MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 55 0: Uncovering the bottom, drunk (thanks to the main cute girl Gaomei +4

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  Chapter 55 055: Uncovering the bottom, drunk (thanks to the main cute girl Gaomei +4)

  The rabbit is short and black, and the time flies.

  As the sun went down, candles lit up in the farmyard.

Because there was no spare room for Chu Yao, Shen Tang wanted to give up the room—she could spend the night wherever she wanted, and she would think of a way tomorrow, but Chu Yao was born thin and elderly, so she let him sleep in a cubicle or The corridors are not good—but Chu Yao disagreed, and in the end he prayed for Shan to let him squeeze with him before giving up.

  This decision was what Shen Tang wished for.

   After eating the dinner brought by the old lady, Chu Yao was full of worries, and went to the courtyard to enjoy the cool, and heard the sound of rushing water.

  Following the sound, I saw a shadow curled up in the corner. Only when he got closer did he realize that it was Shen Tang, who was rolling up his sleeves and washing greengage in a tub.

   "What is Goro doing?"

Shen Tang raised his head and saw that it was Chu Yao who came, so he straightened his upper body, punched his sore waist lightly with his hands, and was exhausted after bending over for too long, and said in his mouth: "Wash green plums. I plan to make some green plums. A few jars of green plum wine. When the city is covered with snow in winter, enjoy the scenery and drink.”

  Chu Yao lowered his eyes when he heard the words, looked at the sinking or floating greengage in the wooden basin, and sighed: "Will Goro regret it if you waste everything?"

  Shen Tang was confused: "???"

   No, why did she waste everything? ? ?

  Chu Yao asked again: "Did that Mr. Qishan stop you?"

   Shen Tang was puzzled and said, "Why did Yuan Liang stop me?"

  Chu Yao's complexion gradually darkened, and anger began to brew under the calm surface, but it was not directed at Shen Tang, but to pray for good.

Shen Tang didn't know why he was angry, but she was a little apprehensive—Chu Yao's angry manner reminded her of the editor who reminded her of manuscripts, and the head teacher with a stern face—the voice softened, showing weakness to the enemy: "Mr. Wuhui, you and Yuanliang is very strange, before I used words to spiritualize Qingmei, he also asked me if I would regret it, saying that I was reckless or something. He should let me know why I regretted it?"

  Chu Yao suppressed his anger, and said in surprise, "You don't know?"

  Shen Tang shook his head: "I don't know."

  Chu Yao's expression was indescribable, he sighed but didn't say why, he just said: "Forget it, your situation is not bad."

  Shen Tang: "..."

  (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

  Speak directly when you have something to say.

   Saying half and half is slow murder of her!

Chu Yao helped Shen Tang wash a pot of green plums, and the two worked together to complete the initial steps of pickling green plums. Green plum wine is convenient. Put the cleaned green plums into an earthen pot, pour in an appropriate amount of Dukang wine, and Shen Tang I also threw a dozen caramels into it.

  There is no rock sugar here, so caramel can only be used to make do with it.

  Keep it sealed, and you can open the can and eat it within a month.

   After finishing these chores, Shen Tang grabbed his long, smelly hair, fetched water to wash and take a bath. Put on clean clothes, sit on the porch and wipe the wet long hair with a dry towel. While wiping and waiting for the hair to dry, the image of Zhai Le drinking during the day slowly emerged in his mind.

  Sit on the porch, watch the moon, drink and dry your hair...

   is quite artistic.

  Just do what she said, she turned around and went to Dongchu to get the pottery bowl, and she said silently that she could fill a bowl of Dukang wine, and the aroma of the wine was overflowing. She first sniffed lightly with her nose, then raised her head and closed her eyes and suffocated.

  The mellow wine slides down the throat and rolls into the internal organs.

   Not long after, the heat spread throughout the body and rushed straight to the brain.

  The other compartment—

  Chu Yao and Qishan are playing chess and fighting, you play a piece and I play a piece. Both of them seem to be meek on the surface, but in fact they are calm and deep. Chu Yao is more adept at taking slanted swords than Qishan. His chess moves are fatal, and his offensive is like thunder and raindrops, which gives people great oppression.

