MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 681 Grab it back (Thank you to the leader of Crazy Ye Weiyang)

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Chapter 681 Get it back (Thank you to the leader of Crazy Ye Weiyang~)

These more than 100 points of merit are not a small amount, and I am better off. After all, there are still formations to fill up, but Cheng Mo and the others have made a trip in vain.

 The sect has many disciples, few tasks, and valuable achievements.

 Cheng Mo and the others have little experience, so it will not be easy to earn more than a hundred meritorious deeds.

As a junior senior brother, I cannot let my "junior brothers" suffer.

What's more, the Dragon Crossing the River, which was finally caught, was snatched away by Duanjinmen. If word spread, it would definitely damage the reputation of Taixumen, who would think that Taixumen was afraid of Duanjinmen.

 Personal honor and disgrace are small matters, but the sect’s face is a big matter.

For the sake of the sect’s face, I have to fight for this tone no matter what!

Mo Hua nodded seriously.

Cheng Mo and others were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes lit up. The previous disappointment was swept away, and their spirits were lifted.

 Just after thinking about it for a while, a few people still felt a little uneasy.

Cheng Mo was stunned, "What are you doing with your face covered? Hiding it from them?"

After Mo Hua finished speaking, he stood up to leave. Suddenly he remembered something and said to Cheng Mo and others:

Mo Hua said with a kind face.

 After that, Mo Hua used the Small Five Elements Concealment Technique, walked around in front of the two Jinmen Broken Gate disciples, and set up a second-grade earth fire array on the road a mile in advance.

Mo Hua hid aside and heard the footsteps getting closer and closer. At the same time, there were two people complaining:

 After all, the two sides just had a conflict, and now they are going to rob people.

 “Besides, I am doing this for their own good...”

 Cheng Mo and others looked happy.

After a while, the two disciples of Duanjinmen came over from a distance with Dragon Crossing the River as their escort.

“Think about it, two people in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, if they knew that they were blatantly robbed by a group of disciples in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, how sad they would be…”

Mo Hua calculated:

"The two are in the middle stage of foundation building, but their cultivation is not deep. They are relatively weak in the same realm. Judging from their appearance, they have a vain look on their faces. They are used to 'bullying others'. They probably don't have much experience in fighting with real swords and guns. It should be easy to deal with..."

 “So be more restrained in your attacks, and you’ll be beaten to half death...”

Hao Xuan, this silly boy, does he have any misunderstanding about the three words "good-hearted"...

“Don’t be too cruel, you can’t kill anyone, you can’t cause trouble for the sect and yourself…”

"If you don't cover your face and grab them blatantly, it means you don't take them seriously at all. This is too rude."

 “…the drudgery always has to do with us…”

“Yeah, the seven or eight people on the opposite side are still in the middle stage of foundation building...”

“Get a black cloth and cover your face.”

Two of them were escorting the seemingly "dying" Dragon Crossing the River, walking along the path near the forest to the nearby Daotingsi.

Situ Jian was also puzzled: "Even if their faces were covered, they would definitely be able to guess that it was us..."

 Cheng Mo and others: “…”

Mo Hua said seriously: "This is a kind of 'etiquette'. You have to do some work to save your face."

Mo Hua kept his identity as an "ordinary" formation master in mind, and then began to bury the formation plates, set traps, and cover up his traces in a meticulous manner.

“After all, we are principled and only treat each other with courtesy. If they rob us, we will take it back, rather than really having a grudge against them and putting them to death.”

The disciples of Jinmen Duan may look bad, but they should not be bad enough to die.

Hao Xuan suddenly understood, nodded and said: "Senior Brother, you are so kind-hearted!"

 “We masked ourselves, at least we respected them.”

Mo Hua quickly caught up with the two of them, and then gave Cheng Mo and others a look.

Cheng Mo and others nodded to express their understanding.

 Those who broke the Golden Gate, as long as they were not fools, would definitely doubt themselves.


He did not set up a formation that was too lethal, so as not to kill the two Jinmen Duan disciples. Not only did he commit murder, but he also caused trouble for himself and Cheng Mo.

 “Be content, I’m not asking you to do any “dirtier” work, that’s good...”

 Mo Hua sighed, looking considerate of others.

 Cheng Mo and the others were speechless for a moment.

"Don't worry," Mo Hua said, "I just saw it invisible. They were divided into two groups. One group followed the 'gold straw bag' and left in a majestic manner. The other group only had two people, escorting the dragon across the river to Daotingsi. ”

The Jin Gongzis who broke the Golden Gate were indeed divided into two groups.

