MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 725 : Who are you looking for? (below) [ask for a monthly ticket]

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  Chapter 725 Chapter 725: Who are you looking for? (below) [ask for a monthly ticket]

  The timing of Shen Tang's shot was very delicate.

  She took Tao Yan's vanguard troops across the Miaojiang River, and suddenly attacked when there were still soldiers on the other side who hadn't entered the water. The vanguard was suddenly hit hard, and the rear must flee in panic. If they want to retreat to the shore, they will be blocked by people on the shore.

  Ordinary soldiers have no morale if they cannot form an army formation. The terrible thing is that the rafts under their feet are all morale, and the time delay is too long. Once the morale of the raft is exhausted, these people will all go into the water as dumplings. In this situation, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to protect themselves, let alone organize a counterattack.

   In comparison, those with martial spirit are still calm.

  Tao Yan also has a lot of brave fighters under Tao Yan's tent. Although they are not strong enough to fight in the air for a short time, they can still fight back one or two times, and barely hold the situation so that they will not be defeated.

  The spear soldiers stabbed the enemy into the water and had fun. Seeing them turn around, the soldiers in charge of paddling the raft wished to use their rounded arms as human turbines. Following waves of arrow rain from the archers, the cold heart of Jiang was smeared with blood. If the enemy soldiers are not dead, there will be soldiers who will be responsible for making up the knife after the raft gets close.

  If you don’t die like this, you will be captured after the war.

  Among the chaos, Feng could vaguely hear Feng yelling.

   "All stop, don't be crowded!"

   "It's really a bunch of brainless rams—"

   "Follow the command of the military flag!"

  The advance troops were attacked, and the rear did not know what happened. At this time, the front turned around 180 degrees and retreated. The rear did not respond in time, and the river was directly blocked by boats. The river is so vast, can't we retreat from the two wings?

   It's just that Feng's order is still too late.

  They want to retreat from the two wings, is Shen Tang willing?

  But faster than Shen Tang was a light white shadow.

   Seeing this situation, Tao Yan knew that the retreat was impossible, the rear was congested, the rafts collided with each other, and soldiers kept losing their balance and fell into the water. Being blocked here happened to be within the range of Shen Tang's influence, and it was a living target, so it was better to fight hard.

  He drew out his saber: "Kill back!"

   "The lords and I will kill the Shen thief together!"

  Feng Shi and Tao Yan have different views. Even if they counterattack, they have to wait for the army to withdraw to the shore before fighting. They are too passive on the river. It's just that her opinion couldn't stand up to Tao Yan's order after all. Feng could only look bitterly at the direction of the opposite bank.

  No matter what the outcome of this battle is, she will be in danger of her life as an ordinary person staying in Jiangxin, and she will feed the fish accidentally.


   Feng ordered his personal guards to **** him back. These two personal guards are both warriors with low levels of cultivation. It's okay to deal with some small situations, but they can't protect her at all in this situation. The guards did as they were told, but Tao Yan didn't know about it.

   "Shen-you-li-come out and fight!"

  The sound waves break through the clouds, and every word contains hatred.

   "You are not worthy!"

  The visitor comes by stepping on driftwood, ethereal and light like a ghost.

   Before Tao Yan could see the appearance of the person coming, two sword lights stabbed down from the top of his head, and the target was Tianling Gai. Tao Yan didn't panic, didn't dodge or dodge, and only heard two metal jingling sounds. The general who was killed was repelled several feet away.

   But the opponent just retreated on the surface of the water and dragged out a wave of water, until his heel stepped firmly on a piece of driftwood again, and with a little help, he came up again. It was vaguely visible that the person who came was a slightly tall and thin general, holding a pair of double swords.

   This person is naturally Bai Su, a general under Shen Tang's tent.

   She is indispensable in places where military exploits can be made.

