MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 594 Second grade

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Chapter 594 Second Grade

The ink paintings have no day and night, and the array of chaos, three talents, five elements, five elements, and six -line seven stars are all practiced.

 The Five Elements Formation Pattern is very familiar to ink painting itself.

 The Bagua is only a little familiar.

Three talents and four images, six together and seven stars, ink painting is new to me and looks very strange.

 Chaos Liangyi is an ancient formation. The formation patterns are somewhat incomplete and not very coherent, and the ink paintings are even harder to understand.

But regardless of whether you are familiar with it or not, whether you understand it or not, or even if you just memorize it by rote, I have firmly memorized all the ink paintings.

 After half a month, he was already very familiar with it.

 But Mr. Xun did not take the exam.

It wasn't until a month later that the ink painting was ruined, so Mr. Xun estimated the time and made a spot check.

“Draw out all the five elements and eight trigrams in the "Collected Notes on Taixu Gate Formation Patterns", including three talents, four images, six and seven stars, and just draw two patterns for each category..."

Mr. Xun ordered.

Then he looked at the ink painting and raised his long eyebrows slightly, which probably meant, "You can draw whatever you want..."

Mo Hua nodded immediately to express his understanding.

So he drew all the formation patterns of Chaos and Liangyi, Three Talents and Four Symbols, Five Elements and Eight Trigrams, and Liuhe and Seven Stars.

Because there were too many formation patterns, it could not be completed in an hour, so when other disciples "handed in their papers" and left, the ink painting was still being drawn.

Mo Hua’s small face is focused, he writes like the wind, and he is confident. He keeps drawing formation patterns all the time, and the formation papers in front of him are also piled higher and higher...

Mr. Xun’s eyelids couldn’t help but twitch, and he said in disbelief:

 “How much has this child...learned...”

 It will take just one month to complete the study...

I don’t know how long it took, when Mo Hua stood up and respectfully placed a thick stack of paper, almost as thick as a handout, in front of Mr. Xun.

Mr. Xun finally came back to his senses.

He thought for a moment, then flipped his palm over the thick formation paper. His unfathomable consciousness moved slightly. After taking in all the formation patterns, he couldn't help but take a slight breath.

A thick lecture, so many array patterns, really painted all ...

Moreover, the handwriting is rigorous and neat, and the writing is skillful, without a trace of correction or error, just like printing, with every detail.

How many times have you practiced before your writing skills can become so solid...

Mr. Xun was stunned on the spot and could not speak for a long time.

 “Mr. Xun?”

 A crisp voice sounded.

Mr. Xun raised his head and saw the shining eyes of the ink painting. After a long time, he sighed slightly, nodded and said:

 “Learn well.”

With a smile on his face, Mo Hua said politely: "Thank you, Mr. Xun, for your advice."

Mr. Xun saw Mo Hua’s cheerful and calm face, and silently thought to himself:

 “Are you still too slow to teach...”


So, in the next formation class, in order to give Mo Hua some "color", Mr. Xun finally started to teach the second-level formation.

“The second-level formation is different from the first-level formation. The second-level formations that make up the formation are compounded based on the first-level formations. They are more complex and more powerful..."

“The second-grade formation pattern is the first-grade formation pattern, which is summarized as ‘Daoization’ to a certain extent. On the other hand, the first-grade formation pattern is actually dismantled from the complex second-grade formation pattern…”


Mr. Xun looked serious and explained meticulously.

Other disciples frowned, listening with some difficulty.

 Some disciples were even more doubtful.

Mr. Xun Lao teaches formations and has always been known for his "steadiness" and his emphasis on "step by step"...

 How come you are so good that you suddenly start teaching the second-level formation...

 Only Mo Hua listened with gusto.

 He can already draw the second-level formation, and he also understands the principles of the formation to a certain extent.

He already knew some of the formation knowledge that Mr.

After Mr. Xun finished speaking, he handed out a formation chart.

 It is a second-grade and ten-pattern golden light array.

  "You should learn and understand by yourself first, see how much you can understand, and then try to draw it. Next time in class..."

Mr. Xun originally wanted to hand it in "next time in class."

But halfway through speaking, he was suddenly startled and found the ink painting, looking at him expectantly...

