MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 680 : Do you want to flip the table? (On) [Ask for a monthly ticket]

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  Yang Ying's night patrol team, except for her, the rest are ordinary soldiers. The enemy general just waved his sword lightly, and the corpses of several soldiers were separated. Yang Ying resisted with a weapon, but was also knocked off the horse, her blood flowed backwards.

  She poured martial energy into the body of the halberd, and raised her foot to kick.

  The light weapon in her hand was like a huge boulder weighing hundreds of catties when it hit the enemy who was rushing up, forcibly knocking several people upside down and saving two soldiers. In the next moment, the knife light pierced through the air and hit her face directly.

   Its momentum is so great that it is bound to kill Yang Ying under the knife.

  In the blink of an eye, Yang Ying sucked in the wind from his palm, and the halberd turned around. The sharp edge was right on the enemy general's vest, and at the same time, he stepped on the ground and retreated. She bet that the enemy general would not dare to trade injuries for his life, and the facts were just as she expected, the enemy general dodged sideways and caused the blade to deviate, but the blade's aura still stuck to Yang Ying's brow bone, leaving a red mark. Fortunately, her head is still there, and her body has not been separated.

   "Pearl of rice grains, dare to seek death?"

  He spoke frivolously and did not put Yang Ying in his eyes, but he was annoyed when his identity was discovered and he was provoked by force.

   At this time, there were a few more screams.

  Yang Ying glanced away from the corner of her eye, her eyes were about to burst, and her blood was boiling.

  The soldier who was rescued just now died tragically under the knife.

   There is not a whole body!

  The large enemy force continued to move towards the camp.

  This place is still some distance away from the camp, and the brief fighting movement cannot be transmitted. The warning whistle is in her hands, and the enemy will never give her a chance to send it out. Looking at the enemies surrounding him, Yang Ying clenched her molars - kill!

   Killing one is not a loss, killing two is back!


  Before Yang Ying charged into the enemy group, the ground under the enemy's feet made a few puffs, and sharpened logs emerged. Each of these logs is more than ten feet high. Enemy soldiers with martial energy defense reacted faster and immediately hacked with weapons, but ordinary soldiers would be miserable. Most of them wore straw sandals on their feet, and the wooden stake appeared suddenly, either piercing their feet or piercing through them, and propping them up high. Warm blood dripped down the stake, dazed the soil, and merged with the blood of the night patrol soldiers.

   Immediately afterwards, a wave of literary energy fell on Yang Ying.

  The breath in his chest was instantly smooth.

   "Pretending to be a ghost, come out!"

  The enemy shoots his saber at one place.

   There was a pop, but it was a piece of wood that hit it.

  Yang Ying's long halberd swept across, and the strong air wave knocked all the surrounding enemy soldiers into the air. Seizing the time, he released his long bow and arrows.

  The enemy general saw Yang Ying's movements with sharp eyes, and he didn't care about the literary scholar who was in the way. He raised his hand and turned his weapon, and slashed at Yang Ying with a murderous blade. The light of Zhang Zhang's knife screamed and dragged a long ditch on the ground, and the wooden stakes on the path were strangled to powder. If there is no accident, this will also be Yang Ying's end in the blink of an eye! It exploded into a cloud of blood!

   No accident, or an accident.

   One after another, cultural barriers rose from the ground.

   Weakening the power of the saber energy one by one.

  When Yang Ying reached the tip of her nose, there was only a wisp of metallic wind left, and at this moment her fingers had already been released, and her arrows shot up to the sky!

  Glaring white awns appear at first and then disappear in an instant.

  Pierce through the fog tonight with a strong posture!

  When the reinforcement warning arrows were released, Yang Ying breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of the outcome, life or death, at least the warning has been sent out, and it is not shameful to die here. And the face of the enemy general who almost merged with the night?

   Hehe, no one cares.

   "Looking for death!"

  The enemy will be completely enraged.

   One move was a tyranny that Yang Ying could not resist at all.


   What is broken into powder is still a wooden stake. Seeing the Wen Qi dissipated by the saber Qi, the enemy general's forehead was almost bursting with blue veins.

   At the same time, hundreds of feet away.

  Yang Ying ran to the camp from another direction with Yu Zi on her back.

  The latter was exhausted, and his complexion was weak and pale.

   "Why are you here?" Yang Ying met Yu Zi, but the two of them only talked a few words, and it was all because of business, and they didn't meet each other on weekdays. After being left by [Moving flowers and trees], she recognized that the other party was the scribe who saved her.

  Yu Zi hummed: "Because this area is under the jurisdiction of Military Division Kang."

  Yang Ying: "..."

  She doesn't understand the necessary connection between these two sentences.

  Yu Zi couldn't make it clear for a while, so he said: "You just need to remember that you have a relationship with Military Division Kang, and you must be extra cautious when you go out on missions, and you may be killed one day!"

   I learned too many lessons.

  Yu Zi even summed up a set of experience.

