MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 32 0: talk

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  Chapter 32 032: Conversation

  Based on Qishan's understanding of Shen Tang, he knew that Mr. Shen Xiaolang was not someone who would stay in one place in peace. He was worried that something would happen, so he rushed back after finishing what he had to do in a hurry. result-


  What about such a big Shen Xiaolang?

  Qi Shan stood where he was, with a slightly green face.

   Just thinking about whether Shen Tang was taken away by Pai Huazi or she took Pai Huazi away, a strange and calm male voice sounded in his ear.

   "This is praying for good, praying for your husband?"

   "Hello old man, I am just praying for good."

  Qi Shan restrained his anxiety, and crossed his hands at the person who came.

  After the ceremony, he straightened up and carefully observed the appearance of the person in the dark—gray hair, old appearance, weather-stained face, estimated to be forty or fifty years old, wearing a yellow and old brown coat, with straw sandals on his feet. These alone are not enough to arouse Qishan's curiosity. What surprised him was that this person had a gentle and refined temperament, with peaceful brows and eyes, and a pair of black eyes that were too clear, which did not seem to be what he should have at this age.

  He lowered his eyelids, and his eyes fell on the hands of the visitor.

  It was a pair of rough old hands with frostbite marks, and they were carrying several meat objects wrapped in lotus leaves. At this moment, the complicated analysis quickly passed through his mind, and gradually settled down.

  He asked calmly, "How does the old man know Shan's name?"

  The visitor smiled kindly: "That Xiaolang named Shen said it."

  Qishan knew who "Xiaolang surnamed Shen" was as soon as he heard it.

  The worry in his chest dissipated with the news, and he asked the visitor again: "Did that Xiao Lang leave anything?"

   "Yes, say 'Out of town on errands, return later'."

  Qi Shan doesn't know what to say, Mr. Shen Xiaolang doesn't know the way at all, and he has never been to Xiaocheng before, so what can he do when he goes out of the city?

  Qi Shan asked again: "Did you say what to do?"

   came to humanity: "Do justice for the heavens, punish evil and promote good."

  Pray for goodness: "...???"

  He looked suspicious, no, why does this sound wrong, like the cult teachings that those mobs are talking about?

  The visitor: "Mr. Shen is worried that you won't be able to find anyone when you come back, so I specifically ask you to wait here so that Mr. Qi won't worry."

  Qi Shan sighed angrily: "How could Shan be worried about him? Even if he was worried, he was worried about offending his Xiao Xiao..."

  The visitor pursed his lips unnaturally, and suppressed a knowing smile.

   I have to say that the judgment is quite accurate.

  When Qishan heard about Shen Tang's "wonderful" experience at this moment from the population, the expression management lost control for a moment—he had only been away for more than an hour, is Mr. Shen recruiting people like this? It's just that things have happened, and it's useless to say anything.

  Qi Shan chatted while waiting for Shen Tang to come back.

  He does not show dew on his face, but he is full of doubts in his heart.

  This old man is dressed like a poor commoner, but his speech and demeanor and demeanor, on the contrary, seem to have been soaked in [***] incense all the year round, and he was raised by a wealthy family. Even though she was wearing a yellowed old coat and her hands were full of traces of rough work, she still did not change her charm.

   While talking, Qishan chatted about Yanling.

  The military formation words he has recently researched - "self-throwing the net" and "the trapped beast will fight still", the former is used to arrange troops and deceive the enemy's troops, and the latter is mostly used to stimulate the momentum when one's own situation loses, which belongs to the final struggle. If you seize the opportunity, there is also a chance to come back.

When the old man heard Qi Shan talking eloquently, his expression seemed to be in a trance for a moment. He didn't know what he thought of, and said: "I cast myself in a trap, and I will perish myself... The words used by Mr. Qi Lang are like 'I don't see the sparrow in the fence, I see the harrier's self." Tou Luo'? That's not good."

  Qi Shan was slightly surprised and asked, "Why is it not good?"

  "It's easy to be targeted. If the enemy's schemer is more literary than you, you only need to 'draw the sword and bring the net, and the oriole will fly' to break the formation."

  The snare is pierced by a sharp sword, can it still trap the oriole?