Mr. Xun thought about it for a while and finally understood the meaning of the ink painting. After hesitating for a moment, he changed his words with a complicated expression:

“Before get out of class, please hand it over to me for a look…”

He then added: "You can paint as much as you can, no need to force it..."

 All the disciples looked sad.

 In ink painting, the brush strokes are like dragons and snakes.

 At the end of get out of class, Mo Hua handed over a complete "Golden Light Array" with two grades and ten patterns to Mr. Xun.

Even though he had already expected it, Mr. Xun's heart still trembled slightly when he saw that he had just learned it but already had a decent second-grade ten pattern formation.

 Only then did he understand.

"I see…"

“At such a young age... I can already draw a second-level formation... No wonder..."

Mr. Xun’s eyes showed a hint of sharpness.

 “It seems that it can go faster...”


Two days later, Mo Hua went to the formation class with great expectations. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Mr. Xun waving to him.

 Ink painting is a bit confusing.

Mr. Xun pointed to a small table next to him and said, "From now on, you will sit here."

Mo Hua was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "Sir, is this appropriate?"

Mr. Xun nodded, "Very suitable!"

Mo Hua sat down with some anxiety on the small table that was close to Mr. Xun and from now on, it was his "exclusive" table.

 Just under Mr. Xun’s nose.

 Other disciples looked at Mo Hua with some distress and pity.

 “The ink paintings are so pitiful…”

 “Being targeted by Mr. Xun…”

 “What a bad luck…”

“From now on, I will have to stay under the old gentleman’s nose every day in class. Just thinking about it makes me feel cold...”

Mr. Xun's ears twitched slightly, his eyes sharpened, and he read a few names, "Cheng Mo...Situ Jian, Wenxuan..."

“…If you want, you can sit next to the ink painting.”

 Cheng Mo's disciples trembled all over, shut their mouths immediately, buried their heads on the table, and acted like turtles without moving.

Mr. Xun snorted slightly.

 Lectures will begin after that.

Mo Hua discovered that the lecture notes in his hand were different from those of other disciples.

 Other disciples still focused on the first level and gradually understood the formations of the second level.

What is in front of the ink painting is a genuine second-grade and eleven-pattern Bagua formation.

This handout is very detailed.

Mr. Xun Lao lectures mainly with other disciples.

 But occasionally the second-level formations will be involved, and some of the essentials of the second-level formations will be explained concisely and comprehensively for Mo Hua.

 In this way, we can take care of the teaching of ordinary disciples as well as the disciples of Mo Hua who are seriously "over the top".

Mo Hua was moved in his heart and admired Mr. Xun deeply.

Mr. Xun took the following courses this way.

 Others learn Yipin.

 Second grade in ink painting.

Starting from the eleventh pattern, including the five elements and the eight trigrams, two types of second-level formations, Mr.

The opportunity is rare, Mo Hua is beside Mr. Xun, and he studies the second-level formation above the eleven lines seriously.

Mr. Xun, who had been paying attention to the ink paintings, became more and more frightened as he looked at them.

too fast…

Mr. Mr.

 But the kid Mo Hua had never seen or learned these formations before, but after only seeing them a few times, he seemed to have a clue in his mind.

 After drawing a few times, the composition will be formed in the writing.

If you spend one night and start painting again, your brushwork will be very proficient.

 After a while, it will even feel a bit like "hardened" and "perfect"...

This is still the Bagua formation, and the Five Elements formation is even more outrageous.

Mr. Xun Lao knows that among the eight categories of formations, the five elements formation that Mo Hua has learned and is good at is basically the only one.

 But "good at" not such a "good at" method...

I have never learned the Bagua formation, so I still have to frown and think about it several times before I can draw it properly.

As for the second-grade eleven patterns, those five-element formations that he had never learned before, he only glanced at the ink paintings, and basically had the framework in his mind, and he had a decent style when he started writing...

 This is where practice makes perfect.

 Because I have drawn a large number of first-level five-element formations, I have a very deep understanding of the five-element formations, and my foundation is so solid that I can learn the second-level five-element formations very quickly. But how many can there be in this “large number of first-grade and five-element formations”?

