MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 35

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"So, until now, you haven't told him that you actually liked him for a long time?"

When I was free, I asked Lin to come home for dinner.

It is said to be eating, but in fact it is torture. After all, after Luo Ting knew for the first time that Lin Hui and He Jianshan were really together, the "fuck" voice on the phone was so loud that it could pierce Lin Hui's eardrums. If everyone hadn't been at work, he would have liked to pour the wine immediately, and then put a pot of peanuts and listen to Lin Hui talk about it for three days and three nights. So here on the front foot, the mother took her daughter through the airport security check, and on the back foot he quickly took out his mobile phone and WeChat Lin replied: [speed, the meal arrangement is scheduled, Lili and I are waiting to feed, waiting for you]

Lin Hui: […You two children are so old, can you be more reserved? 】

Luo Ting: [We middle-aged people don't need to be reserved, we need gossip that ignites the passion of life]

Lin Hui: […]

In this way, Lin Hui went to the door to grab a meal, and by the way explained to the two of them the process of confirming the relationship with He Jianshan. After a series of "oooooo", "woooooo", "tsk tsk tsk", Luo Ting keenly sensed something was wrong, so he asked: "So, until now, you haven't told him that you actually liked him for a long time. ?"

"Why should I talk?"

"Isn't this a good opportunity? The two of you have just established a relationship, and now you are in a deep relationship. With your confession, He Jianshan can't be moved and wow?"

Lin Hui peeled the orange in his hand and said nothing.

After a while, he said: "I don't think it's necessary, whether it's 3 years, 5 years or 8 years, my secret crush is my own business, and it's all over. It's weird, it's like saying 'Look, I love you so much, don't you feel moved', I don't want to use this to kidnap him, just let it be."

Luo Ting is anxious: "how can this be called 'kidnapping'? And what's so strange? I'm going to tell you, hypocritical, you are hypocritical, you are smart about everything, just love , you have to listen to me."

Luo Ting began to show the facts and reason: "Do you remember when I gave Lili a birthday present? I made a handmade photo album and ordered it by wire. It was very thick and troublesome. It was 2 o'clock in the night. When I gave gifts, my face was very relaxed, but ah, secretly let the boss secretly hint to Lili, saying how I spent my time and said how I stayed up late and said that I cut my hand, and Lili was cut off. Impressed - you just have to come up with this kind of scheming!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Gu Wenli on the side couldn't help knocking Luo Ting's head, and pushed the washed red tea to Lin Hui, "Lin Hui, don't listen to his nonsense, eat tea son."

"I'm talking nonsense, he is in love with He Jianshan, it's not He Jian, it's not He Jian, it's He Jianshan!"

Gu Wenli shook her head and ignored Luo Ting, turned to look at Lin Hui and said, "Lin Hui, Luo Ting's words are not rough, although you are together now, but I always feel that sometimes you Still thinking a little too much. Do you know what your state of mind is like?"

Luo Ting and Lin Hui looked at Gu Wenli together.

"When Luo Ting and I first started working, we often made appointments to meet in the central shopping mall. There is a large window next to the south gate of the shopping mall for LV. Every time I go there, I will stare at Looking at a handbag of LV in the window, I remember that I really liked it at the time, I really wanted it, but I couldn’t afford it. Later, Luo Ting saved a few months’ salary and bought the bag and gave it to him I."

"You know, the day I received that bag, I was so happy. It's no exaggeration to say that I took at least hundreds of photos from all angles. I especially love that one Bag, I usually have to squeeze the bus and subway to go to work, I don’t want to carry it at all, unless there is an important event, I will take it out, and I even bought a matching skirt and shoes for it.”

"In fact, it is just a bag. But because of its expensive price, in my heart, I can't treat it as an ordinary bag. Even, it is connected to the basis of a bag Very little effect.”

"I think He Jianshan is like this bag to you. He is a luxury in the window. You have thought about it for a long time and dreamed of owning him, but when he really appeared in In your arms, you find that it is too expensive, you can't bear it, you can't help but carefully maintain it, even if you don't want it, you can't control it at all."

Lin Hui opened his mouth.

"Don't refute me, Lin Hui." Gu Wenli sighed, "Even I don't think you want to tell He Jianshan that you like him for a long time, I'm afraid you also hope that one day you can keep the last A little dignity."

