MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 88 Inquiry (first update)

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 Chapter 88 Inquiry (first update)

 Mo Hua wanted to go to bed early after a day of ups and downs, but couldn't. After thinking about it, he went to the Consciousness Sea and practiced the formation on the stone tablet for a whole night.

 When drawing formations, there is no distraction and it is easier to calm down.

On the second day, Zhang Lan found the ink painting.

He was sitting on an Eight Immortals table in the corner of the restaurant. On the table were several plates of snacks and a pot of wine.

 Zhang Lan poured himself a glass of wine, looked at the ink painting and said, "Tell me, what happened yesterday?"

This plot is not that bad...

It’s like going home from school every day, and suddenly you are blocked by the school bully and others. Obviously, no matter what you say, they will not let you go, so the protagonist doesn’t want to talk nonsense.

“Don’t you, Daotingsi, care about it?”

 This is also the first time that Mo Hua has personally experienced the danger and unpredictability hidden under ordinary daily life.

Zhang Lan didn’t want to pursue the matter, so he said: “You are only at the fourth level of Qi refining, and you really can’t draw this kind of formation, so you are definitely not the one who is hurting your money.”

Mo Hua was filled with admiration. Those who could enter the Daotingsi were indeed talented people. He had to learn more about this ability of telling lies with open eyes.

“Oh.” Mo Hua sat obediently. He wouldn’t say anything anyway.

Mo Hua asked doubtfully: "Then how do you know that you are using a formation and not a spell?"

“It’s impossible for Daotingsi to be indifferent to right from wrong. In your eyes, Daotingsi are all colluding with the aristocratic clans and others?”

"That's right," Mo Hua had just finished speaking, and then he realized and corrected: "This is a fact, not an excuse!"

“Uncle Zhang, think about it, I’m only at the fourth level of Qi refining, how can I draw such a powerful formation?”

   Not only for the protagonist, but also for other children.

"He bullied me, and then Brother Dazhu and the others helped, and the fight started, and then you guys came." Mo Hua said, avoiding the important and taking the easy.

"Only when someone reports the case, the Daotingsi will take care of it. If there are clues, the Daotingsi will investigate. Only if the evidence is conclusive, the Daotingsi will convict. Otherwise, it will either be impossible to intervene at all, or even if it intervenes, there will be no result, and in the end it will not be resolved. Of."

Since Mo Hua has grown up, most of the monks he sees are working for a living. Even if there are fights, they are with monsters. The monks rarely kill each other.

“Does Daotingsi not care?”

“I didn’t see it,” Zhang Lan took a sip of wine. “If I had seen it, how could I have allowed them to act like this?”

Mo Hua couldn't help but said: "You broke our table."

The protagonist solves his own problem and wins the battle, and an adult will naturally take care of the rest.

 The table had been photographed by Zhang Lan and had a few cracks.

Zhang Lan said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I understand. Don't worry, I just want to know what happened, and I won't really send you to Daotingsi for interrogation."

Mo Hua glanced at him with some sympathy and whispered: "Uncle Zhang, are you being excluded, so they don't let you play?"

"By the way, you had a problem with Qian Xing? Why did he go out of his way to embarrass you?" Zhang Lan suddenly remembered and asked.

"The ashes of the spiritual paper will disperse when exposed to the wind and melt when exposed to water, or you can directly use other array media to draw the array, so there will be no embers remaining. The spiritual power aura remaining after the array explodes can be artificially confused, but it doesn't matter. Normal monks can't tell the difference between the formation and the monk's spiritual power, and..."

After the Earth Fire Formation exploded, the spiritual paper turned into fly ash. Unless they saw it with their own eyes, no one would know that Mo Hua used the formation to injure Qian Xing.

Mo Hua just talked casually, and then asked a question that he was very confused about:

“Uncle Zhang, Qian Xing, have you ever really killed someone?”

 “What else?” Mo Hua was listening with interest.

"Yeah." Mo Hua nodded, "He said he wanted to kill me and throw me into the mountains to be eaten by monsters one by one, so that Daotingsi couldn't find him..."

Zhang Lan's head hurt a little and his heart was a little tired. He was about to defend himself when he suddenly realized that the topic had been taken by this guy and he hadn't finished what he wanted to ask.

"Thank you for your hard work, Zhang Diansi. I'll treat you to this meal!" Mo Hua patted his chest and said generously.

