MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 70

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The door was still open, the moment I saw Qin Qianrou, I couldn't remember what I had prepared all the way before. Full of excitement and joy, Shen Yiqiu desperately wanted to hug the person in front of him first.

Qin Qianrou woke up from the accident and patted her twice: "Let me close the door first."

The implication is to let Shen Yiqiu let go and come in and talk.

The person holding her agreed quickly, but after that, there is no more text. The hug was still there, but Qin Qianrou just felt her legs move, as if she was about to walk into the room.

She passively followed and retreated. Fortunately, Shen Yiqiu was not fast, and she was especially protective of her, which did not make Qin Qianrou feel uncomfortable.

It's just that this's hard for her to close the door smoothly.

"Shen Yiqiu, let go."


"Let go, I'm closing the door."

The footsteps moving in stopped, but Shen Yiqiu did not let go. At this time, she had already entered the room, and the door slowly closed with the hook of her long legs.

With a click, Qin Qianrou's request was completed.

"Holding you is not in conflict with closing the door, I can do it well."

She whispered softly, and the warm breath was right in Qin Qianrou's ear, making her finally confirm that this was not her hallucination.

The person who was missing just now is really here.

However, it has been a long time since I was held like this.

"Then you can't hold me all the time, let go first."

Shen Yiqiu was still reluctant, how could the backlog of missing for so long be completely relieved by this brief hug.

However, her sister's voice became colder, and she was afraid that Qin Qianrou would be angry if she hugged her again.

The hand gradually loosened, slipped down, and stopped at Qin Qianrou's waist.

She was still wearing a coat, while Qin Qianrou was only wearing a sweater.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden?"

Shen Yiqiu stared at her, this face appeared in his dreams every day, no matter what.

She looked obsessively and answered mechanically: "I missed you, so I came here."

Qin Qianrou's ears were a little hot, she pushed Shen Yiqiu's hand away, and turned to pour water for her.

"Take off your coat first and put your luggage in the locker."

Shen Yiqiu quickly did everything, and went to the bathroom to wash her hands to confirm that her image was safe.

When she came out of the bathroom, Qin Qianrou happened to be bringing water. Shen Yiqiu wore a shirt inside and a V-neck light cashmere sweater on the outside, which was British academic style.

With her fair face and slender and tall figure, I have to say, it is really attractive.

Qin Qianrou was stunned, hooked the broken hair by her ear, and walked over to give her the cup.

"Only boiled water, drink it first."

Shen Yiqiu took it with a smile, took a few sips, and praised: "It's so sweet, drink well."

Qin Qianrou staggered her eyes and did not respond to her.

The atmosphere of the room was a little weird, the joy at first sight dissipated little by little, and was replaced by an undeserved silence.

Shen Yiqiu and Qin Qianrou sat on the sofa, no one spoke first.

Shen Yiqiu thought for a while, and took the initiative to explain her purpose: "I have no homework this weekend, and next Monday's class is temporarily canceled, so I came to see my sister."

"Well, hard work."

Shen Yiqiu's brows twitched, and her attitude turned cold.

She didn't sense anything wrong through the phone, my sister was really angry with her.

But why?

She doesn't understand, but as a good student, she must figure out the problem.

So, she moved closer, next to Qin Qianrou.

"Sister, did I make you upset?"

Qin Qianrou, who was still entangled in her heart, did not expect that she would ask such a straightforward question, which made her embarrassed to answer.

She looked at Shen Yiqiu for a while, then sighed and said softly, "No, I'm a little tired recently."

However, Shen Yiqiu didn't believe it: "You lied."

It is rare for Qin Qianrou to have such a guilty moment. It is even more embarrassing that someone who has never lied is exposed in person.

Fortunately, Qin Qianrou was used to seeing big scenes, so she forced herself to remain calm, but she didn't dare to look into Shen Yiqiu's eyes again.

Perceiving that Qin Qianrou was taking the opportunity to distance herself from her again, Shen Yiqiu felt sour. She reached out and wrapped Qin Qianrou in front of her, not allowing her to leave.

"Sister, tell me what's wrong, okay?"

Qin Qianrou pursed her lips, lowered her eyes and pondered, as if she was thinking about whether to say it or not.

Shen Yiqiu's heart was beating like thunder, she seemed to be waiting for the most important sentence in her life, but she didn't know anything about it.

"Shen Yiqiu, I'm a little unsure." Qin Qianrou slowly raised her head and took a deep breath, "I think, between us, we should first..."

Shen Yiqiu didn't want to listen to it anymore, probably because she watched too many TV series, but whenever such dialogue appeared, the result would not be a good thing. Especially from Qin Qianrou's mouth, it is very likely that she rejected her.

