MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 605 thunder streak

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Chapter 605 Thunder Mark

Mo Hua has made up his mind and will go to class as usual the next day.

 After finishing the Taoist cultivation course, I took another alchemy class, a weapon refining class, and finally a sword cultivation class.

 There is no need to take the sword cultivation class and the ink painting book.

 He is spiritual and specializes in magic.

Moreover, swords are very expensive and he can’t afford them.

 “What else is missing…”

Mo Hua nodded.

"I see…"

Mo Hua was refreshed and began to compare them carefully. He carefully analyzed the common and basic four-image formation patterns through the overlapping of formation trajectories in the calculation of his spiritual consciousness.

 “That’s a real thunder…”

What's more, Uncle Zhang Lan also warned himself, "When the rain passes, it leaves traces, and when the geese pass by, it leaves a sound. Whatever a monk does, he will leave traces..."

Moreover, he is still hiding in the dark, so it may not be easy to find him out...

But as long as it is a formation, after it is dismantled, there will only be lines.

 Sword of Spiritual Thought, as the name suggests, contains both "spiritual thoughts" and "sword skills", and should be related to both.

Mo Hua nodded and asked again:

 “Then…where is the real Thunderlane?”

Although there are some differences in the strokes, there are also many differences in the textures.

 Among the formation trajectories calculated in the sea of ​​consciousness, these two types of formations have evolved several times, and after comparison, they suddenly overlap.

The ink painting is a bit regretful.

 Just because it can’t be seen, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

I don’t know if this method of turning spiritual thoughts into swords is too remote and no one learns it, it’s too difficult and no one knows it, or it’s too ancient and has been lost...

 While learning some basics of sword training.

 He had never heard of this name.

Mr. Xun’s eyes were slightly sharp, and his expression could not help but be solemn:

“The real thunder pattern is too complex and too powerful. This type of formation is extremely difficult to control..."

“Those who are with Boss Jiang are most likely not good people…”

 This is expected in ink painting.

Mo Hua still doesn’t know anything about the secrets in Chuan Shu Ling.

Mo Hua frowned.

 Having a thirst for knowledge and a desire to seek truth.

 “There are new formations to learn…”

 The more proficient he becomes in his calculations, the more thorough his analysis of such formations becomes.

 The overlapping parts show some more original textures!

 Sure enough, working behind closed doors still doesn’t work…

 They must have no good intentions when they have Yu'er's idea.

 “There are also Boss Jiang and Vulture…”

 The four-elephant formation pattern on the head of the vulture is the "demon pattern".

 Similarly, demon patterns and animal patterns have different shapes, but their basic patterns are the same.

Mo Hua frowned, his thoughts changing rapidly.

Mo Hua still remembers that among the same disciples, there was a disciple with a square face and a bit of uprightness, who was occasionally called Zheng Xuan blankly.

 “It’s useless…”

You cannot afford to practice the real sword art.

  Demons and beasts are not exactly the same kind, but have the same origin.

“Although they are dead, their interpersonal relationships are definitely still there, and birds of a feather flock together, so those who are together are definitely not good people, and most likely they are criminal cultivators who are wanted by the Dao Tingsi.”

 It’s not just for controlling the demonic power...

 A four-image formation was broken down into more than ten independent four-image formations by ink paintings.

The formation pivot structure is simple, but the formation pattern is very complex.

 The last period of the afternoon was the formation class, and Mr. Xun was lazy again.

The formation patterns are clearly drawn on the paper, just like those on the vulture's head. Even the very fine handwriting on the formation patterns, which resembles feathers and claws, has been perfectly reproduced by himself.

“Although ‘Thunder Pattern’ contains eight trigrams, it contains many trigrams and is completely different from other trigram formations.”

The days are long, and as long as I keep "thinking" about it, one day I will be able to find some clues to this swordsmanship.

 “When you are called ‘Sir’, you should not be a reckless man, a physical practitioner, or an executioner who personally performs the sword...”

 Mo Hua went through what happened after entering Qianzhou from beginning to end in his mind, and found that there were very few clues about Mr. Tu.

