MTL - Back Before I Became a Vegetative State, I Became An Immortal and Invincible-Chapter 35 He Yuanyang

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Chapter 35 He Yuanyang

 Others suddenly understood.

Yuan Deshan waited for a while, feeling that his body was still so cold.

 There was no other way, he had to leave first and go to the hospital for examination.

 Qiao Kangsheng was lying on the crack of the door and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yuan Deshan gone.

Just as he turned around, there was another knock on the door.

Before the four of them could speak, they heard someone shouting from outside the door: "Grandpa, grandma, I'm back."

“Grandpa, grandma, I’m back too.”

 Everyone in the yard was happy at the same time. He Yuanyang and He Yuanhuai were back.

 Qiao Kangsheng hurriedly opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he quickly looked behind them and quickly pulled them in.

He Yuanhuai saw everyone's faces full of vigilance and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Seeing him say this, everyone knew that they must not have met Yuan Deshan, and it was difficult for them to tell him and worry him together.

Qiao Shulan said: "It's okay. Yuan Yang, didn't you say you would come back after the final exam last time? Why did you come back suddenly?"

“I heard that my cousin is back, so I’ll come back and have a look. I’ll go back to school tomorrow.”

 “You are determined.”

He Yuanyang looked at Qiao Ningxun and said with a smile: "Cousin, I have heard everything about you from Yuan Huai. Congratulations on your recovery and welcome home."

 After speaking, he handed a pen to her, "This is for you."

Qiao Ningxun looked at it, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched.

 Is it really a good idea to give school supplies to someone who has recovered from a serious injury?

However, she still took it with a smile, "Thank you, cousin."

  Qiao Shulan let the children play by themselves while she went to work in the kitchen.

He Yuanyang has always liked dogs. He also heard from his cousin about Xiao Ha. Before he put down his schoolbag, he went to tease Xiao Ha.

Little Ha smelled the scent on him, and seeing that the scent on him was partly the same as Qiao Ningxun, he allowed him to stroke its fur.

  【This family has quite a large population. 】

However, He Yuanyang also knew the right measures and entered the living room after touching it twice.

He Yuanhuai went into the living room and put down his schoolbag and became anxious: "You should have sold out all the loquats, right? Are they all sold out on the third and fourth day?"

“That’s right, it sold for nine thousand on the third day and nine and a half on the fourth day.”

He Yuanhuai looked at his eldest brother excitedly, raised his head and said, "Brother, look, what I said is true. Our family has received a lot of money, and we don't have to worry about it for a while."

He Yuanyang also heard from his younger brother at school that they sell loquats. Although what his younger brother said was impressive, he still found it hard to believe, "That loquat really suddenly mutated. Is it still so good? Can it be sold?" money?"

 He was worried that his family members said this on purpose to allow him to study with peace of mind.

 After all, he knew exactly what the loquats growing on those twelve trees looked like.

How could it suddenly mutate, and only their tree mutated?

"Wait a minute." Qiao Ningxun went out for a trip and came back with a plate of loquats. "This is the loquat. Look, isn't it big? It's beautiful?"

Seeing the big, yellow loquat, He Yuanyang nodded in surprise and took another one to taste, "It's really delicious."

"I won't lie to you." Qiao Ningxun suddenly puffed up his chest, "By the way, a lot of things happened when you were not at home."

 Qiao Ningxun smiled and briefly recounted what happened in the past few days.

He Yuanhuai's face was full of shock, "I sold loquats for two days after I left, and the person who hit you was found and paid 300,000 yuan. Did you use it all to pay off the debt to your family? Go to the supermarket. "Yes."

 “You just took out three hundred thousand?”

 “Yes, I don’t need it now anyway.”

He Yuanhuai is no longer calm. This cousin must be too generous.

He Yuanyang also admired his cousin very much for being able to spend all three hundred thousand. This kind of courage is really not something ordinary people can achieve.

Great, their family no longer owes foreign debt.

 It’s just that part of the debt was due to leukemia when he was a child, and he must pay back that part of the money.

There is no reason why my cousin should pay for it when my cousin is sick!

Qiao Ningxun suddenly turned around and went upstairs.

After going downstairs, she gave them two brand new unopened mobile phones and mobile phone cards respectively. "This is what we won in the lottery. I also have one, and each of you has one. I have been using it for a few days, really. Very easy to use and very smooth.”

 The two of them took the phone blankly, their eyes full of disbelief.

 They actually have mobile phones? And it's brand new?

 My cousin must be very lucky too.

He Yuanyang is older and has more ideas. He asked cautiously: "What kind of prize? Can you give away three mobile phones at once? Will you encounter scammers?"

Qiao Ningxun also briefly explained the process of winning the lottery, "In fact, it can be regarded as the result of us taking the initiative to repay the money. If we didn't repay the money, we would not buy gifts and we would not win the lottery."

 The two nodded.

 They had also heard about Junhang, and He Yuanyang’s wish was to even join Junhang.

 Such a big company really has no need to deceive poor people like them.

They didn’t delay any longer and began to excitedly take apart their mobile phones and insert their calling cards.

 Qiao Ningxun also explained the phone card package. The two brothers had never been exposed to mobile phone packages before, so they didn't think the package was weird.

Qiao Shulan came in with the dishes and saw that they all got their mobile phones. She said seriously: "Yuan Yang, Yuan Huai, this mobile phone can be used by you for the time being, but if you fail in the exam or fall in love early, like Ningxun, I will It will be confiscated and will be returned to you after your college entrance examination."

He Yuanyang has great respect for his second aunt who worked tirelessly to raise him. If it weren't for his second aunt, he would probably be like other children in the village and go out to work after graduating from junior high school.

He said sternly: "Second aunt, don't worry, I won't let my mobile phone affect my study. I will only use it as an alarm clock, an electronic dictionary, a tool for searching for wrong questions, and a tool for taking pictures of the teacher's writing on the blackboard."

  He has always been envious of his classmates who can use mobile phones to study, and now he has one too, which is great.

Upon seeing this, He Yuanhuai quickly expressed his stance, "Me too."

 Finally got a mobile phone, he must cherish it.

Qiao Shulan felt relieved after hearing this and asked them to come to eat quickly and then study their mobile phones after eating.

 The two nodded.

 It’s just that everyone feels that today’s dish is particularly different.

 Qiao Kangsheng took a bite of braised eggplant and said with a smile: "Shulan, today's dish is really delicious. Your cooking skills seem to have improved again?"

 Others nodded in agreement.

He Yuanyang said: "Second aunt's craftsmanship is really getting better and better."

Qiao Ningxun ate silently and said nothing.

Had she known that the dishes cooked with immortal magic formulas would be so delicious? Even if she used the magic spells too much in the past few days and her body would be exhausted, she should have cooked all the dishes as soon as she came back.

 (End of this chapter)