MTL - Awakening Identification Technique, Found That the Daughter is From the Future-Chapter 96 A sixth-grade spirit fruit worth two thousand spirit stones

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Just when Mo Fan was about to return, he caught a glimpse of a ray of sunshine in the grass not far away.

With his keen perception, he even caught a trace of abnormal psionic fluctuations.

"That direction—"

As if thinking of something, Mo Fan's expression condensed, and he moved towards the position where the glow was emitted.


Mo Fan found a somewhat unusual spirit grass among the weeds.

It looks like other weeds, just taller and tougher.

If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to see the difference at all.

Mo Fan's expression condensed, and he threw an appraisal technique in the past.

[Kongmingcao, the leader of the fourth-grade elixir, is the main material for refining Kongmingdan. 】

The so-called Kongming Dan is a kind of medicinal pill that can cleanse the sea of ​​​​qi and increase the potential of the sea of ​​​​Qi, and it is of great value.

Of course, this thing is only useful for those cultivators whose Qi Sea quality is not very high.

As long as the quality of the sea of ​​qi reaches the "small stream" level, the effect of Kongmingdan will be close to nothing.

"Sure enough, this thing grows like a weed, and ordinary people can't tell it apart."

Looking at the Kongming Mo Fan in his hand, he felt a little sighed.

This empty grass is hidden too well.

It's easy to miss, even if it's close at hand.

If it hadn't suddenly spewed out a ray of light just now, Mo Fan could only regret it.

"Almost passed by with two hundred spirit stones—"

Kongmingcao is very valuable. The market price is about two hundred spirit stones, which is comparable to the fifth-grade spirit medicine in terms of price.

"Not bad, two hundred spirit stones are in the account, this trip is not in vain."

Mo Fan smiled, put away the empty grass, and decided to return immediately.

It was already luck to be able to find Kongmingcao, and he did not expect to find Seven Star Vine.

If I delay going back to find the Seven Star Vine, I am afraid it will be too late to cry.

Although the road from returning to Longshan to the base is not too far, if there is no person from Zhenmo Division to lead the team, it is also full of danger, and Mo Fan dare not ask for it.

Thinking like this, Mo Fan got out of the grass and was about to leave.

However, as soon as he looked up, he was slightly startled.

Right in front of his line of sight, there is a peculiarly shaped canyon.

The canyon in front of me was neat and tidy, and it looked awkward, as if someone had chopped it out with a knife.

"Could this place really be split open by someone during the previous battle?"

Looking at the canyon that stretched for several kilometers, Mo Fan was slightly absent-minded.

This was the first time he intuitively felt the power of a cultivator.

A knife to split such a large canyon.

Is this really something that humans can do?

What kind of powerhouse is this?


Or destiny?

In the end, Mo Fan shook his head, stopped thinking about it, turned around and walked down the mountain.

He just turned around and took two steps before he stopped.

"Something's wrong, how come you haven't even seen a monster in this area?"

He found an anomaly.

He had been in this area for a while, but he didn't even see a single monster.

Not only that, but even in the canyon below, there was not a single monster in sight.

Not only the monsters, but even the chirping of insects and birds could not be heard.

There was a dead silence all around, and it was very strange.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon—"

Mo Fan concentrates and becomes vigilant.

However, just as his thought came up, a deafening roar came from his ears.

Then, there are terrifying breaths coming from all directions.

Mo Fan's expression changed, he quickly looked around, and finally locked his eyes on a tree with a crooked neck not far away.

Without time to hesitate, Mo Fan ran wildly, and a few dodges climbed up the crooked-neck tree.

He held his breath, restrained his breath, and made no sound.

At the same time, monster beasts gushed out from the forest and gathered towards the open space in the center of the canyon like a tide.

In Mo Fan's perception, the auras of these monsters are extremely strong, and their cultivation bases are above the middle ground of foundation building.

"What's the matter? Monster beasts gather for afternoon tea?" Mo Fan frowned.

After a while, monsters and beasts gathered in an open space, forming a circle inside and outside, densely packed, making people's scalp tingle.

These monsters seem to be a little excited, all of them trembling, their eyes bursting with light.

