MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 62 0: Have a full meal (thanks to the main cute girl Gaomei +7)

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  Chapter 62 062: Have a full meal (thanks to the main cute girl Gaomei +7)

  The two sang together and persuaded Gong Shuwu.

  Zhai Le waited for them to finish speaking before opening his mouth: "If you want me to say, brother Shen, you might as well find a way to leave the northwest and go to the southeast."

  Shen Tang asked: "Go to the southeast? There is no war in the southeast?"

I thought that Zhai Le would say something like "the situation in the southeastern states is stable", but he opened his mouth and said: "Fight, why not fight? There are still vassal states that have not fought yet? But the southeast is better than the northwest. There’s no constant drought there.”

Qi Shan didn't even bother to lift his eyelids when he heard this, he laughed: "It's true that there is a lot of rain in the southeastern countries, and it's true that there will be no frequent droughts, but there will be floods. Some floods are natural disasters that cannot be resisted by humans, and some floods are man-made. The vassal states in the upper reaches of the river control the water veins and cut off the river before the rainy season, making the lower reaches dry. When the rainy season comes, they release water and floods to ensure the stability of the upper reaches..."

   There are more than these show operations that take advantage of geographical advantages.

  As far as he knows, there is a vassal state whose secret to getting rich is to "sell water". The vassal states in the lower reaches of the river cut off their water sources if they were not obedient and refused to pay the annual coins. If they did not cooperate, they specially released floods and flooded that small vassal state, relying on "protection fees" to enrich the treasury.

  Because it went too far, it caused anger and resentment, and was destroyed by the joint crusade by the vassal states in the lower reaches of the tributary.

  The situation is similar everywhere in the mainland.

  Qishan would rather squat in the northwest than run to the southeast.

the most important is-

  He is a landlubber who hates water!

   Zhai Le pursed his lips, as if he was frustrated that Amway did not sell. But after thinking about it, I can understand that the gold nest and silver nest are not as good as your own dog nest. He was born in the southeast border since he was a child. He has good water skills and talent. He is a good hunter and fisherman, and he has never suffered much.

  No matter how chaotic the old country is, it is better than other places.

   Presumably, Mr. Qishan thinks the same way.

Zhai Le still didn't give up, and continued to persuade: "Even if he refuses to go south, Geng is not safe. Either go to a vassal state with a relatively stable political situation, or simply live in seclusion and stay away from the flames of war...Brother said that the remaining countries of Geng have the best luck." Five years."

  Qi Shan frowned: "Your brother?"

"Cousin of the same clan, we are about the same age, we have played together since we were young, and we are better than brothers. He is amazing, and he plans to become an official after the end of this tour. He also said that Zheng Qiao, the lord of the Geng Kingdom, is a narrow-minded man with a bad personality. He's a gangster with big eyes and low hands but big ambitions. Jackals in the North Desert, ten black tigers and leopards, if he dares to seek skins from tigers, he will lose his bones. I think what he said makes sense..."

  Qi Shan use his peripheral vision to pay attention to Gong Shuwu's expression.

Seeing that he seemed to be distracted but focused on the conversation of the people, he said, "Your elder brother is quite accurate in seeing Zheng Qiao. This person has a low virtue, a small wit and a big plan, and he is narrow-minded. The face of the Ming Lord."

   "From Mr.'s point of view, what is Mingzhu?"

  The always silent Gong Shuwu suddenly spoke.

   "Is it the king who has made great achievements and expanded the territory?"

  Qi Shan didn't answer but turned around and asked Shen Tang.

   "What does Mr. Shen Xiaolang think?"

  Shen Tang who was suddenly named: "Ask me???"

  Pray for goodness: "Yes, I ask you."

She replied casually: "People live with one mouth. I think it is the master who can let the people have enough food, clothing and warmth to live a stable life. If you have a warehouse, you will know etiquette, and if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace. Naturally, the country will be stable and the political situation will be clear. Mingzhu, isn’t it just for this effect?”

  Gong Shuwu: "..."

  Pray for goodness: "..."

  Shen Tang was stared at by the two of them, and he felt a little fuzzy.

