MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 697 : Dou Chaoli (Eleventh)【Ask for Monthly Pass】

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   Everyone present is no stranger to this term.

   I just don’t know what the lord’s dream has to do with the schools of thought. Why does the lord still say that this dream is a good thing?

   They looked at Shen Tang together, waiting for her to reveal the secret.

  Shen Tang seemed very satisfied with their cooperation. He wanted to pretend to cough to clear his throat, but he burped in public. The death at that moment made her want to find a crack in the ground to get in. Fortunately, she is naturally thick-skinned, so there is no obvious abnormality.

"Wang Chao, do you still remember the last time I was in a coma? At that time, I said that I had a dream. I dreamed that my palace of literature was shaped like a holy land of mountains and seas? I had a similar dream this time, but this dream was longer than before. clearer."

  In order to quickly get to the point, attract everyone's attention and ignore her social death just now, Shen Tang gave up her usual habit of talking nonsense. Before she lost consciousness, she was talking hot-blooded words to Ning Yan, but unexpectedly, her body was suddenly forced to shut down.

  When she regained consciousness again, she found that her body was in free fall, and the blurry image passing by her side was much clearer than before. She took a closer look and found that these fragmentary pictures run through the past and present, including the traffic on the fields, the acquaintance of chickens and dogs, and the urban forest constructed of steel and concrete. There are ancient battlefields, and there are ruins after modern artillery fire.

  With previous experience, Shen Tang knew that the falling process would not end in a short while. Being idle and bored, she tried to reach out and touch these pictures. When fingers pass through these fragmentary images, circles of ripples slowly and orderly spread out.

  A strange memory flashed in her mind.

  read it, but didn't watch it completely.

Why do you say that?

  Because she found that the image couldn’t stay in her mind, and she would forget it when she passed her brain—Shen Tang could only remember the general style and era of the image when she woke up, but she couldn’t remember the specific content at all. After an unknown amount of time, she stood under the giant tree again.

  Familiar exotic fragrance, familiar exotic herbs.

   This time, there was still the mysterious person I had seen before standing under the tree.

  Shen Tang raised his hand and brushed off his sleeves and hem. That tree is so huge, with luxuriant branches and leaves, who knows how much dust and bugs have accumulated on it. She nimbly jumped off the tree trunk and landed in front of the mysterious man, jokingly said: [Big Brother is waiting for me specially? 】

  The mysterious man's outfit is exactly the same as last time.

  He nodded seriously: 【Yes. 】

  Shen Tang was startled, and a bold guess burst out in his mind: 【Are you really waiting for me? Wait—brother, my body shuts down forcibly at every turn. Could it be your fault? If that's the case, let's talk about it. It's fine in normal times, after all, I do look like a tenant in this body, but don't do this in wartime. 】

   She doesn't want to lose with a forced shutdown.

  The mysterious man explained: [This matter has nothing to do with me. 】

  He seemed to see what Shen Tang was thinking, and added: 【You are not a tenant, you are the master, the real master. 】

  Shen Tang pointed to himself: 【Really? 】

  Mysterious man: [Deception is a taboo against belief. 】

  Shen Tang: [? ? ? 】

  The mysterious man obviously talked more this time than last time. He slightly bowed to Shen Tang, motioning for Shen Tang to come with him. Shen Tang still remembered the last misunderstanding, and said: 【Last time you said that this place is my literary palace, but why is my literary palace different from other people's? Wen Gong Wen Gong, as the name suggests, shouldn't it be a palace? I see thousands of beautiful peaks here, with many mountains and mountains, which are far from the word 'palace'... Are you lying to me? 】

  【Deception is a taboo against belief. 】

  The mysterious man repeated this sentence.

   His attitude was very clear, he never lied to Shen Tang.

  Shen Tang asked him: [Is this a holy land of mountains and seas? 】

  The mysterious man smiled and said: [The name given by the outside world? 】

  Shen Tang: 【…】

  Her observation skills are amazing, and she keenly discovered that although the mysterious person led the way the same way as last time, the range was obviously larger than before. After arriving at a familiar location, Shen Tang built a tent with his hands, looked into the distance, and raised his finger: 【That mountain, and that one...the last time I saw it was still covered by clouds and mist...】

  I can clearly see their appearance this time, instead of half-covered silhouettes and shadows. Is it because the weather is different, has the mountain haze over there dissipated? Shen Tang always felt that it was not that simple.

