MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 703 : Eat out of the house [two-in-one]

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  Chapter 703 Chapter 703: Eat out of the house [two-in-one]

"Damn, bad?" Seeing Shen Tang's reaction like this, Luan Xin thought that Li He, a villain, had already won the trust of his own side, and he couldn't care about his personal hatred for a while, "Master, you must not trust this person lightly, let alone his scribes. Dao, just character..."

  Secretly doubts and incomprehensions arose in his heart.

  Based on his understanding of Li He, the lord's bargaining chip and strength on the surface will not attract Li He who likes to cling to the powerful and concentrate on his own business. My heart was in confusion, so I heard the lord continue to say: " won't be able to grab Li Shisong's head."

  Luan Xin: "???"

  Why did he grab Li He's head if he had nothing to do?

Shen Tang didn't miss the flash of confusion on Luan Xin's face, he clenched his fist and said, "Revenge! The enemy's head must be cut off by yourself to relieve the hatred! Don't believe in the self-comfort of 'a gentleman will take revenge for ten years'" If you can get revenge early, you can get revenge early, and the enemy will not be able to save interest for us if he lives a few years longer. If there is a chance, don’t kill him, why don’t you keep Qingming to worship the ancestors?”

   Don't look at Shen Tang with a beautiful face, clear eyes, bold and unrestrained, but actually very murderous, so serious that even Luan Xin, a serious victim, was stunned for a moment. I am confused, but I know what is good or bad, the lord's words are for his sake.

  Luan Xin asked: "Who took Li Shisong's head?"

  The lord said he couldn't grab it, so someone should have taken the first step.

   "Oh, it's naturally Wei Shou."

  Shen Tang told the story one by one.

  It was only then that Luan Xin realized that he was just going to pick up food and grass, and so many things happened in just one day. Li He, a villain, was just a **** to force Wei Shou in the game Chu Yao played, so he felt absurd.

  Li He has been in the camp for so many years...

   Never thought that he would die so casually.

Probably thinking that Li He was going to die anyway, even if he didn't die in the hands of Luan Xin, it would be considered revenge, so Shen Tang thought about asking Luan Xin what kind of enmity he had with Li He, and when did he end the enmity: "...if justice doesn't want to Say, then let’s not mention it. I’m not exposing your scars, I just want to know more about you.”

  Luan Xin didn't want to say it at first, but he couldn't hold back the power of Shen Tang's last words. He was silent for a while, recalling the unpleasant past, and barely narrated in a calm tone: "...Xin's family is actually not Luan, nor is it a descendant of an aristocratic family."

  He secretly paid attention to Shen Tang's reaction, and the latter listened attentively. When he heard that he was born in the market and had been a beggar for a living, there was no disdain in his eyes. If Shen Tang knew what was going on in his mind, he would feel strange—what should she dislike?

  If it weren't for the world, Luan Xin's parents should be able to keep a small business, run it seriously, pull Da Luan Xin, and even add one or two younger siblings to him. His misfortune, his family's suffering stemmed from the chaos of war and the people who could not satisfy their desires.

   During the Shangyuan Festival that year when he was begging, Luan Xin was crushed by a speeding noble carriage and his right leg was crushed. He lay on the ground like a dead body, looking at a pair of feet in sight, but no one stepped forward. Also, he was a dirty, ubiquitous beggar.

   It takes money to see a doctor, and the follow-up recuperation costs even more.

  He lay on the cold, muddy ground, quietly waiting for death. When he woke up again, he was already in the hospital. It turned out that a doctor passing by rescued him and treated his broken leg: [The old man’s hospital does not support idlers. You can stay here, but you have to work and wait for your leg. Get well, leave as soon as possible. 】

  Luan Xin burst into tears of gratitude.

  One day, the doctor came back from a visit to see him for a long time. That night, he came to the woodshed where he lived and asked him: [You have no father or mother? 】

  Luan Xin said stubbornly: 【There used to be. 】

  The doctor didn't care about his stubbornness, and said directly: 【So it's gone now? Your leg injury is recovering well. As long as you don’t walk and run fast, you shouldn’t be able to see anything wrong with it. These days, you’ve got a pretty good sense of understanding, and you’re still young...]

  The latter sentence seems to be talking to itself.

  At that time, Luan Xin couldn't understand at all.

The doctor suddenly said: [You beggar, I am afraid that you will have nowhere to go after leaving the old man's clinic. You have used so many good medicines recently... The old man is not a person who wants to repay you, but just wants to give you Point to a good place, would you like to go? 】

In less than two days, Luan Xin put on a kudzu clothes that were not new but washed, dragged his injured leg and followed the doctor to a mansion compound that he had never seen before, and saw a lady dressed in plain elegance . The female gentleman looked that she hadn't reached Ji, and was very young.

  He followed the doctor to visit the queen.

  Looking at the posture of the female monarch, it seems that she has been waiting for them for a long time.