What’s more, the protagonist already has a wide network of contacts, including alchemists, weapon refiners, Dao Tingsi, his father can also speak in the demon hunter, and there are also experts like Aunt Xue and Mr. Zhuang.

The protagonist’s formation level is already very strong compared to his peers. Although he will not take the initiative to cause trouble, it does not mean that he will be afraid of it.

Zhang Lan coughed and said, "These are not important. Just tell me whether you injured Qian Xing."

 Zhang Lan looked unbelieving.

In addition, although there are many people complaining, the first subscription and follow-up subscription are actually okay, at least for a newcomer, it is not bad and it is within expectations.

 “What are the traces?” Mo Hua asked humbly.

Zhang Lan took a sip of wine. After thinking about it, he couldn't cite any examples to deny it, so he had to prove his innocence: "Okay, there are indeed colluding people, but at least I am not, so that's okay."

“Yes.” Mo Hua nodded honestly.

 “Fuck!” Zhang Lan was so angry that he slammed the table. Other diners followed the sound, so Zhang Lan had to cough and cover it up: “Good wine!”

Mo Hua was surprised, "Uncle Zhang, have you seen everything?"

 Ink painting is a bit difficult: "It's almost a small business."

 “For accounting purposes, deduct it from my spirit stone.” Zhang Lan said sarcastically.

“The passing rain leaves traces, the passing geese leave their sounds, whatever the monks do, they will leave traces. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean others can’t see it either.”

“Oh?” Zhang Lan said jokingly, “In that case, let’s have two more plates of beef and two more bottles of wine!”

 The whole story was told, but the key content was missing. Zhang Lan couldn’t help but say:

  A lot of people troll me...

   To endure when you are not capable is to be cautious, but to endure it when you are capable is to be cowardly...

In this case, why should he endure it when others bully him?

 Zhang Lan's expression gradually became serious, "It's not impossible..."

"that's all?"

 “Don’t be careless about me, that formation must have been used by you.”

 It would be strange if Daotingsi and the aristocratic family are not working together.

"The paper used in the formation leaves embers after burning, which is different from the ashes left after other things are burned. After the formation explodes, the remaining spiritual energy is easy to distinguish. If you are knowledgeable, you can even tell which kind you are using. Formation. In addition, there are not many spells that can be used during the Qi refining period. Apart from spells, only talismans and formations have such power. Talismans are expensive and easier to identify. When you think about it, formations are the only ones..." Zhang Lan talked about this kind of thing with a confident look.

 Zhang Lan usually restrains his blood and spiritual power, but he was angry for a moment, so he used a little more force.

As Zhang Lan was talking, he realized something was wrong. He seemed to be teaching Mo Hua to do bad things and then "destroy the corpses and traces"...

Zhang Lan curled his lips and said, "Don't pretend to be stupid for me, it's all about Qian Xing."

Mo Hua thought for a moment and said, "It's nothing special. He asked me to do something for him. When I didn't agree, he became angry."

So at that time, Qian Xing wanted to kill him after a disagreement. Mo Hua was still very surprised. Moreover, Qian Xing talked about killing people in an understatement, and he also hung people in the mountains and let monsters eat them one by one. If it wasn't If you have really done it, you probably won’t be able to say it with certainty.

“So that’s it,” Mo Hua suddenly realized, “Then how can we erase these traces?”

"No." Mo Hua was not stupid, so how could he recognize it and cause trouble for nothing.

Zhang Lan glared at Mo Hua: "Don't beat around the bush and tell you about Qian Xing."

The things that Qian Xing did will probably come to nothing...

“Who could it be?” Mo Hua asked tentatively. Zhang Lan raised his eyebrows and said: "Qian Xing must have offended a lot of people because of his domineering behavior. This time he caused trouble in the street, and some monks took the opportunity to secretly attack him. As for who specifically did it, we need to take the time to find out... "

The demon hunters are united within and protect their weaknesses. They fight monsters every day and are bloody. Naturally, it is impossible to watch the children of the demon hunters being bullied.

“Well, that’s a good excuse.” Zhang Lan nodded perfunctorily.

Zhang Lan couldn't help laughing.

 “What’s going on?”

Let’s talk about it here. After that, I will concentrate on typing, and I will read less comments. I really don’t want to write a word after being criticized so much...

   Finally, thank you all for your support. Let’s update ten times today.



 (End of this chapter)