  She turned her head to look at the mysterious person standing behind her.

  【Can I go to the previous temple again? 】

  Last time, she grabbed a small handful of light **** of text, this time she will take off her coat to pocket it! Shen Tang was gearing up, but the mysterious man said that the process this time was different from the last time. He led Shen Tang to a nearby pavilion hidden behind a flourishing scene of flowers.

  Inside the pavilion, there are two figures sitting.

   Judging from the figure, they are one big and one small.

  Shen Tang stopped, looked at the mysterious man: [This big brother... ah no, sir, didn't you say that you can't lie? Also said that this place is my Wen Palace? It’s all right for me to stay with you in the palace of literature, why are there other people? Two more? 】

  The mysterious man just said: [Go and see it. 】

  Shen Tang rolled up his sleeves and strode over.

  She wants to see who else is hiding in her heart.

  【Hey, the two in the front pavilion...】

  She approached aggressively, and the two men heard the movement and looked over one after another. After seeing their faces clearly, Shen Tang froze.

  Without him, the eyebrows and eyes of the two are too similar to her!

  The younger one looked only three or four years old, with a young face, pink cheeks, bulging flesh, and a candied haws in his mouth.

  The older one looks calm and calm, about 20 years old, his facial features don't show a little childishness, calm and cold.

  They and Shen Tang are like three periods of one person.

  【You...are me? 】

   Gao Leng and Shen Tang asked back: 【Otherwise? 】

   Childish Shen Tang tilted his head to look at her, his cheeks were propped up by the hawthorn, and he said vaguely: 【You are a young pear, and I am a young pear too. 】

  Even though Shen Tang felt that this scene was weird in his heart, he was inexplicably unprepared, put down his rolled up sleeves in embarrassment, and stepped forward to sit down in the empty seat in the pavilion. Look at the older one, then at the younger one, and resist the urge to pinch the latter's fleshy cheek. Uh... What should she talk to herself now?

  【 you know what happened to Wen Palace? 】

   Gao Leng and Shen Tang shook his head: 【I don’t know. 】

  The naive Shen Tang swallowed the hawthorn, and raised his hands excitedly.

  【Youli don't know either! 】

  Shen Tang: 【…】

   I don't know why you are so excited?

  Shen Tang racked his brains to think about the topic, trying to warm up the scene: [I was hacked for no reason before, and you did it too? 】

   Gao Leng Shen Tang: 【You are too weak. 】

  The childish Shen Tang sighed: 【You both are weak. 】

  Shen Tang: 【…】

  Although she confirmed that the record so far is all her own, she is not happy at all. Are these two a little seriously ill themselves, are they so worried?

Because the two of them were chatting to death, Shen Tang felt that the atmosphere was even more weird - coldly, he folded his arms and sat in a corner away from the two of them. This posture often means resisting communication; Rather than chatting, she prefers cooking. Until the mysterious person came over with tea, the childish self jumped off the stone bench.

  【Please drink tea. 】

  As the mysterious person appeared, Gao Leng and Shen Tang responded, Gao Leng said: [Why do the high priest do this kind of thing himself? 】

   It sounded like a yin and yang, but in action, he took the drink offered by the other party with dignity. Childish Shen Tang was almost jumping to **** it, but seeing that Gao Leng and Shen Tang's attitude was wrong, she said: [You Li don't allow you to bully children! 】

   It was Shen Tang's turn, and she found that the three cups of tea were of different colors.

   Not all tea.

   A glass of wine, a glass of brown sugar water, and a glass of normal green tea.

【What should I call you? They both seem to know you...] Their attitudes are completely different, which makes Shen Tang a little confused. The two Shen Tangs are both herself, but she doesn't know this mysterious man. This is really weird...

  What is the relationship between this mysterious person in front of me and myself?

