MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 685 : Two Sides Three Swords (Part 1)【Two in One】

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  Chapter 685 Chapter 685: Two-sided three-knife (Part 1) [Two in one]

   "Husband, madam..."

   Wei Shou looked at it reluctantly, and refused to move his footsteps.

  Rui Ji just looked at Wei Shou quietly with a cold expression.

   "Then just wait outside the courtyard, Madam, if you have something to say, come here immediately..." Wei Shou turned his head three times a step at a time, seeing Rui Ji reluctant to leave, and seeing Chu Yao yelling suspiciously. No matter how hard he dawdled, the road still had an end.

  The woman serving Rui Ji closed the door ruthlessly.

  Wei Shou put his hands on his hips, pacing back and forth in front of the door, the more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Finally, relying on the advantage of height, he rode on the horse, raised his head and stretched his neck slightly, and could barely see the movement in the courtyard over the courtyard wall. Chu Yao acted openly. He and Rui Ji did not close the doors and windows, but he set up a voice to prevent eavesdropping. Wei Shou could only see what the two of them were saying.

   Can see but not hear, my heart is very itchy.


  What exactly did they say?

   It’s nothing, just a reminiscence.

  Looking at Chu Yao's gray head and youthful face, Rui Ji maintained her white and long fingers trembling slightly, and asked softly after a long time: "I haven't seen you for many years, brother Yu, how have you been these years?"

  Chu Yao said: "Very good."

Rui Ji shook her head: "You have always reported good things but not bad things. When I saw you, I felt that you had suffered a lot. Yuanyuan's rough personality can't be seen, how could I not see it? It's just that since you don't Ken said, I don't ask too much."

   She had seen him in the most spirited appearance.

  Based on her understanding of Chu Yao, combined with the news that Wei Shou had inquired in the early years, if not for many changes, he would not have been honed to become what he is today. But Chu Yao refused to mention it, she could never expose people's scars. Rui Ji asked the maid to bring refreshments to Chu Yao.

   asked: "Brother Yu has a family?"

  Chu Yao almost spilled the tea.

   Unnaturally said: "Not yet..."

  Rui Ji said in surprise: "Brother Yu is still unmarried at this age, is it because there is no one she likes, or is it because of someone else?"

  Chu Yao coughed twice to stabilize his mood.

   "The great cause has not been accomplished, and there is no intention to have a family."

   Rui Ji was slightly annoyed: "I heard the excuse you said a while ago from my son who is not up to date. It is exactly the same, and the words are not bad. Brother Yu is not sincere in fooling people..."

  Chu Yao's expression barely tensed: "Sister..."

  The voice was vaguely pleading.

   Haven't seen each other for many years, and the first meeting urged the marriage, somewhat unfriendly, he is at this age, let him fend for himself.

  When Rui Ji heard the address, her smile gradually grew.

   "Brother Yu will still be shy about this?"

  Yes, in terms of relationship, Rui Ji is Chu Yao's elder sister.

   To be precise, it should be my cousin.

  Ruiji's mother and Chu Yao's mother were cousins, and later married a man from the same village. It's just that the two sisters are not very lucky, Rui Ji's father is a gambler, and Chu Yao's father is lazy. The two sisters supported each other for a while.

  Give birth to children and take care of housework.

   Serve a few acres of Susukida as if they were ancestors.

  Chu Yao is not the eldest son in the family, but Rui Ji is the eldest daughter, seven years older than him. Chu Yao was still in his infancy, and it was Rui Ji who put him in a basket and followed his mother and aunt to help with farm work. Until Chu Yao was two years old, he walked steadily.

   These things were told by Chu Yao's mother.

   There is no such cousin in his memory.

  Rui Ji was nine years old, and her appearance was already good. Her father lost all his family property and owed a lot of debts, so he could only use his wife and daughter as collateral. His mother refused and hanged herself, but Rui Ji couldn't escape. She fled to Chu Yao's house but was arrested.

  The gambling house sold her to the dentist at a high price.

