MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 60 0: Sobering up [ask for a monthly ticket]

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  Chapter 60 060: Sober up 【Ask for a monthly pass】

   It hurts!


   This was Shen Tang's first feeling.

  Headache, hand pain, back pain, leg pain, foot pain...

  There is no pain anywhere in my body.

  As she regained consciousness, it seemed as if the cells in this body were beating drums to protest her. Taking a short breath, the strong smell of earth and blood rushes straight into the nostrils. She frowned slightly, her temples throbbed with pain, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

  The scene of Shen Tang falling to the ground was too unexpected, and Zhai Le only had time to distract himself and order two black-armored soldiers to support the guards, so as not to hurt people with swords and swords in the scuffle. Qi Shan was angry and funny, who would have imagined that she would come out of nowhere like this?

  As soon as he got closer, he heard Shen Tang cursing.

   "Gan—Where is this old man?"

  As soon as she opened her eyes, she found herself face down, with half of her face buried in a puddle of mud and mud on her cheeks. He raised his hand, and his palm was blood-red. It was only then that I discovered what a puddle of mud was, it was clearly a "blood puddle" where blood and water gathered!

   Barely sat up, looked up and looked around.

  Firelight caught her eyes. Most of the dwellings in the mountains were destroyed in the raging fire. Everywhere you could see were broken limbs. The corpses were scattered all over the floor, and blood was still flowing from the wounds. As expected, a fierce fight broke out here not long ago.

   There were constant shouts of killing around.

   This scene made Shen Tang wonder if he had time-traveled again, to the battlefield of a small-scale encounter.

   It's not my fault that she is so imaginative.

  She clearly remembered that not long ago, she was on the porch of a private house, admiring the moon, drinking, drinking and drying her wet hair. She was so happy and happy. Why did she run to a strange mountain depression every time she closed her eyes and opened them again. There are soldiers in red and black armor fighting each other around?

  The only thing she should be thankful for is that these soldiers are not paying attention to her, otherwise it would be dangerous for anyone to stare at her.

   "Shen Wulang, Shen Xiaolang-"

  At this moment, a familiar male voice came from Shen Tang's ear.

   Xun Sheng looked up, and sure enough, he saw a familiar face.

   said happily: "Yuanliang! Why are you here?"

  Pray for goodness: "..."

   A simple sentence, to block the yin and yang strangeness he wanted to blurt out, and if he failed to be angry, he would suffocate himself.

  What qualifications does Shen Tang have to ask him this question?

  Why is he here in the middle of the night?

  Mr. Shen Xiaolang doesn’t have a little idea in his heart?

  Qi Shan showed a "nuclear" smile, and asked Shen Tang softly: "Mr. Shen Xiaolang, do you still remember what you did before?"

  Shen Tang: "..."

  Although she was at a loss, her intuition told her that the Qishan in front of her was smiling so much that it was definitely not a good person. As soon as she finished speaking, Qishan's smile became more and more "brilliant". She felt a slight tingling sensation in her scalp, and her whole body became unnatural.

  Shen Tang timidly said: "...I don't know."

   He hesitated again: "I, what did I do?"

"What did you do?" Qishan almost gritted his teeth, "First you ran all the way to the central government office of Xiaocheng, and then ran all the way out of Xiaocheng from there, and went into the deep mountains and old forests more than 20 miles away. Shen Youli Oh Shen Youli, you can really run!"

  Shen Tang: "..."

   "Other people drink a drink, at most they will be drunk and talk crazy. If you drink a drink, you will kill whoever you catch with a sword, right?"

  Shen Tang, who was educated all over the place: "..."

  She blinked blankly and innocently—belatedly guessing that she was responsible for the masterpiece of this place.

"I did not do it on purpose…"

  As an otaku painter, she knew that she didn't drink very well, but she never expected that a bowl of Dukang wine could knock her down, and after she was knocked down, she would throw alcohol like crazy and kill someone with a sword. Seeing Qishan's anger and worry, she was embarrassed and ashamed, wishing to grab the ground with her head.