  Mysteriously humane: [Can't tell. 】

  Shen Tang put a question mark on his forehead: 【What? 】

  The mysterious man explained: [Forbidden, can't say. 】

   As he spoke, he pointed to his neck again.

  It was only then that Shen Tang discovered that the mysterious man's white and delicate neck was surrounded by a strange pattern to form a ring. At first glance, it looked like a black neck ring, but it was actually a "tattoo" that penetrated deep into the skin.

  According to the storybook routine, this thing should be some kind of ban, and the banned person will explode on the spot if he says something he shouldn't say.

   Speaking of this step, Shen Tang couldn't keep asking.

  If she is the holy object of the Gongxi tribe who lay in the coffin two hundred years ago, and the two fine Shen Tang in front of her are also herself, as long as she retrieves her memory, she will always remember who the mysterious person is.

  The mysterious man retreated outside the pavilion after delivering the tea.

  The three Shen Tang were left looking at each other.

  The liquid in the bowl seemed endless, and it would automatically refill after drinking it. Shen Tang just watched Gao Leng himself drink one cup after another, without any hint of drunkenness. The childish Shen Tang licked his lips, looking like he wanted to drink but didn't dare to drink more.

  Shen Tang was embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

  He sipped his head down and drank his tea, thankfully the dream would not cause his bladder to explode.

  【Well, let’s open the skylight and speak honestly—how can I make the three of us merge into one? 】Shen Tang bit the bullet and asked the two of themselves, 【According to the script, the two of you should represent memory fragments from different periods? Only by absorbing you can I return to a complete 'Shen Tang'? 】

   Gao Leng Shen Tang asked Shen Tang very coldly:

  【Why are you confident that you are not a memory fragment? 】

  Shen Tang patted his chest, and the reason he gave was absurd with some truth: [Just because I have been on the account for the longest time, and you both have certain conditions to be on the account, isn't that enough to explain? 】

  She pointed at Gao Leng and Shen Tang.

  【The condition for you to get on the account is that I drink. 】

   Pointing at the childish Shen Tang again.

  【It's even more demanding when you get on the number, you need to show off the way of a scribbler who is 'quick and quick'. If I were a memory fragment, who would be the queen? Don't talk nonsense, sisters, merge with me quickly, combine the three into one, and I will take you super gods! You don't want to be on the number all the time, how boring is squatting here? 】

  Gao Leng Shen Tang: [I don't want to. 】

   Childish Shen Tang pouted and shook his head: [Young Li doesn't want to. 】

  Shen Tang: [ are outrageous! Why? 】

  She was about to be forced to jump by the two selves in front of her, and she rolled up her sleeves: [You don't want to, I'm going to force you! 】

   Gao Leng and Shen Tang smiled: 【Depending on you? 】

   Childish Shen Tang quickly glanced at the mysterious person, seeing that the other person was not staring at him, he drank another glass of sugar water quickly. Wipe her mouth and pierce her heart: [Young Li can't beat You Li. 】

  Shen Tang gritted his teeth and said: 【Who said we want to fight? absurd! Outrageous! vulgar! brutal! Civilized people naturally want to fight! 】

  Three people are fighting the landlord.

  Shen Tang was the landlord who was being fought. The two peasants held her down on the ground and rubbed her against each other. Fortunately, there were no Joy Beans and no money to gamble, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to keep her underpants. She also sadly found that she seemed out of tune with her two selves. They can know each other's thoughts and thoughts, and also know what Shen Tang thinks, but Shen Tang doesn't know what cards they have...

  【Fuck, you guys are still playing a fart! 】

   I fought against myself as a landlord, but I kept losing.

   Shen Tang, who couldn't afford it, chose to set up a stall.

  (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

   Throwing the pot again—

  【I will lose, it must be Kang Jishouwen who wins me again! 】

   You can't fight but you can only lose in Doudizhu...

  She thinks it's better not to combine the three into one, if they can't fight the battle, just let them force the number, why not use the ready-made thugs? In this situation, the GM can't judge that she cheated!

