MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 68 For use

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Chapter 68 Application

One morning, Mr. Zhuang called Mo Hua over and asked with a rather enigmatic expression:

“Mo Hua, what kind of formation master do you want to be?”

Mo Hua thought that it would be great if I could become a first-grade formation master. I would receive a monthly allowance and be able to support myself. My parents would definitely be happy.

 But this is not what Mr. Zhuang meant.

“Sir, is there any difference between the formation masters?” Mo Hua asked humbly.

“There are thousands of formations, and the formation masters who learn formations are naturally of all kinds, each with their own merits.”

 “Oh…” Mo Hua was a little confused.

Mr. Zhuang continued: "Some formation masters travel around the nine states in search of lost forbidden formations, some formation masters visit sects to discuss and exchange formations, some work hard in isolation, study wholeheartedly, and don't care about worldly affairs, and some are more pragmatic. I want to use formations to transform all industries..."

Ink painting is a bit difficult.

Being able to travel around the Nine Provinces and search for the lost forbidden formations makes people yearn for it - even though he doesn't know what the forbidden formations are yet; it seems good to visit the sects to learn about the formations; it is peaceful and peaceful to study the formations without worrying about mundane things. Quiet; and it is quite meaningful to be able to change all industries with formations...

Mr. Zhuang frowned slightly when he saw the delicate ink painting, smiled slightly, and then continued:

"But actually it doesn't matter which way you choose. The rules in this world are strict, but it can also be said that there are no taboos. No one stipulates what kind of person you are, and no one requires you to be what kind of formation master."

“As a formation master, it doesn’t matter how you choose. The most important thing is your obsession with the formation, your understanding of the way of heaven, and you must remember the four words of ‘see, learn, think, and use’.”

 “See, learn, think, and use?”

“Looking is to broaden one’s horizons, learning is to improve one’s attainments, thinking is to avoid learning without applying it, and using is to turn what has been learned into use. The understanding of the formation begins with seeing and ends with application.”

Mo Hua nodded vaguely, feeling he understood a little, but not completely.

"You have done well in the three things of seeing, learning, and thinking, but that alone is not enough. You must also learn to use it. Learning formations without using them is like hiding treasure in a mountain and gathering dust, and hiding talents in the belly but not revealing them. After all, it is difficult to Become a great tool. Apply what you have learned and use it to learn more, that is the best."

"Sir," Mo Hua asked sincerely, "How should I use the formation?"

“Formation is what monks gain from understanding the heaven and earth. In other words, everything in the world contains formations, and they also contain the method of using formations. As long as you have a heart, every trace, every drink and every food is closely related to formations.”

Mo Hua suddenly realized that before that, he used formations to cultivate furnaces and build stoves. In fact, they were all applications of formations.

"Disciple understands," Mo Hua said happily, "The formation is a monk's understanding of the way of heaven. Naturally, it can also be applied to all industries in the world of cultivation. Between heaven and earth, every plant and tree contains the way of formation. As long as you have the will, you can It can be used to study and apply formations. Sir, is that what you mean?"

 “Not bad!” Mr. Zhuang was quite pleased. "In addition, the most important point is that applying what you have learned and integrating it can solve your problem of learning complex formations but not mastering them in order to solve the puzzle formation."

Mo Hua’s eyes lit up.

Mr. Zhuang explained: "If you only draw formations on paper, you will inevitably end up talking about it on paper. All things in the world are different, and formation media vary greatly. If you actually draw and use the formations, you will have a deeper understanding of the formations, a more thorough understanding, and a better understanding of the formations." The ability will be stronger!"

Mo Hua thought it made sense, but was a little embarrassed: "Disciple may not have that much time..."

After all, it is much more troublesome to draw formations on specific spiritual weapons or earth and rocks than on paper. Considering the debugging of the application of formations, it also takes more time. Therefore, we cannot go to Mr. Zhuang to study on time as we do now. .

“It’s okay,” Mr. Zhuang prepared for a long time and finally said what he had hidden in his heart:

 “I can give you a day off!”

Mo Hua faintly noticed something was wrong and looked at Mr. Zhuang with some suspicion.

Mr. Zhuang looked up at the sky and explained in a brilliant manner:

"Ordinary disciples only learn one type of formation, and there is no need to consider the use of the formation so early. And because of your skills, the formations you need to learn are very complex. The more complex the formation, the more difficult it is in terms of academic theory. It is difficult to have an overall approach. There is only one way of "applying what you have learned", which can coordinate all kinds of learning and make different formations achieve the same goal through different paths."

When Mr. Zhuang saw the ink painting, his expression changed from suspicious to thoughtful, and then he suddenly realized it and took the opportunity to say: "So you don't have to come to me for advice every day. Just come here every few days. If you don't understand anything, I’ll give you some pointers.”

 The doubts about Mo Hua were gone, and he felt grateful in his heart:

 “Yes, sir!”

After Mo Hua left, Mr. Zhuang lay back on the chair again, waving the fan in his hand with a contented expression.

The old man showed his body, glanced at him, and snorted coldly: "You're misleading me."

Mr. Zhuang said: "At most, it is a bit of a trick to encourage the seedlings, but it cannot be said to be misleading others."

"The foundation is not yet strong, so just think about applying what you have learned. I have never seen anyone teach people formations like this. Isn't this misleading?" The old man said calmly, with a little ridicule.

Mr. Zhuang's eyes were deep, "How can he call his foundation a prison? Compared with his peers in Tongxian City, his foundation is already very solid. Compared with disciples from aristocratic families, especially the two children from the Bai family, he will have another ten or eight years of learning." Years ago, the foundation is not very solid. You will never be able to catch up with others on this road, so you might as well try another way."

"I thought you were at least a little sure, but it turns out you were just giving it a try." Puppet Lao said.

“The way of heaven is permanent but elusive. How can those who stick to the rules get a glimpse of the way?”

The old man's expression moved slightly, as if he was touched, and then he nodded and said, "You are right."

Mr. Zhuang felt a little uncomfortable, "I'm talking nonsense. Those who don't stick to the rules may not end well. You are so old, so don't mess around. Don't change your mind."

 “I understand.” Puppet Lao said.

Mr. Zhuang glanced at him, lay back again, and muttered: "Do you really understand..."

The old man asked again: "How long do you plan to teach?"

Mr. Zhuang looked a little more serious, "Everything has a beginning and an end. Let's wait until he becomes a first-grade formation master."

“Where are the two children from the Bai family? They are both extremely talented, don’t you think it’s a pity?”

Mr. Zhuang waved his fan and said, "What does it have to do with me?"

The old man said in a dull voice: "Your junior sister may not give up."

Mr. Zhuang looked at the drifting clouds in the distance and said:

"She wants me to care about our feelings, but she is no longer the junior sister, and I am no longer her high-spirited second senior brother. She also knows this, but she just doesn't dare to accept it, otherwise she would have come to see me personally. …”

“And my senior brother, he worked even harder to find me…”

The old man was silent, and after a moment he suddenly said:

"Follow me back to the sect, otherwise I won't be able to protect you for long."

Mr. Zhuang was lying on a bamboo chair, looking at the mountains in the distance, and said calmly:

“Time alternates, the sun rises and sets, the four seasons pass, the trees flourish and the trees wither, human life is constant, there is life, and naturally there is death. Life and death are common things in heaven and earth, so what are you worried about?”

"I can eat meat, drink wine, and look at the scenery like this. After a few more quiet days, I will have no desires or desires."

Knowing that he could not be persuaded, the old man stopped talking and his figure gradually disappeared into the shadows.

 (End of this chapter)