   Not long after, Qishan showed signs of defeat.

  Finally, human language was added to the room that was originally quiet and there was only the sound of falling. Chu Yao asked, "Goro is ignorant, why didn't you stop it?"

   Praying for goodness and smiling: "How can goodness be stopped?"

  It was only later that he found out that this little man had a national seal on him. Besides, who would have thought that the "way of princes" would be awakened so early and so easily? The "way of princes" of ordinary princes can only be revealed by offering sacrifices to heaven and rewarding gods, supplemented by national fortune.

  Qi Shan was so shocked that he was almost speechless.

Chu Yao remained silent, and it was his turn to pray for good: "Chu Yao, Chu Wuhui, once one of the three heroes of Chu State, how glorious was it back then? But in a few years, one was quartered by horses in the execution ground, one committed suicide by hanging in prison, and one disappeared without a trace...but there is no trace of it. Thinking that you have been hiding in Xiaoxiaocheng. You follow Mr. Shen Xiaolang because you think he can help you turn around? Unfortunately, his way of being a prince..."

   Chu State is a very small country.

   It is not so much a country as half a state.

  A country the size of a bullet has produced a large number of talents, especially the "Three Heroes" who were once famous in the Northwest countries. The three are all rare second-rank Chinese hearts. Although they are different in age, they share the same aspirations. If the three of them are given enough time to gain a firm foothold, Chu State may have a chance to stand out from the Northwest countries and become one of the powerful countries.

  The result can be imagined.

   Neighbors feel threatened.

   Give you time to develop?

   Good idea, kill all Miao Miao!

  Mr. Chu is not stupid, he can even be said to be kind and magnanimous, knowing the pros and cons, but he couldn't stand the fire in the backyard, and his sons were instigated so that their eyes turned red. Chu Yao is the youngest of the three, the fastest to become famous, and the fastest to disappear.

   There was a gossip that Chu Yaowen had a problem with his mind, and it hit him too hard when he became famous at a young age.

"It's a pity that it's not a pity. Although we lost the first move, there are always people in the sky. How do you know that dead chess can't be bright?" Chu Yao frowned, looking at Qishan, "Although Xiaocheng is small, the news is not blocked. The name of Qi Yuanliang, the old man is also like thunder. There is only one thing that I don’t understand, the old man is guarding Xiaocheng to wait for the destiny, so why did you appear on the Gong’s distribution road? Hmm?”

  Chu Yao became famous in the state of Chu, but Qishan, who was born in the state of Xin, became famous not in the state of Xin but in other countries. Just a few years ago, he did not gain a good reputation. He has a lot of experience. Others are returning home, but he has brought back a series of enemies. Chu Yao can't figure out that he is a ruthless person at a glance. If he doesn't go to a powerful country in the Central Plains to seek development, what will he do when he comes back to this barren land in the northwest?

  Just because of this, he is not curious. He is not a kind person, so it is enough to keep him at a respectful distance, but this person has got mixed up with his own destiny.

  Unfortunately, Qishan also thought so.

  Just when the two were disgusted with each other, there was an extremely loud and dull "dong" sound from the corridor outside the house. It should be the sound of something heavy falling to the ground. The two looked at each other, got up and opened the paper door, only to see that the person who fell to the ground was Shen Xiaolangjun (Wulang).

   "Young pear!"


  How could the two care about other things?

   Leave it all behind.

  One felt the pulse, and the other breathed with his fingers.


  The pulse condition is stable and upright, healthy and strong.

   Two people: "...???"

   Seeing the pottery bowl still stained with wine, Chu Yao picked it up and sniffed it lightly: "It's Dukang wine, did Wulang drink?"

  Pray for goodness: "..."

   So this is drunk?

   Or was he poured down by the wine that he had spiritualized?

   Just when the two were speechless, Shen Tang, who was curled up on the ground, suddenly sat up straight, and opened his eyes suddenly like a corpse.

   This is the fourth chapter, hee hee (#^.^#)

   There is one chapter left, continue to ask for monthly tickets.



  (end of this chapter)