 Similar to the formation pattern changes based on the four-elephant demon pattern and the four-elephant beast pattern.

“Therefore, the inheritance of Thunder Formation is extremely demanding.”

 The formation patterns were recalculated, compared, and analyzed by Mo Hua, and he drew them on paper...

These wooden boards are from Guan Yuer’s wooden box.


 Four elephant animal patterns…

In that restaurant, when he rescued Yu'er from the traffickers, Yu'er was locked in a box with a formation painted on it.

 He lined up these, more basic, universal four-image formation patterns one by one, and looked at them carefully.

 “To take charge of Lei Wen, one’s Taoist heart must be upright.”

 If you don’t learn it and draw it yourself several times, you won’t be able to understand the mystery of the formation itself.

As a "little senior brother", Mo Hua can only fulfill his duties and teach Mr. Xun.

“The type of pattern involved in the messenger order is not ‘thunder’, but ‘electricity’, or more precisely, ‘magnetism’…”

Soon, the ink painting was finished.

 But things like "message orders" don't have much cause and effect, so it shouldn't hurt to ask.

Mr. Xun nodded slightly.

These formation patterns are more abstract than "eagle patterns" or "animal patterns".

 So whenever there is time for "Sword Cultivation" classes, Mo Hua will also follow them.

He just needs to act according to the situation and "pick up the slack".

 “Array variant?”

“But don’t be too ambitious, don’t waste too much energy on this, it’s better to be down-to-earth, step by step, and learn the conventional formations solidly..."

 But if you really want to "research" or "study" it, it is very different from the general four-image pattern.

Mr. Xun frowned, thought about it for a moment, and then said slowly, "It should be... Zheng Wanjun..."

He didn’t expect that due to a strange combination of circumstances, he would see this “locking formation” pattern again...

“If it doesn’t work, report it to the Daoting Secretary. There is also Taixumen, Shangguan family and Wenren family, Uncle Shangguan and Aunt Wan..."

The ink painting uses heaven’s calculations to peek into the origin of the formation pattern and derive various changes in the formation pattern on its own.

 Animal patterns, almost demonic, easy to lose humanity…

Mr. Mr.

Mo Hua still remembers the vulture’s crimes recorded in the arrest warrant issued by Daotingsi:

“I have forcibly harvested female disciples, killed people, and also worked as a human trafficker, selling young monks to make ‘rations’ for demonic cultivators...”

 He has seen it!

Mo Hua quickly opened the storage bag and rummaged through the bottom of the storage bag to find several wooden boards. These wooden boards were engraved with very similar patterns.

The Five Elements and Bagua have a clear system and control the natural forces of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder, lightning, etc., all phenomena of heaven and earth.

 Thinking about it but not being able to figure it out, yet being able to ask questions with an open mind.

 “Look for clues and figure them out slowly…”

  “It is a confidential type of formation pattern.”

And unlike the five elements and eight trigrams, the shape is restrained, upright and mysterious.

Mo Hua said shyly: "I was born in Xiaoxian City in Lizhou. I have never seen a messenger before, so I was a little curious for a while..."

 If you control the demonic power, if you are not careful, won’t you be eroded by the demonic power and become “obsessed”?

Mo Hua always feels that he has overlooked something...

 Mo Hua counted around and realized that he actually didn’t need to do it himself, there were a lot of “thugs”.

This Mr. Tu...

 Does this mean that Vulture and Boss Jiang's group of people may have crossed paths, and either worked together and did bad things together, or they even became a group.

 It is completely different from what Mr. Xun taught me before.

But he is in the sect now and is a disciple of Taixu sect. He doesn’t know how to learn. If he doesn’t understand, he just asks...

Mo Hua looked at the formation pattern, but couldn't help scratching his head:

"its not right…"

Mo Hua sighed and could only be patient and search slowly.

His current formation attainments, especially formation experience, are not enough to support him in quickly understanding the secrets of an unfamiliar formation.

 This formation is temporarily useless...

Mo Hua was shocked in his heart. He thought deeply about the "thunder pattern" that he left on the Taoist monument that wiped out everything.

 “Therefore it is difficult to understand, difficult to control, and difficult to deploy.”