   Just at this time, a high-ranking official spread the word that he wanted to raise a batch of kabukis, and seeing that Rui Ji had a good appearance, he stuffed her into that batch. Luckily among misfortunes, Rui Ji was selected. That high-ranking official is very elegant and loves to show off. Seeing that Rui Ji is talented, he spared no expense to cultivate her. Whenever there are distinguished guests in the mansion, Ruiji must come out. Whenever a guest shows surprise in his eyes, is impressed by her appearance and talent, and wants to spend a lot of money to redeem her, the high-ranking official will proudly wave his hand and refuse: [My Rui Ji, a priceless treasure. 】

   There are also guests who promise the position of concubine.

  The high-ranking official didn't answer directly, but asked: [There are beautiful jades here, and they are hidden away? Seeking good merchants and selling them? 】

simply put-

  These guests are not businessmen waiting for high officials.

  The senior official looked at Rui Ji with unpredictable eyes.

  【Wait for the time to move, wait for Jia to sell. 】

  She was held on a high platform and was chased by people's eyes.

  Rui Ji was also almost blinded by the illusion of prosperity and comfort until she was eighteen years old when a high-ranking official found Rui Ji and gave her an important task, sending her to be a concubine next to a certain lord and Pai Xungui in Beimo. This nobleman has some friendship with high-ranking officials, and even the distinguished guests who have been entertained by high-ranking officials have also taken a fancy to Ruiji.

   She was terrified.

  As smart as she is, she often goes to various private banquets with high-ranking officials, so she naturally knows the virtues of Beimo. The peace faction and the main war faction in Beimo either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. Who is strong and who is weak depends on the current needs.

  The Zhuhe faction will be defeated sooner or later.

   At that time, what should she do when she is deeply trapped in the Northern Desert?

  The high-ranking official never told her, and she didn't know. She only knew that she had everything, but she didn't have the right to refuse.

  The only fortunate thing is that the honorable Beimo likes to study the most, Rui Ji has been treated and favored, and those two years have been considered comfortable. Afterwards, Beimo Xungui fell, and Rui Ji was re-gifted to another man as the other party's inheritance.

  Rui Ji had nothing in common with him, and he hated the literati thing the most, and only treated Rui Ji as an ordinary concubine. In those two or three years, I lived peacefully. I was never comfortable, but I never suffered. Until a light suddenly breaks in...

  She seemed to hear her dead heart beating again.

  Chu Yao said: "It's not shy..."

   "I just didn't expect to be urged to marry at a young age."

"Brother Yu has reached the time when he is feeling 'a little old', should the elder sister who is seven years older than you consider making a coffin for herself? When I was young, I always looked old-fashioned..." Rui Ji smiled and let go After passing Chu Yao, he stopped mentioning his marriage and talked about trivial matters. After only a quarter of an hour, the maids came in to add lamp oil. Seeing that Chu Yao was either smiling or listening carefully, she said helplessly, "Yu Brother is really calm, much better than you were back then..."

  Pursuing her to help in private back then was straightforward.

  Chu Yao shook his head and said: "It's not that the younger brother can hold his breath this time, but he is just thinking about how to open this mouth with sister..."

  Rui Ji thought for a while and understood a little.

   "Who is Brother Yu working for now?"

  Chu Yao said: "Shen Tang, Shen Youli."

  Rui Ji has no impression of this name. The people Wei Shou has talked about are not as influential as others, but those who can make Brother Yu fall in love with her must have advantages that ordinary people cannot replace. Her tone was firm: "This Shen Jun has also entered the dragon slaying game?"

   Standing opposite her husband Wei Shou.

  Chu Yao nodded: "Yes."

"Looking at the mountains from a distance, they are still as new every year. I am short-sighted and human, and gradually different from the past...Brother Yu, today is different from the past." Rui Ji's gentle smile was gradually restrained, "At that time, I had nothing to worry about. It was also for self-help. Now that I have been married to Yuanyuan for more than 20 years and have children with him, why don't I help my husband, instead I help you?"

  Rui Ji looked at Chu Yao.

