

   At this point, everything is ready.

   Win a city with the least cost and the fastest speed.

  However, when Ning Yan and the others came over, they found that the flag on the city wall was not the word "Shen", and their hearts skipped a beat. Before they could imagine the scene where Shen Tang captured the city and was taken back by the enemy, the guards on the city wall recognized them with sharp eyes.

   They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Xun Ding.

  Jiang Sheng asked him: "What's the matter with the flag above?"

  He almost thought that Kang Jishou had done something again!

  Xun Ding looked up at the flag on the city wall, and explained: "Oh, this is what the lord meant. She ordered someone to replace the flag with the original one. The military adviser should ask the lord why."

  This matter has to be talked about not long ago.

Shen Tang had a general understanding of the city's situation through the internal documents of the government office, and he was secretly glad that the city had been repaired and consolidated several times, and the defense was perfect, and the defense was amazing. Even if all three battles were won, it would take three to five times as many troops to take it down .

  If one's own side chooses to take it by force, it may be bloodletting.

   Now, the legacy of this city is hers.

   I took advantage of it, and my mood is brighter than today's sun. Stretching and preparing to go for a walk, I heard common people talking about the city wall and flags on the road. Shen Tang didn't care at first, it's normal to plant his own flag after capturing the city.

  But I found an empty seat at the roadside stall and sat down to drink corn porridge. I took a bite, and another super bold idea came to my mind.

  The common people did not realize that the city had changed hands.

  The soldiers and horses in the city are also controlled by our side.

   In other words—

   It took a little longer than normal for the news of the city's change of ownership to spread to the next door. Can I take the opportunity to set up a situation and operate to the limit? Now or never! The more Shen Tang thought about it, the more excited he became, and hurriedly finished his drink and paid the bill.

  【Boss, the money is on the table! 】

  Shen Tang asked Lu Ji to insert all the original flags back, and only then did the "horrifying" scene that Jiang Sheng and others saw.

"Tunan, you came back just in time." Shen Tang waited left and right, and when Ning Yan came back, he handed her a sealed document, "Here is a task for you to do. You send this letter Send the request for help to Lin County as quickly as possible."

   Deception is not afraid of old-fashioned, as long as it can deceive people.

  The initiative must be in the hands of one's own side. Shen Tang was going to do the same, using the old method to coax the troops from Lin County to come over and ambush them. It's the best one ever played, if you can't beat it, immediately withdraw to the city to defend. With this move, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat!

  Shen Tang: "It must be before Zheng Qiao reacts."

  The name on the national seal roster will not disappear even if the owner of the name betrays, but death is different, and it will be automatically "logged out" within seven days. Shen Tang must act first before Zheng Qiao gives new orders or the neighbors find something is wrong and send troops to surround him! Active offense is better than passive defense!

  Ning Yan quickly went through the plan in her heart.

  Holding his hands to lead the command, he said, "Wei."

  Ordinary Wenxin literati also have the incarnation of cultural energy, but the incarnation cannot be too far away from the body, and their own cultural energy will leak out, and it is easy for others to see the details. Ning Yan's "Nothing" is different, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to expose it, it can be called perfect.

  Shen Tang was secretly busy with a series of frauds, and he was doing well in Zheng Qiao's territory, and the owner of the site hadn't noticed it yet.

  Zheng Qiao is still fishing, and has nothing to do to read the battle report.

   After a few glances, I feel bored: "You're just a coward."

  The coalition forces of the Dragon Slaying Bureau only dared to test in a small area for a few days in a row, but they didn't dare to fight in a real battle, and they didn't know what medicine they sold in their gourds. He is more concerned about how many fish he can catch today than the coalition army and others who are jumping up and down.

  Just as he was thinking about it, the fishing rod in his hand visibly sank.

  He said: "There it is again."

  Retract the fishing rod, but there is no prey on the hook.

