MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 714 : Disgraceful [two-in-one]

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This is not the first time Tao Yan has been greeted by Shen Tang to the eighteenth generation of his ancestors. At first, he was a little incompetent and furious, but the threshold became higher as the frequency increased. A trace of subtle emotions.

  His rage went over the peak and fell down in an instant.

He also pointed at Shen Tang, and yelled eloquently and confidently: "All of you let go, I want to see how you, Shen Youli, handle people! Shen, what else can you do besides scolding people here? You put it on Who is showing the anger here? Can you provide food? Can you accept the common people in Yanzhou who have no food? Just say a few words and play a false trick to fulfill your reputation as a gentleman who loves the people like a son? I Pooh!"

   Zhang He's eyelids suddenly jumped wildly.

   Qian Yong raised his eyebrows lightly.

  At this moment, he and Zhang He are very in harmony.

  【Tao Shenyu, this horrible thing will talk back? 】

  【Hehe, the ability to answer back is good. 】

   You must know that Tao Yan was greeted by Shen Tang in various languages ​​before. Apart from being angry and manic, he was so angry that the top of his head was smoking, but he was powerless to fight back. Because he considered himself a normal person, he didn't dare to be rampant with Shen Tang, who had a high level of force and could go crazy at any time.

  Is it just because of cowardice?

   Not exactly.

  Everyone in the Allied Army knows about Shen Tang's civil and martial arts cultivation. In other words, Shen Tang either has a short lifespan or a weak mind, and it is human nature to go crazy every now and then. A normal person provokes a fool and is beaten to death by a fool. Is he wronged?

   Not only was he wronged, he was also ridiculed as courting death after he died.

  It's okay, why provoke a mentally ill person?

  Tao Yan often warned himself not to care about short-lived ghosts with mental illnesses, but human patience is limited, so he fought back uncharacteristically. Not only did he fight back, he also provoked. In the end, Gu Chi, who blocked him, let go, and kicked another colleague Jiang Sheng who was blocking him. Jiang Sheng cast a puzzled look at him from the corner of his eye, and Gu Chi mouthed "let go".


  Shen Tang came out of the slaughterhouse with a whimper.

  Long-legged stride over the hurdle, across the not-too-distant distance between the two, he sprinted forward, just to give Tao Yan a big fight.

  All greeted Tao Yan's face.

  Elegant as Zhang He also stretched out his hand in fright, and his voice was so high that he broke his voice: "Mr. Shen must not—"

  Beating allies, this operation is too much.

  The bearded man Qian Yong also looked at the messy scene in the tent in a daze, and forgot to step forward to stop the fight, and watched Shen Tang make a move. The fighting moves are not the same as those of the brave warriors, and they are well versed in the three moves of fooling the people to fight.

  Scratches face, grabs hair, kicks down three-way.

  Without martial spirit, what is being talked about is a person with abundant martial virtue.

  Zhang He stomped his feet angrily, completely ignoring his usual immortal demeanor, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze? Pull them away!"

  Tao Yan's cheeks were scratched, everyone was awakened like a dream, and one of them pulled one. It's not so much a pull, it's better to say that it's a bias. Taking advantage of the turmoil, Tao Yan has several gray footprints of large shoe sizes on his body.

  Qian Yong was already shaking with laughter in his heart, but his actions were very serious, and he said while fighting: "Shen Jun, Tao Jun, you are so insulting to the gentleman, you are insulting the gentleman—"

  How could the people on Tao Yan's side just let it go?

   This caused the chaotic battle to last for a while before it stopped.

  After parting, everyone saw that Shen Tang's clothes and waist were a little messed up with the big movement, his knuckles were flushed, and the tip of his nose was breathing slightly, but his face was still smooth and delicate, even more lustrous because of the pink halo...ah no, the complexion. On the other hand, Tao Yan is not so decent. The hair bun is messy, the hair is hooked to the crown, and the robe is torn to reveal the inner shirt...

   There are several large footprints visible to the naked eye.

   What was even more embarrassing was still to come. There were three bloodstains on the left and four on the right of his face, his left eye was black and blue, and his facial muscles twitched from forbearance. Everyone couldn't help looking down slightly. Although Tao Yan was wearing a girdle today, the armor piece of the girdle was slightly deformed. They couldn't imagine how much effort Shen Tang used to greet him.


   Isn't it very painful?

  Seeing this, Qian Yong's place protected by the armor turned cold.

  He and Shen Tang did have an enmity, but whether he took the initiative to provoke one party, or took advantage of the situation. Afterwards, losing carelessly and losing troops and generals can only be regarded as inferior skills. It's not that Qian Yong can't afford to lose, so he treats Shen Tang with an attitude of not provoking. In comparison, his resentment towards Zhang He is more focused. But at this time, Qian Yong was a little thankful that he hadn't deliberately made a fool of himself.