   Since the sky is high and birds are allowed to fly, the troubles are endless.

   "According to the old man, how is it better?"

   "It would be better to 'sink into the fire and kill yourself'."

  Pray for goodness: "..."

  If it is said that "self-throwing into the snare" also leaves a way for people to survive, and there is a chance to "draw the sword and carry the snare", the words that the old man said are the ultimate move to put the enemy to death, full of murderous intent. Qi Shan looked at the old man with some surprise, this man looked kind, but opened his mouth to kill.

   "Then—according to the old man, is the trapped beast still fighting?"

  The old man lacked interest, his expression was indifferent, but he said something amazing: "On the battlefield, the enemy is dead and alive. If you have a mind of 'a trapped beast will fight' and leave room for your shots, you may not be able to win for a long time."

  Pray for goodness: "..."

   It is true that people should not be judged by appearances.

  He thought he was enough to take the slant, but he didn't expect to meet someone who was even more slanted. It's just that this old man... before Qi Shan had any more thoughts, Shen Tang trotted over on that mule. He jumped down and said with a smile, "Yuanliang, I've been waiting for a long time."

  Qi Shan put away her extra thoughts and carefully looked at Shen Tang's clothes and hands. They were clean. Could it be that no one was killed?

   "You said 'do justice for the heavens, punish the evil and promote the good', what about 'evil'?"

  Shen Tang leaned on the motorcycle, beaming with joy: "They are walking fast, and they may be able to ask Granny Meng for a bowl of soup right now."

  Pray for goodness: "..."

   Co-authoring this "evil" is really plural.

  This Mr. Shen Xiaolang's hostility is not light.

  The old man saw Shen Tang meeting up, and said goodbye.

  Qi Shan hurriedly asked the old man where he lived now, if he had the opportunity, he could discuss two rounds, but the old man politely declined.

  Seeing the old man leaving with a few lotus leaf bags, Qishan frowned, and didn't come back until Shen Tang stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

   "What for?"

   Patted the back of Shen Tang's hand away angrily.

  Shen Tang said: "If you look at him again, you won't look back."

  Qi Shan murmured: "It's a pity."

  Shen Tang took out two caramels to chew, trotted up to keep up with Qishan's pace, and asked curiously: "What's the pity?"

  Qi Shan said: "This person is not simple."

Shen Tang thought what he was going to say, not even a blind person could see it, she said: "Thrown in the vast crowd, it is certainly not easy to catch people at a glance. Look at his temperament is not like an ordinary person, I don't know Is it the downfall of the family or something else happened."

   She did not guess that the old man was a hermit who "hidden in the city and hidden in the wild", but a hermit also has the qualities of a hermit. No matter how poor life is, it is not enough to eat the water that ordinary people dislike, dress poorly, and do so many heavy jobs.

  Qi Shan didn't answer, Shen Tang asked again: "Seeing that you guys are talking very happily, you look like you hate seeing each other late, what are you talking about?"

   "Speaking spirit."

   "He has a literary heart?"

   Qi Shan lowered his eyes: "Perhaps, there used to be."

  Shen Tang: "???"

   There used to be, means now there is no?

   It can make Qishan and this guy like it, the two must be "like-smelling", Shen Tang couldn't help wondering-why did the old man lose his literary heart? Is it also the same as Gong's confiscation and exile, forcibly abolishing the Danfu and crushing Wenxin?

   Qishan was walking, but found that the footsteps behind her were gone.

  Turning his head, he saw Shen Tang running to a butcher shop that was closing the stalls, asking about something with the butcher, and running back after a while.

   Ask for a recommendation ticket

   The new book signing list is so low.

   Cast yourself into the net: The words in the text "I don't see the sparrow in the fence, but I see the harrier throws itself into the net" are simplified into "self-casting", which comes from Noda Huangquexing.

   Trapped beasts are still fighting: trapped beasts are still fighting, how about people? If you are in a desperate situation, you still have to resist desperately. When you are at a disadvantage, you can boost your morale. The old man was not interested, because he felt that he had to go ahead and kill the enemy, or he would be killed.

   Sinking into the fire, committing suicide, literally means.



  (end of this chapter)