  Zheng Qiao frowned and muttered: "The fish escaped?"

   "Flee, flee, and those who wish take the bait."

   As he spoke, he flicked the fishing rod, briefly causing ripples on the water surface.

  Before the next prey came, the sound of steady footsteps came from the deck of the building: "My lord, there is news from the front line."

   Zheng Qiao said casually: "Those scums are here to harass again?"

   After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "Just send it away."

The visitor said with a heavy expression: "The scouts on the front line have detected a strange supply and food team, escorted by heavy shield fighters under Huang Lie's tent. The guards are extremely strict, and they will be killed if they get close... The scouts also lost two falcons. .”

  Zheng Qiao asked: "What is the size of this grain team?"

  The other party replied: "There are only ten baggage carts."

   Judging from the dropped grain, it should be very common old grain. However, is it necessary to send 500 heavy shield warriors to **** ten carts of old grain? He suspected that there was fraud among them, and the problem probably came from one of them, but it was a pity that no more had been found.

  Zheng Qiao smiled and said, "This is for real."

  The visitor asked for advice with a puzzled look on his face: "The final general is dull and incompetent, and doesn't know what he means, so he dared to ask the king to speak out."

Zheng Qiao looked at the surface of the water wrinkled by the breeze, and said in a mocking tone: "What method do you think Huang Lie used to create the so-called heavy shield warrior? Although Huang Lie was cautious and kept this matter secret, what can I do There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and there is no mouth that cannot be pried open. He recruited many doctors who are proficient in alchemy, refining and hoarding 'Hercules Pill'."

  He took out a pill the size of a longan from the pouch on his waist. The pill was round and round, and the whole body was brown. When he got closer, he could smell a very strange medicinal fragrance. There are a lot of refreshing and precious herbs in the pill, which makes me feel energetic after a long time.

   "This is the most important thing in making a heavy shield warrior." Throwing the pill back, it fell accurately into the hands of the general behind him.

   "Such a good thing, I will send someone to **** it!"

  The military commander's tiger eyes burst out!

  Zheng Qiao raised her hand to stop her: "Why grab it?"

  The general said: "If we don't **** it, won't we add chaos to the lord when Huang Lie creates more 'heavy shield warriors'? Even if we don't need it, we can't take advantage of Huang Lie for nothing!"

"Fools only know that pills are miraculous, but they don't know that this thing can kill people." Zheng Qiao was born in the Geng royal family, and the Geng royal family was the main force who advocated the destruction of the Gongxi clan, and searched all the documents of the Gongxi clan. , and secretly studied the Wu Kingdom Gu disaster for a few years, how could he not know how to do these things? Just because he knew it, he was not interested in grabbing it.

   "Take a pill, and there is only a 10% chance of success."

  General: "What about the remaining 90%?"

"Of course it's death!" Zheng Qiao said lightly, "It has to be the taker's initiative, with a firm belief in his heart, to take the initiative to accept the 'Hercules God Pill''s invasion and tempering of himself. If the taker is unwilling and resists wholeheartedly, There is no one in a hundred."

   Zheng Qiao is still self-aware.

  Where are there so many willing people under the account?

   On the other hand, Huang Lie is different.

  Huang Lie was expelled with hundreds of thousands of refugees and grassroots, and these common people regarded him as the savior. Even though Huang Lie told them that if they took this "Hercules Pill", the probability of survival would be very low, but there are still a large number of ordinary people who smashed their heads just to get a pill.

  Even if he eats a dead person, he can't feel any resentment towards Huang Lie.

  Huang Lie gave them the opportunity to change their destiny, let them break away from the status of ordinary people, and have the strength and physique to rival those of warriors, so that they don't have to die as easily as grass. Failure can only be attributed to bad fate and insufficient willpower.

  Zheng Qiao said with emotion: "Obviously he is not a human being, but he is enshrined on the altar by fools. How else can we say he is fools?"

