MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 73 Fourth level of Qi refining

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Chapter 73 The Fourth Level of Qi Refining

 In the days that followed, Mo Hua continued to practice the formations as Mr. Zhuang said.

Master Chen’s weapon refining furnace and Mr. Feng’s alchemy furnace have both been modified by ink paintings.

 There is nothing near the neighborhood where ink painting can "show off".

 Ink painting can only settle for the next best thing and find some low-end formations to practice, such as the double lock formation on the door, the earth and stone formation on the wall, the open flame formation on the lamp, etc.

Formations are widely used in the monastic world, ranging from spiritual weapons for killing, to shields and armors for defense, as well as all the basic necessities of daily life.

However, among the low-level casual cultivators, the use of formations is extremely rough and superficial. Some are even just one or two simple formations, which cannot be regarded as formations.

  Comparatively speaking, Master Chen’s weapon refining furnace and Mr. Feng’s alchemy furnace are already considered “high-end products”.

 Especially Mr. Feng’s alchemy furnace even uses three complex formations to achieve the harmony of the spiritual power of wood and fire. In the entire Tongxian City, there should not be many formation masters who can draw such a complex formation.

Mo Hua helped several neighbors with door repairs, wall repairs, and lamp repairs. They were basically chores that did not reflect his attainments in formations. However, the monks in the neighborhood were very grateful to Mo Hua.

They don’t have enough spiritual stones, so they always use some fruits and vegetables grown at home to thank Mo Hua. Although the gift is light, the intention is heavy.

 The Mo Painters are not considered wealthy, and there are many casual cultivators who are poorer than the Mo Painters in Tongxian City. Ordinary casual cultivators save what they can, and continue to use things if they are broken. If the formation is worn out, they will never ask the formation master to repair it.

  Sometimes the spiritual stones spent by a formation master to repair the formation may be more expensive than buying a new one.

Formation masters are rare. After most of the formation masters succeed in their studies, they will only serve their families, sects, or certain powerful cultivators, not only to earn more spiritual stones, but also to be able to excel in formations. Go one step further.

 “Learning literature and martial arts will bring you goods to the emperor’s family.” This is a sentence in Mo Hua’s memory from another life.

Stepping into the threshold of a high-class family or sect, you will naturally no longer look at those poor families.

This is not only human nature, but also the warmth and coldness of the human heart.

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Feng, who after becoming a first-class alchemist, can still treat poor people with alchemy, is even more worthy of respect.

Mo Hua spent about a month repairing the formation like this.

 Most of the formations I practiced were low-end formations, containing only two or three formations, but it was considered a refresher, and my memory was much deeper than before.

 In the past, when formations were drawn on paper, the paper was the medium for the formation. But when the formation is actually used, bricks, stones and wood can all be used as the medium.

Although the formations drawn on paper can work, they are more or less just armchair exercises. Moreover, the formations on paper will generally become invalid after one use and cannot be used for a long time.

 Only by truly painting the formation on all things in the world, including earth, wood, bricks, and various spiritual weapons, and allowing them to operate for a long time, can we truly understand the way of heaven and follow the way of heaven.

 Drawing formations on different formation media consumes more spiritual consciousness and spiritual energy, requires higher brushwork, and is more difficult to draw.

But as long as you practice more frequently, you will have a more thorough understanding of the formation.

After practicing ink painting for a period of time, when you look at the formation again, you will feel suddenly enlightened.

 It seems that those patterns are no longer obscure and abstract patterns, but more vivid and vivid lines, which are the trajectory of the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

When Mo Hua sinks his spiritual consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness, and then looks at the mystery array woven by the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness, he no longer feels confused as before.

 The flow of spiritual power on the mystery array has become much clearer, bit by bit.

 On this day, Mo Hua followed the rules of spiritual force generation and restraint taught by Mr. Zhuang to resolve the formation.

As the ink painting is drawn by Bai Shengsheng's small hand, one formation after another condenses, and then one after another the formations dissipate, like silk being pulled apart, slowly stretching, then dissipating and melting into the sea of ​​consciousness. Mo Hua faintly noticed that with each formation pattern, the connection between spiritual consciousness and spiritual power became closer.