This means that days of waiting, full of expectations, will eventually come to zero.

You can't do this, Shen Yiqiu doesn't want to.

She held Qin Qianrou's face and exerted a little force to prevent her from avoiding her eyes.

Thumbs finely rub and slide in a very small area, and the skin heats up quickly wherever it goes.

Qin Qianrou felt her face set on fire.

The love and affection in Shen Yiqiu's eyes were undisguised, clearly and plainly expressed, and raised the temperature of Qin Qianrou's cheeks.

Shen Yiqiu approached slowly, stopped by her lips, and whispered: "Sister, elder sister..."

Qin Qianrou held her breath, and a soft kiss fell.

Very gentle, only the soft lips touch. The memories of a few days ago were overwhelming, and the turmoil in his heart made Qin Qianrou unable to escape.

"You ask me to give you time, I'm willing to wait as long as you want. I give you the freedom to make a decision, and I will accept any outcome. However, you can't just let me out."

Shen Yiqiu left her lips, but people did not.

The breath when she spoke, the fragrance between her teeth, all fell on Qin Qianrou's face.

It's a little itchy and heartwarming.

Qin Qianrou's eyes gradually became clouded, and she looked at her fascinatedly.

Soon, the kiss that was several times crazier than just now came as expected. Shen Yiqiu was not as cautious as before, but pressed his lips tightly with love.

There is no gap, grinding, licking, and wishing to blend with each other immediately.

Qin Qianrou looked at her piety and persistence, slowly closed her eyes, moved her lips slightly, and gave her a response.

After being nervous and excited, she was completely intoxicated by this sweet kiss.

The soft feeling touched Qin Qianrou's lips again, she opened her mouth subconsciously, and then she was out of control.

Shen Yiqiu got up with her hands, but she was inexperienced and didn't know where to go, so she had to slide up and down her back repeatedly.

Even this is enough to make Qin Qianrou dizzy.

No one has ever made her feel like this.

She heard the steps of her own heart, little by little.

The rationale returned a little, Qin Qianrou gently pushed Shen Yiqiu and motioned her to stop first.

How can the intoxicated person be willing to give up this rare benefit, squinting slightly, but unwilling to let go.

Qin Qianrou became more sober, the strength in her hand increased, and finally pushed her away.

Shen Yiqiu's eyes were a little puzzled, and there was a flash of injury.

So sister, are you rejecting me?

Qin Qianrou closed her eyes and took a deep breath, straightening her messy hair.

Shen Yiqiu was very close to her, hugging her vainly, Qin Qianrou tried her best to calm down as soon as possible.

The blush on her face has not faded, making her a little more feminine, and with her well-defined facial features, it makes people excited.

"Shen Yiqiu, I need you to give me an explanation before I give you the answer officially."

I didn't want to get into it, let alone confront Shen Yiqiu about something, it seemed like I had no tolerance.

However, those who have entered the heart are just that different.

Qin Qianrou understands the truth, but her heart does not agree.

Her subtle, faint discomfort is still there, but she can't deny the feeling of liking the kiss just now. So, she decided to figure things out so that she could be together without any grudges.

Shen Yiqiu was not worried but happy, and finally waited until her sister took the initiative to mention it.

She came all the way, except for missing, just to ask for an answer.

Zhang Meng told her that it would be a good thing if a woman would take the initiative to speak.

"Sister, ask, I'll tell you what you want to know."

As long as you want to know, I can dig out my whole heart for you.

Qin Qianrou was about to get up, Shen Yiqiu was nervous and pulled her wrist, not wanting her to leave his side.

Qin Qianrou's face was a little red again, and she whispered, "I'll go get something, you wait for me here."

Reluctantly let go, but fortunately the room is not big, Shen Yiqiu can keep chasing her sister.

She watched Qin Qianrou walk to the desk and took out a kraft paper bag from the drawer. After that, she slowly walked towards herself, the kraft paper bag was tightly held in her hand, like a very important secret.

Qin Qianrou sat back to the position just now and pulled a little distance away, but not too far.

"There's something here that I don't quite understand, I'm not trying to snoop, but I hope you can give me an explanation."

Qin Qianrou spoke calmly and restrainedly, without a trace of anger or blame in her tone.

But Shen Yiqiu still heard something weird, what happened to my sister?

Hesitantly, she opened the paper bag, took out the photo, and took a closer look. It was the day she went to her uncle's house to cook.

Sure enough, it was as my sister guessed, and my sister knew about it.