  The lady has been observing and scrutinizing Luan Xin, and after a while she nods subtly: [It looks good, how is the root? 】

  The doctor said: [This beggar's bones are surprisingly good. 】

  The lady seemed relieved when she heard the words.

   Stepped forward and took Luan Xin's hand.

Compared with his rough hands with frostbite, the female gentleman's hands are delicate and smooth, which made the young Luan Xin feel inferior and timid. He flinched and tried to withdraw his hand, but was held by the other party. Then he heard her say: [From today onwards] , you are my younger brother. 】

  Luan Xin looked at the lady in astonishment.

  The fairy-like female monarch continued to tell him: 【I want to replace my father and mother, adopt you, and record you as a son-in-law under their name. I am your sister-in-law, and you will be called Luan Xin from now on. 】

  Luan Xin murmured: 【But I don't call...】

   was interrupted by the female monarch irrefutably: [Luan Xin, the letter of 'filial piety and loyalty', my father also left a word for you, righteousness. 】

  Luan Xin was taken in just like that.

  It was a long time later that Luan Xin realized why he was so lucky—that female monarch, his nominal elder sister was the only daughter of the Luan family. Because the man was injured in his early years, it was extremely difficult for his heirs. None of the wives and concubines in the backyard gave birth to a male heir for him. Only the wife became pregnant before he was injured and gave birth to a daughter. The current situation is that the Luan couple died suddenly, and other relatives came to eat their families.

  The specific operation is to adopt the son to the Luan couple as a son, and inherit the property logically. As for the Luan couple's daughter? A little girl who turned around and asked her adoptive brother to give her a dowry to marry off. The husband candidate for her is still a relative of her natal family. This desperate family really can't spit out their bones.

  The female monarch does not want to lose her family property, but she can't hold back the clan elders.

  An orphan girl, how to deal with them?

  But she thought of a way.

   Magic against magic.

  Being the first to adopt a cheap son for her parents, and she also has to choose a qualified orphan who has no parents!

  Have the qualifications to deter the clan elders if they succeed in the future.

  With no parents, we can only rely on her, which is convenient.

   It's just that it is so difficult to meet these two conditions, and there are too few people with cultivation talents. Before Luan Xin appeared, the female monarch had already gone to every tooth shop, and the beggars in the city had also searched for it. There was not much time left for her, and she was suddenly worried about being ill.

  The doctor's pulse was found to be a heart disease, and after some questioning, he found out the reason. He immediately thought of a beggar who fit perfectly in his medical clinic! The lady was overjoyed when she heard the words, but the doctor told her that the beggar had his leg broken by the carriage and might be left disabled.

  The female gentleman wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

   All said sadly and indignantly: 【So what if it’s a disabled person? He has roots, he is a male heir, and he will be able to practice enlightenment in the future. If he can be successfully adopted, he will be a father and son in the eyes of the elders and relatives of the clan, and he is much better than me, an extinct female monarch. 】

  This is the only way she wants to keep her family fortune.

  When the doctor heard this, he felt sympathy and sighed again and again.

  So, this big cake that fell from the sky fell into Luan Xin's mouth. However, internally he is just a tool to help the queen protect her family wealth. This, the lady told him on the first day. Luan Xin also has self-knowledge, works hard to study and practice every day, and does his duty to help the female monarch keep out the wolves and leopards around her. In the year when Luan Xin concentrated his literary heart, the female gentleman found a son-in-law for her.

   And gave birth to a son in the seventh month after marriage.

  Shen Tang couldn't help but interjected: "Seven months?"

  Luan said: "The child is not the son-in-law."

  Because she is a daughter and has experienced the shadow of relatives forcing her to seize her wealth, she desperately wants a talented heir. Although she is in her early twenties and still unmarried, she has quite a few confidants, all of whom are high-quality seeds she has sought out. And she also knew that these people would not get married, and even if they did, she would probably not be able to keep the family wealth, so she kicked them all when she found out that she was pregnant.

  Look for an idiot with an empty face to marry.

  Plainly speaking, it is to find a father for the child.

  The lady has great kindness to Luan Xin, and Luan Xin will support her in everything she does, including but not limited to her adopting the child she gave birth to him. Through these operations, the name is justified, and the real Luan's blood can inherit the family business. If nothing happened later, Luan Xin would have returned the Luan family to his nephew long ago, wandering around, looking for the Ming Lord, and participating in the world's turmoil.

  Shen Tang is still immersed in the woman's flirtatious operation.

"and after?"

"My sister's lineage has been in the officialdom for two generations. No one has set foot in the officialdom, but she is sitting on coveted assets. There are still many years before my sister's children grow up... My sister also has selfish intentions. I hope I can go to the exam to gain fame and officialdom. Someone can also reduce coveting and hand over the entire family property to her children as much as possible."

  Luan Xin also felt confident.

   That year, he participated in talent selection.

   Passed all the way, very smoothly.

   It’s just that something went wrong in [Sacred Land of Mountains and Seas]. There were not many places in that year, and there was a dignitary who was not selected, but in that class, the background was getting tougher than the other, and the dignitaries were unwilling to offend easily. After looking around, I found out that Luan Xin was a soft persimmon.