  The general was speechless for a while.

  At this time, Zheng Qiao's fishing rod moved again.

  Retract the rod, but there is no prey on the hook.

   Zheng Qiao's calm expression showed a slight crack.

  The general also realized that something was wrong, and said in a low voice: "My lord, the hook failed twice. What happened?"

   Zheng Qiao didn't answer, but looked in a certain direction, and asked, "Is there any report of the ambush against Shen Tang?"

  The general shook his head: "Is the lord worried about losing his hand?"

  Zheng Qiao replied: "After all, it is the person that the senior brother has his eyes on."

  The general agrees on the surface, but doesn't care in his heart.

  If Yan An was so accurate in judging people, he himself would not be chopped up by his junior brother, chop it up, and throw the body to feed the dogs.

   "Keep an eye on it, and report back as soon as there is news."

  The general cupped his fists and said, "Wei!"

   Straight bait fishing has never been in the air force, and today he missed twice in a row. Zheng Qiao suddenly felt bored, and returned to the cabin early with the fish reel. He threw the fish basket to the servant on the side: "These few fishes will be fried by the back kitchen and fed to the animals in the cat and dog room."

  The waiter accepted it tremblingly.

at the same time-

  The atmosphere of the Allied Forces in the Dragon Slaying Bureau is a bit strange.

  Leader Huang Lie convened everyone, and there were several large boxes in the tent, each box was opened, full of brown pills the size of longan. Dumb people couldn't figure out which one it was, but smart people vaguely guessed that this thing should be Huang Lie's trump card. But they didn't understand why Huang Lie didn't hide them, but took them out uncharacteristically.

  The soldiers presented stacks of pills to the desks of everyone.

  Wu Xian broke the silence first.

   "Leader, what is this?"

   Gu Ren has been with his sixth younger brother for many years, and he has a rough knowledge of medicine, and can guess several herbs by sniffing a little. The aroma is clear and pure, condensed but not scattered, and you can tell it's not cheap when you smell it. He put the pill back: "Leader Huang, tell me to wait for the answer. If I guess, I'm afraid I won't be able to."

  Huang Lie didn't mean to tantalize people either.

Come up with a clear sign: "This thing is called 'Hercules God Pill'. Although the name is vulgar and simple, it is a rare treasure. You should be curious for a long time, how those heavy shield fighters under Huang's account are trained. The key, Just this pill!"

  Gu Ren frowned upon hearing this.

  Push this dish away without a trace.

  Because of the experience of the thirteenth brother Shao Chong, Gu Ren was very resistant to this thing, and the round pill seemed to be distorted into grimaces that lost their minds. He said in a bad tone: "Such a treasure, is President Huang planning to share it with us?"

  Huang Lie seemed unable to hear the rejection in his words.

   nodded and said: "That's exactly what I mean."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tent was in an uproar.

  Unexpectedly, Gu Ren raised his hand and slapped the table, which cut off the noise in the tent, and Gu Ren said in a strange way: "I'm afraid that Gu Ren will not be blessed to accept the kindness of Leader Huang, please forgive me."

   It’s also the text of the little sister (〃\'▽\'〃)

   Apple's "Live Debt Collection, One Follows the Whole Network and Cries!" "

   A generation of celestial master Jiang Ningning crossed over and became the small owner of the incense shop!

   Looking at the original account book, it is all debts? Don't be afraid! Let's live broadcast debt collection!

   PS: I made a wooden keyboard today, it feels surprisingly good, and the sound is also quite special. Alas, keyboard customization is really a big pit.

   PPS: This afternoon, I took a leather jacket with my mother to shave my head. His hair volume alone is equivalent to the fetal hair of four children in the morning and afternoon, tsk tsk, he can develop into a programmer when he grows up, and he is not afraid of baldness. In addition, Shiitake also deeply understands that the influence of hair and eyebrows on appearance is like two babies.



  (end of this chapter)