When Mo Hua unraveled the last formation pattern, he discovered that the entire mystery formation in the sea of ​​consciousness had dissipated, and the sea of ​​consciousness returned to its original state. It seemed that nothing had happened. Only the Dao monument in the middle of the sea of ​​consciousness, although abrupt, remained the same. The ground exists.

 “Is this solved?”

Mo Hua scratched his head, then tried to mobilize his spiritual power, and found that the sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly trembled, like a stomach that had not had water in a few days, and suddenly became hungry.

Mo Hua was startled and quickly took out the spirit stone and absorbed the spiritual energy in the spirit stone. After refining more than ten spirit stones, the sea of ​​consciousness gradually calmed down.

 Looking inside Mo Hua, he found that his spiritual power was much stronger and his spiritual consciousness was also stronger.

 “It’s the fourth level of Qi refining!”

Mo Hua was so happy that he couldn't fall asleep lying on the bed.

 Get up and light a lamp, lay out paper and ink, and draw a three-talent array.

 The Sancai Formation contains six first-level formation patterns.

 In the past, ink painting was limited by the spiritual consciousness. Although it could be done, it was still a bit difficult. Now that the cultivation level has broken through and the spiritual consciousness has increased, I can paint these three talents with ease.

After finishing the ink painting, I remembered that it was already past the hour and I could draw the formation on the Taoist stele of Shihai. It was a waste of paper and ink.

 Mosquitoes, no matter how small they are, are still meat.

Mo Hua was slightly heartbroken, and then he sank his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness again, and drew formations on the Taoist monument without any scruples.

 The formations that used to be difficult have become much easier due to breakthroughs in cultivation and growth in spiritual awareness. No wonder others often say that realm is the foundation of a monk.

Mo Hua kept drawing formations until dawn, and then he couldn't wait to tell his parents the good news.

Mo Shan had just finished climbing the mountain. He and his companions hunted several buffalo demons and spent a few days recuperating at home. The couple were overjoyed after hearing this, and they organized a banquet for nearby neighbors and acquaintances.

The third level of Qi Refining to the fourth level of Qi Refining is from the early stage of Qi Refining to the middle stage. It can be regarded as a breakthrough to an intermediate level. As usual, a banquet will be held. Dahu and the three of them also invited him when they broke through to the fourth level of Qi Refining. However, the Meng family's family background was not good, so the three children got together and only invited them once.

After a day's rest in the restaurant, the Moshan Tuo people carried home a whole buffalo monster that they had hunted a few days ago, skinned it and took out the meat. Liu Ruhua added spices and stewed it, and then they had a dinner in the restaurant.

Master Chen, Dazhu, and several other disciples of Master Chen all came, not to mention Dahu and the other three. Some casual cultivators who were not familiar with each other but had been helped by Mo Hua before specially gave some small gifts, but they did not leave any After dinner, Liu Ruhua packed some beef as a return gift.

Although it was a banquet, the food was better than usual. There was no spiritual meat because it was too expensive, but the bison meat was enough, and Liu Ruhua’s craftsmanship was well-known, so the food was cheap but delicious, and everyone ate it. Meat and wine, very happy.

Mr. Zhuang doesn’t like hustle and bustle, and the Bai brothers and sisters have special status, so Mo Hua didn’t invite him. I just made some more delicious food and sent them to Mr. Zhuang and the others the next day.

Bai Zixi thanked her, ate the crispy snacks and drank the sweet wine, looking quite satisfied.

Bai Zisheng was very sorry. He also wanted to join in the fun and follow others to drink and eat meat boldly. But I also know that I can only think about it. Although Aunt Xue has a gentle temper, she is strict in controlling them, and it is absolutely impossible to agree.

Mo Hua originally sympathized with him, but Bai Zisheng asked doubtfully:

“It’s just the fourth level of Qi refining. Is it worth celebrating like this?”

The little sympathy that Mo Hua felt in his heart disappeared in an instant.

For ordinary casual cultivators, the Qi refining period may be the end of the path, so every step forward is not easy.

 (End of this chapter)