  Qi Shan was full of anger like a punctured balloon, vented it cleanly, waved his hand helplessly and said, "Stop drinking in the future."

  It would be fine if Mr. Shen Xiaolang didn't bother others when he drank, but it was the others who suffered, and he wanted to stop him even if he said anything.

  Shen Tang: "Oh."

  Without the commander in chief, the red armored soldiers were like headless chickens. They were all eaten away by the black armored soldiers in a short while, and the shouts of killing gradually stopped. Zhai Le took back the Bravery Tiger Talisman, and dragged the seriously injured "thief" to Shen Tang with one hand, his pair of scorching peach blossoms flashed a little smile as if asking for credit. He only heard him call loudly: "Brother Shen, I brought you this little thief who stole your treasure!"

  Shen Tang had question marks all over his head: "Huh???"

  Qi Shan glanced at the "thief" blankly.

  Is this the "thief" Shen Xiaolang-jun wanted to catch when he was drunk at night and ran for more than 20 miles with his sword in hand? It is reckoned that it was also an unreasonable disaster... Well, I can't say that. If Mr. Shen Xiaolang hadn't bumped into him by mistake, with that battle, this person would surely die!

  Thinking of this, Qi Shan's eyes sank slightly.

  How could an ordinary person attract such a level of pursuit? Eighth-class public servants are not Chinese cabbage in the fields, you can meet them everywhere, and they are generals who can lead three to five thousand troops in the army. Let people of this strength come out to hunt down...

  He beat his lower eyelids slightly to hide his deep thoughts, and vaguely guessed something.

  And the "thief" in Zhai Le's mouth...

  He was so seriously injured that he was almost in a coma. He was startled by these words, and the thick layer of blood stains could not stop the confusion on his face. He didn't know when he became a "thief". He was sure that he did not "steal" Shen Tang's things, but he couldn't hold back that he was indeed carrying a treasure.

  His muscles tense in secret.

  Shen Tang looked puzzled, and asked Zhai Le: "What thief?"

  Zhai Le was also caught by her question, pointed at the "thief" and raised his voice: "Didn't Brother Shen say that this person stole your treasure?"

  Shen Tang: "..."

   She isn't, she didn't, don't wrong a good person!

  Facing the gaze of the three pairs of eyes, Shen Tang took a step back, lacking confidence: "I, I was drunk before..."

  So, what she does has nothing to do with her real self!

  For a while, the atmosphere was so embarrassing that people wanted to pick out a three-bedroom, one-living room with their toes. Shen Tang looked down, oh ho, the wooden clogs on his feet were still reversed. Taking advantage of no one's attention to this detail, Quiet Mimi took off her wooden clogs and put them on again, pretending that nothing happened.

  Hearing these words, "Thief" secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

   It’s good if it’s not aimed at him...

  Because it was too embarrassing, Shen Tang and the others didn't want to go back to Xiaocheng like this. They planned to spend the night in the wild, and took the seriously injured "thief" to the stream downstream of the residence to treat the wound and clean the stains.

  Because there was only one pajamas, Shen Tang could only wash his face carelessly. At this time, midsummer had just passed, and autumn had not yet entered, the air was still hot and humid, as if there was an invisible force pressing on his chest, and the blood and dirt clinging to his skin made Shen Tang feel uncomfortable all over.

   "I'm going to chop some firewood."

  There is still unfinished firewood in the houses.

   Rest for a while, the weakness when I just woke up has faded. Shen Tang chops firewood with a loving mother's sword, and Zhai Le is duped by her to dig a pit and bury his body, praying to be responsible for taking care of the seriously injured "thief". Due to limited field conditions, the wound can only be treated simply. But with the recovery ability of the ninth and fifth doctors, it will be cured after seven or eight days.

   "Thank you to the three righteous men for the rescue."


   The new book splash screen event has started.

   Today is still the third watch.

   There are still 158 short of the first order (that is, the number of VIP subscribers in the first chapter)

   There are still 349 monthly tickets left (monthly tickets are available for all platforms, ask for a monthly ticket_(:з」∠)_)

   The reward is still short of 70,000 points (this is really difficult to forget.)



  (end of this chapter)