MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 682 : Yang Ying's Intention of a Warrior【Two in One】

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  Chapter 682 Chapter 682: Yang Ying's Intention of a Warrior 【Two in One】

   "Mr. Shen, wait a minute!"

  Huang Lie's confidant galloped and shouted to Shen Tang.

  Shen Tang raised his hand to signal the soldiers to let them go, pretending to be puzzled and said, "You were sent by Leader Huang? What is your order?"

  The visitor got off his horse and bowed his hands respectfully.

   "Leader please ask Governor Shen to go back and discuss dragon slaying together."

Shen Tang sat high on the back of the motorcycle, holding a rolled whip, and smiled eccentrically: "Master Huang, did you forget that I just said not long ago that I would withdraw from the Dragon Slaying Bureau and lead my troops back to the territory. Even if we want to discuss war You shouldn't be looking for me, you should be looking for those people who are watching the fire from the other side. Shen's three melons and two jujubes can still be heard when thrown into the water. Hu, can't stand the toss."

  The confidant secretly complained.

  He knew that Shen Tang was sharp-tongued, but he didn't expect the other party to ridicule him without showing any face. However, Huang Lie issued a death order to invite Shen Tang back, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say good things. Shen Tang listened the whole time, but never responded.

  The confidant's mouth was dry and his throat was on fire.

  Shen Tang asked: "My brother Wu has gone back?"

   Seeing that Shen Tang didn't ask anyone, he just asked Wu Xian's whereabouts. His confidant secretly wrote down this detail, and went back to tell his lord Huang Lie: "The lord has sent someone to invite Duke Zhaode."

  Shen Tang said: "That means there is no result yet?"

  The confidant felt troubled in his heart, and wished to lie to lure Shen Tang back, but rationally stopped him: "There is no news yet, but the leader has a good personal relationship with Mr. Zhaode, and he will definitely be able to persuade him to change his mind."

  Shen Tang hummed: "Then I'll wait for the news."

  A posture of wishing to advance and retreat with Tianhai Wu Xian.

  My confidant feels like his head is getting bigger.

   Fortunately, Wu Xian is easier to persuade than Shen Tang.

   This was originally just a show for outsiders to watch. Wu Xian was finally moved by Huang Lie's sincerity and was willing to go back after being asked three times and four times. Gu Ren came to support, and he led his troops back to save face, and Shen Tang was the last one.

  Huang Lie's confidants were about to be made difficult by her and cry.

  The effect of this farce is remarkable.

  Shen Tang obviously felt that the atmosphere had changed.

  If the previous coalition forces were "a few hard-working factions and their oil bottles", then the current coalition forces of the Dragon Tuning Bureau are "a few hard-working factions and more than 20 monkeys forced to be serious."

  Gu Chi held back for a long time: "Why is it a monkey?"

  Shen Tang said: "Because of killing chickens to scare monkeys."

  Gu Chi: "..."

  The protagonist became so cruel that even she scolded herself.

  Shen Tang was in a good mood, and when he went back, he greeted the soldiers who had re-camped with a smile. Just passing by the temporary martial arts field halfway, I saw people gathered in the open space. Relying on my good ears, I also vaguely heard some military sticks pleading for mercy.

  She pointed and asked, "What happened there?"

   Before waiting for anyone to answer, she diverted to the past.

   "Forget it, I'll go and have a look myself."

  Going over to take a look, I saw Yang Ying kneeling on the ground, fisted with both hands hanging by her side, wearing only a rough cloth shirt. Dark red blood seeped from under the cloth shirt, maybe it was too painful, or there was too much bleeding, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

  Yang Ying turned her head and asked, "Why did you stop?"

  The martial artist standing on one side is holding a long black lacquered whip, which hangs on the ground. The mottled bloodstains on Yang Ying's back are caused by this whip. This martial artist looked to be in his thirties or forties, with a thick beard, but his face was not fierce, but rather aged and kind. His hand holding the whip was trembling, and his voice was also trembling: "My lady, why are you forcing me?"

  Yang Ying became angry instead.

   "Hit as you please, I asked for it!"

The whip-wielding warrior persuaded earnestly: "That will wait until the female monarch recovers from her injury... This injury will add to the injury. If you accidentally damage the foundation, it will be a lifetime thing." Apart from him, several people are also persuading Yang Ying to get up, But Yang Ying was reluctant.

  Yang Ying's attitude made them wipe their tears with anger.

  Some people stomped their feet sadly, bluntly saying that Yang Ying wanted to force him to death.

  Shen Tang had a question mark on his forehead.

   asked: "What's the trouble?"

  Why did Yang Ying kneel here and receive military caning?

   Did she make a big mistake?

The whip-wielding martial artist saw Shen Tang with sharp eyes, and rushed forward in three steps at a time. The burly physique like a hill knelt down half-kneeled to Shen Tang, and she was so startled that her chin was thrown back, and she hurriedly said: "What are you doing? What? If you have something to say..."

   Several other people also came over to intercede.

  Shen Tang recognized that these pictures were all familiar faces.