How many first-level formations can a fifteen-year-old monk draw?

How deeply can one understand?

Even if the main formation master has built a first-grade five-element formation, his understanding of the five-element formation is probably at this level...

This kid can’t build the Five Elements Formation...

Mr. Xun frowned and cursed.

 The most puzzling thing for Mr. Xun is the spiritual consciousness of ink painting.

As far as monks in the early stage of foundation building are concerned, the spiritual consciousness of Mo Hua is too deep, and it seems to be extremely tough, and somewhat... endless...

 When I draw the formation, it seems like I can’t use it all up...

 This is very unreasonable.

This child's consciousness is hazy, as if it is obscured by something...

Mr. Xun was extremely curious. He even wanted to use his spiritual consciousness to pry into the details of this child...

 But he finally endured it.

 This is the sect’s rule and the bottom line.

Mr. Xun was confused for a while, and then he felt relieved.

In this world, there are always some monks with extraordinary talents, deep blessings, or extraordinary minds. As long as they are dedicated to the Tao, their minds are pure, and they do not go astray, they will be fine.

Mr. Xun glanced at the ink painting with clear eyes and eager to learn, and nodded silently.

Mr. Xun then allowed himself to learn ink painting.

Mo Hua also happened to be focused on nothing else, learning all kinds of second-grade five elements and Bagua formations one after another.

 The foundation of his formation became more and more stable.

 The mastery of second-grade formations is also increasing...

 There is one thing that Mr. Xun did not say.

 These formations were originally to be exchanged for sect contributions.

But Mr. Xun wanted to see how fast Mo Hua could learn, and a few second-level formations were just a trivial matter in his eyes, so he didn't mention it to Mo Hua.

As I learn more and more ink paintings, and learn faster and faster, the difficulty of the formations I learn gradually increases from eleven lines to twelve lines...

 Finally, the five elements and eight trigrams formations that are common in the twelve patterns were also learned in Mo Hua.

 After that comes...the thirteen lines.

 “Thirteen lines…”

Mr. Xun was a little absent-minded.

Is it so fast...

This...has reached the threshold of the second-grade primary formation master...

This is already the limit of spiritual consciousness and formation for monks in the early stage of foundation building...

Mr. Xun’s eyes completely changed when he looked at the ink paintings.

He found that he still underestimated this little guy...

Mr. Xun frowned and thought deeply, and finally made up his mind silently.

At this point, he really wanted to see if Mo Hua could directly learn the formations of the second grade and thirteen patterns.

"This is the second grade and thirteenth pattern "Huayu Formation", "Xiaoli Fire Formation", "Moistening Earth Formation" and "Water Swamp Formation"."

“Among these formations, there are both the Five Elements Formation and the Bagua Formation. They are the most commonly tested formations in the qualification assessment for second-grade primary formation masters.”

Mr. Xun said.

Thirteen patterns, the final evaluation formation!

 Ink painting refreshed.

  Finally there is a new Thirteen Pattern Formation method to learn! It’s still a fixed product formation!

 The most difficult formation he has mastered now is only the second-grade and thirteen-line earth fire formation.

Mo Hua stared at several formations and suddenly said curiously:

“Mr. Xun, these formations seem to have little lethality...”

 Unlike his Earth Fire Formation, which can kill a dozen traffickers in one go...

Old Mr.

“The Taoist court does not advocate that monks use formations to kill, so most of the assessments for determining products use industrial monastic formations..."

Mr. Xun sighed.

“It’s just that these formations cannot be generalized after all…”

Mo Hua couldn’t help but nodded.

 Tongxian City, no, not only Tongxian City, when he traveled, all the low-level fairy cities he passed through, the application of formations was extremely superficial.

 The formation brings benefit to all living beings.

 But "ten thousand lives" does not include the vast majority of monks in this world.

Mr. Xun frowned when he saw the ink painting, looking like a young man who "cares about the world". He rarely showed a smile and said:

"Study well."


Mo Hua nodded.

Although the Thirteen Patterns Formation is the most difficult formation that Mo Hua has learned, it is obviously not the limit for his Fourteen Patterns to transform his spiritual consciousness.

 He is only missing the battle plan, but not the spiritual consciousness.