Luo Ting looked at Lin Hui in surprise: "No, you just talked?!"

Lin replayed the orange: "I didn't think about the day we parted, but I really didn't dare to think more. When you first fell in love, you would enjoy the future and think about it. In which city do you live and work, what kind of house to buy, how to decorate it, and even the name of the child. But we are different, let’s not say that we are both past the age of dreaming, it’s just that we are both men. The point is enough to attract attention. When I have a crush, I can ignore everything. When we are really together, I have to think about it. He is different from me. There are too many people behind him and too many responsibilities. So much to carry. And I think it's fine now."

"Besides, if you say I treat him as a luxury, he is not playing the perfect lover."

Luo Ting and Gu Wenli looked at each other.

"It's not right to play, he is a perfect lover, he can do the best in all things. However, perfection requires a lot of effort to maintain."

Luo Ting frowned: "Wait, I don't understand, isn't the perfect lover? Are you too picky?"

Lin Hui smiled: "His character is like this, if he can achieve 100 points, he will never allow himself to be 99. He is used to it. It can be said that he strives for perfection at work, but in love It's not work, I don't want him to spend a lot of time thinking about love or me after worrying about work, I don't want him to be so tired."

"Have you asked him? Have you told him what you think?" Gu Wenli frowned, "I think in a sense, He Jianshan is also lacking. Security? He used to focus on work, but now he will focus on you?"

"We fall in love, it's not the same as other people, if we don't have a few steps, he always feels wronged me a lot. Do you know what he said to me - 'If others have it, so do you There should be.' I asked him who the others were," Lin Hui suddenly smiled, "he said, they were people in the TV series."

"However, the people in the TV series are not Lin Hui, nor He Jianshan, we are different from others. If I talk about those things that I have a crush on, then he will feel more I owe it? I just don't want to say it. I don't want to make love a responsibility for him, or even a burden in the end. If you think I'm hypocritical, then I'm hypocritical. Rather than loving me, I hope he doesn't want him to me. So harsh, to love yourself, to love the world."

If Lin Hui wanted to find out what attracted He Jianshan in the first place, it must be loneliness.

In this world, some people like animals, some people like to collect cups, some people indulge in online games, some people relieve stress through travel... Different people, different emotional needs, everyone learns from various things Get happiness and nourishment. But He Jianshan did not. He seems to have only work and nothing else.

Or maybe not.

Innumerable days and nights, whenever he saw He Jianshan busy with work in any place, he was so profoundly lonely, like an abyss, which was cut off from the whole world, but also strongly attracted Looking at Lin Hui, he approached involuntarily.

Gu Wenli shook her head, somewhat disapproving: "Lin Hui, how can love be a burden? Have you ever thought that you are part of this world, and loving you is not contradictory to loving the world. Love is not a one-man show, you are too independent, or you have been his work partner for too long, and you have not been able to completely change from this status. You have to let him know that you need him, you don't need him, It will make him a burden. I think you are also very interesting, and you are eager to give each other the best love experience, but ignore the essence. "

Speaking of this, Gu Wenli suddenly laughed: "Speaking of which, people who are in love will influence each other, but I think that he is now in this way, which is actually very different from the one you mentioned before. He Jianshan, because of you, he may be slowly changing."

Lin Hui was stunned when he heard the words.

Luo Ting nodded again and again: "my wife is right. Go back, I'll leave my unpleasant words here today. You don't have family pressure. At night, think about what happened to him, He Jianshan, and think about yourself, OK? Do you want to be a model for being so sensible? Does the government give you awards? Work it up, brother! Last time you told me where is the delicious bread? I bought it for Doudou, tell He Jianshan to let him buy it for you! Buy the store!"

Lin Hui couldn't help laughing: "Yes, yes, I know."

"Don't laugh. If you don't say anything else, you have to come and meet me first. I'm your best friend in Jinghua. If you ask him, just say we want to Please come to the house for the two of you."

Lin recalled that he refused: "No."

"Why not? You didn't even ask him. Why, are you looking down on our poor friends?" Gu Wenli pretended to be dissatisfied.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"Yes, you just subconsciously feel that he is not suitable for this kind of occasion - this kind of daily and trivial gathering of friends, we are not familiar with him, and the things we usually come into contact with are not the same, It's likely to become very embarrassing, and it's also tiring."