  He followed Shen Tang from Xiaocheng back then.

   To be precise, because she rescued Yang Gong, the private trilogy that followed Yang Gong also followed her. Although there are not many people, they have a lot of experience and rich experience. They helped Shen Tang train troops in the early days and made great contributions in rectifying and recruiting bandits. Those who have lived from then to now are centurions at the last, and most of them are middle-level soldiers.

  Under the rush of their tongues, Shen Tang managed to figure out the story line. To put it simply, on the night of the night raid, Yang Ying led the team to patrol the night, but because of her arrogance and recklessness, she misjudged the enemy's strength, and then made wrong actions, resulting in the death of 19 members of the team she led. As the leader of the team, Yang Ying has a great responsibility that cannot be shirked. She asked for military law, and Chu Yao agreed that she would receive fifty lashes. After hearing the news, Yang Gong's old department was so angry that he persuaded Yang Ying so much that his mouth was bubbling.

   In the end, they had to take a step back and let them carry out the execution!

  After four or five whips, you can't go on beating.

  Yang Ying forced them to do it, and they felt distressed.

  When Xiaocheng was in disaster, the whereabouts of their relatives were unknown, whether they were slaughtered or escaped. No matter which one it is, the chances of surviving in this world are too small. Even their patriarch, Duke Yang, was left alone. It never occurred to them that Yang Ying was still alive, and they all saw Yang Ying grow up, so they were somewhat empathetic. Hitting this baby bump is as uncomfortable as pumping your own heart. Several people scrambled to be whipped for Yang Ying. Yang Ying's father, Mr. Yang, is not here, so they have to protect him.

  However, Yang Ying has a stubborn temper and refuses to give up a whip.

   Forced several uncles to kneel down for her.

Shen Tang figured out the whole story, his eyes changed slightly, but he admired Yang Ying even more, and said, "What kind of favor are you begging for? Treat her as a child who doesn't know the world? Since it was her fault, she should suffer it." ! A dignified and upright martial artist, and a tiger girl from the general family, inheriting her father's ambitions, how can she not bear these dozens of lashes? Hit! You can't miss a lash!"

  Yang Ying said gratefully: "Thank you, my lord."

Shen Tang said sternly: "This time, remember the lesson. This time there are only 19 people, but in the future, if you become the commander of a centurion in the army, lead a hundred people, or even be promoted to captain, and command a battalion of thousands of people... then Fifty lashes are not enough to apologise!"

  Yang Ying lowered her head and said, "Remember the mark."

   A few of Mr. Yang’s former ministries had a bitter face.

  He felt a little relieved.

   Finally endured the pain and whipped the remaining forty-five lashes.

  After the last whipping, Yang Ying's back was covered in blood, and she swayed forward and fell forward. Shen Tang reached out to wrap his arms around his shoulders, and picked him up with a little effort: "Call the military doctor!"

  When enforcing military law, the person being punished shall not use martial energy to resist. Shen Tang asked Yang Ying to lie on the bed, and took off the coarse cloth shirt on her upper body, revealing her ragged back. Taking care of the needs of the women's battalion, Dr. Dong specially selected several qualified female soldiers from the women's battalion to train them in medical skills. When the military doctor came over, he secretly gasped when he saw the wound.

  In addition to the whiplash on his back, Yang Ying has other injuries.

   Whiplashes are bleeding, and other wounds are bursting.

   "Is this desperate?"

  Yang Ying lay on the couch and said, "My life is still alive."

  But the 19 people were all dead.

  The bones were retrieved and barely sewn together.

  When she thought of the nineteen corpses lined up side by side, she hated herself at that time. She could still save her life, so there was nothing to complain about. The military doctor was so angry that he rolled his eyes. No matter what era the doctor was in, he hated patients who didn't cooperate the most.

   Fortunately, Yang Ying is a brave warrior.

   Physically strong and full of martial energy.

   As long as he is not dead right now, he will be completely cured in ten days and a half months. If it is not for the physique of scar hyperplasia, even a scar will not be left. For ordinary people, with such a serious injury, even if the wound is not infected by any filth, there is a certain probability that they will not be able to survive. The military doctor skillfully helped Yang Ying treat the wound, re-bandaged it, and ordered Yang Gong's old department to fetch medicine and boil it.

   After confirming that Yang Yingren was not dead, Shen Tang left.

   Several uncles came to see her.

   Eyes are red, obviously from crying.

   One of them felt distressed and pleased at the same time, and whispered to Yang Ying: "The female monarch is better than the master of the house. The green is better than the blue. If the master knows, he will be very proud."

  Yang Ying couldn't get up right now, so she could only lie down and watch people.

   Surprised: "You know?"

   "I know, the female monarch will not fall into the prestige of the patriarch!"

   "It's much better than the bad temper of the owner!"

   This sentence, several people agree very much.

  Don't look at Yang Gong's temper is very easy to talk now, it was not like this before. Before Xiaocheng's accident, Yang Gong's army was harsh to the point of inhumanity, his character was arrogant and stubborn, and occasionally even a little conceited! He also acted fiercely, and even the old man who followed him would be severely taught if he made a mistake.