"No, there's something wrong with the clearing they surround—"

Mo Fan was puzzled and looked over there.

After cultivating the Golden Body Art, his body was exceptionally strong and exaggerated in every aspect.

He has excellent eyesight, and his eyes are certain, and they are sharp like eagle eyes in an instant.

Even from a distance of nearly a thousand meters, he can see clearly.

Soon, Mo Fan immediately discovered the clue.

In the center of the open space surrounded by these monsters, a small sapling was slowly emerging from the soil.

It grows very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has grown from a young sapling to the height of a person.

Soon, it stopped growing and began to produce fist-sized flowers.

Then, these flowers bloomed with a bang, exuding a strong fragrance.

After a while, the flowers quickly withered, fell into the soil, decomposed in an instant, and instantly became nourishment.

The trunk of the tree is glowing.

The sunlight seemed to be affected by it, converging into bundles and falling towards the ground.

At the same time, the rich fragrance spreads out and lingers for miles.

Smelling the fragrance, Mo Fan felt relaxed and happy, and his spirit was much better.

He calmed down and continued to observe the small tree.

After the flowers withered, the small tree bears a bright red fruit.

A more intense fragrance burst out, filling the mountains and forests.

The monsters couldn't sit still, and became restless.


A head of monsters roared at the small tree in a low voice, and a crimson light burst out from their eyes.

Mo Fan focused his attention, aimed at the bright red spirit fruit, and threw an appraisal technique in the past.

[Fire Spirit Fruit, Grade 6 Spirit Fruit, contains a wealth of fire-attribute psychic energy. When it matures, it emits a strange fragrance, which is fatally attractive to monsters. 】

"Sixth Rank Spirit Medicine Fire Spirit Fruit?"

Mo Fan was startled, very surprised.

He had seen the description of Huo Lingguo in the books in Li Xinghe's study.

Although it was only a brushstroke, it left a deep impression on him.

Because as mentioned above, the fire spirit fruit is very precious, and the market price is about two thousand spirit stones, and there is still no market for it.

Thinking of this, Mo Fan couldn't help being a little excited.

"If I could get this thing—"

As soon as this thought came up, Mo Fan was startled and shook his head quickly.

"You can't kill yourself, so many monsters are here, wanting to grab food from the tiger's mouth, I'm afraid I don't know how the word "death" is written.

"But then again, it's incredible that there is still a sixth-grade spiritual fruit hidden in Huilong Mountain—"

According to the data, only the fourth-grade spiritual plants can be produced on the top of Huilong Mountain.

Mo Fan did not expect that he would meet Huo Lingguo here.

It's a pity that this thing doesn't seem to be related to him.





The roars of beasts could be heard continuously in the valley.

The spirit fruit ripened immediately, and they couldn't hold back.

at this time.

A monster with a body of two or three feet tall, with a blood-colored horn and a shape of a bison slowly walked out from the side of the valley.

It roared, and the entire canyon fell silent.

Feeling the terrifying aura and coercion, the monsters shivered, crawling on the ground, not daring to move.

The bull demon let out a low growl and walked towards the small tree.


However, at this moment, a high-altitude roar rang out, and a sharp hissing sound shrouded in an instant.

The air trembled, and a golden beast bathed in golden light appeared quietly.

At the same time, behind the valley.

A large white python with a length of several meters and a torso thicker than a bathtub quietly climbed out.

Looking at this scene, Mo Fan was shocked.

"The group of demons dances wildly, we have to find a chance to run away quietly-"

At this moment, the dazzling golden light gathered into bundles, and fell down towards the ground, heading towards the Fire Spirit Fruit.

The space is trembling, and the fluctuation of psionic energy is a bit terrifying.

This is the fire spirit fruit absorbing the essence of the sun.

It burst into a bright glow and seemed to be ripe soon.


! "

A snow-white wolf demon could no longer bear the temptation, roared, and rushed towards Huo Lingguo regardless.

However, as soon as it rushed out a few steps, it was startled, trembling with fright, and wanted to retreat.

Unfortunately it's too late.

A huge cow's hoof fell, as if covering the sky, and instantly stepped on the snow-white wolf demon into meat sauce.

(ps: pretty boy, remember to get a recommendation ticket after reading it~)