Lin Hui was speechless by Gu Wenli's words, he looked at Luo Ting helplessly: "Your wife should not teach mathematics, she should teach psychology."

Luo Ting laughed: "You are a fan of the authorities. I just like to see smart people like you acting stupid, hahahaha."

Is it a fan of the authorities? Lin Hui does not know. He also thought about telling He Jianshan the deep affection hidden in his heart in the interval between the two of them making out. But some things miss the best time, and it seems that it really becomes difficult to explain. He Jianshan is very good, very good. He can do his best in everything. The more this is, the more worried Lin Hui is. Will the too delicate and warm love continue to consume his enthusiasm? The change from a superior to a lover has led to subtle changes in each other's work and life. Will these changes make him feel hard? If one day, he feels tired and doesn't want to continue, how can he get out of such a love?

How can there be such a complex thing as love in this world: desire, shame, longing; contradiction, worry, fear... There are too many accompanying products of love, like sweet traps, in While Lin Fu let himself sink in, he couldn't help but hang his heart.

When I got home at night, He Jianshan was working in the study. He has been living in Lin's home for the past two days, and now the study has been completely requisitioned by him, filled with various documents. Originally, Lin Hui thought that it was not good to stick together every day, thinking that he must be allowed to go home. But He Jianshan remembered that he said that he was not used to the matter of love. Does this make sense? Lin Hui didn't know, anyway, every time He Jianshan kissed him, he would forget everything.

In the past so many years, Lin Hui has been alone, and he has never felt anything wrong. But now, his home has gradually started to add a lot of things belonging to another person: clothes, watches, keys, he also found He Jianshan's tie on the carpet under the sofa; they used the same shower gel And shaving water, He Jianshan obviously doesn't like scented things, but now he is keen to choose a variety of flavors; He Jianshan hugs him to sleep every day, and then kisses him in the morning and calls him to get up...

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult, when he gets used to the temperature of another person, he will never return to the past. He really loves He Jianshan so much, even though there are still many unspeakable concerns in his heart, he can't stop him from craving and yearning for the feeling of being loved by He Jianshan: such warm and straightforward love makes people feel Can't help but feel joy and happiness.

Gu Wenli and Luo Ting are right, he can't always hang up love high, love is not the moonlight above his head, just watching from a distance is enough. He has got him, and he wants to have him forever.

Thinking of this, Lin Hui knocked on the door and walked in. As soon as He Jianshan saw him, he stretched out his hand with a smile, and Lin Hui habitually held it and walked to his side. He glanced at the pile of contracts on the table, hesitated for a long time, and said:

" you have time recently? It's my good friend from college, who lives in the same dormitory as me, and he's also in Jinghua. Oh, he's married, and his wife is very familiar with me. There is also a daughter, very cute, named Doudou; and recently his daughter is away, but he is relatively free..." Lin Hui went around for a long time, and finally got to the point, "...I want to invite us to his house as a guest... "

He Jianshan raised his eyebrows.

Not waiting for He Jianshan to speak, Lin Hui quickly added: "Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't want to go, in fact, the end of the year is really busy, wait for the next time we-"

"I want to go."

Lin Hui paused.

He Jianshan showed a soft smile on his face: "I want to meet your friends with you."

"Cough... Then when are you free, let me tell them?"

"Isn't all my time with you? You can arrange it."

"Okay." Lin Hui said and took out his phone, "This is your first time, I'll see if I should bring a gift—"

He Jianshan took away his mobile phone: "No."


He Jianshan is serious: "This is an invitation from my boyfriend's good friend. I have to prepare the gift myself, and I can't let the assistant do it for me."

Lin Hui held back his smile: "Mr. He, in case your boyfriend is not satisfied with the gift you picked..."

He Jianshan sighed: "That can only be compensated elsewhere."



He Jianshan pushed the document aside, then picked up Lin Hui and put it on the desk. Lin Hui lowered his head slightly, held He Jianshan's face in both hands, and exchanged a long kiss with him. When the two of them were panting and their eyes were burning with passion, Lin Hui bit He Jianshan's ear and said softly:

"Mr. He, why don't you make it up first?"

The author has something to say:

Love gives birth to fear.