  The subordinates complained about this, but they dared not speak out.

  But Yang Ying, as the daughter of Duke Yang, inherits her essence and discards her dross, which makes them old people feel very comforted.

   "Oh, what a pity..."

   "If the big guy is still there..."

   "We old bones will definitely be able to kill the Yang family's reputation together with the lady. Now, I have wronged the lady."

   While talking, several people were sad and wiped their tears.

  Wu Dan Wu Zhe's private trilogy was all started when he was young, and it was too late for Yang Ying at this age. Now I can only build up more military achievements, climb up, gain a firm foothold in the future, and then form my own elite team, there is still a long way to go.

  Yang Ying: "..."

   Only then did she know that they talked with ducks.

   It's not a thing at all.

  She whispered: "It's not about this."

   Several people also learned to lower their voices.

   "My lady, what's the matter?"

  Yang Yingdao: "The meaning of the warrior."

  Few words turned several people into sculptures.

  One of them even picked out his ears, and asked her to confirm with surprise, joy and fear: "Wait, wait, what the lady said just now, is that, that warrior, warrior?"

  Yang Ying nodded vigorously: "Yes."

  The meaning of the warrior is opposite to the way of the scribe.

  The latter's awakening has no trace to be found, and it depends entirely on luck.

  As long as you are lucky and persistent, you can easily obtain the way of scribes. There are various categories, strong and weak. The effect may be useless, or it may be so tyrannical.

  The meaning of a warrior belongs to the talent of martial arts, there is one and only one way to awaken—to realize one's own martial arts between life and death!



   That is to say, in a state where life is absolutely threatened, the state of mind is clear, the epiphany of martial arts, and there is a 10% chance of obtaining talent!

  There are too few brave warriors with the intention of warriors.

  Because this thing has to be gambled with your life!

   How many lives can one person have?

  Xun Ding and Chu Jie are currently under Shen Tang's tent. Strictly speaking, Chu Jie is not her general, the nature is more similar to a cooperative employment relationship. Shen Tang can call him if he needs it, but whether he comes or not depends on Chu Jie's personal wishes, such as this Dragon Slaying Bureau.

  She returned the border garrison, but invited Chu Jie.

   Fill up a row of noodles for high-level generals.

  Although Chu Jie agreed, he did not come with the army, because Yonggu Pass needs to be settled, and his arrival will be late.

  And Yang Ying—

   It is a third person on the surface.

   "My lady, when did it happen?"

  They were so excited that they pinched their thighs and screamed in pain.

  Yang Yingdao: "The attack that night..."

  Actually, the first time she was cornered by Gong Xiqiu, she had a vague feeling of seeing flowers in a fog. After Gong Xichou found out, he was even more merciless when he attacked her, and every time he got stuck on the line of life and death. Yang Ying knew that he wanted to help her awaken the rare talent of warriors, but there was always a shortcoming. In the end, Gong Xiqiu gave up impatiently and let her go with the flow.

  Yang Ying was depressed, but she could only accept the reality.

  She guessed that she couldn't do it before, most likely because although she was in a life-and-death crisis, she believed in her heart that Gong Xichou would not kill her. Under the subconscious mind that will never die, how can he fight for life and death, and really knock on the door of the warrior's temple?

   I never thought that it would happen that night.

  Yang Ying picked up the bones of nineteen people and looked at his hands for a long time. She suddenly understood why her father occasionally showed unspeakable sadness. Once the road of killing and slaying started by a brave warrior, he couldn't stop until he died.

   "My lady, this is a blessing in disguise!"

   "Right, the Patriarch won't be crazy if he finds out!"

   After the two of them finished speaking, they were patted on the head by the old man, indicating that they were happy and also pay attention to the occasion. Does the lady look happy? Several people talked for a while, and found an excuse to let Yang Ying recuperate alone. After leaving the camp, several people looked at each other and laughed.

   "A treat?"

   "Hahaha, please please!"

   On the side of the main account, Shen Tang also talked about Yang Ying.

   "Mr. Yang, this girl, is much more vigorous than him."

   Temper also suits Shen Tang's appetite.

  She came back and carefully checked what happened that night, and she also knew some details from Yu Zi. Yang Ying did make a mistake in decision-making, but it is not entirely wrong to say that it was all wrong. Given the situation at the time, Yang Ying let the enemy go first and then shot the sentry arrow. The team was still in danger of life, and the camp might be caught off guard. The situation, while not worse, is not better either.

  In any case, she recognized the enemy and shot decisively. This judgment and decisiveness are worthy of recognition. As for the character... Let's work it out. Shen Tang stroked his chin: "Lu Ji was born as a general, Zhao Wei was born as a general, and Yang Ying was also born as a general..."

   Should she change her mind?

   Rape the back house of the brave warrior?


   Adhere to the 22nd day of the double update, there are 6 days left in this month, come on!




  (end of this chapter)