MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 39 0: The Wife Has a Problem (Part 2)

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  Chapter 39 039: Wife has a problem (Part 2)

"It's related to the spirit of speech, it's related to the spirit of speech... This is a breakthrough." Qishan paced back and forth holding the paper, listening to him murmur, "I've heard of similar secret methods before, used to convey News. It’s just very rare, and not many people know it.”

   "So advanced?"

  Shen Tang was really taken aback.

  She said it casually, but she didn't expect that she really had the ability to encrypt words.

  Seeing praying for kindness to run the literary heart, condensing the literary energy in the palm of his hand, with a dignified expression, Shen Tang faintly felt that the atmosphere was not quite right.

"Yuanliang, could it be that you are overthinking? It's just the son of Goulan Washe...even if he is the top reserve, it is difficult to get in touch with this kind of rare words? Take a step back, even if you can get in touch, what is the importance of it?" Pound news is worthy of this position?"

  Qi Shan hung his palms on the paper, his palms condensed the cyan spirit, slowly perceiving, not forgetting to be distracted to answer Shen Tang's questions.

   "What do you think Xiaocheng is?"

  Shen Tang honestly shook his head: "I don't know."

  She really doesn't know.

  Yuanliang's question obviously involves the current situation. But her current understanding of the world comes from praying for goodness, his spiritual scroll, and what she has seen and heard along the way, which is only an extremely limited corner of this world.

  No matter how hard she tries to understand, the people she contacts are mostly at the bottom. Most of them can't even afford enough food and clothing, and they don't care about the names of the local state and county chiefs, their achievements, let alone the general trend of the world, and they have no way of knowing.

  They only know that the world is difficult and they cannot live happily any longer.

  Shen Tang's answer was expected by Qishan, and there was no disappointment or other emotions. If Mr. Shen suddenly knew everything, he would wonder if he was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. So, he revealed something to Shen Tang for the first time.

  The tip of the iceberg about the overall situation of the world.

He said: "I said earlier that Zheng Qiao will lead the Geng Kingdom, and he will surely destroy himself within five years. Tigers, but seek skins with tigers."

  Shen Tang subconsciously sat upright and listened attentively.

   After a little thought, I guessed something.

"Yuanliang means... Xin Guo was a 'wolf' in the past, but now that the 'wolf' is dead, the 'tiger' has become Zheng Qiao's confidant. Who is the 'tiger'?" Shen Tang thought of Qi Shan There are also small-scale maps in a pile of books, describing the location of the countries in the Northwest.

  The positions of Xin Guo and Geng Guo are not very good.

  All are on the edge of the continent.

  However, it is precisely this that allows the two countries to avoid the hinterland of the mainland where the fighting is most serious. Compared with the unlucky state of Geng Kingdom, which is surrounded by neighbors in all directions and being beaten every now and then, Xin Kingdom is a little bit better. The northwest is surrounded by continuous and steep mountains, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

  Qishan replied: "This 'tiger' is Shiwu."

  Shen Tang said: "Ten Wu?"

  Shiwu is a barbarian force outside the mountains of Xin Kingdom.

  They believed that the Golden Crows lived here, lived and multiplied here, and their descendants continued to grow, so they called themselves "Ten Crows", which simply means "the descendants of the Ten Golden Crows". Shen Tang suspected that they were dreaming of crossing the ocean—thinking broadly, Pengci touched the sun's head.

  Because before the thief star landed, Shiwu didn't have this name at all. They just accidentally learned that there is such a mythical story about the language spirit hidden in the thief star, so they put themselves on the map. The key is that it has been passed on for one or two hundred years, and the effect has really spread.

   It is second whether outsiders believe it or not, anyway, they believe it.

  The descendants of the Golden Crow are so honorable!

Shen Tang guessed part of the truth after thinking about it for a while: "If Shi Wu is a 'tiger'... In this way, Zheng Qiao's capture of Xin State was not because he led Geng State's terrifying national power, but because of the right time, place and people? Due to natural disasters, man-made disasters and political turmoil, Xin Guo secretly joined forces with Shi Wu to send troops to harass and attract Xin Guo's troops, and then Geng Guo sent troops to surprise attack?"

   Xin Guo was already suffering from constant internal troubles, and Shi Wu continued to harass and make troubles at the border, so it was inevitable that he would be negligent in guarding against Geng Guo.

   Finally led to the current situation.

   Qishan nodded approvingly.

  Shen Tang asked again: "But what does this have to do with Xiaocheng?"

  Xiaocheng is the prefecture of Sibao County, and it is not connected to the border mountains, so it has nothing to do with Shiwu.

Qishan said: "Because the parents of the governor of Sibao County were born in Shiwu. The two were dissatisfied with the power struggle within the tribe, so they decided to take their young child away from their hometown, hide their names, and finally settled in Xinguo. Although he grew up in Xinguo, the child had Still thinking about Shiwu. By chance, I got in touch with the tribal forces on my parents' side and became one of Shiwu's eyeliners."

  Shen Tang was dumbfounded when he heard it, and at the same time looked at Qishan with curiosity: "This is a secret about wealth and life. The county guard didn't even have time to cover it. How do you know?"

  Where is this ordinary "guiding NPC"?

  The secrets on her body are like an old sow with a breast [mask], layer after layer. If you dig deep, I'm afraid it will be a deep pit.

  Shen Tang secretly observed Qi Shan's expression from the corner of his eye, seeing that he didn't have a particularly big mood swing, he hesitated for a while and changed his words: "If it's not convenient to tell me, then I won't ask."

Qishan: "It's not that I don't want to say it, but it's a long story, and it can't be explained clearly in a while. You just need to know that the governor of Sibao County is double-faced and three-handed. It's not a good thing. On the surface, he is loyal Zheng Zheng Qiao's sycophant, who is used to flattering, will do anything to please Zheng Qiao, but secretly still works for Shiwu."

   While talking, he brought back the topic that had strayed.

"Sibao County has a special geographical location. It can be attacked in advance and defended in retreat. It is the state and county at the junction of Xin State and Geng State, and it is also the only way for nearby countries to go south. There are all waterways. In other words, if you want to plot the Central Plains of the mainland For the hinterland, Sibao County must be captured."

  Shen Tang took a deep breath.

   "Is Shi Wu's conspiracy so big?"

  The mountains that blocked them from going south were not conquered, so they thought about how to go after conquering the countries in the northwest?

   It is worthy of being the master who dares to climb the sun.

"They really dare to plot such a big plan. It was a daydream before, but now—" Qishan glanced at Shen Tang, who was bowing his head, and said quietly, "It may not be impossible. Xin Guoxie is lost, and Zheng Qiao is the lord of violence. It can't appease the hearts of the people, and the national spirit and destiny condensed in his hand may not be able to maintain the national border barrier on the other side of the mountain range. Shi Wulangzi's ambition may really seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cross that mountain range."

  Xiaocheng is their deep buried move.

  Of course, even if Shi Wu didn’t lay the wire in Xiaocheng, Qishan would still come, one for revenge, and the other for layout.

  A person's life is to live a mediocre life and die aggrieved. Interesting? It is still unknown who will win the deer and who will laugh at the end!

  While the two of them were talking, a line of very faint words gradually appeared on the original snow-white paper——

  This paper actually has a problem!

  Shen Tang read: "Looking horizontally, it looks like a mountain and the side becomes a peak?"

  (end of this chapter)