MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 73 0: Awakening [ask for a monthly ticket]

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  Chapter 73 073: Awakening【Ask for a monthly pass】

  After the rain, the mountains are green, and the clouds receive sunshine.

  It rained without warning in the middle of the night yesterday. It rained heavily and thundered. The next day cleared up and the sky was clear.



   "Meow meow~~~~"

   Milky meows sounded in the house.

  The light outside the window jumped into the room through the gap, playfully falling on Qishan's thick and slender eyelashes. A small civet cat with light-colored tabby pattern, which is not as big as an adult's palm, meows and meows. It is still too young, and its limbs do not have enough strength to support it to travel far.

  It didn't know when it woke up from the bamboo basket pillow, and staggered to the side of the pillow. It stared in a daze, raised its front paws and pushed the "obstacles" that stood in its way.

   The "obstacle" cannot be pushed, but is still soft.

  Using both claws together, it took half of its body to climb up the face of the "obstacle" with great effort. Perhaps because of its strong curiosity, it stuck out its tongue and licked it again and again. The touch was soft and slightly itchy, as if it had sensed the "obstacle" that was stuck in a nightmare.

  Brows were slightly furrowed, and with the slight trembling of the eyelashes, with the joint efforts of the cat and the sun, the "obstacle" showed signs of waking up.

  Qishan felt like she had a very long nightmare.

  Woke up but couldn't remember the content of the dream, but the feeling of extreme darkness and suffocation was always haunting and lingering.

  He tried his best to break free from the shackles of the nightmare, and suddenly opened his eyes. I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up, I couldn't adapt to the bright morning light outside, and my eyes overflowed with physiological water mist uncontrollably.

  He closed his eyes slowly, waiting for the discomfort to disappear.

  As the perception returned one by one, he also felt itchy throat, and there was a tearing sensation in his chest one after another. He frowned and suppressed the overwhelming sweet smell in his throat.

   "Cough cough cough—"


  Because of Qishan's tilting of his head, Mao'er's previous efforts were in vain, and he whimpered as if he was wronged, and looked at the "monster" that was close at hand with those clear water-green eyes. Qi Shan stopped coughing suddenly, and turned his head following the sound in disbelief.

   Two pairs of eyes, one black and one green, meet at close range.

  Qishan's nose tip can still touch the cat's soft fur.

   "How do you—"

  Holding the bed with the right elbow bent, slowly sitting up the upper body, holding the cat on the bedding with one hand, looking up at the familiar environment. It was then that there was another person in the house. Mr. Shen Xiaolang held the long sword in his arms, leaned against the door for a rest, and tilted his head slightly.

  She slept peacefully, as if she had slept soundly.

   But when Qishan saw the past, she woke up.

"Yuanliang, are you awake?" Shen Tang got up and put away the loving mother sword, yawned lazily, raised his hand to rub the remaining sleepiness from the corners of his eyes, and said in his mouth, "Are you hungry? I'll go to Dongchu to give you some Eat what you want, drink medicine after eating, sleep for a while after drinking..."

  Qi Shan stroked the cat's fur with his palm.

  As soon as he woke up, he remembered the scene before he fell into a coma.

Only the little guy in the palm of his hand can stabilize his emotions. Probably the most angry and shocking stage has passed. Now that he thinks about the news again, although he still feels uncomfortable, he doesn't have the urge to kill Zheng Qiao's ten clans .

   "Mr. Shen, this is..."

Shen Tang was also in a daze, thinking that Qi Shan was asking why he was sleeping with the sword in his arms, and explained, "Didn't I offend Gu Chi to the core yesterday? I was worried that he would send a killer over to kill me overnight, just in case In case you sleep with your sword in your arms."

  Qi Shan said: "I am not asking this."

"Then you're talking about this cat?" Shen Tang saw the cat on his palm and thought he had finally connected to the correct channel, and explained, "Because you vomited blood and passed out last night. I didn't know you. When did you wake up, I was worried that it would delay the auspicious day you chose. So, I brought the 'betrothal gift' you gave to your raccoon slave to the door to 'be hired' early in the morning. Yuanliang, you will never even follow this I care about every detail, right? It's different who goes to 'hire', anyway, the cat bride is picked up by you, right?"

  Pray for goodness: "..."

  The focus of Mr. Shen Xiaolang's attention always leads him astray, and the remaining pain in his heart has also dissipated by 70% to 80%, more helpless and funny. He had no choice but to "strike first to be strong", lest Shen Tang should say a long sentence: "You have been here all this time?"

  What he wants to ask is that Mr. Shen Xiaolang has been guarding like this?

  Shen Tang told the truth: "Not all the time, I took a shift with Mr. Wuhui and went to the morning market to buy some Korean food."

  Pray for goodness: "..."

   While he was in a daze, Shen Tang brought over the medicine and minced meat porridge. There was still leftovers of the minced meat porridge that Chu Yao made last night, and it was kept warm in the east kitchen. Qishan's current physical condition is not very good, and his stomach is not working well, so he can only eat something that is easy to digest and nutritious.

  Qi Shan didn't say much, but thanked him in a low voice, without frowning, and drank a whole bowl of bitter medicine in one go.

   "I didn't expect your health to be so bad..."

  Last night, I was so angry that I vomited blood, and I was once angry.

  Shen Tang was worried that if she didn't see it at a glance, his breath would die. Fortunately, her breath gradually recovered in the morning, and she was relieved to go out for some morning food. It was also the first time she realized that people can really be **** off...

  Qi Shan said, "It's actually not bad."

   "You don't even blush when you lie."

  Qishan explained with a wry smile: "Shan's body is not bad, but the burden brought by the way of scribes is too great, so it is inevitable that he will be weaker."

  The saber on his waist is really not a decoration. Although the force is not as powerful as Shen Tang who is drunk, he can kill all directions, but he doesn't have too much pressure to deal with ordinary three or five big men. This coma is really an exception.

   "Are you using your scribes?"

  Qi Shan said: "There are no hidden dangers left in the past."

  Shen Tang: "Before?"

  Qi Shan smiled and said: "Kill the master."

   Every time, the Lord of Allegiance breaks the promise first, and the prayer for goodness is safe and sound, but the style required for backlash comes from his side, which will more or less cause a burden. It's okay to do it once or twice, but if the number is too many, he will naturally be under a lot of pressure.

  Shen Tang: "...Then can your body recover?"

  Qi Shan smiled and said: "You can raise it, you can either live in seclusion for a few years, or go to a lord who won't break your promise easily."

Shen Tang patted him on the shoulder with a heavy face: "Then you should cultivate for a few years, the world is so chaotic, you won't be able to calm down for a while, and you can come out of the mountain in time. Listen to me, the body is the biggest revolution. Capital. Also, don’t be angry in the future. Not only will the survivors of the Xin Kingdom be forced to rebel if Zheng Qiao acts so recklessly, but the people of the Geng Kingdom will sooner or later be unable to bear his atrocities..."

  Without capital, what can I spend?

the most important is-

  Although Qishan didn't go into details, judging from his understatement, it is estimated that the boss he killed by "killing the master" over the years is probably no less than one hand. His way of literati is too domineering, the next boss should keep his eyes open and make a choice carefully.

  For his body, but also for the life of the boss.

  Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

  Pray for goodness: "..."

   There are two updates today, and one more later, everyone should go to bed early.

   Really, you must go to bed early! !

   Your work and rest time can’t be compared with night owl authors. You can still enjoy supper if you stay up late with mushrooms, and you can sleep until any time in the afternoon. You have to go to work and school.



  (end of this chapter)