  Shen Youli, this guy is really crazy!

  If he were Tao Yan today, wouldn't he commit suicide in shame and anger?

  Tao Yan was born in a wealthy family. He grew up rich and well-clothed. After the country was destroyed, he also had supporters from his old officials. Looking at Shen Tang with scarlet eyes, the hatred in his eyes almost overwhelmed him.

  Shen Tang rolled up his sleeves and put his hands on his hips.

   He spat and said, "Tao, what are you looking at?"

   Tao Yan clutched his chest, almost unable to catch his breath.

   Zhang He bit the bullet and inserted himself between the two, comforting each other, he knew that there was nothing good about his eyelids twitching wildly——Shen Tang is too crazy! The level is completely comparable to the less charge before controlling the Gu worms! At that time, Shao Chong went crazy, killing whoever he said, and tearing people with his hands was as silky as paper. Although Shen Tang didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, he didn't show any fear when he went crazy and spouted others.

  Normal and rational people would do this?

  The only fortunate thing is—

   Tao Yan did not do anything to further irritate Shen Tang.

   But this deadly feud is completely settled.

   Waiting for the atmosphere to calm down a bit, Zhang He thought about the difficulties of members of the Alliance Army: "...Shen Jun, those things you are worried about...Although some of Tao Jun's words are unpleasant..."

  Shen Tang flicked over.

   His eyes still carried the remnant anger of beating Tao Yan.

   Zhang He's heart felt cold, and the guards on the left and right made secret preparations, rushing forward at any time to protect his lord Zhang He from disaster.

Zhang He bit the bullet and said: "...But Shen Jun should know our difficulties. Last year was not good, and the harvest of each family was not as good as expected, and we had to force ourselves to fight against the tyrant Zheng Qiao...In Chaoli Pass, the common people of Banzhou , let alone hundreds of thousands, so many mouths, who can afford it? Even if we send people to replant now, the best time for farming has passed.”

  The key is that they haven't been replanted yet.

   It will take a month at the fastest to win the half state.

   If you delay a little longer, you may miss the summer solstice.

  Zhang He looks very ordinary, but he is proficient in medicine. In his early years, he accumulated his family's fame by treating diseases and saving lives. His eyebrows and eyes are also filled with compassion. He then sighed softly, and said his strategy earnestly: "For the present plan, we can only take down the tyrant Zheng Qiao as soon as possible, end this dispute, and see how much food and grass can be raised to minimize the loss of the famine .”

  Qian Yong sneered when he heard this.

  Zhang Yongqing always avoids the important and ignores the trivial.

   Zhang He’s suggestion seems to be harmless, and it can even be used to motivate soldiers, boost morale, and maybe persuade people of insight to defect. End disputes, restore peace, and reduce famine, but Zhang Yongqing used a spring and autumn style of writing here. That is to say, if the alliance army wins a battle, the spoils of war will be distributed according to merit, and other allies will generously take it out and distribute it to the hungry people?

Qian Yong did not doubt that Shen Tang would do what he said—he had no doubts about Shen Tang's conflicts, but he never doubted Shen Tang's character and ability. Not on this site.

  But Shen Tang's family is selfless, and it is still a drop in the bucket.

   Everyone is fighting with tighter belts.

  Everyone is a master who eats more than what he needs.

  Finally won a big victory, and if you don’t make a profit, you still pay back?

  The landlord’s family has no extra food.

  Yes, the people of Banzhou in Yanzhou cannot starve to death, the people under their rule and the soldiers who follow them should starve to death, right?

  Qian Yong can see it, but Shen Tang can't?

  But she also knew that she couldn't go too far, so she could only endure for a while, pretending to be persuaded. Then he loosened his tightly clenched fists, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang's words are justified."

   Zhang He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

   In the dark, he couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

   Once again, I sympathized with Huang Lie, who was a peacemaker before.

   It's just that he didn't know that Shen Tang stopped pretending after returning. She had a showdown, and the desk case was trampled into a pile of sawdust by her foot. As a newcomer, Wei Shou saw her undisguised violent side up close for the first time...

  Do you want to say that there were also before?

   Wei Shou and Shen Tang were enemies before.

  Don't be irritable when dealing with enemies, should you be gentle?

Wei Shou didn't expect Shen Tang to treat his own people like this, so he couldn't help looking at Chu Yao from the corner of his eye, but saw that Chu Wuhui not only didn't frown, but looked at Shen Tang's feet with pity on his face, and said: "My lord Why bother to torture yourself with the mistakes of others?"

  Wei Shou: "..."

  He secretly tilted his head and approached Chu Jie.

   whispered: "Chu Liangliang always looks like this?"

  Chu Jie also tilted his head and whispered: "Yes."

  Chu Yao's bottom line for Shen Tang is that there is no bottom line.

   His rare good looks towards himself are all because of Shen Tang.