   Seriously said: "Brother Yu, Chu Yao!"

  The previous "Brother Yu" was still tender.

  The last "Chu Yao" is only cold and harsh.

  She said: "I only think that you are here to catch up with me, and I won't mention this matter to Yuanyuan, and don't mention today's matter again!"

  Chu Yao patiently waited for her to finish speaking before saying: "My sister helped me back then to help myself, but now she helps me to help him Wei Yuanyuan."

  Rui Ji said: "How can there be such a reason?"

  She helped Chu Yao break through the Chaoli Pass where her husband was stationed, so she was actually helping Wei Shou? But Rui Ji was not in a hurry to argue, she just looked at Chu Yao, wanting to hear what he could say. Chu Yao naturally came prepared, he just asked Rui Ji: "Sister, do you still remember the key to the battle in Beimo?"

  Rui Ji nodded: "Of course I remember."

  Chu Yao: "How similar was the situation back then to today."

  Rui Ji didn't know what to think of, her face turned dark.

  Bei Mo is different from the high-profile Shiwu. The former is well versed in the essence of insignificant development, and has accumulated a lot of strength in those years. It was also a coalition of several countries that fought against Beimo back then, but it suffered a loss at the hands of Ruiji's second husband and was unable to attack for a long time.

   With the help of Rui Ji, Chu Yao designed to make Bei Mo suspicious of the defender, forcing the defender to switch from defense to offense, disrupting the defensive rhythm. Beimo voluntarily gave up its home court advantage and competed with the coalition forces of the northwest countries. At first, Bei Mo was full of confidence, because they had already thoroughly studied the military formations that other countries are good at, and they never thought that Chu Yao would bring a big change...

   This is the same pain as the examinee who bought the answers for paper A at a huge price, only to find out that the paper is B paper in the examination room.

  Bei Mo was ravaged again after a brief resistance.

  Being an experience package for the younger generation of the Northwest countries.

   And now—

Chu Yao asked Ruiji: "...does sister think that Zheng Qiao will be less suspicious than the king of Beimo back then? In fact, whether it is to replace Wei Yuanyuan or force Wei Yuanyuan to send troops, it is not difficult to do it. Putting this point aside, it is not difficult. Let’s talk, if Wei Yuanyuan really can’t hold on to it, taking advantage of the natural danger to delay the coalition forces, the result of doing so must be that Chaoli Pass cannot be defended first...”

  Rui Ji disagreed with this point: "The food line is not harassed and intercepted by the enemy soldiers in the rear, and it is safe and sound. How can it not be defended?"

"No matter how safe the food line is, there must be food to be delivered." Chu Yao stood up and looked at the moonlight outside the window, and clearly saw the head lying on the wall that was still refusing to leave. He turned his head and talked, "The coalition army can't stand the delay, but the people's livelihood in various places can still be ruled. Before sending troops to join forces, the spring plowing was done properly. On the other hand, looking at the evil of Zheng Qiao's soldiers, they crossed the border like locusts. Even if Wei Yuanyuan can guard Chaoli Pass, this is not Zheng What Joe wants, what he wants is to completely eradicate the coalition forces, so that there will be no future troubles!"

   Standing firm, the food could not be carried, Zheng Qiao put pressure on the troops.

   Once you give up the natural danger and go out to attack, you will be defeated.

  Rui Ji lowered her eyes to consider the pros and cons.

  Chu Yao calmed down and said, "Sister, I don't want to destroy your hard-won stability. It was like that back then, and it's the same now!"

  Rui Ji lowered her eyes for a long time when she heard the words.

  She smiled wryly and secretly: "So, why don't you let me come forward to persuade him to surrender? Wouldn't it be better to do it in one step?"

  Chu Yao shook his head: "If he doesn't fight, he won't surrender."

  I learned it a long time ago.

  Rui Ji looked at the lamp oil that was about to burn out.

   whispered: "Brother Yu, let me think again."

  The two whispered for a long time, the heads on the courtyard wall were a little impatient, and the resentment was so strong that even the ghosts were afraid of seeing it.