 Mo Hua lay down on the table, spread out the formation paper, prepared his pen and ink, took out the four-elephant demon pattern formation that he had made, and began to study it...

 In Mo Hua's mind, a name suddenly appeared:

Mr. Tu…

 "Have" can be turned into "Nothing", and "Nothing" can also be turned into "Being".

 Four elephant demon patterns, sin cultivator vulture...

These formations…

Mr. Xun was just a little surprised and asked:

With regard to the set of "locking" formation patterns, Mo Hua has penetrated some of the mysteries through divine calculations and calculations, and has mastered some of the "creation and restraint" relationships, thereby unlocking the formation locks.

As he looked at it, Mo Hua suddenly opened his eyes wide and felt shocked.

 In the next two days, the ink paintings were used to study the messenger order, but after studying for a long time, there was no progress.

 Huangshan Jun…

 In fact, I don’t know anything about the basic formation theory of ink painting.

Like "Taixu Lihuo Sword Technique", "Taixu Liangyi Sword Technique", "Taixu Guiyi Sword Technique"...etc.

This formation pattern, if you look closely, does not look like the Four Elephants formation pattern at all.

“This type of formation is relatively complicated and not suitable for you to learn now, but since you are curious, I will tell you some basic principles of the formation, so you can be familiar with it...”

The formation pattern of this formation seems to be copied from the shape of a monster. The brushwork is pictographic, like an eagle or a falcon, with claws and fangs exposed, arrogant and raging.

Mo Hua’s eyes narrowed slightly and he murmured:

 In this case, the formations they used should also come from the same source?

 “A real thunder formation is terrifyingly powerful and can obliterate everything.”

Look at who he is talking to, what words he has exchanged, and what words he has said.

 The ink painting suddenly dawned.

 Four-image formation!

It’s just that this “Mr. Tu” probably has a very high level of cultivation and is quite accomplished in formations. Even in calculations, he is probably very proficient in calculations...

 After joining the sect, I had a lot of homework and could not be distracted by other things, so the ink paintings gradually faded away these formation patterns.

 Now I have to go to class, so I don’t have time to look for it...

At the same time, he also heard a lot of Taixu Sect’s famous sword tactics from the elder sword cultivator:

"Zheng family?" Mo Hua was surprised, "Zheng Fang's family?"

Suddenly Mo Hua was stunned, his eyes suddenly sharp.

 “Yes.” Mr. Xun said.

Zheng Fang…

Boss Jiang is a human trafficker, and Vulture has also been a human trafficker, selling monks...

 At the same time, he was paying attention to whether there were any clues about the "true secret of turning spiritual thoughts into swords".

 One hundred and seventy-six. Two hundred and thirty. One hundred and thirty-seven. Ninety

“In this world, there are only a handful of families that can truly inherit the ‘Thunder Pattern’.”

 There are some things you cannot ask.

 Chains, or cages…

“It is not only the ‘Zhen Gua’, but also contains many changes of the ‘Qian Gua’, ‘Kan Gua’ and ‘Xun Gua’…”

“Then this set of four elephant formations was created by ‘Mr. Tu’?”

 Mo Hua plans to research and see if he can find any clues about the "vulture" from the messenger order.

 But he also noticed another message in Mr. Xun’s words:

 “There are only a handful of them…”

 His body must have the inheritance of the Four Symbols Formation, and it definitely won’t be the ordinary Four Symbols inheritance.

As long as the Taoist mind is pure, there is nothing to be afraid of.

I copied and calculated the ink painting at the same time. After spending an hour, I finally learned a rough outline of the four-image eagle pattern formation.

Mr. Xun is very satisfied.

Mo Hua nodded, and a clear goal gradually came into his mind:

 Ink painting is a bit confusing.

 That formation, could it be a thunder formation?

Mr. Mr.

“But how can we find this ‘Mr. Tu’?”

The bottom formation of the four elephants, the unknown locking formation, Yu'er... the trafficker, Boss Jiang...

 But maybe you are just getting started, and the sword training courses are very basic.

On Boss Jiang’s wooden box, there is a lock-like four-image formation, and on the vulture’s bald head, there is a demon pattern four-image formation...