 Afterwards, Mo Hua arranged in a low voice:

“I’ll sneak up to the front and set up a formation, catching them off guard, and then everyone will join in…”

 In any case, the plan was finalized and a few people set off.

"Mo Hua...we can't beat them..."


 “I don’t know when we will be able to get on the ‘ship’…”

Another person lowered his voice and sneered, "Where are you from? What family are you from? Are we able to get on that ship with our status?"

 “Damn, it makes my heart itch to look at it…”

 “Don’t mess around.”

“I know, I just want to play this kind of thing once in my life, and I will die without regrets...”

"Forget it…"


Mo Hua frowned.

 Get on the "ship"?

 What ship?

 He thought for a moment, and the three words that Yuxiu said suddenly came to his mind: Rouge Boat.

“What is this Rouge Boat used for? Is it related to Mr. Jin...or, in other words, to these Duan Jinmen disciples?”

 The eyes in the ink painting reveal thoughts.

At this moment, the two Duanjinmen disciples who were escorting Dragon Crossing the River had already arrived at the trap set by the ink canvas.

 It was getting dark at this time.

 The two of them were just chatting and didn't even realize that someone had already laid out a formation on the way to Hao Duan Duan.

The two Duanjinmen disciples were walking when they suddenly stepped on something. The ground turned red, there was a "boom", and an explosion sounded.

The raging fire burst out suddenly, engulfing the two people and the dragon crossing the river who was being escorted.

Mo Hua remembered that the dragon that crossed the river had recovered from its injury after eating an elixir given by Mr. Jin, so it was a hidden danger.

 So this formation exploded with him.

After the formation exploded, Cheng Mo and others who were lying in ambush in the distance immediately activated their movements and rushed over.

With their faces covered with black cloth, several people attacked together, using guns, sticks, swords and axes, and beat the two Duanjinmen disciples and Guojianglong three times.

Mo Hua added a few spells right next to him.

 In about a quarter of an hour, the three of them were captured.

 Two disciples from Jinmen Gate had bruises on their noses and swollen faces, and looked frightened.

 The dragon crossing the river vomited blood, which was even more incredible.

 They had no idea what was going on.

All I know is that while a group of them were walking, the formation suddenly exploded, and then they were surrounded and subdued.

A disciple of Broken Gold Gate raised his head and looked at Cheng Mo and the others through his bruised and bleeding eyes.

Seeing Cheng Mo and others with their faces covered with black cloth, the disciple couldn't help but said in shock and anger:

 “Who are you...?! We are...definitely...”

Yang Qianjun blocked his mouth with a rope to prevent him from screaming.

Another Golden Gate disciple had a swollen left eye, but his right eye was intact. He managed to look through the night. Although he couldn't see the face of the attacker clearly under the black cloth, he could see a pair of big axes, a spiritual sword, and a sword. A spear.

 In an instant he understood.

 “ are!”

Those brats from the Taixu Sect!

But before he could say anything, Hao Xuan hit him on the head and knocked him unconscious. Then he walked over to another Duanjinmen disciple and also knocked him unconscious.

 This is the order of the little senior brother.

Hitting the sap must be straightforward and thorough, and make people lose resistance.

Hao Xuan kept it in mind.

 In this way, only Cross River Dragon was left on the dim road at night.

At this time, he also recognized that these masked monks were the same hateful sect brats who had attacked him before!

 This also further verified his previous conjecture.

  Set up ambushes with fishing nets, control the enemy with formations, advance and retreat in a controlled manner, and press forward step by step.

Now, taking advantage of the darkness, they made a sneak attack with carbine.

 With these few little brats, there is absolutely no way they can do this. Someone must be instigating them secretly.

The corners of Dragon Crossing the River's mouth were filled with blood, and his expression was solemn. He gritted his teeth and said:

“Who is it that instigated you?”

Cheng Mo and the others were silent, wearing black cloth masks, like four "bandits", surrounding the dragon crossing the river.

 After a while, there were footsteps on the quiet road.

 The person who secretly instigated it is here!

The dragon crossing the river was frightened. He looked up and found that there was no one in front of him.

 The Dragon Crossing the River looked startled, feeling confused, and then his pupils shrank.

 In a place that was originally empty, a figure suddenly appeared.


 “No, it’s not!”

This figure is not big, and looks a bit weak. His face is dark and unreal, and his figure blends into the darkness.

Looks like a young monk, but it gives people a strange, spiritual sense of oppression, just like a young...

 Little monster.

The Dragon Crossing the River knows, and he has seen it with his own eyes, that there are some "people" in this world who cannot actually be counted as "people". They have terrible things...