  Wei Shou: "..."

   Gritting his teeth in jealousy, his cheeks were tense.

   At the same time, he also had a new understanding of Shen Tang.

  I can vaguely understand why Chu Yao likes it so much.

  Don't talk about the world after the thief star came to the world, counting forward, there are natural disasters and man-made disasters every year, famines occur in various places, and it is not seen that all people die. Gritting your teeth and holding on until the spring plowing again, there will be hope of life, and you will be able to survive.

   As for how many people will die in this process...

  Close your eyes, don't care, just don't look.

   Very cruel reality, but Shen Jun is ideal.

  Gu Chi was the one who knew Shen Tang's murderous intent best at this time, and he also advised: "Your anger hurts your body, my lord calms down."

   Anger is the most unsolvable problem.

  Under everyone's persuasion, Shen Tang managed to calm down.

   But deadlock remains deadlock.


  Shen Tang couldn't come up with enough to supply Banzhou's surplus grain.

  Take people away?

  Shen Tang's territory doesn't have that much arable land.

  Because he has been vigorously absorbing refugees for the past few years, the arable land in Longwu County has long been saturated, and he is worrying that Qiu Cheng, a big injustice, will come to his door. But there are only two more Sibao County and Minfeng County. Compared with the population, the cultivated land is not very rich overall.

  If the hungry people are brought back...

   Not to mention that manpower is wealth in this era, the allies of the Alliance Army will not agree. Even if they agree, Shen Tang's doing so is tantamount to setting himself on fire. Because she settled the problem of food for the hungry people, but she couldn't provide them with enough work to occupy their free time, and they would become hidden dangers to public security when they were free. Stealing, adultery, robbery, peddling... will reach its peak.

   Law and order is unstable, and civil strife is bound to arise.


  Shen Tang showed a little bit of confusion that was rare.

  Muttered as if asking for help: "What should I do?"

   "How on earth should I do..."

   Confused like a child lost at the intersection of the street.

  Shen Tang beat Tao Yan violently, isn't he asking himself to be blamed?

  Because of Tao Yan's questioning, she couldn't give an answer.

  Xu Quan said: " lord, if it doesn't work, you can ask your cousin? Maybe your cousin can raise enough food..."

  Everyone: "..."

  Xu Jie is "blessed" to have such a cousin.

  No matter how powerful Xu Wenzhu is, no matter how rich his family is, the food shortage is half a state, hundreds of thousands of people, a year's ration.

  Xu Jie can't make up for it even if he sells everything. Even if he really had a brain twitch and ran to sell pots and sell iron to help, what would his serious protagonist Wu Xian think of it? Wu Xian's military rations and supplies this time were deliberately made up by Xu Jie to make up for it in time.

  Ning Yan said quickly: "Maybe there is a way."

  Shen Tang hurriedly turned his gaze to her.

  Ning Yan said: "To untie the bell, one must tie it."

  Shen Tang asked: "Who?"

   "Joe Zheng."

  Ning Yan spat out an unexpected name.

She quickly added: "Of course he won't help us, but if he dies and we get his national seal, the lord may be able to use the national fortune order to control the weather in the half-state of Yanzhou. The food will be ripe quickly ...I don't know if it's possible?"

  Ning Yan had no idea about this suggestion.

   And the operation is very difficult.

  Getting the national seal will become a target of public criticism.

  The most ideal solution is to obtain the national seal, successfully operate it, and then divert the trouble to the east, making the coalition forces mistakenly think that the national seal is lost, or that one of them has taken it. The more they suspect each other and fight each other, the safer their own situation will be...

   Although Yun Ce is not here today, but there is an outsider in her nest, and Ning Yan has to think twice before daring to say something.

  Shen Tang thought for a moment and affirmed it.

   "Whether it is feasible or not, it is always a way."

  It's much better than staring blankly.

Shen Tang calmed down, and said to Chu Yao: "Wu Hui, you go to write a letter now, and send it to Yuan Liang quickly. Let him count and see how much grain the granary can produce. When the autumn harvest this year, the farmers If there is any surplus grain in hand, buy it all up. Gather it together and ship it all here. Tunan’s suggestion seems feasible, but we still need to be prepared for emergencies... What others say and how to do, I can’t force it , but what I, Shen Youli, want is to be innocent."

  Chu Yao and others were all moved.

  He bowed his hands and took the order: "Wei."

  Shen Tang raised his hand and rubbed his face fiercely: "Let's do this for now, it's getting late, what should you guys do."

  She needs time to calm down.

  Shen Tang prepared for the worst, but she still underestimated the difficulty of reality—they got the first goal very smoothly along the way, and the goal was only a symbolic defense for a long time. Our own post-war inventory, miraculously there were not many casualties...

  Shen Tang: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

   The evil wind is very strong.


  Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Shiitake Mushroom Refueling ヾ(°°)