MTL - Assassin Farmer-~ 008 re-forest

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"Clean up, after two sunrises." After Si Ling finished his own dinner, he threw out such a sentence, and in Sushui’s ear, he felt like a thunder, and she quickly looked up and looked at it. Si Ling, both eyes staring at him with a sigh of relief, after a long while, he swallowed the rice in his mouth and finally found his voice: "You... are you dumb?"

Si Lingjian eyebrows, "Who said that I am dumb?" If his voice is cold and bloodless with his eyes, Su Shuizhen almost thought he was laughing at himself.

Oh--Su Shui-soo lamented, his shoulders drooping, his hands buried his face, and his voice sighed and said: "Then you don't say it early, look at me like this!"

Si Ling sighed in the bottom of his heart, just wanted to reach out and appease her, but stood in the air and stopped. What is his relationship with her? It is worth doing this yourself. ”

He and her, lonely men and women spent a month and a half in the cave, it should not be.

He does not care, since childhood, no father and no mother, drifting around, and now out of the wind Yaoge, but less organizational constraints, even the only scruples have disappeared.

However, she is different. Seeing her self-satisfaction in the past, she knows that she must have been born in a large family. Although she will somehow fall into the mountains, it is only temporary. Once out of the woods, he and her will part ways. In my own past, I can't have any intersection with her anyway.

Si Ling dropped his hand, grabbed his eyes and got up and walked outside the cave.

Su Shui-yu just thought that he was so embarrassed that he mistakenly thought of him as dumb, and it was a month and a half. This is good. He is very good at not being angry with himself. If you change yourself, you will be Others will be angry when they are dumb.

Su Shui-hwan thought about this, and put down his hands on the cover. He wanted to raise his head and apologize, but found that there was still his shadow around him. Only two little wolves on his feet swallowed the crispy and fragrant. Snake meat.


These days, Su Shuizhen always felt that something was wrong.

Yes, since the man said a word the day before, he once again fell into a state of silence.

Is it that his attitude has misunderstood him? Would rather be dumb and disdain to talk to yourself?

While thinking about it, I packed up the big bag in my hand. This time out of the forest should not come back here again?

In fact, if it is not because of some inconvenience in life, the days in the mountains are also very good. Especially after the man recovered his skill and took over the heavy and **** work, Su Shuiyu felt more comfortable and relaxed.

Just, always come out of the forest. Even if you don't lack wild animals, wild fruits, etc., these two sets of whitewashed clothes will not be able to catch up with the winter soon.

In this way, Su Shui-soo’s movements have been significantly accelerated.

All kinds of dried meat, salted legs, dried mushrooms, wild fruits, stuffed with a packet of glutinous rice.

Sweeping to the gourd that can be put out, can suddenly think of the crystal green liquid on the stalactites, and climb the stalactites in two steps in three steps. Sure enough, the bottom of the recess still has the crystal green liquid that was last lost. Since this liquid is so easy to use, why not take it all away. Although these remaining can't be extracted with a soup spoon, but add some water, dissolved in the water, can you pick it up and put it into the gourd? Oh, even if it contains only a little bit, but what hurts really, it is always good to drink a few mouthfuls.

“What are you doing?” Su Shuizhen was thinking of happiness. Unexpectedly, a low and urgent question from behind made her startled and slipped her feet. She leaned back.

Oops, Su Shui slammed his eyes in fear, and reluctantly waited for the pain from the body when he landed. Not that, just thinking about the injury can be used, so quickly verified?

Huh? How is it soft? Still warm, this is...

"Yeah!" Su Shuiqi quickly bounced off the arms of Si Ling. Shy enough to cover his cheeks, bowed his head and bowed to Si Ling: "Thank you."

Si Ling shook hands and grasped the body that she fell down, and did not go through the brain. When her soft and fragrant body poured into her arms, she discovered how much she had been depressed since time.

"What are you doing, don't you know the danger?" He tried to resist the indescribable loss of his heart, and he lowered his tone to restore the indifference of the past.

"I..." Su Shui moved his lips, but did not know how to explain. I can't refute that if he doesn't interfere with himself, he won't be scared, and he won't step on the air and fall. After all, he is also good intentions.

"Right, look at it..." Su Shui-hyun thought of the crystal green liquid that had not been packaged. Larasling’s clothes swayed and signaled him to stand on the stalactites.

Si Ling picked up his eyebrows, but he stepped on his feet.

this is? He flashed a glimpse in his eyes, then stretched out his little finger and put a trace into his mouth, hehe, sure enough. Is it that the injury that is almost impossible to save is so good because of this?

He looked back at the little woman who was smiling at her underneath.