 The Dragon Crossing the River was trembling in his heart.

This man also wore a black cloth on his head, and his face could not be seen.

Even the Dragon Crossing the River is not sure whether the face covered by the black cloth is that of a human being or another demon...

 Because someone who is as thoughtful as a demon cannot really be a little monk.

Then Crossing the River Dragon discovered that this little monk who looked like a "human" was looking at him with cold consciousness...

The Dragon Crossing the River felt uneasy. After a while, he heard a childish, strange, clear yet cruel voice saying:

 “If you have broken limbs, take them away...”

The pupils of Dragon Crossing the River widened, and he was still about to struggle, but found that there was a sudden severe pain in his hands and feet, as if he had been cut off.

 Then he was hit with a stick on the back of his head, and he fainted completely.

Cheng Mo touched his chin, feeling a little unsure, so he asked Mo Hua:

"Isn't this... too cruel?"

Mo Hua said seriously: "Being kind to the bad guys is the real cruelty! Therefore, you must be ruthless when dealing with the bad guys!"

Cheng Mo thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's right."

Situ Jian and others pondered for a moment, and then nodded in agreement, thinking that this was probably Mo Hua's experience learned from Uncle Dian Si of Dao Tingsi.

Dao Tingsi has rich experience in dealing with criminal cultivators every day. If they all do this, there should be nothing wrong in thinking.

 The matter is now done, and the Dragon Crossing the River is in hand.

 Cheng Mo and others threw the two disciples who broke the golden gate into the grass.

 They were injured and blindsided, but it was not fatal and they woke up after a while.

 After that, everyone was ready to **** the "dragon crossing the river" to the Daotingsi to receive the reward.

 Mo Hua originally planned to ask Dragon Crossing the River to kneel down on his "formation iron plate" to see if he could ask anything.

 But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

That Mr. Jin repeatedly warned him to keep his mouth shut and refuse to speak to anyone who asked him. Even if he was tortured, he might not be able to open his mouth.

 It may even drive him to commit suicide.

 The Dragon Crossing the River is the person on the list.

The monks on that list are now dying or escaping, and not many are left behind.

This river-crossing dragon is obviously an important character. If you use it sparingly, you might be able to catch a big fish.

Moreover, using formation methods to extract confessions is too arrogant.

The ink painting didn’t want to leave too deep an impression on the dragon crossing the river.

 The Dragon Crossing the River also has a storage bag.

The ink drawings were also flipped through, but there was nothing particularly important in them, not even confidential jade slips such as orders to transmit letters.

Either the limelight has been tight recently, and the dragon crossing the river dare not take confidential things with him.

 Either it was taken away by Mr. Jin.

But there is one thing that Mo Hua is very interested in, which is Guojiang Longxiu's water-based skill "White Wave Jue".

  To be precise, this is a set of exercises.

In addition to the technique itself, there are also matching Bailang Shenfa, as well as some secret techniques for avoiding water monsters.

You can't practice the martial arts and ink painting, but you can study the body skills and secret techniques.

Cheng Mo and the others did not need these things, so the ink paintings were lost openly and "greedy with ink".

Then Crossing the River Dragon, whose hands and feet were cut off, was sent to Daotingsi by Mo Hua and others.

 After completing the formalities and handing over, in order to avoid causing trouble and meeting the people who broke the Golden Gate again, everyone in Mo Hua took a carriage and embarked on the road back to Taixu Gate.

 In the carriage, although Cheng Mo and others were tired, they looked excited.

Although this trip had some twists and turns, in the end, I got my revenge, captured the dragon across the river, and earned my merits.

They are not afraid of breaking the Golden Gate.

They were accidentally bumped into outside. Due to the large number of people in Jinmen, they had to take a step back.

But as long as we return to Qianxue State, everyone has a sect and comes from a noble family. Within the sect, there are even elders and teachers who are watching, and they are not afraid of breaking the Golden Gate to provoke provocation.

Thinking that this mission, whether accepting the reward or completing the mission, was all thanks to Mo Hua, Cheng Mo felt a little embarrassed and said:

“Mo Hua, how about you take two hundred points? One hundred points for each of us is enough.”

 Others also nodded in agreement.

 Without ink painting, they might not be able to earn any merit at all.

Mo Hua shook his head and said: "We agreed that one person will be a hundred and two, so you should keep your word. Besides, without your help, I can't catch the dragon crossing the river alone."

Cheng Mo and others were very grateful after hearing this.

Yang Qianjun looked at the ink painting with even more admiration.

“Okay, we’ll treat you to a big meal when you get back!” Cheng Mo said.