Originally, the "Five Elements Formation Diagram" could solve this problem, but the deciphering of the formation diagram was too pretentious. The most difficult formation solved by Mo Hua was the Earth Fire Formation with thirteen patterns.

 Other than that, it’s all a bunch of “stinky fish and rotten shrimps”.

Since Mr. Xun taught him the formation, Mo Hua has "disgusted" and left this "Five Elements Formation Diagram" in the corner of Na Zijie to eat dust.

 Let’s decipher it slowly when we have time later.

Now that he has no time, he has to learn the Thirteen Patterns Fixed Formation.

As for the ordinary formation of the second grade and thirteen lines, it is not a perfect formation and does not involve the understanding of the more profound and obscure avenues, so it is difficult, but not difficult.

 Especially when the ink painting has sufficient spiritual consciousness.

 All he lacks is time.

 Practice these formations dozens or hundreds of times until you are proficient, and you will naturally master them.

 In ink painting, we first learn the five elements "Rain Transformation Formation" and "Moistening Earth Formation".

The Five Elements Formation was learned quickly. It took one or two days to master the ink painting, and then another five or six days to practice it thoroughly.

 Even on the hilltop behind where the disciples lived, he used his spiritual consciousness to control the ink and painted the ground as a formation, setting up these two formations.

 The spring breeze turns into rain, moistening the soil silently.

 Ink paintings seem to be able to faintly feel the warm breath of the land in the mountains, and the earth's essence that can be felt no matter where you are, as long as you set foot on the earth;

 The Tao Yun of the earth has become clearer in the spiritual consciousness of ink painting.

Mo Hua nodded, very satisfied.

 After that, there are the "Xiao Li Fire Formation" and "Shui Ze Formation" of the Bagua genre.

  Xiaoli Fire Array, similar to the Molten Fire Array, is drawn in alchemy furnaces and weapon refining furnaces, and is used to refine medicinal properties and temper spiritual weapons.

Shui Ze Zhen, the ink painting is not clear, it is probably used for raising crocodiles.

  The Bagua type formations are more difficult to master.

But if the formation is drawn a hundred times, its meaning will be apparent.

 There is no formation that cannot be solved by drawing it several times.

  If ten times doesn’t work, do it a hundred times; if it doesn’t work a hundred times, do it a thousand times.

  Anyway, as long as you have time, you can draw endlessly on Taoist monuments.

Moreover, the Bagua formation is not a perfect formation, it is far from that difficult.

 After half a month, I can draw ink paintings very skillfully, and even if my spiritual consciousness is deployed, there will be no problem.

 At this point, I have finished learning the four formations of the second grade and thirteen patterns, as well as the ink painting.

Mo Hua told Mr. Xun about this.

Mr. Xun's reaction was obviously half a beat too slow, and his eyes looking at Mo Hua were also a little unbelievable.

 “Have you learned...?”

He knows that ink painting can be learned quickly, and he estimates that given time, he will be able to learn half a painting.

 But it’s not that, and it shouldn’t be. In a short period of time, all four primary formations of the second grade and thirteen lines have been learned.

 It means that you should review, review, and prepare, and you can even take part in the final product assessment...

 The final product of the second-level primary formation master.

 Fifteen years old, in the early stage of foundation building, a second-grade primary formation master...

 This is already the limit of the early stage of foundation building.

 At most, learn other formations of the Thirteen Patterns.

 From now on, if you have nothing to learn, what else will you teach?

 The ink painting revealed his little ambition:

“Old sir, do you have the fourteen lines of formation to learn...”

 The ink-painted kitten licked its lips as if it were greedy for a small fish.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Mo Hua knew that Mr. Xun was an enigmatic master and a good elder with high morals and high respect.

 Also, I have been teaching myself formations, and I have the favor of teaching and teaching, so there is no need to hide some things.

 “Is there any way to learn the Fourteen Pattern Formation…?”

Mr. Xun's body trembled visibly. He looked at the ink painting, his cloudy eyes suddenly shocked.

 Fourteen lines? !

This child's spiritual beyond the highest level? !

  Finally finished~

I wish you all a happy New Year~



 (End of this chapter)