MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 101 : Pseudo-girl Acting as a Mistress to Chaos Beichen【Ask for a monthly ticket】

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  Chapter 101 101: Pseudo-girl stalks Beichen 【Ask monthly ticket】

  Shen Tang couldn't help expressing emotion from the soul.

   "Zheng Qiao is really a character full of contradictions."

  Pray for goodness: "There are many contradictions?"

   "There's something about him that confuses me."

  Chu Yao: "Confused Goro?"

"Let's say Zheng Qiao is stupid. He is trying his best to bear the burden of humiliation. He has no brains, let alone survived the hands of the old ministers of the Xin Kingdom. He may not even be able to get out of the inner court. But if you say that this person is smart, you can't see that he is smart. Where can such a good situation be spoiled like this. The country of Xin is about to end its fortunes, so the destruction of the country of Geng did not consume much. If we can cultivate our lives and rest in peace, there will be no connivance of soldiers and horses slaughtering cities, looting, and humiliation The stupid things of the Xin royal family may not be able to plot the entire Northwest..."

Maybe it's his nature, or maybe it's because he grew up in the inner court and was used to the insidiousness of harem battles, so he also likes to use those insidious and insidious methods under his influence, but no matter what he won, he also climbed to the top position above.

  The situation is so good that you have to die.

  One-handed Wang Bo smashed into slag.

Chu Yao smiled: "Because Zheng Qiao is quite conceited. He is very smart, and he was very talented when he was young. Otherwise, how could there be famous people regardless of his background and would like to give them all? If it hadn't been accepted by the Lord of Xin to the inner court, with his Aptitude, maybe now he is well-known all over the world, and he is very famous in Xiangsi. But the more so, the easier it is for him to be trapped in his own cocoon after being destroyed."

  Shen Tang murmured: "Conceited? Self-confessed?"

Chu Yao didn't know what to think of, and there seemed to be a flash of sarcasm: "He may not know what he is doing. Whether it is an old minister of the Xin Kingdom or a survivor, they are just ants trampled under his feet. Even if the ants come out of the nest, it is difficult If it becomes a climate, you only need to set a fire to burn it clean. The mayfly shakes the tree, and it is beyond its control."

  "Everyone in the world knows about his disgraceful past in Xin's court, so in order to cover it up as much as possible, he wants to show the whole world how he wantonly abused and played with his enemies..."

Today, this family of the barbarians will be ransacked, and tomorrow the family will be ransacked and exiled. The day after tomorrow, we will reward the confidantes who have committed crimes and condone them. Meat dregs.


Chu Yao saw it clearly: "Although I don't know who spread the rumor of 'the mob rebelled near the temporary palace', judging from Zheng Qiao's crazy and hysterical reaction, he may also realize that his situation is precarious, so an unfounded rumor Rumors can turn him into an enemy. However, Goro thinks that Zheng Qiao has come to this point, is there any possibility for him to turn around?"

After thinking about it, Shen Tang shook his head: "Let anger and hatred dominate your reason and cut off your life. Even if he wants to turn back, he has to see if the person he offended to death is willing to give his prodigal son a chance to turn back. He understands this, Simply go crazy to the end?"

  Chu Yao said indifferently: "Be cautious about self-discipline, cultivate yourself and comfort others, be upright and return to the world, Zheng Qiao is the one who deviates from the world."

  So it is doomed to end badly.

   At this time, Shen Tang noticed that Lin Feng was silent beside her, so he asked her softly if she was uncomfortable or sleepy.

  Children aged eight or nine have limited energy.

Lin Feng woke up, looked up and found that everyone was looking at her, lowered his head and muttered: "My family suddenly remembered a piece of libretto I heard in my hometown, and one of the lines was 'fake girls make trouble Beichen, twenty roads of smoke rush to the Purple Palace'."

  The two of Qishan have never heard of this news.

   After all, Lingzhou is not close to here.


  Qi Shan teased with a half-smile: "The person who spread this libretto didn't give Zheng Qiao any face."

  Everyone knows that Zheng Qiao was once named "Nvjiao" by the Lord of the Kingdom of Xin, Beichen refers to "Emperor Star" or "Emperor's Residence", and Zigong also means "Emperor's Palace Forbidden". The first sentence scolded Zheng Qiao for doing all the bad things and messing up the inner court, and his position was not right, but the latter sentence is a bit intriguing.