  Knowing that this time it was Kang Shi who was definitely an official writer, one can imagine how she felt. At noon, the lord ordered the whole battalion to be on alert to prevent the enemy from attacking at night. She had a faint premonition in her heart that this night attack was a sure thing, and she could guess the enemy's sneak attack route. Her blatant dislike angered Kang Shi. To prove her guess, Yu Zi ran out in the middle of the night.

   Oh, she didn't run out alone.

  Bring along her personal scout.

  The scout's gallant totem, the black owl, hovers in the night sky. The color of the black owl can perfectly blend with the sky, and the flying height is high enough to be difficult to be noticed. Just after the second round of patrolling, there was a situation, and Yu Zi hurried to reinforce.

   You can't fight, but you can run.

  The stake for killing people is the stake of rejecting horses.

  Used to kill enemies and delay time.

  Several cultural energy barriers plus a [Transfer], directly drained the cultural energy in her alchemy mansion, and Yang Ying needed to run with her back. Fortunately, the pursuers did not catch up, and the two were safe for the time being. Yang Ying's face was stained with blood, she put Yu Zi in a safe place, not far from the camp. Yu Zi's literary energy was exhausted, and he had no power to protect himself, so it would be dangerous to return to the camp.

"where did you go?"

  Yang Yingdao: "Go back, kill a few more!"

Yu Zi thought that Yang Ying was worried about the safety of the camp, and said: "You are also injured, so you won't be able to help much when you go back. It's better to adjust your breath first. There is Military Division Kang on the camp's defense line... Although he is unlucky, but The strength is not weak."

  Yang Ying suppressed her anger and said, "I'm going to kill someone!"

  The nineteen night patrol soldiers were all soldiers led by her.

   So dead, how not to hate?

  However, Yang Ying hates herself even more.

  If she hadn’t overestimated herself or underestimated the enemy, hadn’t made the first move to startle the enemy, but had waited for the enemy to pass before looking for opportunities to shoot arrows and bring people back to help, nineteen lives might not have been lost. This is her mistake, she is guilty!

  Yu Zi was frightened by Yang Ying's terrifying bloodshot eyes.

   "Then you... Wu Yun Changlong..."

  Yang Ying raised her hand to wipe away the heat from her eyes: "Thank you!"

   After speaking, he picked up his weapon and whistled to call out the war horse.

  She leaped onto the fully armed horse.

  The killing intent strewn all over her chest made her head swell.

  Only one thought left—


Yang Ying's whistle arrow warning is still timely, and Shen Tang's side has long been prepared and is ready to fight. The defensive military has three layers inside and three layers outside. The preparations are sufficient to make the night attacking enemy suspect that there are ghosts in their camp. Waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap.

  The camp was full of fire, and the martial spirit was shining brightly.

   Everyone has their own task.

   Only the protagonist Shen Tang is free.

   In other words, she can make waves wherever she likes. But this time, before the enemy's ruthless character appeared, she was not going to wave.

   When she came, she was the lord, and she was in the army.

  Secondly, she is the lord, so don't grab military merits.

"The message for help has been sent?" Shen Tang looked at the flames rising in the distance, and pressed his right hand on the hilt of the loving mother sword. It seemed that he had the chance to win and was confident, but he was actually ready to kill the beast at any time. "Is there anyone nearby who is willing to respond?" ?”

  Chu Yao stood behind her.

   "There is no movement in those camps for the time being."

  The first wave of night attacks is often the fiercest, and her side bears most of the firepower. If he was unprepared, and he was really stabbed by the opponent, the fire in the camp would have become one piece by now. Shen Tang smiled and said sarcastically: "It will take time to rush over, let's wait. Believe us allies, even if we crawl, we will crawl over a few."

  Chu Yao did not respond.

  Shen Tang: "Tonight, will the guard of Chaoli Gate come?"

  Chu Yao: "Even if you come, you are not here."

  The guard of Chaoli Pass, they don't know his identity yet, and the scouts haven't found out the information. All I know is that when the coalition forces joined forces on Xingyang Road, Zheng Qiao temporarily dispatched a brave fighter, and even made bold words to kill the coalition forces here.

  Dare to say such big words, there must be some strength.

   I just don't know the specific strength.

  If you come tonight, you can test the depth of the test.

   Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

  Gu Ren's camp was also affected by the aftermath.

  The enemy demolished the gate of the camp, destroyed the sentry towers on both sides, and burned more than a dozen tents, like a sharp knife, trying to stab straight into the heart of the camp. Tonight is dense fog and strong wind again. The wind will help the fire. If it is not stopped, the fire will become one piece...

The consequences could be disastrous.

  The enemy generals in charge of this road slashed a **** path under their feet.

   was finally blocked.

  The person who stopped him was a man with long hair and shawls. Although this man was an adult, his temperament was between a teenager and a youth because his mind had not yet fully caught up with his age. It is precisely because of this temperament that people misjudged his age. The enemy general sensed the weak martial energy in the man's body, and judged the opponent's strength from this, without any fear. Lifting the knife, intending to kill with one blow.

  Unexpectedly, the blade fell into the palm of the man.

  His palms are extremely beautiful.