  If Tao Yan’s head can be beheaded this time—

  Thinking of this, she squinted her eyes slightly, and her usually quiet blood began to heat up gradually, and the desire for blood on the blades of the two swords in her hands climbed to a fixed point. Tao Yan could see Bai Su's cultivation clearly, and immediately blushed with anger: "You mere Lizi, how dare you be presumptuous!"

   shouted: "Come here, cut off this son's head!"

  The sound of killing and screams can be heard endlessly on the river.

  Shen Tang set up a tent to watch the battle with his hands, pointed to Jiang Xin and said, "Come on! Give Tao Shenyu a wave of technology and hard work for this vicious dog!"

Gu Chi's gaze was always on a spot on the front line, and he turned his gaze away when he heard Lu Ji's puzzled "Ah", and worked diligently as a humanoid simultaneous translator: "My lord means to let the archers prepare the rockets, Burned their raft."

  Lu Ji understood now, clasped his fists and said, "Take orders."

  Shen Tang said: "Zhizong won't go down to collect some military exploits?"

  She remembered that her warriors were very aggressive.

  The enemy's head is their military merit.

  Lu Ji said in distress: "The bid is not good at water warfare."

  It's not that she doesn't know how to swim, but her water skills can only be barely submerged. The most important thing is that the weapon she is good at is a pair of heavy hammers covered with spikes. The weight is as high as a terrible two hundred and forty catties.

  Body weight plus armor weight plus hammer weight...

  How can a simple raft hold up?

  In order to allow the raft to carry more people, everyone only wore a few armor accessories when they crossed the river, and turned into a full armor when they landed. Lu Ji's cultivation base is not enough to support her to walk on the water as if walking on the ground. She intends to make meritorious service but the conditions are not allowed.

  Shen Tang heard the words and no longer insisted.

  Gu Chi asked her: "My lord will know Tao Shenyu if you don't go?"

Shen Tang raised his eyebrows and asked back: "Tao Shenyu is worth killing myself? Sigh, invincibility means loneliness, let's save some broth for the young people below. I shouldn't be the protagonist this time, either. It should be Wei Yuanyuan. As the lord, it is their greatest confidence to supervise the battle here."

  She really wasn't bragging.

  Shen Tang pulled 30,000 people over this time, and selected more than 10,000 elites to follow her deep into Qianzhou behind the enemy lines. In the high-end combat power, she only took away Wei Shou, and she left Chu Jie to cooperate with Kang Shi.

  Wei Shou is the 15th-rank young master of the Eight Classics, and there is no one under Tao Yan who is stronger than him. Our own side has the advantage of being the first mover by surprise. Under such conditions, Wei Shou still can't hold back Tao Yan's top generals... That can only prove that Wei Shou, a fifteenth-rank junior, has a lot of trouble.

  In theory, this can be regarded as the first serious battle after Wei Shou's surrender. The most important thing is that Shen Tang allocates additional military salary allocations based on military achievements. With outstanding performance and outstanding military exploits, the military budget for the next quarter will be allocated more.

vice versa.

  Shen Tang looked at the battle situation and thought: "If Wei Yuanyuan doesn't perform well, I'll file a complaint with Wuhui later..."

  She thought so, and Wei Shou thought so too.

   This battle is not only to avenge Gu Chi and eradicate a hidden danger, but also to let Wei Shou gain power and quickly integrate into his own camp. However, in response to the sentence, people are not as good as heaven.

  When the two sides were fighting fiercely, no one noticed that there was a huge long shadow approaching quietly under the dark water surface of Miaojiang River.


   One hit metal crash is over.

  Bai Su has been keeping an eye on Tao Yan's target all along, and the generals under his tent will naturally not allow it. In the beginning, one person was assigned to intercept and kill Bai Su, but he underestimated Bai Su's body skills. He wore a martial armor and his cultivation level was not high. On the other hand, Tao Yan's warriors are more embarrassing. Although their strength is slightly better than Bai Su's, Bai Su can't do anything in the Jiangmian battlefield.

   But at least, Tao Yan was protected by them unscathed.

   "Everyone is here, save your life!"