 When it comes to eating, Mo Hua does not refuse anyone who comes.

Then it became dark and the carriage was leisurely.

  Cheng Mo and others were tired, so they meditated on the spot, closing their eyes and resting their minds.

Mo Hua sat at the window, looking at the misty night outside, thinking about what he had seen and heard during this trip, and his mind was wandering.

The dragon across the river knows Mr. Jin, and judging by the tone of his voice, the two have a very close relationship.

 The Dragon Crossing the River mentioned the "bloody list"...

 Could this list be the same list of criminal cultivators that I got from Boss Jiang?

 In other words, this list really does not belong to Boss Jiang.

 It doesn’t belong to Mr. Jiang, so where did he get it?

Mo Hua frowned, recalling the circumstances and consequences of his encounter with Boss Jiang, as well as what he saw and heard, and had a vague guess in his mind:

 This list must have been stolen by Boss Jiang.

Boss Jiang was once a disciple of Duanjinmen, but he was probably a fringe disciple. He couldn't learn the core sword skills, and he was unwilling to do so, so he wanted to steal it.

If you want to steal, you can only find core disciples to steal it.

 While he was stealing, he accidentally stole two jade slips.

 One is "Breaking Gold Sword Control Technique", and the other is "Blood-killing List".

These two jade slips are the inherited jade slips of Duanjinmen. As a disciple of Duanjinmen, Boss Jiang should have a way to unlock the "seal pattern" on them.

 But Boss Jiang will definitely not be able to unravel the dense patterns inside the "Blood Conspiracy List".

 If you can’t solve the secret pattern, you won’t be able to see the list.

Boss Jiang probably thought that this "list" jade slip was just a blank jade slip that had been "sealed".

 So, he is in it…

 Written a diary…

 As for the "list", he may not know anything at all.

 It is estimated that until his death, he did not know that he had written his own diary on such an important encrypted "blood-slaying list"...

Then the problem comes again...

From whom did Mr. Jiang steal these jade slips?

Mo Hua’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  Could it be...that "Golden Master"?

Mo Hua gradually figured out some causes and effects based on his own experience:

Whether it is the Broken Gold Sword Control Technique or the Blood-killing List, these two jade slips are extremely precious and cannot be possessed by ordinary disciples.

 This Mr. Jin is obviously not an ordinary disciple.

It seems reasonable that the jade slips are in his hands.

Since Mr. Jiang was able to steal the jade slip from Mr. Jin, it is possible that the two of them were "acquaintances" to a certain extent.

 boss Jiang did things for Mr. Jin.

 But with Boss Jiang’s cultivation, he must also be a marginalized person.

 So in order to improve himself, he worked hard, took risks, stole Mr. Jin's sword skills, and then went out to do it alone.

 So, Boss Jiang will not use this gold-breaking sword-controlling technique until the moment of life or death.

As for this blood-killing list, he didn’t know anything at all. Ignorance is fearless, so he didn’t reveal anything.

 Subsequently, another doubt arose in Mo Hua's mind.

So, after Boss Chiang rebelled, he formed a gang, recruited "brothers", and started a business of kidnapping and trafficking monks.

 Does Mr. Jin know?

If you don’t know, it seems unlikely…

But if he knew it, Mr. Jin would let Mr. Jiang do this?


Mo Hua’s eyes darkened slightly.

It was under the "instruction" of Mr. Jin that this boss Jiang rebelled from the sect and did some illegal activities.

It's just that Mr. Jin himself may not know that this boss Jiang has stolen his jade slips.

Even until the end, in the eyes of the arrogant Jin Gongzi, this boss Jiang may have been a marginalized "dog leg" and a "tool man" who kidnapped and trafficked monks...

 As for Boss Jiang's abduction and trafficking of monks, if Mr. Jin is secretly supporting him, he will make arrangements to contact him.

Then Mr. Jin, could it be that...

One of those traffickers in black?


Mo Hua’s eyes became more and more solemn.

One of the twelve tiers of Qianxuezhou, the core disciple of Duanjinmen, a direct descendant of the aristocratic family, and may be the driving force behind the selling of monks...

 And behind him, there are so-called "gentlemen"...

Does Duan Jinmen know about these things?

 What about other sects? Do they know?

 Do the major families in Qianzhou know about it?

 Among the aristocratic families, those ancestors who are able to discern the secrets of heaven are not able to figure it out at all?

Mo Hua frowned and looked out the car window into the dark night.

 He had a vague feeling that a huge conspiracy was brewing.

 Under the prosperous appearance, the darkness of Qianxue State Border seems to be surfacing little by little...

 (End of this chapter)