  Finally, another quarter of an hour.

   Rui Ji got up to see her off, and Chu Yao came out.

  The courtyard door opened, and Wei Shou couldn't wait.

He said: "Chu Liangliang, are you trying to harm me from A Rui? Let me tell you, our relationship between husband and wife is stronger than gold, and it is definitely not something that can be swayed by a few words of your tongue! What you did back then , which one do I not know?"

  Ruiji was asked to help forge evidence back then.

Wei Shou is full of the love brain of little mother literature, and he has also disliked the so-called foster father for many years—his foster father, for some reason, likes to take sons everywhere to expand his power. Wei Shou and foster father are regarded as "fathers". Cizi laughs" model.

  Chu Yao's certain actions are his acquiescence.

   But he does not allow these methods to be used on himself!

  Do you want to do a routine that you have used once?


   Who knew Chu Yao said: "I, Chu Wuhui, always like to treat people with sincerity, only sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity, how can I harm you?"

  The sincere appearance caught Wei Shou by surprise.

  Wei Shou didn't believe it: "Tell these words to ghosts!"

   Only ghosts can understand nonsense!

  Chu Yao brows with a touch of helplessness: "Since Yuanyuan is so unbelievable, alas, it's getting late today, so I'll take my leave first!"

  Wei Shou snorted, "Come if you want, leave if you want?"

  Unexpectedly, Chu Yao pointed at himself.

   "It's just the incarnation of Taoism, what's the use of keeping Yuanyuan?"

  Wei Shou: "...???"

  He turned his face instantly: "When?"

  In Chu Yao's eyes, is he the kind of duplicitous villain?

   Actually played [Golden Cicada Escape Shell] with him?

   Chu Wenqi incarnation Yao, he looked at Wei Shou in a good mood, and said, "When you just came down from the courtyard wall."

  Wei Shou: "...Chu Wuhui, I will kill your ancestors!"

   A slap slapped away this cultural incarnation.

   After finishing speaking, she looked at Rui Ji and said, "Madam, no matter what he said, you must not believe his nonsense!"

  Rui Ji nodded.

  Wei Shou asked: "What did he tell you?"

  Rui Ji: "Let me help him and force you to give up defense."

Wei Shou snorted, "He thought really well! He doesn't know that you and I are husband and wife? Why give up defense? He has the ability to attack by force! There is no morale bonus for fighting generals, and there is not enough siege military. See What did he use to break through..."

  Because of the existence of fighting generals, the two armies rarely carry a large number of siege equipment such as rush cars, ladders, catapults, trench bridges, etc. when fighting. These are consumables with low defensive power in front of brave fighters. The coalition forces are now using local materials to make them, and they won't be able to get them out in a while. Even if they are driven out, once those things are damaged, the next siege will be delayed.

  Rui Ji said: "I kind of agree."

   "Agree with his nonsense?"

  Rui Ji said: "Zheng Qiao is not a good leader."

  Wei Shou complained: "Hey, do you want him to talk about it? Anyone who is not blind knows it! Literary scholars, if you repeat these words over and over again, can you have something new next time?"

  Under the moonlit night, the sound of horseshoes gradually approaching.

   Shen Tang's eyes lit up as he waited anxiously.

   "Wuhui! You can count—"

  Shen Tang rode a motorcycle to meet him.

   Raised the waving hand and froze.


  If you read correctly...

   It seems that there is a beautiful woman on Chu Yao's horseback? ? ?


   Chu Liangliang: Yuan, this is called "the hatred of taking one's wife"...

   【There are beautiful jades here, and they are hidden in the same place? Seeking good merchants and selling them? 】—The Analects of Confucius·Zihan

   The translation is "If I have a piece of beautiful jade, should I hide it in the cabinet, or find a merchant who knows the goods and sell it".

   PS: Regarding Chu Yao's title of "Brother Yu", his surname and first name were taken after he was sold as a companion to the school boy. "Brother Yu" is considered a nickname.



  (end of this chapter)