This fool, but to take such a rare and hard to find the jade heart of the fairy marrow for their own healing. Doesn't she know that she can prolong her life for a long time in January, and she will be able to prolong her life, and she will not invade her?

"You said, a total of two spoons, have been used for me?" Si Ling listened to Su Shuizhen simple but not simple explanation, the heart of the tide. Tens of thoughts to the end, only one sentence: this fool!

"Well. A spoonful of oral, a spoonful of external application." Su Shuiqi nodded and corrected his statement. Although it is very strange how he suddenly became interested in how to heal.

"Have you ever tasted it?" Si Ling followed her words by adding a spoonful of water to the recess and stirring it. After the crystal green was dissolved in the water, it was poured into the gourd.

"Yes. I didn't know what it was at first. I tasted a little and found that I could endure hunger. Later, I had a scar on my hand. Just put a little bit on it and stop bleeding immediately." Su Shuiqi smiled and shouted. .

I don’t know anything when I first came. I even scared my white tiger for a long time, and then I looked at myself now. Although I still feel a little uncomfortable, it is much better.

However, Si Ling couldn't help but frown because of the sentence she said, "I have a scar on my hand." Yes, I think she is a weak woman. When she first entered the forest, she was very difficult. Being able to be like her, not only did not blame herself, but also enjoyed herself. He looked at the round wooden spoon that was carved with flowers and plants, and he thought.


"That's all right." Su Shui-yu made a good knot, and then covered the cane basket filled with wild fruits with silk cloth, and looked up and smiled at Si Ling.

Si Ling took over the baggage and the rattan basket, and then took the rattan net tied with the tiger skin, and Su Shuiqi called the two little wolves who were playing, and the two wolves were ready to go out.

"That... what is your name? My name is Su Shui. The water is bright and the water is good."

Su Shui said to himself, the two have been together for nearly two months, and they have not exchanged their names. In the woods, it’s just two of them. But when I got out of the woods, I went to a place with lots of people, but I didn’t know who the other person was, but I was not very embarrassed.

Si Ling looked down at the white neck and her clean neck, which she showed when she lowered her head. She was busy sweeping her eyes to it.

Is the water bright and sunny? Sure enough, it made him more convinced that her origin must be a famous person.

"Lin Siwei." Si Ling's cold voice escaped a name.

Si Ling, that is the name of Feng Yao Pavilion, including the identity and status of its representatives. Now, I am free from the wind Yaoge, and I will remove the imprint that belongs to it.

Su Shui-soo nodded, and secretly glad that he did not abruptly call the name he had faintly heard that day.

"Lin... priest, do you know how far the nearest market town is after the forest?" Su Shuiyu overcame the embarrassment of calling his name and asked questions that had been circling for a long time. Look at the slightly weird skirt that I wear, and I can't wait to find a ready-to-wear store.

Listening to her shouting the name she made, there will be some indescribable incitement. With a steady heart, Lin Sizhen recalled the location of the stack that last night before he entered the forest. It seemed to be called Luo Luocheng. Then nodded, "about half a day."

“So close?” Su Shuiqi screamed in surprise, then screamed and said: “I knew that I had come out at the beginning and thought I had to go on for many days.”

Su Shuiyan looked at the dry food items in the big bag of Lin Si's hand, and couldn't help but want to help the amount and sigh.

Lin Sizhen heard her embarrassment, and immediately thought that the half-day that she said was the use of light work, if it was her foot, plus the speed of the water source habitually stopped to rest half a mile, still It really takes a lot of days. Thinking this way, the words also blurted out: "It takes three days depending on your speed."

Su Shuiqi heard his words and looked up and asked with annoyance: "What? What?" He meant that he would have to go for three days at his speed for half a day?

"Or I will take you away." Lin Siyu blurted out again without the brain.

Su Shuiyu looked at him doubtfully. What is it to take with him? Isn't he just leading the way?

Lin Siwei wrapped his bag around his neck and backed his back. He tied the fruit basket to Xiaochun’s back. The tiger skin vine net was on Xiaoxue’s body. Then he picked up Sushui’s waist and turned back to the two wolves. The word "go" is flying with a luck.

Su Shuiqi was shocked by his actions and subconsciously grabbed his neck.

Her nervousness and shame turned to ecstasy and worship after she found that he had flew a few tens of meters after several landings. God, this is the light work that the aliens said.

Lin Sizhen actually had some concerns that she would be afraid to cry out and ask herself to let her down. After all, the posture of the two is shocking in the eyes of outsiders, at least not for men and women outside the husband and wife.

Couple? Lin Siyu floated the word at the bottom of his heart and immediately vetoed the possibility. She, not herself, can be extravagant.
