MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 71 0: GUCCI [ask for a monthly ticket]

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  Chapter 71 071: GUCCI [ask for a monthly ticket]

   Stormy seas!

   Whale waves!

   Waves and waves!

  Shen Tang's heart at this moment cannot be described in a thousand words, because the CPU is overloaded because of being too shocked. She blinked blankly, wanting to complain.

   "Ah, this... It's hard to get an offer with this scribe's way."

   "Ou... what?"

  Qi Shan was misled by her unreasonable response.

"It's the employment notice, but it's not important." The offer is not the point, the point is—"Forgive me for my lack of imagination, I can't think of any use for your scribe's way. Who would find an aide to come to you if you have nothing to do? kill yourself?"

  Pray for good without saying a word.

He didn't speak, but Shen Tang had a long mouth, and his mouth didn't mean to stop: "Let me think about it—by the way, being a spy is a secret job. Put it under someone else's account, activate your way of scribes, the enemy leader Didn't he just die quietly?"

  Qi Shan's black face: "I can think of such a way, Mr. Shen, do I have to praise you for your quick wit?"

  Shen Tang saw his expression, and gradually silenced.

  Besides the embarrassment, she also guessed that the "slaying the master" in Qishan's mouth was not the same as the "slaying the master" she thought. She subconsciously sat down and put on a posture of listening attentively, watching Qishan dumbfounded.

  Qi Shan doesn't want to go into details, but seeing that Mr. Shen is so well-behaved, the congestion in his chest seems to be relieved by seventy to eighty percent with a sigh. He said: "In fact, it's not difficult to say carefully. As long as you are loyal to the lord and trust you, you can win both sides. If the lord is jealous, you will 'kill the lord'."

  Shen Tang: "... What kind of win-win is a win-win?"

  Thinking to myself: The monarch trusts his subordinates, and the subordinates are loyal to the monarch. This should be the case between the monarch and his ministers. I don't know whether this way of scribes restrains the monarch unilaterally, or restrains both parties. Otherwise, if the monarch pays trust unilaterally and the ministers are malicious, no one will be at ease.

  Seeing that Shen Tang's attention is on "win-win" instead of the latter's "killing the master", some complicated emotions flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

  He sits hunched over, more relaxed than usual.

"The way of literati will grow diligently. I don't know what will happen in the future, but the current 'win-win' is more beneficial to me. If any prince conquers me, I will regard him as the master, and I can borrow his literature from him. Heart, gaining a part of the 'Way of the Lord' and own 'Way of the Scholar' to gain new abilities, the price is not to betray the Lord. If the monarch is suspicious, it is tantamount to breaking the promise, and it will eat back the monarch's literary heart."

  Shen Tang: "..."

  Qi Shan asked with a smile: "Mr. Shen Xiaolang, have nothing to say?"

  Shen Tang said sincerely: "This scribe's way is really domineering."

   The price paid by Qishan is loyalty. You cannot backstab before the monarch becomes suspicious. Once suspicion arises, you will be backbited. Although I don't know how serious Wenxin's backlash is, but since it is "killing the master", it must not die or be disabled. No wonder it is feared—

  Which company dares to hire such a person.

  Once the boss becomes suspicious, the company will go bankrupt...

  Qi Shan asked again: "Mr. Shen Xiaolang doesn't think it's scary?"

  Shen Tang said: "There is no horror."

  These are things that the future protagonist of Qishan should worry about. Whether she knows it or not doesn't affect anything, so naturally she doesn't care.


  Shen Tang teased him winkingly, with an expression of "I discovered your big secret": "Yuan Liang is eager for others to trust."

   It sounds like a child eager to be recognized.

  Qi Shan suddenly changed his face, and said sharply: "You talk nonsense!"

"I'm still talking nonsense! As I said earlier, the way of literati is related to the character or a certain quality of the scribe, and Yuan Liang's way of literati insists on the absolute trust of those who are loyal, which is easy to understand. But monarchs and ministers The best state between them is to trust each other, and your demand is not too much." Shen Tang patted him on the shoulder, "It's just that the power is a bit domineering, I really don't think it's scary."

  Qi Shan sighed, "This is none of your business."

  It will not be so easy if it happens to me.

  The human heart is inherently complicated, but he hopes that a profession that is inherently suspicious can be pure. Fundamentally, this appeal is contradictory.

  Shen Tang laughed and said, "That's the reason."

  Qishan snorted.

  The atmosphere completely eased down.

  The topic of scribes should have ended here.


  Shen Tang said abruptly: "Yuan Liang must have saved something."


She slyly said: "The way of a scribe is so important. It's too late to hide it. You will confess to me for no reason? With your temper, you must have hidden something. It must be bad for you but good for the loyalists, and it is also yours." Where is the deathbed."

  Praying for goodness is non-committal.

Shen Tang guessed to himself: "Is it really right? I always think that in the way of scholars, there are gains and losses, and the gains and losses should be roughly equal. For example, Mr. Gu, who can listen to other people's voices, But he himself was tortured by it, and his life was not long. Yuan Liang's way of literary heart is so overbearing, he forcibly restrains the monarch, and the gains and losses are not equal..."

  Qi Shan's eyes flickered, as if expecting or threatening, even he himself couldn't explain the complicated emotions: "So?"

  Shen Tang shrugged: "I'm just talking nonsense, don't pay attention."

   "Killing the Lord" binds the absolute trust of the monarch with his life

  This is the "received" of praying for good.

   Then, is the "lost" also his own life?

  Shen Tang speculated in his heart, but kept silent.

  The focus of her attention is always biased.

   "Yuanliang, I'm still curious—"

  Qi Shan rolled his eyes: "Mr. Shen Xiaolang just ask."

   "The way of a scholar can have two abilities?"

  She didn’t forget that Qi Shan said that if he was loyal to someone, he would be able to obtain that person’s "Way of the Lord" and his own "Way of the Scholar" to gain new abilities. He said it so firmly, it can be seen that he has experience. In addition to "killing the master", is there a second ability?

   "Generally there is only one, except in special cases."

  Shen Tang nodded like a pounding garlic, and took notes seriously.

   I have gained more knowledge|ω`)

  Qi Shan took back the half-woven bamboo strips and continued to work, while weaving, he said: "If I guessed right, the 'Mr.

  Shen Tang was shocked: "Do you really know that person?"

Qishan understated: "It's not counted as acquaintance, at most, it's just a one-time relationship. There are so many scribes with the surname 'Gu' in the world, and I know quite a few scribes with the surname 'Gu', but only those who meet all the conditions He—he should be called 'Gu Chi'."

  Shen Tang got it wrong.

   "Gucci? Gucci? GUCCI? This name..."

  Somewhat magical.

Qishan thought that Shen Tang's accent was wrong, so he didn't specifically correct him, and continued: "Gu Chi, whose name is Wangchao, is also a ruthless character. I only knew that he was good at reading people's minds, but I didn't expect that he was his scribe. The way... hum!"

  Shen Tang is still struggling with the name: "Wang Chao, Octopus???"

  Pray for goodness: "..."

   Let him look at the name directly in the future.

   Wangchao is an elegant name for octopus, it should be.

   However, Gu Chi’s name and characters definitely have nothing to do with octopuses.

   There will be another chapter later, everyone go to bed early.

   Excessive chapters are written with a lot of headaches, and the arrangement of the way of scribes is very troublesome, and the plot must be in line with the character and character...

   Whale waves (tuó) waves!



  (end of this chapter)