  烟露 is the beacon smoke levy dust, referring to forces. Twenty "forces" attacked the Purple Palace. Zheng Qiao must have heard the news that he was going to sleep and toss and turn... no, maybe he couldn't sleep anymore.

   Prayer: "You come from Lingzhou, how is the situation there?"

  Lin Feng grabbed the hem of his clothes with his small hands, and looked sad: "I don't know, I just heard the servant woman talking about the war outside."

   Because of this, the Lin family chose to avoid disaster and go south.

  Qishan looked at the distressed bandit leader and the family of the Lin family who were in distress, and he understood—that part of the libretto appeared in Lingzhou, followed by civil strife, rumors that there were mobs near the temporary palace, and it turned out that some people really rebelled...

  Zheng Qiao has lost the support of the people, and all forces want his life, but Sibao County is relatively quiet, and there is no news of the war.

  He and Chu Yao secretly exchanged glances.

  This situation is indeed what they want to see, but they didn't expect this day to come so early. Originally thought that Zheng Qiao's country could last another five years, and the signs of war started from Sibao County. Five years is enough for them to plan and plan, and it also gives Xiaolang Shen time to grow.

   I didn't expect that other people would be more troublesome than the two of them.

  See the whole leopard at a glance. From the timing and place where these lyrics and rumors appeared, it can be seen that there are a lot of "wicked people".

  Shen Tang patted the top of the little girl's hair in relief, suddenly thought of something, took out a few caramels and handed them to her.

   "Here, sweet."

  Children love sweets, so Lin Feng should be no exception, right?

  Looking at the caramel lying on the palm of his hand, Lin Feng's eyes were slightly hot.

  Zhai Le sighed: "Whether there is a war or not, the people suffer."

  When the two countries of Geng and Xin fought, the battlefield was in the country of Xin, and the life of the people of the country of Xin can be imagined. The war ended, and it hadn't been more than half a year since the pacification, and the war broke out again. I don't know how many years it will take to fight this time, how long will it take for the people on this land to heal the scars?

   Thinking about it again, it's not just Xin Guo?

  The people of Xin Kingdom are just a microcosm of the entire continent.

  Shen Tang saw that everyone was weeping and depressed, and felt uncomfortable. Just as he was about to speak up and find a topic to liven up the atmosphere, Gong Shuwu suddenly said: "Wu Lang, I have a heartfelt request."

   "What kind of unkind request? Just say it."

  He pointed to the bandit leader and the captured bandits: "I want to talk to them about something."

   "Talk about?"

  Gong Shuwu's eyes flashed coldly: "Yes."

  Shen Tang understood what he meant after a little thought.

  Sternly said: "You can chat casually."

   She has no problem sending them down to chat with Hades.

   also saved her a few mouths to eat.

  Although it is said that it is "official duty" for officials to **** prisoners, they also act impartially, but the torture on the road to exile is not in the category of "official duty". I don't know how many Gong's children and female relatives died at the hands of these guards. Gong Shuwu's request is reasonable.

The bandit leader was puzzled, and after all the bandits were dragged to a remote corner to ensure that the movement here would not disturb Shen Tang and the others, Gongshu Wu asked the bandit captives with a sneer: "Among you, which ones have served as servants? Escort the members of the Gong clan?"

  Hearing this, the bandit leader's heart skipped a few beats.

  He couldn't help asking: "Are you..."

  Gong Shuwu continued to sneer: "Gong Wen, Gong Yili!"

  The bandit leader only knew that there was a ninth-class and fifth-rank doctor in the Gong family who was at large, but he didn't know the name, and he didn't expect this level when he heard Gong Shuwu's real name. But even so, just hearing the surname "Gong", he felt a chill from the soles of his feet to the sky.

  The few surviving guards trembled slightly in fright.


  Gong's Gong?


   The original libretto should have been "Female Jiao'e acts as a swindler to mess with Beichen", but thinking about the so-called "prediction" that dirty water will be poured on her when Tangmei's **** is revealed, she changed it.



  (end of this chapter)

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