  However, how to deprive Luan Xin of his quota?

  Let this matter be handled by fox friends and dog friends.

   This cronies are Li He.

  Li He didn't know where to find out about Luan Xin's broken leg when he was young. After a thought, he came up with a sinister method - if he wants to be an official in the officialdom, physical disabilities are not allowed. Luan Xin's legs are the breakthrough point, and the current Luan family has a clear name, but it doesn't have enough deterrent power. Even if Luan's real master, the mistress, is angry, she will turn her face for a fake brother?

  Luan Xin was originally her tool to keep the family wealth.

  This cheap little brother grew up, she really never worried that Luan Xin would suddenly turn his back on him and steal his nephew's wealth?

   Li He destroyed half of his patella at the behest of the powerful.

   Pouring with boiling water again, the flesh and blood were hard and scalded.

   Crouching down, he looked at the young man who had been unconscious for several times and then woke up from the pain.

   laughed and said: 【Justice, don’t blame me either. 】

  【Some things are predestined. 】

  【Insects who are born humble, are still insects when they climb a branch, even if they become pupae, they are still moths after struggling to break through the pupae. Look, it's like the oil lamp in my hand. In my hand it's for lighting, but you're just flying moths to a flame. If you don't burn, who will you burn? Be obedient and accept your fate. 】

  His hand patted Luan Xin's face contemptuously and humiliatingly.

  The dignitaries sat aside, drinking tea quietly.

   Luan Xin, who was like a puddle of mud, could not be seen in his eyes.

  Luan Xin endured the pain and panted: 【Are you not afraid of revenge? 】

  Li He actually laughed directly: 【Retaliation? Who will take revenge? What about you? Luan Gongyi, aren't you afraid that your left leg will do the same? Or your sister? You bastard, do you really think that you have lived a good life with this surname for a few years, and you think you are the son of Luan's family? Luan Gongyi, believe it or not, I will send someone to tell your sister that something happened to you, and you have become a useless waste. She sees her past friendship, at most, she will take you back to recuperate, and there will be no side effects. the behavior of? 】

  Luan Xin clenched his fists in pain but could not refute.

   Li He whispered in his ear.

  【She has treated you with the utmost benevolence and righteousness. If you hadn't been adopted, would you be able to wear this layer of clothes? Can you have the literary heart of Danfu? Can you, a beggar, grab something from Mr. Lang? Ah bah, do you deserve it? 】Spit directly on Luan Xin's face.

   also shattered his dream of nearly ten years.

  【Don't think about revenge, think more about Luan who has been kind to you. You don't want to bring your sister and nephew to death, do you? It is extremely normal for such a young child to die from the wind and cold... Listen to a word of advice, young people are the right way, even if your legs are no longer recovering, you still have a good way to go. Right, justice? 】

  The rich and powerful sitting high on the head seemed to have had enough tea.

  Finally willing to give some attention.

   Opening the mouth is a sentence: 【Justice? 】

  Li He smiled lightly and said: [Good word! 】

  The dignitary nodded: [It is indeed a good word. 】

  Although Li He's character is not good, he is meticulous in trying to figure out people's hearts. When something happened to Luan Xin, the female gentleman received the news and searched for contacts, and finally made it clear that Qiu Cheng, who was somewhat related by marriage, helped to be a lobbyist and went to the dignitary's mansion to ask for someone. It's just that she came too late, Luan Xin became a crippled cripple, the lady's complexion was pale, even though she was angry, she didn't dare to vent it to her face.

   Fish dead and net broken? no!

  Luan Xin advised her not to be impulsive even though she was in pain.

  【Female gentleman, go back to Luan Mansion. 】

  He dared not call sister, nor did he dare to say go home.

   On the road, the bumps of the carriage made his legs hurt.

   But more tiredness.

  The young and energetic Qiu Cheng looked at his shocking leg injury, and whispered to the female gentleman: 【Gongyi's leg is probably...】

  The lady is silent.

   When Luan Xin was recuperating from his injuries, the lady came to visit once.

  She only said three sentences.

  The first sentence is [Justice, don’t take revenge. 】

  Luan Xin's eyes were full of strong hatred: [Is this possible? Don't worry, I won't implicate Luan Shi, you can rest assured. 】

  The second sentence is【How do you plan to take revenge? 】

  Luan Xin said with hatred: [Naturally, life is worth it! 】

  The third sentence is 【That’s your nephew’s brother. 】

  Shen Tang's melons are about to drop: "Half father?"

  Luan Xin sighed: "Yes, part of the reason why I was selected was the instruction of the powerful mother..."

  Teach a woman who gave birth to her husband's illegitimate child a lesson.

  Luan Xin helps her support the lintel, then break the lintel's legs!


    啊啊啊啊,究竟是哪个骗子说生孩子不痛经,老娘痛死了好吗…以前还只是偶尔躺尸,我现在是真的想躺尸! !



  (end of this chapter)