  【Come like thunder, be furious! 】

  【Stop like Jiang Hai condenses the light! 】

   As soon as the two swords were released, there was a thunderbolt.

  She was like a puff of green smoke floating above the river, with sharp and swift sword moves in her hand, and the sword energy she swung intertwined into a net. The sword energy collided with the target, and there was another wave on the surrounding water. The lost sword energy tore the general's raft into pieces.

   "Any eyesore, get out of the way!" Every time she was blocked from getting close to Tao Yan, Bai Su also became angry, but soon she changed her mind and set her target on the raft under their feet. Wait until they fall into the water and beat the dogs in the water!


   Before Bai Su could take any action, the water surface regenerated.

  The enemy soldiers screamed and fell into the beast's mouth.

  Under the night, a cyan animal shadow suddenly jumped out from the water with its huge mouth open. The beast shadow has a square and wide mouth with dense sharp teeth. Its body is sharp and angular, covered in scales, with thick limbs and a long and flat tail. Like a dragon but not a dragon, like a bug but not a bug.

  The tail is even stronger and powerful, with a flexibility that does not match its body shape. As soon as it jumped out of the water, it flicked its long tail and threw its head towards the enemy general. The selected lucky general only had time to raise his arm. With a click, his wrist guard shattered and deformed. His body also seemed to be hit by a hill head-on. He flew upside down, smashed through dozens of rafts, and finally sank into the water with a bang...

   This is a giant cyan alligator.

   Its size is huge, and it makes people feel cold when floating on the water.

  Russia, a young warrior descended from the sky, stepped on the back of the giant blue crocodile with both feet, and held a long soldier in one hand.

   grinned and said: "It's so lively, how can there be no me?"

   Bai Su's gaze moves down three points.

   It happened to meet one side of the eye of the giant cyan crocodile. She pursed her lips slightly, suppressing a certain strange emotion—she also wanted such a mighty and fierce totem of bravery that could be used both on land and in water.

   Xun Ding obviously didn't notice that his colleagues standing on the raft were envious of him, so he chose his target and stabbed with his weapon: "General Bai, the enemy will be the leader. Those who are able will get it. Don't blame me!"

  Bai Su regained consciousness after hearing the words.

   There was a sense of tension in my heart that my military achievements were left behind.

   shouted loudly: "It's still unknown who will win the battle!"

   This was probably the most sought-after night in Tao Yan's life. Xun Ding and Bai Su competed for him, and Wei Shou, a heavyweight general, also joined the battlefield after solving the stinky fish and rotten shrimps blocking the way. In such a situation, Tao Yan was able to pretend to be calm at first, but when he saw Wei Shou also appearing, his face turned pale, and he pretended to be calm and ordered to withdraw.

  The military generals under the tent looked at each other, and the division of labor was immediately clear.

  However, Tao Yan hadn't retreated much distance before the **** of his confidants, the water surface on the path suddenly became frosty, followed by a bit of icy blue light piercing towards the center of his eyebrows. The generals escorting Tao Yan also shot when he saw this, and the future intercepted him and took a closer look.

   Tao Yan had some impression of this person.

   In the blink of an eye, everything is connected in series.

   Immediately, he hated and was angry.

  What a Shen Youli, what a Huang Xiguang, the two of them worked hand in hand, and they had already killed my thoughts. I just hate that he was actually kept in the dark by the hypocritical performance of the two! It's no wonder that Tao Yan had such an idea, because the general who blocked their way out was none other than Huang Lie's young master Qi Yunce? This person's move is accompanied by cold and snow, his characteristics are very obvious, it is difficult to admit his mistake.

   "Yun Yuanmou!"

   Tao Yan yelled out the identity of this child.

  Yun Ce said modestly and politely: "Tao Jun."