 He then compared the four-elephant eagle and falcon demon pattern with the basic and formal four-elephant formation pattern that Mr. Xun taught him.

Mr. Xun thought silently in his heart, and then said:

Mo Hua rolled his eyes, "It means... there is still a family that inherits the thunder pattern?"


 But then Mo Hua became a little curious again.

  I cannot let them go.

 But after injecting spiritual power, this formation showed no reaction at all.

What about the four images?

 “And there is…”

 “Why did you suddenly ask about the ‘message order’?”

 The formation on the wooden board was also the unfamiliar "lock" formation that trapped Yu'er and cut off her breath and perception.

 After class, the day's lessons are over.


In the vision of the ink painting, this formation only has a physical form, but no charm, and there is no trajectory of the formation force.

“I thought the order must contain some formation principles, but I thought about it for a few days and had no clue, so I asked the old gentleman for advice...”

But no one has ever even mentioned the words "Taixu Divine Mind Transformation Sword True Technique"...

 He could only think of this principle.

Mo Hua shook his head.

 Unless he has been "demon-seeded" by his own mind and has lost his mind.

As for the matter of "passing the letter", although it is a bit early to teach it now, a few reminders in advance will give him an idea, and he will get twice the result with half the effort if he learns it again in the future...

 The disciples are inside, and the light from the open flames and lamps is bright and warm.

Mo Hua thought silently in his heart: "It seems that in the future, the sect's missions will have to be done with rewards from human traffickers..."

He remembered that Vulture did not practice magic, and his spiritual power was normal. Why could he draw such a strange four-image formation?

 Or, essentially, what is the use of the four-image array?

Mo Hua touched his chin and thought about it carefully...

The ink painting began to deconstruct the formation, dismantling the formation pivots, and separating the formation patterns, just like a butcher deconstructing an ox, removing the bones and removing the meat, leaving the entire ox intact.

 But based on the principle of “know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger”, you still need to understand it.

Mo Hua thought for a while and asked: "Old sir, is the thunder pattern related to 'Yuanci'?"

 The ink painting was slightly startled.


 Be curious about things and know how to think by yourself.

The four-image pattern that Mr. Xun taught him is the "animal pattern".

 This Mr. Tu was mentioned by Boss Jiang, and he sounds very mysterious.

Mo Hua couldn't help but lick his lips.

Old Mr.

"Electric patterns, or magnetic patterns, are generally classified into the Bagua vibration system, but are collectively referred to as 'secondary thunder patterns', which means they are derived from the Bagua and have thunder properties, but their power is weak. They are 'secondary' to real thunder. Thunder Mark’s secondary formation pattern…”

 The most obvious one is “human traffickers”.

If you notice any signs of "demonization" or signs of obsession, stop yourself.

 Below the foundation, there is also a foundation.

“Either you can do calculations, you can do formations, or you can do both?”

However, the four-image formation on the vulture's head is more like an advanced formation, containing complex changes, and it is obviously a formation specially used to integrate demonic power and enhance killing.

Even if he is both a scheming and calculating person.

 The ink painting was drawn on the paper once, and then he frowned again.

 It is the messenger in the hand of the vulture.

 It’s a big fat sheep!

If you really catch it, you can not only harvest the wool, but you can even eat the mutton, grill the lamb chops, and use the bones to stew soup!

Mo Hua took out a jade order from the storage bag.

 The interior is simple, but clean and tidy.

The first time that Mr.


And Yu'er...

 Demon power?

 So, they are all four-image formations, but they are completely different.

 Have been a “human trafficker”…

And this formation is not a "new" formation in the general sense.

For example, Taixu’s spiritual thoughts turned into true sword tactics, or things involving the secret calculations and calculations of the heavens.

 In his words, Boss Jiang also respected him very much, and even feared him a little.

 Because it is not a complete inheritance, ink painting can only explore this.

Mo Hua has been listening for several months, but he has only learned a little bit. He can't even condense the sword energy, let alone the real sword control...

 When I do the mission one day and pass by that barren mountain, I can look for it and ask about it on the way.