Then bit the bullet and said: "Whether it is to expand the territory or to make outstanding achievements, for the monarch, martial arts are pretty good, but how much benefit can the people get? Not only is it not good, but in order to raise military expenses, the court will also increase taxes. The pressure is on them. If they collect more military expenses from taxes, they will be a little bit hungry, and they will even starve to death. Look, how many survivors miss their homeland after the Xin Kingdom was destroyed? Don’t they all pat their buttocks and continue to live their little lives?”

  If the Geng Kingdom is destroyed in the future, the people will still be like this.

  Maybe they will hold it up and take a sip of a drink, celebrating that the tyrant above their heads finally burps, and they can take a breather.

  Gong Shuduan didn't speak, and Zhai Le didn't speak either.

  Qi Shan shook his head: "This world doesn't apply now."

  For example, Shen Xiaolangjun's "The Way of the Princes".

  The princes of other families use the "way of princes" to recruit talents, recruit talents, recruit soldiers and buy horses, but Mr. Shen Xiaolang is "farming". It is not attractive to talents, nor can it benefit them.

  Food, that is something that can be snatched by force.

"Yuan Liang's words are also reasonable. As the saying goes, if you farm without guns, your home becomes a granary; if you don't farm with guns, there are granaries everywhere. How can the grain grown in your own fields be as fragrant as those in other granaries?" Shen Tang thought about the moment Situation, express understanding.


  Why do adults make choices?

   Naturally both the gun and the field.

  Don't care about the king of heaven, Laozi, let's talk about feeding the stomach.

  Shen Tang: "If I want to find some princes to be an official for a job in the future, I will definitely not consider those who are in arrears and low remuneration."

  Come out to work just to have enough food.

   Don't talk about ideals, just talk about stomach.

If a boss can manage the normal operation of the company, pay wages on time, give salary increases, don’t give chicken soup indiscriminately, don’t pay lip service to reality, pay as much as he does, so that employees can support a family, then this Even being a good boss.

  Don't say 996, 007 can do it.

   "Do you want to become an official?" Qi Shan's eyes darkened a little.

  Shen Tang: "..."

   Inexplicably feel that this question should be answered carefully.

  She shook her head and said, "That's all I said. Why work for others when I have nothing to do? It's not that I don't have enough to eat..."

  In this day and age, if you do a job well, you may not get a promotion and a salary increase, but if you don’t do it well, you will definitely lose your head.

  Payment is not proportional to income.

  It is not a good choice to start a business with others, it is better to fly alone.

  She can also conjure food with her speech.

   Maybe she can't help others, but she can't starve to death herself.

  Qi Shan's expression softened slightly.

   "That's fine."

  Shen Tang looked at him puzzled: "...whatever?"

   "It's good to try to eat enough."

   Not only to feed one person, but also to feed tens of thousands of people.

  Perhaps the "princes' way" related to "agriculture" can also find a broad way. This is a road that no one has ever walked before. If you don’t take a walk, how will you know it won’t work?

  Shen Tang: "???"

  Although she didn't quite understand what kind of bad water was brewing in Qi Yuanliang's stomach, her intuition told her that it was not a bad thing, so she ignored it.

  Gong Shuwu on the side looked at Qishan and then at Shen Tang, he was vaguely aware of something, but felt that his guess was absurd.

  The bonfire will go out and the night will end.

  The self-cultivation is almost the same, and a group of people are going to enter the city.

  Shen Tang, Zhai Le, and Qi Shan are alright, but Gong Shuwu is really eye-catching. At dawn, Shen Tang got up together with Shuwu, and Shen Tang realized that this strong man was nearly two meters tall, with a burly figure, a strong physique, wide shoulders and narrow waist, and strong muscles in his limbs. One person was equal to two of hers!

   Stands out from the crowd, and can be recognized at a glance when thrown into the crowd.

   The third chapter, this chapter was not written smoothly, but it must be there.

   The national seal in the hands of Gong Shuwu is naturally to be handed over to Tangmei by him personally and willingly in the later stage of the plot, there is no rush.



  (end of this chapter)