Qin Qianrou has been watching Shen Yiqiu since she went to get the paper bag. She couldn't tell what she hoped for an explanation, but she couldn't help but look at her, wanting to see her every expression and reaction.

But when Shen Yiqiu saw the photo, apart from the initial surprise, what did that smile mean?

No matter what it meant, Qin Qianrou was quietly relieved.

No guilty conscience and panic as expected, Shen Yiqiu's reaction did not make Qin Qianrou feel blind.

"Sister, how can you have this?"

Qin Qianrou calmed down: "It was given to me by someone else."

Shen Yiqiu looked at the photo again and wondered who was so boring, she even had to take pictures of her grocery shopping, and she was not a big star.

After thinking about it, I realized that it was wrong. It was made for Qin Qianrou. But my sister is not a person who actively explores people's privacy, and she will not use such despicable means against her.

Is it Shao Qidong? Want to provoke the relationship between her and her sister, break the trust between them, and make her return to the helpless orphan before?

When she thought of that wicked man, Shen Yiqiu couldn't help scolding him a hundred times in his heart.

But for now, the most important thing is to explain clearly.

In fact, it's just a sentence, but my uncle seems to be afraid of my sister, should I say it?

Shen Yiqiu's hesitation fell into Qin Qianrou's eyes, and her heart that had just calmed down was lifted again.

It seems that Yuan Qi and Shen Yiqiu have an extraordinary relationship, otherwise she would not have hesitated until now. If he hadn't understood and believed in Yuan Qi's person, Qin Qianrou would definitely not be able to calm down at this time.

"I think there shouldn't be any misunderstanding before our relationship is clear. Even if it's just a misunderstanding, it should be explained clearly, right?" Qin Qianrou was still calm and restrained, but her breath Still a little unstable.

Shen Yiqiu looked up from the photo and looked at Qin Qianrou.

Sister's calmness as usual, concealed a little uneasiness.

Shen Yiqiu was very distressed, this was not the love she wanted to give Qin Qianrou. If you love her, you shouldn't make her always worry and doubt.

She put down the photo and gently held Qin Qianrou's hand on her lap.

When I touched it, I found that my sister's palm was sweaty.

Heart moved, Shen Yiqiu raised Qin Qianrou's hand, bowed his head and kissed the back of her hand.

"Sister, don't get me wrong, my relationship with this man is very simple." Shen Yiqiu raised her eyes, her affection was stronger than ever before, and her tone was more serious than ever before, " He's my cousin, and he's been traveling around the world. So when I was hospitalized, he didn't show up."

Qin Qianrou has imagined many possibilities, even a relationship such as forgetting the year. She is not worried that Shen Yiqiu has two hearts emotionally, but she still minds. It doesn't matter if Shen Yiqiu is too close to others, even if he simply admires the elders.

Her selfishness became heavier, which made Qin Qianrou feel uneasy. No one had ever made her lose her sense of proportion, or even her demeanor, like this.

However, she still wanted to hear Shen Yiqiu tell her who this person was and what kind of relationship she had with her.

She even wanted to ask bluntly, in your heart, am I the most important one?

This was something she never expected, and Yuan Qi never mentioned it to them.

The truth becomes less credible if you hide it for too long.

"I believe it. I will believe what you say."

Shen Yiqiu had never seen such a gentle sister, and the shrinking distance in front of her eyes and the rising temperature between them made her feel like a dream.

Shen Yiqiu stared at her blankly until Qin Qianrou's face almost touched her eyes.

"Sister, I..."

"I need enough time to give you the answer now."

Shen Yiqiu was still pondering the meaning of these words, but the back of her head was strongly supported and led her forward.

Qin Qianrou's kiss was different from Shen Yiqiu's. It was the same as her character.

Shen Yiqiu opened her eyes wide and saw that the person in front of her was Qin Qianrou, the tiny pores on her face, and the slightly trembling eyelashes, her heart was no longer under control.

She raised her hand and hugged Qin Qianrou to minimize the distance between them. She wanted to stick together and become one person.

The fine fingers rubbed, causing Shen Yiqiu to snort comfortably. Qin Qianrou was unwilling to stop there. It was the first time in such an interaction that she showed the advantages and identity of the elderly.

She led Shen Yiqiu to deepen the kiss, extending the kiss time and time again. On the eve of the oxygen exhaustion, she taught her how to exchange enough oxygen with a suitable distance and posture.

And then, the next round of kisses.

Shen Yiqiu didn't remember how long they kissed, she only knew that her heart was about to explode. Full of love, and finally have a place to entrust, but it is still not enough.

She has a lot of love, and it keeps pouring out of her heart, all for her sister.