“Zheng Fang is still young and is not qualified to learn the inheritance of thunder patterns. What he has learned is at most some basic secondary thunder formation variations..."

 It’s just that it may be a little bit weird and dangerous.

Mr. Mr.

“This is the only school in Qianxuezhou that has the inheritance of ‘Thunder Formation’…”

What’s more, there is the desolate mountain **** in the ruined temple on the barren mountain.

 But because I am just guessing, I know what is happening, but I don’t know why.

 “Zheng Wanjun?”

Mo Hua then ran to ask Mr. Xun.

 Catch this mysterious "Mr. Tu".

  Demon patterns and animal patterns are both basic variations of the underlying "Four Symbol Formation Patterns".

“Not only Zheng Fang, but also the disciples of the Zheng family who have joined various sects in the entire Qianxue Prefecture, no one is qualified to learn the Thunder Formation.”

 This formation has strange lines.

 While studying the pros and cons of sword cultivators, I was silently thinking about how I should deal with them if I encounter sword cultivators in the future.

“If you have the slightest evil thoughts, you will easily be struck back by the thunder from the sky, and you will be ‘condemned by heaven’ and be buried under your own thunder array.”

 “If you’re studying state boundaries, no one knows how to make thunder formations?” Mo Hua asked curiously.

Mo Hua nodded repeatedly.

 In the midst of lightning and flint, the ink painting suddenly became enlightened.

Mo Hua nodded, feeling that this was safer.

Mr. Xun taught himself the basic, simple and introductory four-image pattern.

 He checked it and found that the order was indeed clean and blank.

But thinking about it, thunder patterns are of great importance. No matter how "idiot" Zheng Fang is, he cannot use this formation to "test" himself...

 In other words, the four-elephant demon patterns and the four-elephant beast patterns are both based on a set of lower-level and more basic four-elephant formation patterns.

 Where can I go to get my demon power?

You can’t stop being a “human” and learn the demon cultivators from those demonic sects and practice **** demonic methods. Just like the demonic beasts, you can eat people and cultivate your demonic power...

Mr. Xun nodded slightly, "That's right, but the so-called 'primary magnetism' is different from the normal 'thunder pattern'..."


 But "spiritual thoughts turn into swords", maybe it can be repaired.

 Four-image formation is a completely new type of formation that breaks away from the categories of Five Elements and Bagua.

 The ink painting is slightly moving.

I was a little apprehensive about ink painting, but after thinking about it, I decided to spend some time learning it first.

More like…

 The ink painting is full of energy and the eyes are shining.

"Find these people and torture, use the fireball technique to 'influence' them. Their consciences will be discovered, and they should tell themselves some truth..."

 We must find a way to get more four-elephant formations or four-elephant formation patterns of the same type...

  But the understanding of these formation patterns ends here.

  What's the difference?

 It is both novel and strange.

Mo Hua sighed.

  It is like for enlightenment.

 More than half an hour later, the ink painting was finally finished.

Mo Hua returned to his disciple's residence. When he had some free time, he began to study the somewhat eerie four-image formation that was rubbed from the bald head of the sin cultivator "Vulture".

These boards are...

But I have rich experience in ink painting, and I can see at a glance that these two types of formation patterns are indeed inherited from the same lineage.

The four-elephant eagle pattern formation has only fourteen patterns.

 Besides talking about inner demons, I don’t know how to...

“The only one who has passed down the thunder pattern from generation to generation and is quite powerful is the Zheng family in Zhenzhou.”

 But he is a formation master and knows the principle of "presence and absence complement each other".

 In other words, it only looks like a four-image pattern...

This kind of "locking" formation pattern gives the impression of ink painting, which is quite obscure and profound, close to the deepest mystery of the four-image formation, and even has a hint of the "Five Elements Source Pattern"...

 Secondary thunder patterns, secondary formation patterns, are also counted as a type of formation pattern.

Mr. Xun nodded slightly, "He is one of the four major sects, a member of the Qiandao sect, the Yuhua elder..."

I originally wanted to write 4k to be lazy, but ended up writing 6k again without realizing it...




 (End of this chapter)