  The two of them were separated by the flames, and there was a flame behind each of them. Flames, figures, screams, falling into the water... Tao Yan didn't expect that he would be so embarrassed. This scene reminded him of the scene many years ago when the country was destroyed and the family was destroyed, and the maids and maids in the mansion ran away screaming and fleeing from the attacking enemies. The long-lost embarrassment came to my heart, accompanied by doubled anger.

   "Even you stop me! Huang Xiguang is really good!"

   Tao Yan gritted his teeth bitterly.

   "To be in collusion with Shen Youli, plot against me!"

  Yun Ce originally wanted to say that this matter had nothing to do with his lord, it was all Shen Jun's plan. After thinking about it, no one believed me when I told the truth. His answer to Tao Yan was to fire his gun and drive back the troops trying to break through. That general was considered loyal to Tao Yan, seeing that he was defeated by Yun Ce, he shouted:

   "My lord goes first!"

  He was going to use his life to delay Yun Ce and buy time for Tao Yan. This place is not too far from the shore, and Tao Yan, as a brave fighter, can break through and go ashore. As long as they get to the shore and integrate the remnant soldiers to retreat, there will be a chance to make a comeback in the future.

  Just, the next moment—

  Wei Shou descended from the sky and slapped him flying, still cursing: "Damn, I almost let the big fish escape!"

   This matter was known by Chu Liangliang, and he was not laughed to death!

   Seeing this, Yun Ce put away his gun.

Wei Shou is here, Tao Yan can't escape, even Wei Shou himself thinks so, but no one is as good as God, Tao Yan, before Wei Shou makes a move and the general is about to be cut off, he doesn't care about rushing out of the way Obstacles, desperate to escape to the shore.

   Wei Shou grinned: "Are you running away?"

   See where you can escape!

   It was at this moment of hesitation that Tao Yan saw a column of water soaring into the sky under Tao Yan's feet, and a large fish with a transparent body and a whole body covered in black, except for its two cheeks and white belly jumped out of the water. He uttered a strange cry at Tao Yan, and swung his wet tail around his head.

   Tao Yan, who escaped for a few steps, was photographed back again.


  Wei Shou raised his hand and grabbed the back of his collar.

   Everyone looked at the big fish again, and its figure had already dispersed.

  Wei Shoudao: "Whose gallant totem is that?"

  As a new member, he recognized half of the people under Shen Tang's account, and he could barely match the names with the people. As for the totem of the other party's martial arts, he didn't know. Just now this big fish lasted for such a short time...

   Obviously, it is the warrior totem who has just awakened.

  Yun Ce shook his head: "I don't know."

  He doesn't know much about Shen Tang's tent than Wei Shou.

  Wei Shou is one of his own anyway, there is no need to avoid him, he will know sooner or later, but Yun Ce is not qualified as a temporary worker.

   "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

   Lifting Tao Yan, who was dizzy from the knock in his hand and had all kinds of meat and vegetables, he looked proud like a fisherman who caught a big fish.

   "As long as people catch it, they will still be alive."

   Wei Shou's mind has already started to make plans.

   Tao Yan how much budget can be exchanged for this head.

  No one noticed. After the big fish disappeared, Bai Su's face was almost transparent, and the martial spirit of Danfu was empty. If it wasn't for the strong core strength, he might have fallen into the water from the driftwood.

  【Starting point book review area monthly ticket stickers, to participate in the event, a monthly ticket has a 200 starting point currency subsidy, and there are 200 places left. It expires on the evening of the 7th. Don’t waste the places-the above conversations are free of charge. 】

   (ノ ̄▽ ̄)

   There are really many friends who have opened new books recently, and there are so many new books to read. This time it’s YTT Taotao’s ancient sayings about farming “My Live Streaming Room Knows the Past and the Present”

   Introduction: Grandma takes her granddaughter through ancient times, and how to survive becomes a difficult problem. Fortunately, bring a modern live broadcast room, so please watch the live broadcast of the grandparents and grandchildren. There are more hardships and more hardships.

   Taotao is also a veteran author of Qidian, she can drive steadily, and the old driver's car can be used!



  (end of this chapter)