With their lips and teeth intertwined, Shen Yiqiu murmured, "Sister, I love you."

At this moment, Qin Qianrou reacted to her impulse, and for a while she couldn't believe that she would take such initiative. Probably because the backlog of emotions in her heart was instantly relieved, the faint uneasiness disappeared in an instant, and she no longer had any scruples and just wanted to obey her heart.

She likes Shen Yiqiu, wants to accept her feelings, and is willing to go through the difficult emotional road with her. Her entanglements and doubts were no longer hindered by Shen Yiqiu's simple explanation.

Shen Yiqiu, I believe in you.

Shen Yiqiu calmed down, a smile always on the corner of his mouth.

She put her hand around Qin Qianrou's slender waist, pulled her hard, and fell into her arms.

She adjusted her sitting position and let Qin Qianrou lean on her arms, half-lying.

Qin Qianrou closed her eyes slightly, as if she was resting, but also as if she was thinking about it?

Shen Yiqiu smirked, put it to Qin Qianrou's ear, and said in an angry voice, "Sister, you are so sweet."

Qin Qianrou's ears were hot, but the corners of her lips curled up.

She didn't respond to Shen Yiqiu's words, but found a more comfortable position in her arms and rubbed inside.

Shen Yiqiu raised her other hand, wrapped her tightly around her, and hugged her completely.

This time, Qin Qianrou's neglect did not make Shen Yiqiu sad, her smile deepened, she thought about it and posted it again. This time, she not only pressed her ear, but lightly bit Qin Qianrou's auricle.

Sure enough, the person in his arms trembled.

Not waiting for Qin Qianrou to open her eyes, she heard Ruanmeng's voice with double sugar added in her ears: "My girlfriend, it's really sweet."

Qin Qianrou's cheeks were red, she opened her eyes slightly, and what she saw was a face full of smiles.

A face that made her heart beat.

She suppressed her shyness, raised her hand to hook her neck, and pulled her to her face.

"In the future, you must listen to your girlfriend."

Shen Yiqiu did not hesitate: "Yes, my girlfriend."

Qin Qianrou's lips were more rosy and fuller than usual, making Shen Yiqiu reluctant to look away, so close, she couldn't help wanting to kiss again.

Qin Qianrou turned her face slightly, only letting the kiss fall on her face.

"My lips are swollen."

Shen Yiqiu kissed her cheek very gently, and then set her eyes on her lips again.

"Then I'll kiss again tomorrow."


The two of them sat on the sofa like this, one sitting and the other lying down, until night fell completely. Shen Yiqiu raised her head and looked at the stars outside the window, only to realize that the curtains had not been drawn.

Fortunately, this floor is high enough, and it was not dark enough outside.

Wen Shaoze called Qin Qianrou several times, but no one answered. He sent a few more messages to Shen Yiqiu, but no one replied. I was a little worried at first, but later, as if thinking of something, I shook my head and smiled helplessly.

He received a call from Wen Yirong in the morning, saying that the dinner with the Cheng family was canceled on the weekend, and he knew it must be Qin Qianrou's meaning after a guess.

Wen Yirong was not surprised by this result, after all, her daughter's attitude has always been clear.

"At least, you can find a chance to have a good chat with Qianrou and ask her what she thinks."

"It's normal to refuse a blind date dinner, don't worry."

Wen Shaoze himself pushed a lot of this arrangement. Although he would argue with his father, he should push it.

Wen Yirong was not as indifferent as before: "You don't know, Qianrou is extraordinarily determined this time. And she told me that she has her own arrangements."

In the past, Qin Qianrou always said that she would not consider emotional matters for the time being, but this time, what she said was that I have my own plans.

The acquaintance Mo Ruomu, almost the moment Qin Qianrou said it, Wen Yirong knew that the situation was different this time.

It's not that Qin Qianrou doesn't want to talk about her relationship, but she doesn't want to talk to the people arranged at home, she has a choice she likes.

Wen Shao did not dare to talk nonsense, for fear of ruining Qin Qianrou's affairs.

"I see, I'll talk to her."

Wen Yirong sighed, and chatted about the recent family affairs, before hanging up the phone, he said again: "When you have time, go home and have more meals, old man. I haven't been feeling well lately."

Severe cold and heat are the most difficult days for the elderly, let alone those who came out of the hail of bullets when they were young. Over the years, the old man of the Qin family has stopped worrying about anything and has devoted himself to taking care of his life, but it is still hard to resist the invasion of time.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are topics that everyone cannot avoid.

"Understood, I will tell Qianrou."

The author has something to say: Damn, my lips are swollen