  When the mysterious man came for the second time, the three Shen Tang did their own things and stayed in three corners respectively. Gao Leng and Shen Tang are still drinking and looking at the scenery, childish Shen Tang has candied haws in his left hand and sugar water in his right, while the protagonist Shen Tang squats in a corner with his knees in his arms, looking at the other two himself with resentment and gloom. The precision is very thorough.

  【Do you know how to combine the three I into one? 】

  Shen Tang put his only hope on the mysterious man.

  The mysterious man touched the ground with his stick, and the surrounding light and shadow changed.

   Shen Tang looked up and saw the plaque of [Holy Land] again.

  She knew that there would be hundreds of light **** behind the temple.

  Shen Tang raised his hand to take off his clothes, leaving only his underwear, ready to grab the group. Although the progress of fusing the two selves is zero, the business cannot be delayed. Who knows, the mysterious human said: [Wait for all the masters to reappear in the world...]

  Shen Tang, who was about to rush in, paused: 【What? 】

The mysterious man's eyes fell on the plaque, and he said: [Hundreds of temples are enshrined here. When their successors pass through the mountains of books and learn from the sea, and light the fire of the temple on the top of the mountain with their own hands, they can awaken the souls of the long-lost history books. The sages of the various families...established their hearts for the world, established their lives for the people, inherited their unique learning for the past saints, and created peace for all generations. In this way, ****, only then can the merits and virtues be completed...]

  Shen Tang picked out his ears.

  【What are those four beep beeps? 】

  Mysteriously humane: [Can't tell. 】

  Shen Tang: 【…】

   It turned out that it was this "unspeakable".

  She erased the slightly **** explosion picture in her mind.

  Shen Tang scratched his head and scratched his head: [That is to say... as long as the various schools of thought reappear in the world, I can be consummated from the sliced ​​state? 】

  Mysterious man: [Yes. 】

  Shen Tang: [It sounds like it makes some sense...what the hell! It doesn't make sense anywhere! What the **** is this doing to me? 】

  The mysterious man was just silent, so silent that Shen Tang was a little worried: 【Well, don't tell me that I was the one who did the so-called sages and sages' long sleep in history books, right? can't you? 】

  Mysterious man: [No, it’s just because people’s desires are hard to fill, and one side provokes disputes for profit, which leads to disasters of destruction of the world. 】

  Shen Tang patted his chest and let out a long breath of relief.

  【It’s fine if I didn’t do it. 】

   Then I thought it was wrong.

  【Since I didn't do it, why should I clean it up? 】


  Shen Tang deletes, deletes and deletes, and hides a part, including but not limited to himself being fought by two of himself until there is no pants left.

"...The process is like this! The mysterious person said that the time is almost enough to open the mountain and sea holy land, and select good seedlings from various families to go to the temple. If luck is good, the blind cat bumps into a dead mouse, and the fire of the temple will be ignited!" Shen Tangyue The more excited I said, "So far, I have ignited the Legalists, the Military Schools, the Confucianists, and the farmhouses that have just been unsealed... Most of the farmhouses are because of morality. Taoism, Mohism, Strategists, Miscellaneous Schools, Novelists, Yin-Yang Schools... What will they do? Speech effect?"

   "The most important thing is the doctor."

   "Are there many intractable diseases that can be easily solved?"

  When Shen Tang said this, his eyes brightened.

  The current level of medical care is too low. Physicians with superb medical skills such as Dr. Dong are only a minority. Too many common people die of illness and cannot find a decent doctor. They can only resist. The family conditions are better, and you can find Ling doctor to grab some herbal medicine and drink it, but the level of Ling doctor and the effect of the prescription all depend on luck, and the proportion of young children dying is even more amazing.

  Because it is too difficult to train a physician.

  It consumes a lot of energy, and the feedback cycle is long. Medical experience needs to go through countless patients to accumulate little by little. This is different from fighting monsters and upgrading. It is not that you can upgrade when the experience bar is full. What they are facing are patients and living human lives.

  If the doctor said that the spirit was alive...

   Is there less powerless sorrow in the world?

   Is there still a day and night for people who are still alive?


   Wait until you open the Holy Land of Mountains and Seas, and sharpen your old knives.