  Warrior armor and scale armor gauntlets are also exquisite.

  Just two fingers, smashing his saber energy and imprisoning the blade.

  The enemy general was terrified, and before he could react, he had already been kicked in the chest by the man. The strength of this kick is like a mountain. Even through the heavy armor, he could still hear the crisp sound of the sternum rib breaking. With a person and armor, weighing more than three hundred catties, he flew upside down into the sky completely in the air. Before reaching the peak, the man's face suddenly appeared in front of him.

  The armored scale armor gauntlet zoomed in before his eyes.

  The left cheek suffered the same heavy blow.

   It was actually breaking his condensed martial energy abruptly.


  The heavy object fell to the ground like a meteor!

   This enemy general was completely suppressed at the first encounter, and his body was also deformed by a slap. He had just crawled out of the big pit, and a strong sense of crisis rushed straight to his forehead from the tailbone. He subconsciously rolled away to one side, and the man appeared in the same place, with another deep pit under his feet. The enemy general's forehead was sweating, if he didn't dodge, it would be his brain that was crushed by one foot!

  Who is this man?

  Wearing a scale armor gauntlet all over his body, he was suppressed so hard that he couldn't breathe. He had only felt it on the guard before. The man in front of him, that is, Shao Chong, did not give the enemy general time to think, his task was to tear the bugs apart!

  Enemy generals are also people who cherish their lives.

  Knowing that it's not about rushing at the opponent less, naturally he won't seek death.

  The fire has been completed anyway, and there will be an explanation when I go back.

   "Thirteen, come back!"

   Gu Ren stopped Shao Chong who was still trying to catch up.

   "Brother, I'll pick off his head and give it to you!"

   Gu Ren disagreed.

   "Thirteen, you want to disobey the military order?"

  Although the Gu worms in Shisan's body have fallen into a deep sleep, Gong Xichou also said that Shisan has not completely escaped from the Gu worm crisis, and needs to stabilize his emotions as much as possible, otherwise it will stimulate the Gu worms to wake up faster. At that time, Thirteen would be in danger.

  Where did Gu Ren find him the high priest of the Gongxi tribe?

   "The loss is not big, and the poor should not chase after it!"

  The enemy general also has the strength of a seventh-class official, but he is facing Shao Chong, one of the top combat forces on the coalition side.

   In one face-to-face meeting, he was beaten until he could not find Bei. It would take ten days and a half months for his injuries to fully recover.

   After a while, someone came to report.

   "Brother, the fire is under control."

   Gu Ren nodded: "How is Wu Zhaode next door?"

  Looking at the light and darkness of the fire in the distance, my side should not be the main target of the enemy's attack, otherwise it would not be so easy to repel.

  Sixth brother said: "The surname Wu is too shrewd."

   Gu Ren asked: "What's wrong?"

What's wrong?

   Wu Zhaode, the sixth son, made Qin Li, a scholar under the account, fog up. The fog tonight was already heavy, Qin Li used all his literati's way to cover Wu Xian's camp with a big hand. A small number of enemies who rushed in were strangled, and most of the main force was forced to go elsewhere.

  Isn't this just misfortune?

  Wu Xian’s losses were almost negligible. It is estimated that a few unlucky ghosts were burned and two camps were destroyed.

   Gu Ren saw the brightest direction of the fire in the distance.

   "That direction seems to belong to Long Wu's side?"

  The sixth brother nodded: "Yes."

   Gu Ren was worried: "The fire is so big?"

  Compared with the rest of the place, the burning is really strong.

   "Sixth brother, you ask the twelve to send troops to support."

   I muttered in my heart.

  The leader of the alliance, Huang Lie, said that it was Shen Tang who raised the idea of ​​guarding against night raids, and there was no reason why Shen Tang didn't care. If he had prepared early, he wouldn't have been burned so badly by the night attack, right? Look at the intensity of the fire... Perhaps most of the camp has been burned down?

   Gu Ren is not the only one who has this idea.

  Wu Xian's side was very stable, he looked at the fire in Shen Tang's direction, his eyes reflected the orange red in the sky, and there was no movement for a long time.

  After a while: "Gongsu, let Dayi go and see."

  Qin Li cupped his hands and saluted: "Wei."

  Shen Tang's neighbors are the most worried.

   Worried that Shen Tang would not be able to carry it, and worried that the fire would burn to his own house.

  Send people to help?

  They still have trouble on their side.

   So, the question comes back—

  Why is the fire on Shen Tang's side so big?

   Naturally because someone is playing with fire.

  Is there any reason not to take the military merits sent to your door?

  The closer you are to the camp, the more traps there are. There is a trap every hundred steps, and barbed thorns hidden under the shallow ground are scattered everywhere. Near the camp, a luxurious cremation gift package was prepared for the enemy to ensure sufficient fuel. If there is no fuel, go to the Word Spirit, and the fire dragon soars into the sky. Chu Yao also borrowed an east wind, and the fire dragon formed by the gathering of flames rises against the wind, illuminating the sky!


  Unable to control my hands, I chopped the keyboard again, blah... my wallet.